How will they rule ??!

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Along the same lines, read a recent article about Amazon and its prospects for recovering its value after losing >50% this year. One of the 'headwinds' cited by this article (strictly a financial-based assessment) was the 'increased cost of employees in the warehouse, admin and engineering'. So, Amazon either has a bloated payroll or has decided to pay employees more than they were previously and now its short-term prospects as a company don't look so good. They can't just raise prices across the board to offset their higher employee costs so their margins are shrinking, which this article speculated is a systemic problem with the company.

Unlike McDonalds which, as your post shows, can automate much of their process, Amazon can't (or hasn't) - maybe Amazon can install automated warehousing systems to reduce headcount. It's Econ 101, folks. Business owners are trying to make a profit. If their payroll costs rise, in order to make the same profit, they will cut headcount or raise prices (or both). We saw it in Seattle when the city passed a $15/hr minimum wage and total hourly wages worked decreased. Business owners aren't going to stand pat if their costs increase - they will make an adjustment somewhere. Sure, the remaining employees make be making more money but fewer individuals are employed. So, what's the net benefit of an artificial 'living wage'? Pretty much zero.
Why are you refusing to acknowledge Ron DeSantis climate change policy? It's been your #1 hot button topic since like forever? I get it, you're ashamed and you desperately want to pretend it doesn't exist so you can RINO without having to admit you're RINO'ing. You're willing to take that one in the horn hole just for some typical Ron DeSantis posturing on COVID?

Let's try another DeSantis question since you want to talk about Covid instead of Climate Change (because I guess that's an inconvenient truth LOL)... can you spot the Corona Bro in this picture:

Ron, tell us for whom we should vote. Thanks.
OMG you are dense. We HAVE HAD security arrangements with all those places AND MORE for decades, some since 1945. THAT IS WHY WHAT HAPPENS IN UKRAINE HAS NO BEARING ON THE SECURITY OF THESE OTHER COUNTRIES.


Everyone else please forgive me for the caps but damnation, this guy is truly a Democrat.
Yeah....The President of the United States, vast majority of Congress, All of NATO in Europe as well as almost every country in the United Nations voted to condemn what Russia is doing. NATO has imposed sanctions on Russia as well as actively provide military aide to Ukraine....

But Jumper Cable says the entire world are idiots in ALL CAPS except for Russia, North Korea, Belarus, Syria, and Nicaragua — all led by dictator-like regimes. They all voted to let Russia annex Ukraine.
Yeah Jumper... You've got some good buddies there to hang with and bash what the US is doing in Ukraine.
So you think we should have Americans fighting and dying on the other side of the planet so Afghani girls can go to college, but funding college for our own citizens is somehow crazy. Hardly America First.
What a massive leap in illogic. The claimed “historian” is a troll. What does Augustine and Aquinas tell you about your words?
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Your understanding of complex historical issues and their relevance to modern times is severely lacking.

Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, "Appeasement" was the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked. Most closely associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, it is now widely discredited as a policy of WEAKNESS.

Something the left in America never talks about is the fact that the left in Britain had gone through a disarmament phase (pacifist) before Chamberlain came to power. Chamberlain however terrible he was, was hamstrung by this.
Statistically Republicans commit more pedophilia than Democrats do by far.
Look at all the pedophile pastors, youth ministers, priests, cops and boy scout leaders.
You need to change your Republican Party name to the RePedophile Party.
So when a person is arrested for pedophilia the first thing they do is ask them their political party. Really?

Every youth minister, priest, police officer or boy scout leader is not a Republican. Why would you assume that. Some of what we call mainstream Christian denominations promote liberal politics. They ordain homosexuals, they promote abortion. They promote Social Justice and the promote gay rights. They include them in their ministry and leadership positions. It is highly unlikely they vote Republican.

Putting pedos in a certain political group is ridiculous. It runs the entire spectrum of society. But your side promotes it and some in your camp want it legalized. Keep your eyes on California, Massachusetts, Vermont and other like minded states. There are lobbyist pushing it and they have a lot of money.

