How will they rule ??!

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It's not a "baby" until it can survive on it's own outside the mother's body.
A clump of unformed cells inside another person's body is NONE of your business.
STOP trying to tell other people what they can and can't do with THEIR own body.
How do you feel about a new law Dems are proposing that allows the state to force you by law to give your kidney to someone in the state in need of a lifesaving kidney transplant??? If you are a match it will be mandatory.
All life is precious and worth saving right?

US law recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.

Sounds like a bit more than a “clump of cells.”
US law recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.

Sounds like a bit more than a “clump of cells.”
They have clearly never gotten anyone pregnant and heard that “clump of cells” heartbeat.
It's not a "baby" until it can survive on it's own outside the mother's body.
A clump of unformed cells inside another person's body is NONE of your business.
STOP trying to tell other people what they can and can't do with THEIR own body.
How do you feel about a new law Dems are proposing that allows the state to force you by law to give your kidney to someone in the state in need of a lifesaving kidney transplant??? If you are a match it will be mandatory.
All life is precious and worth saving right?

Unless you are ok with government mandated kidney donations in order to save every life of a kidney patient shush.
It's amazing you mentioned that scenario, twice. Makes it seem like you think the two things are equal and you've made a smart comparison. Well, they're not, and you didn't.

There are laws regarding unborn children. If someone kills a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, they are charged with two murders. How do you reconcile that with your statement that it's just "a clump of cells"? Ever heard of cell multiplication? Once cells start multiplying, the life process has begun. It's just that simple, James.
Respect your opinion, but I just don’t see how any of us really knows when life actually begins.
I understand there are many varied opinions on the subject. My personal one is that life is a continual, ongoing process. Sperm and eggs are both alive before they merge into a zygote. “When life actually begins” is really irrelevant to the conversation, the real question for policy formation is: When does a fetus gain legal rights as an individual?
I understand there are many varied opinions on the subject. My personal one is that life is a continual, ongoing process. Sperm and eggs are both alive before they merge into a zygote. “When life actually begins” is really irrelevant to the conversation, the real question for policy formation is: When does a fetus gain legal rights as an individual?

Which is a nonsensical, self-serving opinion.

Of course. Life begins at conception as a matter of fact. It is the first stage of being human.
Meanwhile the current president is involved in a bribery scheme involving a country at war we are funding more than the entire EU. Afterall, you can't day it's unverified if you believed unverified info on Russia. Can't have it both ways

You kept that part out too for some reason enlightened one...maybe why you're continuing to say ppl only care about trannys

Which of course if you were actually principled, you'd say lock him up no one is above the law (which im fine with), which is why you'll support it if the next R president does the same to biden and probably Hillary bc of the same things. But you don't actually believe that. Or you'd say, these laws are dumb to begin with as deep down everyone knows, for all of them. Or you'd say it's suspicious a clearly weaponized DOJ decides to act now. No, it's easier for you to claim trannys is actually what ppl are worried about.

#youtried partisanship is a hell of a thing
Yes the laws should be applied equally across political spectrum and an argument could be made they're too strict. Read the indictment though. Trump willfully withheld things when requested. This is a case about knowingly perpetrating illegal activities, not some innocent mistake.
I understand there are many varied opinions on the subject. My personal one is that life is a continual, ongoing process. Sperm and eggs are both alive before they merge into a zygote. “When life actually begins” is really irrelevant to the conversation, the real question for policy formation is: When does a fetus gain legal rights as an individual?
So if/when medical science is able to determine the future "gender-identity or sexual preference" of the fertilized egg....will you support the mothers right to abort it because she does not want a gay or trans baby?
Absolute clown world. This country deserves everything that’s coming to it.

This has nothing to do with being gay or trans. This is just an overt display of debauchery and depravity that has overwhelmingly married itself to their movement with the stamp of approval from the WH.
But I thought you can't change sex? So those are man boobs right? Why are they indecent or even covered then? Y'all have to pick an ideology here.
from a recently published medical article (the summary):

Summary The question, “Do the benefits of youth gender transitions outweigh the risks of harm?” remains unanswered because of a paucity of follow-up data. The conclusions of the systematic reviews of evidence for adolescents are consist- ent with long-term adult studies, which failed to show credible improvements in mental health and suggested a pattern of treatment-associated harms. Three recent papers examined the studies that underpin the practice of youth gender transition and found the research to be deeply flawed. Evidence does not support the notion that “affirmative care” of today’s adolescents is net beneficial. Questions about how to best care for the rapidly growing numbers of gender-dysphoric youth generated an intensity of divisiveness within and outside of medicine rarely seen with other clinical uncertainties. Because the future well-being of young patients and their families is at stake, the field must stop relying on social justice arguments and return to the time-honored principles of evidence-based medicine.
It's amazing you mentioned that scenario, twice. Makes it seem like you think the two things are equal and you've made a smart comparison. Well, they're not, and you didn't.

There are laws regarding unborn children. If someone kills a pregnant woman and the fetus dies, they are charged with two murders. How do you reconcile that with your statement that it's just "a clump of cells"? Ever heard of cell multiplication? Once cells start multiplying, the life process has begun. It's just that simple, James.
We've been over this multiple times but fetal homicide laws exist separate from normal homicide. If fetuses were legal persons there would be no need for fetal homicide laws, you'd just charge the person with double homicide. The law does not recognize fetuses as people generally, only when instructed to in specific instances. Your example illustrates the opposite of what you're alleging.
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The FBI negotiated with him to come in and look around. No I'm not kidding. Yes it's ridiculous and a two tiered justice system

How does a Senator get documents that lawfully must be contained in a SCIF? How does a Senator not know he or she has do secret documents that were lawfully never to be removed from the SCIF?
I understand there are many varied opinions on the subject. My personal one is that life is a continual, ongoing process. Sperm and eggs are both alive before they merge into a zygote. “When life actually begins” is really irrelevant to the conversation, the real question for policy formation is: When does a fetus gain legal rights as an individual?
I agree with @BlueRunner11's comment below. Seems that "zygote" has some legal rights pretty early on.
US law recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.

Sounds like a bit more than a “clump of cells.”
We've ben over this multiple times but fetal homicide laws exist separate from normal homicide. If fetuses were legal persons there would be no need for fetal homicide laws, you'd just charge the person with double homicide. The law does not recognize fetuses as people generally, only when instructed to in specific instances. Your example illustrates the opposite of what you're alleging.

The exception proves the rule. It proves you are murdering human beings through abortion: theonly genuinely morally justifiable case would be in the case of life threatening situation to the mother.

As is the case with self defense laws.
One day the law will accord with what is actually true, namely, that a fetus is a human being completely deserving of the same natural rights the rest of us hold.