How will they rule ??!

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Does anyone remember Joe on the campaign trail announcing he needed to increase the power of the IRS and increase the IRS workforce by 87,000? Is this what Dems voted for? We know they like bigger government, but the IRS? Silence.
Can we take a moment to marvel at the stupidity and dramatic flair of the OP for comparing a legal search of a residence by the FBI to the Gestapo and Nazism? OP is a waterhead and if your first, second, or third reaction is to somehow link what occurred to Nazism, you should be mocked and also called a waterhead.
He’s trying to victimize himself. That’s what they do.

Who would be dumb enough to believe something as unbelievable as this. Trump hasn't flushed a white house toilet in over a year & a half. And we're suppose to believe that in the hundreds of times that this commode has been flushed in these last 18 months that a piece of paper that was flushed 18 months ago would one day float back up hill, commode drains are pitched down hill so that they will drain. And the paper that floated up up hill is in perfect clean shape so that it can be read. Only a brainwashed democrat voter would believe this. Democrats & their buddies in the media take the American people for idiots. Anyone that still votes for them are.
The White House absolutely offered and recommended the National Guard on Jan 4. The Capital Master at Arms who answers to Pelosi, and the DC mayor flatly rejected them.

The President cannot just send in National guard without a request.

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Trump is proving to be arguably the most defining leader in the history of our modern era. Either he continues the trajectory of what we are currently on of investing in individuals that capitalize from their role of public servitude to benefit themselves and create a singular following to the person instead of the cause, or he teaches us the lesson that dictatorship and authoritarianism is very simple to accomplish but a danger to our republic. The next 10 years are crucial to the fate of our democracy.
I don’t think you realize who exactly is the one capitalizing from public servitude. It isn’t Trump, and you sure as hell don’t know what a dictator or authoritarian does.
They weaponize agencies to crush their opponents, target their political foes, become rich from their position of authority, they make elections pointless because they rig them to maintain power.

It’s like some of you live in an alternate world.
So as more info has come out it seems pretty clear what the context was for the search. Trump returned the 15 boxes of "classified documents" that he took from the white house earlier this year in January. FBI reviewed them under subpeona, then after viewing went to a judge to say we have probable cause a crime was commited as they felt documents were missing, being hid or were gave away/destroyed. FBI might have felt that the missing documents contained evidence of a crime. Is this all worthy of a search warrant being carried out on his home? Maybe/ maybe not depending on what they found. Is it a little much to execute a search warrant on an ex presidents home over this? Yeah probably. Is it still (likely) a crime and something that should be looked into? Also yes. And save me the "why dont they look into Hunter Biden" and stuff like that. I would definitely support an investigation into him as well. It just turns out that the most famous person in the world is higher on their priority list than a guy that blows coke and hookers for fun.

BS, they were looking for political dirt. I’m sure what you listed was the excuse used.
Hell, I hope the FBI goes after Hunter too,
FALSE. Prove it. Show prior posts, going back to Oct 2020 with this sentiment. You're FOS.

Hillary committed MANY crimes. She should be the first one in jail.

While we're at it ... why hasn't Epstein's book been released? (Hint ... Trump's not in it) Because it is all the uniparty to include CJ Roberts.

If you have a post saying anything similar about thinking Hunter should be prosecuted ANYTIME before 15 min ago, @AustinTXCat will have it.
What is more likely in your opinion? The Attorney general (who is actually fairly moderate all things considering), the (trump appointed) FBI director, and a government institution are all co conspiring to frame and go after someone they know is innocent or there is reasonable suspicion that Trump commited a crime and that was why the warrant was carried out. Just pick one option or the other please

I’d say 75/25 at this point. And again, I’m just going off past behavior as an indicator.

As far as your post that I’ve boldened, if you think that’s far fetched, have you been living under a rock for the past 6 years?

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I’d say 75/25 at this point. And again, I’m just going off past behavior as an indicator.

As far as your post that I’ve boldened, if you think that’s far fetched, have you been living under a rock for the past 6 years?

Fairly moderate attorney general? Lol, the dude targeted parents that were complaining at school boards, he’s an activist.

They found a loop hole, likely done intentionally when the GSA packed up Trumps boxes. They want dirt on him, DC will indict any Republican out before them.
Trump is proving to be arguably the most defining leader in the history of our modern era. Either he continues the trajectory of what we are currently on of investing in individuals that capitalize from their role of public servitude to benefit themselves and create a singular following to the person instead of the cause, or he teaches us the lesson that dictatorship and authoritarianism is very simple to accomplish but a danger to our republic. The next 10 years are crucial to the fate of our democracy.
What's more "authoritarian" than the administration weaponizing the nations intelligence agencies against their political opponents?
Yes, I did and that does appear to be correct and a virtuous cause from the former President. While Washington accepted $25,000 much to his chagrin, Hoover refused a salary all together, and JFK only allocated through his $50k expense account, Donald Trump's net worth went form ~$1.5 Billion (recorded but not defined) in 2015 to over $10 Billion in 2020.
where do you get your numbers?
Very late Roman Empire type political move from Joe Dementia. Very Soviet like. Not surprised you support this.

You all started this. Where it ends is not our fault. What just happened is an Eastern Bloc move. It is anti-western.
I started nothing as I’m just a guy in KY. If you want to fight for Trump, give him money, or go to the mattresses for the jackass, have at it and enjoy. My guess is you’ll just stick around here and continue to whine about the libs.
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I don’t think you realize who exactly is the one capitalizing from public servitude. It isn’t Trump, and you sure as hell don’t know what a dictator or authoritarian does.
They weaponize agencies to crush their opponents, target their political foes, become rich from their position of authority, they make elections pointless because they rig them to maintain power.

It’s like some of you live in an alternate world.
His entire post was just so... dumb. Utterly ignorant of historical realities. Probably learned it from some radical professor or maybe a tiktok video.

Every generation of Americans are literally becoming dumber, by design IMO. Dumb serfs ignorant of historical fact are much easier to control.
So as more info has come out it seems pretty clear what the context was for the search. Trump returned the 15 boxes of "classified documents" that he took from the white house earlier this year in January. FBI reviewed them under subpeona, then after viewing went to a judge to say we have probable cause a crime was commited as they felt documents were missing, being hid or were gave away/destroyed. FBI might have felt that the missing documents contained evidence of a crime. Is this all worthy of a search warrant being carried out on his home? Maybe/ maybe not depending on what they found. Is it a little much to execute a search warrant on an ex presidents home over this? Yeah probably. Is it still (likely) a crime and something that should be looked into? Also yes. And save me the "why dont they look into Hunter Biden" and stuff like that. I would definitely support an investigation into him as well. It just turns out that the most famous person in the world is higher on their priority list than a guy that blows coke and hookers for fun.
The fact you think an investigation into Hunter Biden should be about his hooker and blow habit is laughable.