How will they rule ??!

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I don’t know. I tend to avoid cliche lines crafted by campaigns like “swamp”, but yes, I guess I radically believe that all politicians who break the law should be held accountable. Crazy I know
Well great, the problem is they aren’t, especially one of the parties in particular.
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We will eventually see what was taken or not taken.
At the end of the day he is not allowed to take anything.... It all belongs to the people of the United States.
He shouldn't have taken jack sh** and knew that to begin with.
Just like he knows he lost the election and knows how to manipulate the masses. Some of us aren't fooled by his BS and are letting him know.
This guy ignores the Clintons U-Haul.
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No it isn’t, what we have been told is they went in due to the national archives deal.
If someone packed up his boxes and sent them to Maralago how would Trump know what they put in them? He sure as hell can’t send them back via UPS if they’re classified.
They went in to gather other info, and used the archives deal for the excuse.

Again, how many of these investigations will you accept before realizing they’re political to protect the ruling elite in DC?
Trump already returned documents once. He knew he had them. That's not gonna hold up, especially if they were found in a safe.
No, he evidently "gave them back" in janurary while also ommiting some. And lying about something like that makes it 10X more valuable, because why not return it with the rest of them?
You meanright? like a misdemeanor compared to what the Clinton crime family did, right?
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At what point does this become harassment?

We all know that in the likely scenario if nothing is found, they will just move onto the next thing they can grab at.

Libs/dems seem SO sure that THIS time they got Trump. If you're so positive, let's make a deal: this is the last time you get to pull this and waste taxpayer time and ruin the news cycle. I wonder which libs here would take that deal.. or are they doing this just to be disruptive... hmm?
The excuse used by the FBI was for a legal search warrant approved by a federal judge.
I'd be fine with Biden getting raided if he walks out with boxes of archives from the Whitehouse at the end of his term too.
Some of y'all on here scream about law and order but then look the other way as our US Capitol is attacked and your favorite President steals documents illegally from the Oval Office.
NOBODY is above the law including the ex Thief in Chief.
First of all Sambo, Brandon has no idea what archives even are and secondly he couldn’t coherently describe what a box is or what’s in it even it it’s marked 🍺
This guy ignores the Clintons U-Haul.
Trump had 4 years to investigate the Clintons and did nothing.
People have been throwing the Clinton accusations around for years and nothing ever happens.
Are there zero Republicans in America that don't have enough money or influence at all to bring a legal charge against them??? Really??
Or is it more likely there isn't jack crap to charge them with but it sure sounds good at CPAC meetings and in fundraising flyers.
You f’n people are gonna look like a bunch of hyperventilating hyenas AGAIN, yet when the next “we got him this time’ happens you’ll be right back at it.

