How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Why? Because your small, DA brain cannot process? Now that DOES add up.

Deny, deny, deny. "But orange man bad...". Lame. They linked to videos, but you refuse to hear it. Just keep doing what your cult leaders say. Despicable.
I watched the videos and frankly, I didn’t see anything wrong with them. He was expressing hesitancy in believing what Trump said, so what? Trump is an infamous liar. And you’re right, I can’t process why the opinion of someone that you call Kamalawhore would change your opinion on anything. Normally, if you don’t agree with someone (and really, if you do) then you probably wouldn’t take their words as gospel before researching more on a topic but that’s just me.
He said he won’t make it mandatory for all Americans but when you are employed by the government, like when you’re employed by any company, you are subject to that company’s rules and regulations.
Just in case your dumbass missed it. Last response.

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Uh Yes…what planet you live in?
I’m assuming you (like a lot of other people on here) don’t have the vaccine. Mandatory for government employees (who are subject to rules of their employers like everyone else) is not the same as mandatory for all Americans which is what he was saying he wouldn’t do.
If that is what you were trying to say, it is not what you said. At all

Do you have data that suggest low military morale since 04? I can tell you that was not my experience or recall. However, nowadays... totally different story. Why is retention and recruiting so low right now?

You are one of the dumbest ppl on the planet.

2 second search. You may not trust this right wing news

“President Joe Biden on Thursday issued two executive orders mandating vaccines for federal workers and contractors”. First sentence of article. A little further down, “Biden also announced that he asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency rule requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any unvaccinated workers to produce a negative Covid test at least once a week. The requirement could carry a $14,000 fine per violation and would affect two-thirds of the country's workforce, a senior administration official said.” So federal employees= vaccines mandatory. Everyone else (working for larger companies)=vaccine or regular testing. That is not the same as making the vaccine mandatory for all Americans
Tell me when you considered America great before it wasn’t anymore?
“Great again” means that it was once great but no longer.
America was great, in my opinion, in the years I was growing up in the 80’s and 90’s. We’ve always had our warts, name a country that hasn’t. But when the divisiveness, identity politics, bowing down to the likes of the globalists and WEF, and targeting political opponents, all started during the Obama administration and clearly a path of destruction, which became evident to Trump and prompted the use of the word “again”. What I wouldn’t give to return things to the way they were in the 80’s.

You never told me what you think it means.
thats how special prosecutors work by design. did Monica have anything to do with whitewater? watergate was an investigation into a break in & coverup. then branched off to Nixon bugging politicians offices and taping all his illegal activity in the WH. Mueller will have very hard time ever proving russian collusion whether or not it happened. No Russian witness would ever cooperate, Putin would quickly have them killed. So they are having an easy time going after all the criminals Trump surrounds himself with instead.
“President Joe Biden on Thursday issued two executive orders mandating vaccines for federal workers and contractors”. First sentence of article. A little further down, “Biden also announced that he asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency rule requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any unvaccinated workers to produce a negative Covid test at least once a week. The requirement could carry a $14,000 fine per violation and would affect two-thirds of the country's workforce, a senior administration official said.” So federal employees= vaccines mandatory. Everyone else (working for larger companies)=vaccine or regular testing. That is not the same as making the vaccine mandatory for all Americans
Good lord dude (sorry if that offends you). This effected over 100 million workers which is 2/3’s of the workforce. It’s damn close enough. It effected my wife who ended up quitting her job, it effected many nurses who battled Covid from the front line during the apex of the pandemic only to be fired for refusing the jab later on. What a lame ass attempt at defending. This isn’t the same, good grief!!! **** Joe Biden and any of the traitorous dems (and republicans) who serve their self interest and not those for who they represent.