How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I see it differently. The northern invaders who attacked a new nation, the CSA. We lost. So the way the world works, except for those of you who say Hamas is the oppressed, to the victor goes the spoils. The northern invaders won so we live with it today.

Threatened to hang VPence. LOL. Sure. Tar and feather too. All the political symbolism.
Who fired on Fort Sumter and began the Civil War again? Was it "northern invaders who attacked"?
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Ur a dumbsht brainwashed communist. Don’t ever talk down to me you degenerate. I don’t play those stupid games “insurrection” bs nonsense. Disgusting pos promoting mental illness and illegal activity all over this country and think your little CNN headline is gonna mean a damn thing to me?

Just stay the f away from peoples kids. Sicko. God is going to absolutely demolish you twisted mof’s so get ready for that. Baby killers disgust me. Purple haired degenerates the pit of fire if where you’ll go. Now don’t respond I don’t communicate with sick twisted demons.
Have a blessed day
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You do understand that when a barrel of oil is $80 that the oil companies and Putin all make more money than when it is $40. The pump prices reflects the Biden Big Oil Friendly policies.

Awareness is not their strength. Virtue-signaling of fake "awareness" is their thing

They've been and are turning every valuable word in the language into something completely symbolic and meaningless
Sounds more like she’s excusing it rather than the massive campaign of hatred towards America that she launched, when our emissions pale in comparison to Chinas.

And at what point does China cease being a “developing country”. That’s a crock of crap. That country has existed for far far longer than America and their major cities are quite highly developed and modernized. They are a world superpower. Claiming they are still developing is a load of bunk.
Cheerleader for the traitors that fought against the United States in the Civil War.
They didn't see it that way. They saw it as loyalty to their particular state & way of life (right or wrong). The idea of the USA being primarily one country versus a federalism of independent states didn't come into being till that war. We say the "United States is" today & have for a long time. But pre-Civil War, the "United State are" was common. I never hear that today.
Sounds more like she’s excusing it rather than the massive campaign of hatred towards America that she launched, when our emissions pale in comparison to Chinas.

And at what point does China cease being a “developing country”. That’s a crock of crap. That country has existed for far far longer than America and their major cities are quite highly developed and modernized. They are a world superpower. Claiming they are still developing is a load of bunk.
She’s specifically saying that isn’t any excuse. You were just shown to be full of crap by having exactly what you asked for posted, and your response is to double down on the nonsense. Amazing. She did exactly what you requested. So give props, don’t deflect. It’s all about the show for you and not the substance. You just hate who you’re told to hate and that’s the end of it.
She’s specifically saying that isn’t any excuse. You were just shown to be full of crap by having exactly what you asked for posted, and your response is to double down on the nonsense. Amazing. She did exactly what you requested. So give props, don’t deflect. It’s all about the show for you and not the substance. You just hate who you’re told to hate and that’s the end of it.
Here’s the important part. China doesn’t give a shit what she says. Nor what anyone else says. India doesn’t either. Therefore, we can do what we can within reason to mitigate the damage. I’m all for that. But racking up debt and making it hard for the average american to get by is literally pissing up a rope.
Here’s the important part. China doesn’t give a shit what she says. Nor what anyone else says. India doesn’t either. Therefore, we can do what we can within reason to mitigate the damage. I’m all for that. But racking up debt and making it hard for the average american to get by is literally pissing up a rope.
Whatever the situation is with climate change is immaterial to @trueblujr2 being objectively wrong about Greta’s position on China. Doesn’t matter what your personal position is on anything you shouldn’t be making up nonsense to hate your opponent over. Then deflecting when called on it. He needs to do some serious self reflection.
as did the Confederates for their fight to continue their subjugation of black people.
These guys fought for their states, because their states were their countries. It is unfortunate that slavery was attached to those states, as it was to some Union states.

The thought that the average dirt farmer put his life on the line for a rich man’s slaves is as one dimensional (and therefore not surprising coming from you) as it gets.
Charity is pointless. No matter how much one gives there are always more mouths. From Carnegie and Rockefeller to Gates and Buffett. Collective action leading to systemic change is the only way to break the cycle. Charity didn’t end widespread elderly poverty, social security did. If you want to engage in charity, more power to you. Just realize you’re only treating surface wounds and don’t suffer under the delusion that you’re actually addressing any underlying problems.
* KA - BOOM *

Thanks, Joe!
And now you believe Politico? Amazing how MAGA's belief system so readily changes in favor of Lib supporters when it suits their emotions. LOL.

Jefferies couldn't do anything for Johnson if 196 Pubs didn't support him vs. the 11 fringe nutcases that didn't. With those 11 added votes for Johnson, Jefferies has nothing. But the fringe likes giving Jefferies power - so they can do what they do best: complain some more.

Speaking of Jeffries, should Biden somehow not be the Dims nominee, Jefferies would be their best choice to replace him imo.

Hahahahaha, Jeffries... hahahahahah
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