How will they rule ??!

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They just want a free ride through life.

Ashville is such a shit hole it might pass . I'd never go back to that stinking place
There seems to be a lot of them finally waking up to that fact. Especially Black males.
Sooooo long post coming here but I witnessed a rather strange thing at bible study last night ... I should add I attend a 90% black church , for the past 2 years , maybe 3 .. as the study ends the bishop always ask " any questions about the study tonight or the church in general" and the topic of security was brought up by one of the elderly women . FWIW I know that Tina , a 45ish yr old school teacher that stands by the back door packs heat . And another lady and guy watch every move someone makes .. if a stranger comes in acting weird there are a few who observe them very closely . I feel secure as I learned another guy , who is in law enforcement or security also carries . He was there last night and there about every weekend .. BUT .. LOL but after everyone was dismissed the men kinda gathered together up front exchanging ideas about security .. and as we were about done this guy ( who is part of the music production ) says " Well really need to be on the lookout as 2 GOP people said they hate ( or dislike ??) the bible and our state is turned red ( Ohio) and we should be more on the watch " and at that point the Bishop wisely said as he held his hands up " we dont need to get into politics" it was just like a slap in the face as I'm 100% GOP and simply consider this man a Christian brother . Not a democrat , or a black man , just a brother at bible study . Anyone have any idea where he got this " 2 GOPers hate the bible" or maybe he said hate churches ??? He see some TikTok plant or something ? I wanted to ask him but didnt want to cause an issue in church , esp when my BP was rising .
Pretty incredible the power of social media and buying politicians. China played it perfectly.

England in particular beat back siege after siege for 1000s of years just to voluntarily open their doors because they didn't realize china and it's anti west partners owned everything and everyone making decisions. They lost their country without a shot even being fired.

It's quite the incredible case study if history is allowed to examine it. A modern day trojan horse where foreign money and social media was allowed in but his the real danger. Sun tsu would be very proud of xi.

We're next. We're already beyond the tipping point. Just a matter of time.

That's the crux right there in bold.

The globalists have been reframing and rewriting history and science for many decades now. The byproduct is malleable "teachers" and "doctors" (the new CULTure leaders) that know nothing about history or health. They only stare through a mostly opaque glass, at what they are allowed to see and be told. The globalists learned from the best, though.

Conquered each continent in turn.
Ah, so the blind squirrel whiffed..... as expected originally. Gotcha. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is, but the optimist in me had some hope.

Your "hope" is that some Jews hate other Jews just for being Jews only to justify your insane rhetoric. What an awful thing to "hope". No, people are protesting apartheid and genocide by the Israeli state. Very simple. Not Jew-on-Jew antisemitism or any of the other nonsense you're trying to insert for your agenda.
Finally, Dion said some truth, although he must not have realized he was doing it! Even a blind squirrel like him....

This may come as a shock, Dion, so walk around near sharp objects- not all ___s like all other ___s.

When the Jews became targets in mainland Europe, a bunch of Jewish people got on board a ship and tried to find safe harbor elsewhere. They tried England, South America, and North America. You know what finally sent them back home? You might be able to figure this out from your statement above....

If you said -Groups of Jewish people- congratulations. You were right. The US Govt was looking for sponsors so they could let them enter the country, and the 2 biggest Jewish unions/groups refused to help.

What role did Jewish people play during the Bolshevik Revolution?

If you said -Jewish people were involved in both the revolutionary leadership and atrocities, as well as were victims at the hands of the Bolsheviks- congratulations. You were right.

Generalizations are the broad brush by which the world is painted with blood and ruin. Context and details DO MATTER. You haven't learned history if you don't recognize how it's repeated. It's just "book learnin" if you don't apply it aptly.
Ah, so the blind squirrel whiffed..... as expected originally. Gotcha. If something sounds too good to be true, it most likely is, but the optimist in me had some hope.

So wait, after looking at the repost you changed the quote? So it wasn’t even the article author’s framing, you literally just invented a windmill to tilt at. What a disingenuous prick.
He is a far-left POS democrat, he is just playing their racist ace card. That's all they got, nothing more.
Juan grew up in a time when the racism was real and he took the brunt of some of it. He's never gotten over it so I'll give him somewhat of a pass. Still can't stomach him. Just a total democrat talking point cardboard cutout
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I assume with this reasoning you support election laws that would require photo ID and are applied to everyone consistently?
Sure, if provided for free so it isn’t a poll tax obviously. The transient population could be hard to keep up with but they are now too. Depending on the specifics I could support it. Have said so from the jump.
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I assume with this reasoning you support election laws that would require photo ID and are applied to everyone consistently?
I actually think that he does support that.