If you clapping seals were truly worried about political corruption, DC would’ve been burnt to the ground long before Donald J Trump came around.
A lot of people are going to be terribly disappointed if or when the Republicans regain power. When your leaders are Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy (2 of the biggest establishment POS in Washington) you can be certain it will all be lip service BS coming from them and their committee/investigation appointed hacks like Lyndsey Graham and others in whatever "investigations" they come up with. Hearings will all be for show to rile up the base. The Dems know it and have absolutely no fear anymore. Washington is mainly controlled by Dems in all areas (judges, law enforcement, lawyers, etc. etc) They are not going to do one damn thing to anyone with a D beside their name.
A lot of people are going to be terribly disappointed if or when the Republicans regain power. When your leaders are Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy (2 of the biggest establishment POS in Washington) you can be certain it will all be lip service BS coming from them and their committee/investigation appointed hacks like Lyndsey Graham and others in whatever "investigations" they come up with. Hearings will all be for show to rile up the base. The Dems know it and have absolutely no fear anymore. Washington is mainly controlled by Dems in all areas (judges, law enforcement, lawyers, etc. etc) They are not going to do one damn thing to anyone with a D beside their name.
If the rinos remain as leaders, you are correct. I for one remain very worried about the cheating in the coming election.
They could have video of Trump executing someone and y’all would deny, deny, deny.
So as more info has come out it seems pretty clear what the context was for the search. Trump returned the 15 boxes of "classified documents" that he took from the white house earlier this year in January. FBI reviewed them under subpeona, then after viewing went to a judge to say we have probable cause a crime was commited as they felt documents were missing, being hid or were gave away/destroyed. FBI might have felt that the missing documents contained evidence of a crime. Is this all worthy of a search warrant being carried out on his home? Maybe/ maybe not depending on what they found. Is it a little much to execute a search warrant on an ex presidents home over this? Yeah probably. Is it still (likely) a crime and something that should be looked into? Also yes. And save me the "why dont they look into Hunter Biden" and stuff like that. I would definitely support an investigation into him as well. It just turns out that the most famous person in the world is higher on their priority list than a guy that blows coke and hookers for fun.
And save me the "why dont they look into Hunter Biden" and stuff like that. I would definitely support an investigation into him as well. It just turns out that the most famous person in the world is higher on their priority list than a guy that blows coke and hookers for fun...please don't play one of the USEFUL IDIOTS here. So, you think HB is only about some coke and hookers for fun? Seriously? Have you been living under a rock? Ukraine, China, Russia and all the little details that go with it. We are talking about the biggest crime family that's ever occupied the the WH. What the hell is wrong with you people? Do you honestly think that family or your cdp cares about AMERICA?
how many jobs did we lose after raising min wage last time? oh thats right, none. We gained millions of jobs for the next 10 years. Its funny that dumb poor white people still fall for the made up fallacy that raising min wage kills jobs. Business adapt and learn how to work with the wages or they didn't deserve to be in business in the 1st place. and someone smarter and less of a greedy asshole will step in and fill the supply void. The average hourly pay in the US is already at $12 so the increase will change very little. We have allowed the middle class to erode away because the GoP has brainwashed its sheep into championing the greed of businesses over the needs of the populace.
A lot of people are going to be terribly disappointed if or when the Republicans regain power. When your leaders are Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy (2 of the biggest establishment POS in Washington) you can be certain it will all be lip service BS coming from them and their committee/investigation appointed hacks like Lyndsey Graham and others in whatever "investigations" they come up with. Hearings will all be for show to rile up the base. The Dems know it and have absolutely no fear anymore. Washington is mainly controlled by Dems in all areas (judges, law enforcement, lawyers, etc. etc) They are not going to do one damn thing to anyone with a D beside their name.
You are right. if the GOP does regain control and they keep Mitch and McCarthy is leadership it will remain a circus act. It is pathetic. Graham is another one that should be discounted. He is a bag of wind.
Ah, I see we have had another thread dump. God forbid there be a discussion about something political in the general discussion board without it being dumped in here. It would help if the pussies on this site would quit crying to the mods every time someone pricks their feelings a bit.

I'll leave the rest off just to preserve my account.
My argument is that if he is guilty and the prosecution has evidence that he is guilty, that he should stand trial like anyone ese.
So you can still put your full trust behind the fbi/doj when we already know FOR A FACT they have fabricated evidence on Trump in the past? You gonna trust the same agencies that had FIFTY (5-0) members of the IC sign off on a letter that Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation? You gonna put your full trust behind the same agencies that let Clinton slide for destroying 30k+ SUBPOENAED emails along with other hard drives and cell phones? Trusting the same agencies that had no problem lying to a FISA court?

You see, that’s the problem when you lie, manipulate, and flat out fabricate. You lose any semblance of trust. But go ahead….. continue to hyperventilate every time the name Trump comes out of a feds mouth.

Meanwhile, the world burns.
Ah, I see we have had another thread dump. God forbid there be a discussion about something political in the general discussion board without it being dumped in here. It would help if the pussies on this site would quit crying to the mods every time someone pricks their feelings a bit.

I'll leave the rest off just to preserve my account.

Welcome to America now. Where if someone hurts your feelings you run and tattle on them.
Trump's net worth went form ~$1.5 Billion (recorded but not defined) in 2015 to over $10 Billion in 2020.

Trump lost roughly half of his net worth during his time in office as president as several organizations stopped doing business with Trump or any of his properties. Forbes listed him with a net worth of $4.5 billion in 2016 and $2.1 billion in 2020.

I’ll add another, move hearings out of DC and have a complete review of the judicial system there.
A Democrat knows full well that they can lie under oath in a hearing and nothing will happen, even if they were indicted there isn’t 12 people in DC that don’t have ties to the govt or democrats.
I’ll add another, move hearings out of DC and have a complete review of the judicial system there.
A Democrat knows full well that they can lie under oath in a hearing and nothing will happen, even if they were indicted there isn’t 12 people in DC that don’t have ties to the govt or democrats.

That still doesn’t really do anything though. Congress doesn’t have prosecution powers. And it’s a federal offense so only the DOJ can prosecute.

Unfortunately the only power a GOP congress would have is to refuse to fund the government. Which is pretty damn powerful. But something they’d never consider executing.

Please answer. You seem to think this isn’t political persecution so let’s keep going down the logic chain and see where it leads to.

Or you can admit that this is a political persecution and I’ll drop it.
There is nothing to answer. Show they broke the law and bring them to justice if they did.