How will they rule ??!

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The other very bad day for our resident Bolsheviks was when the leftist Justice KBJ who cannot define a woman... was able to say the obvious. Why isnt the office of President listed specifically then? Of course Dsus stupidly argued against that point.
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Trump Biden II will literally be like Leonard/Duran, the rematch. Duran toughed out a close victory against Leonard in the first fight, and then got beaten into submission in the next one.

Although it hurts me deeply to compare Roberto Duran to Joe Biden, but you get the analogy.
The White House figured they had no choice but to send Biden out in a hastily prepared national address/press conference to try to beat back the avalanche that ensued following the Special Counsel report. Clearly the plan was for Biden to try to redirect attention to Trump’s classified documents, paint himself as the victim of unfair characterizations to gain sympathy, give the impression of fighting back with energy and vigor, and prove to the country he is mentally fit and sound.

Boy did that plan backfire in spectacular fashion. Like the saying goes about Joe… “Never underestimate his ability to *%#! things up.”

Regardless, count me in the camp that hopes the Dems decide to keep riding this demented horse in to the election this fall. Can’t see how Biden could legitimately win an election given his current trajectory.
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Which of these three Presidents will have died, with the haziest memory, or lack thereof, of their own Presidency?

Wilson - became a vegetable

Grant - bombed 24/7

Biden - can't even remember what year he left office as VP
If he lives long enough, I can see, a few years down the road, an ABC Special: Checking In With President Biden

Hosted by Diane Sawyer, or Katie Couric. A pleasant sitdown with the grand old man. Picture Joe, tottering around, showing Katie all of the great artwork that his son Beau painted, cut to a scene of him polishing the 'vette, and then trying to smell Katie's hair. All opulently lit, and with massive fuzz filters to soften everything up.
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Trump Biden II will literally be like Leonard/Duran, the rematch. Duran toughed out a close victory against Leonard in the first fight, and then got beaten into submission in the next one.

Although it hurts me deeply to compare Roberto Duran to Joe Biden, but you get the analogy.

Lol. Yeah more like Duran/Leonard I

Duran on steroids and Leonard had the judges deduct points as the match went along.

Duran/Leonard II if goes right.

No corruption like the first match and Trump beats his skull in like a tire iron.
They'll never go with Kamala. It'll be Newsome etc. Almost anyone but Kamala and/or Biden will make it a much tighter race. The Democrats are WAITING for someone, ANYONE to energize the base, and give independents a reason to not "hold their nose" and vote for Trump. I firmly believe that Biden is the only one Trump can beat.
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Lol. Yeah more like Duran/Leonard I

Duran on steroids and Leonard had the judges deduct points as the match went along.

Duran/Leonard II if goes right.

No corruption like the first match and Trump beats his skull in like a tire iron.
I honestly can't tell if you're a Leonard fan or a Duran fan. I'm guessing Leonard. I've watched that fight a dozen times, and, IMO, Duran won. Leonard fought a bad fight style-wise, and Duran still had an iron chin. He turned it into a street fight. Leonard learned from that, and taught him a painful lesson in the second fight.
Didnt even know when he was VP or when his son Beau died.

Still a decent amount of time before the election to talk Biden out of running for a second term. Id like to see the 25th and stick the Dems with Kamala and the PR nightmare of having to replace her going into the election.
Replacing her with Michelle removes that nightmare.
I honestly can't tell if you're a Leonard fan or a Duran fan. I'm guessing Leonard. I've watched that fight a dozen times, and, IMO, Duran won. Leonard fought a bad fight style-wise, and Duran still had an iron chin. He turned it into a street fight. Leonard learned from that, and taught him a painful lesson in the second fight.
Duran had an iron chin because he actually put iron in it (against the rules-see I told ya).
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They'll never go with Kamala. It'll be Newsome etc. Almost anyone but Kamala and/or Biden will make it a much tighter race. The Democrats are WAITING for someone, ANYONE to energize the base, and give independents a reason to not "hold their nose" and vote for Trump. I firmly believe that Biden is the only one Trump can beat.
Trump easily beats Kamala too. Like you said, they’ll never purposefully go with Kamala. But a lot can happen over the next 9 months. If god forbid something happens to Biden health wise, and Kamala ascends to the Presidency, they sure as hell won’t be able to easily replace her on the ticket.

The Dems are in a pickle. They need Biden to choose to get out and Kamala to agree to exit with him at the end of this term so they can hand pick their replacements on the ticket. But it doesn’t look like either is interested in exiting stage left.

They may have to go all in with their current hand and hope there are enough 2:00 AM mail in ballots in swing states to keep the White House, or just accept that they’re getting 4 more years of their Orange Man nightmare and focus on 2028.
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I don't think the Dems, or politicians in GENERAL, are above precipitating "an accident", if someone (Joe) defies what is best for the party.
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Thankfully Obama gave Joe a fake set

I don't know about Michelle being able to win. She's never held an elected office and has no experience whatsoever in running much of anything. Arguably, her biggest achievement could be marrying Barack. She's on record numerous times with very questionable comments about anyone who has dared to disagree with her. She falsely plays the 'I was born a poor black child' card and has for a long time and DJT will damn sure call her out on that facade. I think she comes off even more arrogant and insufferably convinced of her own brilliance than her husband (if that's even possible). If pushed, I think she would not comport herself very well and would stumble horribly on many of the issues beyond just the 30k feet level of 'we need solutions/hope and change/blah, blah, blah/BS'. Of course, the MSM would be multi-orgasmic if said the sun was coming up tomorrow.
I don't know about Michelle being able to win. She's never held an elected office and has no experience whatsoever in running much of anything. Arguably, her biggest achievement could be marrying Barack. She's on record numerous times with very questionable comments about anyone who has dared to disagree with her. She falsely plays the 'I was born a poor black child' card and has for a long time and DJT will damn sure call her out on that facade. I think she comes off even more arrogant and insufferably convinced of her own brilliance than her husband (if that's even possible). If pushed, I think she would not comport herself very well and would stumble horribly on many of the issues beyond just the 30k feet level of 'we need solutions/hope and change/blah, blah, blah/BS'. Of course, the MSM would be multi-orgasmic if said the sun was coming up tomorrow.
I think people would come out of the woodwork to vote AGAINST her.
I don't think it would be close. Michelle would erase all of the inroads Trump has made. Minorities/school teachers/soccere Moms still believe Obama was the greatest POTUS since JFK. They would come out in numbers that can't be surmounted.
I think people would come out of the woodwork to vote AGAINST her.
Probably, but MORE would come out FOR her. Trump is only so far ahead in the polls, because the Democrats are thoroghly discouraged. I think 20 percen of this country is begging for a reason to NOT vote for Trump, and Biden isn't a strong enough reason. Trump's lead is a tenuous/2way street IMO. And don't get me wrong, I WANT him to win, but I think the right, and FOX news etc. aren't really aware of what is ACTUALLY happening.
I don't think it would be close. Michelle would erase all of the inroads Trump has made. Minorities/school teachers/soccere Moms still believe Obama was the greatest POTUS since JFK. They would come out in numbers that can't be surmounted.
The world is in a precarious position, those “ soccer moms and school teachers” have children to think about that would be directly affected by war.
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