As long as free photo ID's are provided, which they should be, IMO. (within reason, meaning, you can't lose the damn thing every month and get unlimited free ones, just because you can't keep up with your stuff)

It wouldn't cost much, because in spite of what the left would have you believe, the VAST majority of US citizens already have one.
No, Jews weren’t singled out at all.

Ok. So out of the roughly thousands of encounters between pro-hamas idiots, and normal people, you're declaration is that, not a single solitary time has a Jew been singled out and harassed for being Jewish.

That's you're 100% fact, and you know of every single one, and can say definitively, that NOT ONE JEW has been singled out?

Because that's what you just did. I didn't realize you were omniscient, that's pretty impressive. But, you should be playing the stock market instead of wasting that talent here.
Ok. So out of the roughly thousands of encounters between pro-hamas idiots, and normal people, you're declaration is that, not a single solitary time has a Jew been singled out and harassed for being Jewish.

That's you're 100% fact, and you know of every single one, and can say definitively, that NOT ONE JEW has been singled out?

Because that's what you just did. I didn't realize you were omniscient, that's pretty impressive. But, you should be playing the stock market instead of wasting that talent here.
Some individuals have said hateful things to counterprotestors. No protest can control everyone who shows up. None of the activities or goals of the protests have been antisemitic in any way though. I mean like I said earlier how would protestors even know someone was Jewish to single them out? You're attempting some idiotic gotcha and not addressing substance because that's who you are, but at least you recognize the absurdity of your own attempt in your final paragraph.
Dion, why do you pick the dumbest arguments to hold on to like a bulldog ?

Seriously, trying to make the claims you're making right now just make you look like The Village Idiot, and you don't want to be lumped in with that complete idiot, do you?
Your attempts to make a semantic gotcha out of nothing say much more about you than they do me.
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Pretty harsh Dion. If it weren't for stupid people, a legitimate third party would currently dwarf the Democrats AND Republicans...
Wonder what that party would look like. Bet they wouldn't deny manmade climate change. Regardless, we live in the here and now and have to deal with reality as given.
One thing that amazes me about rfk is the fact he isn't much younger than the other two, but he seems decades younger. I hope he gets some debate time vs Biden because I'd love to see him rip the vaccine mandates.

Of course Biden, if he has any acuity on that night, can just blame it all on trump because trump was the one who pushed the whole vaccine rush.

That goes back to my main complaint about trump being the nominee: he cannot attack Dems on anything.

Vaccines? Trump started them. Riots? Trump allowed them. Inflation? Trump started that too.

Do every issue where they are most vulnerable, trump either started or allowed.
You can't be this clueless ... no one is blaming Trump for the high cost of everything. This is a landslide waiting to happen ... well beyond the margin of cheating .. insanity in your handle is very apt
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I assume with this reasoning you support election laws that would require photo ID and are applied to everyone consistently?
Obviously I already responded to the letter of this, but in regard to the spirit so we don't have this confusion in the future, here:

I am fully invested in safe and secure elections. Just as much as any of you. I see our vote as one of the people's only voices and avenues to power in this world. Rigged votes help no one but the riggers at the top doing the winning.

And this is going to be my point addressing the spirit of y'all accusations, that The Left supports rigging. Setting aside all moral restrains that would keep someone from doing it anyway, on a purely practical, self-interest level, why would we? Why would I want to cheat Biden into office when he's just going to support Israel same as Trump? The left has almost no power in the Democratic party, let alone broader society. Trump has actually been vaguely ok on LGBTQ issues, he even fights the social conservatives in his own party on it. I personally don't like Trump, but you think I like Joesph Robinette Crime Bill Biden?

If we were cheating people into power we wouldn't be protesting on campuses right now as we'd have already had the policy we wanted. I want free and fair elections where the voice of the people is heard just as much as you do. I even go so far as to advocate for many election reforms like Ranked Choice Voting to give more power to the people and take it out of the hands of party elites.
You can't be this clueless ... no one is blaming Trump for the high cost of everything. This is a landslide waiting to happen ... well beyond the margin of cheating .. insanity in your handle is very apt

Just like you said it was a landslide last time? Dems will absolutely point to trump mishandling covid and bailouts and say they had no choice but to try to cleanup his mess.

