How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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It keeps getting better. 2 days ago we found out that this Dem pastor running for Senate in Georgia ran over his wife's foot with his car....yesterday we learned this Dem 'man of God' in 2002 was charged for obstructing a police investigation into child abuse at his church camp.

And now we know in 1995 he was one of those chanting Fidel Castro's name at a church in Harlem. You would like to think this would hurt him with Dem voters but sadly all this will make him more popular in that party.

I guess if Republicans weren't always caught calling black people the N word or sending around monkey cartoons or all the other racist jokes and propaganda that spread like viruses through the conservative world you might get more than 2% of minority voters.

I see Republicans still trying to hold on to their anti racist views from over 50 years ago instead of the bigoted POS's they are today. The past means nothing when today you show your true colors with every vile thing Trump and his sheep say about minorities.

Welcome aboard, Mr. Terrell.

“He sold out America to it’s enemies” says the guy whose favorite president disputes our intelligence agencies belief that Russia meddled in the 2016 election because Putin told him so and who was BFFs with mass murdering tyrant Kim Jong Un
Paid shill or just totally absent of reasoning skills?
As predicted beshear wins his case. Not mentioned is the fact that Cameron and co botched the case the moment they conceded there was a public health crisis.

Had they contested that fact and forced them to prove it through actual proof and raw data, the information could've at least been released to the public for major political win.

Instead here we are. Life in ky will be hell till the legislature comes back and takes his toys away. This is a prime example why you never instill such power in the executive branch. Your party won't always have the seat.
Hahahahahahaha. The USPS whistleblower told the feds that project veritas wrote the script he used to make his claim. They wrote his affidavit and he signed without reading it. Man trumpsters are such blind sheep. Hopefully him and veritas spend some nice time together in prison.
You’re right. It is scary that news stations have become nothing more than propaganda and we have to do our own research to learn about important issues knowing that a large percentage won’t do so.

I’m only 33 so for anyone older, when did the MSM become so blatantly FOS?
When a serial rapist pedophile from Ark won the whitehouse
Highly ambidextrous caged children where running voting machines with their hands and feet. Churning out millions of illegal votes. Those crafty little buggers flipped the whole Southwest with their limber knuckled chad punching. My team is on it!
KY...I say “shutdown” as in “not full operating capacity”. I don’t know if kids ever really went to school. Our county started and then shut it back down.

I can’t believe we elected our governor.
Teachers and their hurt feelings elected "our" gubner.....he looks like the weirdo science teacher everyone had in school who doesn't realize everyone thinks he's weird
Obama already did:
If you look at it from the point of view of not winning, then we are undefeated in the courts! Sent packing by every court that has looked at our claims! At this rate, we'll be ready to accept our 2008 Detroit Lions Super Bowl rings!

Have faith! Do not believe all objective truth around you or the multiple court rejections due to the complete absence of evidence in our claims, just cling to our make believe fantasy and clap your hands over your ears and say "LA LA LA" as loudly as you can. Drown out the liberal lies!
Back on ignore you go, retread, 420bro, leadbelly and the rest of your names
Don’t be surprised on Supreme Court rulings guys. They rule on existing legislation and statutes. Until those are changed, the rulings are what they are. The court is not in the business of legislation.
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This is a long thread and I’m a few pages behind on my reading. Sorry if already posted. I just wanted to say that there’s a clip all over the net, where Biden accidentally put his foot in his mouth about Democratic voter fraud. You can’t make this stuff up!
Hey, Biden supporters, spin that. [eyeroll]
I was not a pro-war guy back in the day, nor was I overly opposed to it. But I would hope that cluster-f plus 20 years of additional maturity would turn people more pro-peace. It did for me. Frankly, fatherhood made me significantly more pro-peace, as I can’t imagine signing off on missile strikes that may kill innocent children.
Trump has zero to do with that anyway. That was little Bushler, who also endorsed Joe Biden 2020. He and his brother were of course among the first to offer congratulations on the fraudulent victory claim.
Trump has zero to do with that anyway. That was little Bushler, who also endorsed Joe Biden 2020. He and his brother were of course among the first to offer congratulations on the fraudulent victory claim.

Ghwb and his cia ties was a major domino launching us into this basically nwo.

I think vietnam is when the cia saw exactly how much value and power they had in covert offshore activity under the guise of war.

Was a little surprised to learn that truman created them under the national security act. Not sure why, because he was the first domino on this path with both this and the un.

Even if trump somehow wins, it only delays the last few dominoes. It doesn't stop them.
Ghwb and his cia ties was a major domino launching us into this basically nwo.

I think vietnam is when the cia saw exactly how much value and power they had in covert offshore activity under the guise of war.

Was a little surprised to learn that truman created them under the national security act. Not sure why, because he was the first domino on this path with both this and the un.

Even if trump somehow wins, it only delays the last few dominoes. It doesn't stop them.
Thanks Trumpsters for the 2 dumbest presidents in our history. W and Cheeto face
Not offering any opinions on anything but odds for the 2024 GOP Nominee are out!

Where does everyone see value here? I like Scott at +1400, DeSantis at +3500, Rand at +4000. Not that I am predicting any of them win it, but those are good value to me.

  • Donald Trump+400
  • Mike Pence+400
  • Nikki Haley+500
  • John Kasich+800
  • Josh Hawley+1000
  • Ted Cruz+1200
  • Tim Scott+1400
  • Tom Cotton+1400
  • Dan Crenshaw+1600
  • Bill Weld+2000
  • Paul Ryan+2000
  • Carly Fiorina+2500
  • Donald Trump Jr.+2500
  • Mark Cuban+2500
  • Rudy Giuliani+2500
  • Kristi Noem+3000
  • Candace Owens+3300
  • Ron DeSantis+3500
  • Mitt Romney+4000
  • Rand Paul+4000
  • Jared Kushner+5000
  • Condoleezza Rice+6000
  • Mike Pompeo+6000
  • Jeff Flake+7500
  • Lindsey Graham+7500
  • Charlie Baker+8000
  • Greg Abbott+8000
  • Tommy Tuberville+8000
  • George P. Bush+10000
  • Kanye West+10000
  • Kayleigh McEnany+15000
Not offering any opinions on anything but odds for the 2024 GOP Nominee are out!

Where does everyone see value here? I like Scott at +1400, DeSantis at +3500, Rand at +4000. Not that I am predicting any of them win it, but those are good value to me.

  • Donald Trump+400
  • Mike Pence+400
  • Nikki Haley+500
  • John Kasich+800
  • Josh Hawley+1000
  • Ted Cruz+1200
  • Tim Scott+1400
  • Tom Cotton+1400
  • Dan Crenshaw+1600
  • Bill Weld+2000
  • Paul Ryan+2000
  • Carly Fiorina+2500
  • Donald Trump Jr.+2500
  • Mark Cuban+2500
  • Rudy Giuliani+2500
  • Kristi Noem+3000
  • Candace Owens+3300
  • Ron DeSantis+3500
  • Mitt Romney+4000
  • Rand Paul+4000
  • Jared Kushner+5000
  • Condoleezza Rice+6000
  • Mike Pompeo+6000
  • Jeff Flake+7500
  • Lindsey Graham+7500
  • Charlie Baker+8000
  • Greg Abbott+8000
  • Tommy Tuberville+8000
  • George P. Bush+10000
  • Kanye West+10000
  • Kayleigh McEnany+15000

John Kasich, Mark Cuban, Mitt Romney...Lol. Just lmao. The RINOs are never getting the party back.