How will they rule ??!

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Comedic relief? Otherwise he's a total embarrassment to this country.
And dangerous. If you are seeking to destroy America and its roots as a nation you install a Biden. Look at the liberals who post on this forum. They are seeking a total destruction of traditional American values. Biden was the perfect puppet because he is a fool. And everybody loves to laugh at a fool.
And dangerous. If you are seeking to destroy America and its roots as a nation you install a Biden. Look at the liberals who post on this forum. They are seeking a total destruction of traditional American values. Biden was the perfect puppet because he is a fool. And everybody loves to laugh at a fool.
They're really going to love Harris then.
Hope everything is well with our good friend @JStaff2187...haven't seen him around much.

On the not friend note...also wondering about the abortion preacher that use to post here and he loved him some Joe Biden. I would love for him to show up and give us a defense of the Biden administration.

My friend and I got into a lightsaber duel with an old man. It didn’t go well for me.


But seriously, I’ve just been busy with work, raising kids and had a bit of burn out with politics as of late and decided to take a break from it. All is well though my friend. Thanks for checking in.

Now can someone tell me which direction I need to go to get off this stage?
Trump says he can declassify top secret docs with his mind and that the FBI raided Mara Lago looking for Hillary's emails. And y'all make fun of Biden.
He is a complete nutjob.
I agree. Joe Biden is a complete nutjob.
Your Democratic Party

Saw yesterday the doj win their appeal and can continue their "investigation" using the documents. The small part I read had two interesting tidbits 1) the whole thing is an issue solely because the current president removed any executive privilege trump had and 2) the thing is absolutely driven by the national archives.

So yes, it's absolutely a political witch hunt. Also yes, trump should've replaced every single person Obama hired or appointed. We said that here when he won. He didn't do it and he paid dearly
My friend and I got into a lightsaber duel with an old man. It didn’t go well for me.


But seriously, I’ve just been busy with work, raising kids and had a bit of burn out with politics as of late and decided to take a break from it. All is well though my friend. Thanks for checking in.

Now can someone tell me which direction I need to go to get off this stage?
Well, if it helps any, I'd never advise anybody to move to the left.

The madness is accelerating. ESG will be levied on us within a year.

How long ago did we post here that Amazon was getting massive shadow help? Guess now it's starting to come out.

Amazon was selling books out of a garage. Then grew to selling other things. Then started prime (before the streaming addiction) where they were, at best, breaking even. For years (prior to aws) noone could figure out what they were doing because they openly ran at a loss. The only explanation was they had shadow help from some nation/state/agency.

Watched Tucker’s segment on Vanderbilt last night. Wonder if the board members and doctors he mentioned multiple times are a little nervous this morning….

Unfortunately I doubt it. They're probably getting reassured as we speak by the far left power brokers that everything will be fine and more money is on the way.
Saw yesterday the doj win their appeal and can continue their "investigation" using the documents. The small part I read had two interesting tidbits 1) the whole thing is an issue solely because the current president removed any executive privilege trump had and 2) the thing is absolutely driven by the national archives.

So yes, it's absolutely a political witch hunt. Also yes, trump should've replaced every single person Obama hired or appointed. We said that here when he won. He didn't do it and he paid dearly
This is true. His administration was doomed from the first day. Obama had packed the executive branch of the government with Marxist. Why he didn't clean house at the very beginning is a mystery and America has paid dearly for that mistake.
Ohhhh I get why you originally linked it now. To you that was a warning of an ascendant threat on our border! To me it was a blueprint of our impending imperialist aims. So you actually want us to invade Mexico? I thought the Trump wing was isolationist?
What I want is completely irrelevant. TPTB will do whatever they do. They don't consult me first. If they asked, I would tell them to bring some jobs back to the USA.

As far as getting rid of the cartels, well, I would lover that, but that is impossible. You could splinter them, but then Mexico would collapse into another gang war, which is actually much more dangerous to our southern border.

To many words to say idgaf.

Yes. At the junior, HS, and college level. I was a scholarship athlete. Were you? Why do you ask? Speak plainly.
Yes and yes. My bad. I should have been more precise with my question. Have you ever played a contact sport with women? If you had then you would know why the sports are separated by gender instead of by weight.

The ratio of muscle mass to fat is far to great for men and women to compete on the same court / field. I've played in mixed intermural leagues and the game suffers because the men cannot go full out without fear of hurting the women.