You promote sexual deviant behavior then you point fingers at the opposite side of the aisle. That is a tactic taught in Democrat Seminars 101. Nobody is buying what you are selling.
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The move to conflate "pedophilia" with LGBT is sad but also brilliant. You all know well and good that the concept of "grooming" is being used to mean "normalization of a gay lifestyle". As in, when there is a book or tv show that portrays a gay male couple as "normal", people on the (far) right have started claiming that is "grooming". And then others say it is pedophilia. This appeals to a broad swath of homophobes and bigots in this thread and elsewhere. The whole purpose of it is political, and it seems to be working. But in the long run it will backfire as all craven political ploys like this do.
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Statistically Republicans commit more pedophilia than Democrats do by far.
Look at all the pedophile pastors, youth ministers, priests, cops and boy scout leaders.
You need to change your Republican Party name to the RePedophile Party.

That article is the epitome of a partisan hit piece.

If it mentioned Tara Reade’s allegations against Pedo Pete, I must’ve missed it. You remember. The incident that made the whole “me too” movement disappear just because it was a Democrat being accused.
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The move to conflate "pedophilia" with LGBT is sad but also brilliant. You all know well and good that the concept of "grooming" is being used to mean "normalization of a gay lifestyle". As in, when there is a book or tv show that portrays a gay male couple as "normal", people on the (far) right have started claiming that is "grooming". And then others say it is pedophilia. This appeals to a broad swath of homophobes and bigots in this thread and elsewhere. The whole purpose of it is political, and it seems to be working. But in the long run it will backfire as all craven political ploys like this do.

No, we just want you to leave kids the fck alone when it comes to sex. It’s not political you dipshit, it’s common human decency. Let kids be kids.
That article is the epitome of a partisan hit piece.

If it mentioned Tara Reade’s allegations against Pedo Pete, I must’ve missed it. You remember. The incident that made the whole “me too” movement disappear just because it was a Democrat being accused.
RePedophile Party
So when a person is arrested for pedophilia the first thing the do is ask them their political party. Really?

Every youth minister, priest, police officer or boy scout leader is not a Republican. Why would you assume that. Some of what we call mainstream Christian denominations promote liberal politics. They ordain homosexuals, they promote abortion. They promote Social Justice and the promote gay rights. They include them in their ministry and leadership positions. It is highly unlikely they vote Republican.

Putting pedos in a certain political group is ridiculous. It runs the entire spectrum of society. But your side promotes it and some in your camp want it legalized. Keep your eyes on California, Massachusetts, Vermont and other like minded states. There are lobbyist pushing it and they have a lot of money.

You promote sexual deviant behavior then you point fingers at the opposite side of the aisle. That is a tactic taught in Democrat Seminars 101. Nobody is buying what you are selling.
"Putting pedos in a certain political group is ridiculous. It runs the entire spectrum of society."
I completely agree with you.
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That article is the epitome of a partisan hit piece.

If it mentioned Tara Reade’s allegations against Pedo Pete, I must’ve missed it. You remember. The incident that made the whole “me too” movement disappear just because it was a Democrat being accused.
It's really incredible what they promote and silence. Credible allegations against Biden with the allegation being prior to him as a VP candidate? No reason to touch that. Woman suddenly accusing Kavanaugh of being a gang rapist when he's nominated for the SCOTUS and she can't even tell you the year or the house or anything clear about it? AMPLIFY THAT COVERAGE. The most mentally unstable and ugly women suddenly came out to accuse Trump (a man who has dated supermodels) of sexually assaulting them. RUN IT! When it's exposed Lisa Bloom solicited DNC donors to pay these accusers and pay off mortgages. Don't cover it.

The left are total frauds who will bend to whatever can politically benefit them at the moment. Larry Sinclair's discussion of a sexual encounter with Obama? Bury that. Cover up for Bill Clinton. Oh, the same media can't verify the NY Post laptop story so they won't cover it but they will cover every nonsensical BS, hearsay, "anonymous source" story imaginable if they can make it into a hit piece against their political enemies.

It's like Louisville's Kerry Rhodes and Zip being responsible to fairly cover UofL and UK,
Trump lied repeatedly about not being able to release his taxes because he was under audit. He's a pathological liar.
Truth is... He has been bankrupt numerous times and used the Presidency to rake in campaign money, legal defense money and sell his Pokemon cards. He's a grifting clown.
Trump blah blah blah. Trump blah blah blah. Trump blah blah blah. Trump blah blah blah.

He broke you guys. Seriously. Each and every one of you.