That's only partly true but they'll say it nonetheless and it will be echoed on MSM.

Would've been much better to have a fresh start.
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Obviously I already responded to the letter of this, but in regard to the spirit so we don't have this confusion in the future, here:

I am fully invested in safe and secure elections. Just as much as any of you. I see our vote as one of the people's only voices and avenues to power in this world. Rigged votes help no one but the riggers at the top doing the winning.

And this is going to be my point addressing the spirit of y'all accusations, that The Left supports rigging. Setting aside all moral restrains that would keep someone from doing it anyway, on a purely practical, self-interest level, why would we? Why would I want to cheat Biden into office when he's just going to support Israel same as Trump? The left has almost no power in the Democratic party, let alone broader society. Trump has actually been vaguely ok on LGBTQ issues, he even fights the social conservatives in his own party on it. I personally don't like Trump, but you think I like Joesph Robinette Crime Bill Biden?

If we were cheating people into power we wouldn't be protesting on campuses right now as we'd have already had the policy we wanted. I want free and fair elections where the voice of the people is heard just as much as you do. I even go so far as to advocate for many election reforms like Ranked Choice Voting to give more power to the people and take it out of the hands of party elites.

Well I’d welcome you to team election integrity, but it’s hard to forget the countless posts denying the blatant fraud in AZ, GA and elsewhere, and advocation for the punishment of attorneys for making arguments under ambiguous provisions of the law that had to be clarified later.

But I suppose if you’ve found Allah, welcome aboard.
Just like you said it was a landslide last time? Dems will absolutely point to trump mishandling covid and bailouts and say they had no choice but to try to cleanup his mess.

That's only partly true but they'll say it nonetheless and it will be echoed on MSM.

Would've been much better to have a fresh start.
Nobody is buying what MSM is selling these days
Some individuals have said hateful things to counterprotestors. No protest can control everyone who shows up. None of the activities or goals of the protests have been antisemitic in any way though. I mean like I said earlier how would protestors even know someone was Jewish to single them out? You're attempting some idiotic gotcha and not addressing substance because that's who you are, but at least you recognize the absurdity of your own attempt in your final paragraph.

Your attempts to make a semantic gotcha out of nothing say much more about you than they do me.
They literally singled out people who were wearing the Star of David necklaces, and physically denied them entrance to places they had every constitutional right to be in.
Joe Biden is clearly above the law, because he committed multiple felonies, and was not charged.

Like the Clintons in the 1990s and again during the Obama administration. Like the DOJ and FIBS, like the other alphabet agencies over the last 5 to 75 years. Just sacrificing one of their own every 10 years or so to soothe the public conscience.
Well I’d welcome you to team election integrity, but it’s hard to forget the countless posts denying the blatant fraud in AZ, GA and elsewhere, and advocation for the punishment of attorneys for making arguments under ambiguous provisions of the law that had to be clarified later.

But I suppose if you’ve found Allah, welcome aboard.
I also have countless posts asking the whole thread for one, just one, single case where fraud was determinative in a state's outcome in the 2020 presidential race. In years no one has been able to do it. Here in this thread or in any court in the whole of America. So we're all left with just one conclusion, there was no fraud in AZ and GA big enough to determine the outcome of the election. Unless proven otherwise.
They literally singled out people who were wearing the Star of David necklaces, and physically denied them entrance to places they had every constitutional right to be in.
No they didn't. Where? They were not letting everyone else through and only blocking non-Zionist Jews with Stars of David. Link one campus where that happened.
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Wonder what that party would look like. Bet they wouldn't deny manmade climate change. Regardless, we live in the here and now and have to deal with reality as given.
They may or may no deny man made climate change, but they WOULD likely deny that we are 10 years from the end of the planet and that if we don't enact the WEF Globalist Climate agenda by 2030 we will all be dead.
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Wonder what that party would look like. Bet they wouldn't deny manmade climate change. Regardless, we live in the here and now and have to deal with reality as given.
They probably wouldn't, but by the same token, they (hopefully), wouldn't try to ramrod nonsensical solutions through that don't help reduce MMGW but instead, just punish consumers.

Hopefully, they would do the only thing, that we currently CAN do, to lower emissions, and that is nuclear power plants. That's it. That is the ENTIRE list of things that would make a measurable difference.