The ladies can simply not take the same amount of physical punishment as a man without the threat of serious injury. It's not sexism, it's safety.
At the highest levels? Probably. But there aren’t any 5’ guys in the NBA either and we don’t have a special league just for them. Different people have different abilities and that’s just the way it is. Almost no one plays at those highest levels, be they black, white, Asian, Polynesian, male, female, non-binary, or anything else. Meanwhile girls have to jump through ridiculous hoops just to qualify to play HS football and boys can’t play field hockey at all. We need proper funding and support for a variety of team-building activities rather than just offering a crappy version of baseball to girls where they have to pitch a bigger ball underhanded cause sexists thought women couldn’t hit a ball with a stick.
LOL, the fact you think that's the reason softball exists. Do you know studies have been done that show hitting a fast-pitched softball takes more skill than hitting a baseball, due to speed, trajectory and distance. Softball became popular with females around WW2 when all the men were off to war and it was an alternative to the Women's Professional Baseball League. Fast-pitch came along later and women adopted it.
Pro tip for what surely will be a weekend discussion:

People aren't buzzing over what Brett Favre did, not because he's white, but because he hasn't played a football game in nearly 15 years. And people don't really care about old athletes, as opposed to current ones. Not to mention the NFL can't punish Favre or make any sort of statement. People care more about current/active celebs, which is why Vick and Kap generated a ton more buzz.

.. so when some progressive liberal at the dinner table scoffs and eye rolls..

Ask them when they found out Lawrence Taylor was a pedophile.
Of course they like it better than when they had nothing. That isn’t an endorsement. If they had something that was theirs they’d like that even more. What’s her opinion on softball vs baseball? Is she thrilled she doesn’t have to play crappy baseball? Doubt it. And those scholarships are part of why the tuition that everyone complains about is so high. They should be offered for intellectual ability, not athletic. Same for role models.
So you're willing to take educational opportunities away from disadvantaged people who wouldn't otherwise get an education if not for their athletic ability.
Wouldn't that almost inherently exclude the vast majority of girls from playing at the highest levels of basketball, volleyball, swimming, soccer etc unless a separate girls only system was in place like we currently have??
I get what you're saying but the actual implementation of unisex competition could keep a ton of girls from ever getting to play I'm afraid.
Nah, Ed said the women's soccer team could beat the men's.
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I have nothing against weight classes, in fact I mentioned in one of the posts that that’s one way to handle unisex sports. If sponsors want to set up levels of leagues with equivalent athletes so a higher percentage of the population can participate then more power to them. But those gradations should be structured around ability, not immutable characteristics like race or sex.
Fine and dandy, coed sports up until ability levels start to separate the boys from the girls. and By the way there are a lot of Coed sports leagues out there. My sons had a couple of girls play on their little league baseball teams, it happens. but once puberty hits, there starts a clear separation and the higher the abilities will force that separation unless you have "quotas" and forced playing time allotments to force coaches to use the allotted females.

How many sacks would Will Levis take if our offensive tackles were females?
How long ago did we post here that Amazon was getting massive shadow help? Guess now it's starting to come out.

Amazon was selling books out of a garage. Then grew to selling other things. Then started prime (before the streaming addiction) where they were, at best, breaking even. For years (prior to aws) noone could figure out what they were doing because they openly ran at a loss. The only explanation was they had shadow help from some nation/state/agency.

Unfortunately I doubt it. They're probably getting reassured as we speak by the far left power brokers that everything will be fine and more money is on the way.

I like these discussions re: Amazon

I remember in ‘99, when Amazon was a hot stock, and there was all this discussion about how Amazon didn’t make money, and people would counter with comments about a “new economy”, etc.

They sold books. Now, they sell everything, and they make movies, etc.

They are the exclusive broadcaster of the Thursday night game of the week.

I do not believe that these things “just happen”. Nor, do I believe they happen because Amazon and its leadership were the best equipped, most nimble, etc.

In the late 1990s, there was a plan for Amazon to become a dominant global force. Books were simply an entree into gathering customer account information, etc.

It’s fascinating. And I promise you it is as corrupt as all get out.

Your argument is often circular. Reread this part with the other sides perspective, "If sponsors want to set up levels of leagues with equivalent athletes so a higher percentage of the population can participate then more power to them."
They do that now (structure around ability), they're called mens and womens sports. Further, men in a 156 lb football league would destroy a womens team.
You couldn't just structure it based off physical stature. Like golf, or bowling or drag racing or whatever, you have to have a handicap. men could only be 156 lbs. But women would have to be able to be larger and/or meet higher strength standards to be able to compete.
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