How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I expect Florida Man can now shoot them neighborhood kids egging his house.
That is the idea. Loot and we shoot. Florida is not for everybody

We all know Climate Change is fake. We all know smoking is good for you. We all know pedophiles are running child slavery rings out of pizza shops. We all know earth is 5000 years old. So stop wasting your time trying to tell us a clean sweep in all the key states plus Arizona and Georgia means you won. We can count, too. And I had more people show up at a rally in Alabama than Joe Biden did so I am President and we all know it because we all saw it. I won the election. The practice of using Rally attendance counts to determine the winner of Presidential elections goes back billions of years to even before the first dinosaur was domesticated for agricultural purposes.
And if you need a few more helpers Stoops Troops are ready. Masks will be worn

Sources are telling me we are winning by a million votes in New York and California. Look for those to flip later today. This is rock solid info folks. Hold onto your seats. This one is NOT over!

You need to get better material man. Not even the biggest Trump fan believes a Republican could ever win CA or NY. I mean the Evansville Purple Aces have a better chance of someday beating UK in basketball than Trump does of winning CA or NY.
Do I condone that behavior? No.

But is consensual sex between two people (even if it is cheating on your pregnant wife) anywhere close to inappropriately touching/groping/sniffing women and children in an obviously non-consensual situation. What about if that is a situation where you use your power & position as VP and the location of the incident being in the White House as both cover and part of the power trip during said sick behavior? What if it was done repeatedly on camera in front of millions of voters who turn their head and look the other way and vote for the sick SOB anyway?

Which is worse?
1) Using your power and celebrity status to cheat on your pregnant wife with another consenting adult female...albeit a “raw dogged porn star”.

2) Using your power and position as VP to inappropriately touch unsuspecting women and innocent children?

Really would like your answer on this one. Because it’s not like it’s even close to being the same.
Trump wasn’t President at the time of the ALLEGED encounter with Cliffords. I can’t stress this enough - there is no evidence and she had her case dismissed and she was ordered to pay Trump’s legal fees. On the other hand VICE PRESIDENT Biden appears in dozens of photos nuzzling lots of uncomfortable women and children.
Our Great Senator Rand Paul has damning evidence to provide to the courts to overturn this fake election... oh, wait... nevermind... he decided just to tweet it instead.

I would agree with Rand, but I know government departments don't actually communicate and coordinate to do so.
Question for liberal, or more accurately by today’s standards, Neo liberal war enablers.

How do you justify the identity politics deployed by the leftist agenda, when you then elect

1.A man who helped create and push the crime bill which put more Black men in prison than crack.

2. A Vice President who’s a COP and laughs about locking up black men for weed charges.

Do any of you even realize how ridiculous this is? Any reflection of honesty at all?

Democrats are the party of the Wall Street and military industrial complex crowd. You’re about 30 years behind.

Oh healthcare, lol. Did you like the way Big Pharm held their information until after they thought Biden won?

Does that tell you anything at all, or are you another brain dead media propagandized zombie that doesn’t know shit but spreads CNN headlines to feel important?
Covid is a Kobayashi Maru. Do the 4-6week national lockdown and all the worst totalitarian fears come true, let the governors do their thing and you're a buffoon. Since nobody had figured out how to break the game all roads lead to dark winter and the great reset.

So what? Firstly the election isn’t over. There is no winner yet. You’d know that if you weren’t propagandized.

second, if he’s president he’s president. You won’t see the right not accept the election if it’s found credible. But you and your war profiteer media do not say who’s president.

You’re trying to play the game I get it. But the only side who won’t accept an election is the left. You’ve pushed hoaxes, sided with Wall Street, Lockheed Martin, and elected a cop and a career lying politician to your party ticket.

You are a party hack. Most that don’t identify as a Republican or democrat see your type as beneath discourse because of this nonsense.
So what? Firstly the election isn’t over. There is no winner yet. You’d know that if you weren’t propagandized.

second, if he’s president he’s president. You won’t see the right not accept the election if it’s found credible. But you and your war profiteer media do not say who’s president.

You’re trying to play the game I get it. But the only side who won’t accept an election is the left. You’ve pushed hoaxes, sided with Wall Street, Lockheed Martin, and elected a cop and a career lying politician to your party ticket.

You are a party hack. Most that don’t identify as a Republican or democrat see your type as beneath discourse because of this nonsense.

[roll] So much projection and mindless use of right wing buzzwords in this mess of a post.
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[roll] So much projection and mindless use of right wing buzzwords in this mess of a post.

I can tell you are fairly uneducated and didn’t inherit the proper IQ in order to understand how propagandized you are. But what I’m asking you to do is try to look objectively.


Lockheed Martin supports democrats.
Wall Street supports democrats
BIGTech supports democrats
BIGpharm supports democrats.

Your ticket had two people at the top who are

1. A career liar and war criminal.
2. A cop

Both have aided in the problem of Black incarceration that plagues this country.

Those are simply areas to show, not only are you not bright, but you can’t see easy areas of concern.

That’s a problem for this country. I wish you guys wouldn’t vote until you become somewhat informed. Your emojis and bland comebacks won’t answer the questions for you.
I saw a little clip last night on Newsmax that the Kentucky governor election may have been tampered with. Votes added to the Democrat and subtracted from the Republican. I have no idea if this is true but I found it interesting.

There is no reason Kentucky should be shut down.

10000% it happened. I’m sure you’ve heard of Allison Grimes and her father, plus Andy’s Daddy, ex Gov Beshear .

I think the Bevin v Beshear race ended up shockingly close.
Democrats are the party of the Wall Street and military industrial complex crowd. You’re about 30 years behind.

Oh healthcare, lol. Did you like the way Big Pharm held their information until after they thought Biden won?

Does that tell you anything at all, or are you another brain dead media propagandized zombie that doesn’t know shit but spreads CNN headlines to feel important?
You nailed it. Truth
Guess that was a bad investment. Anyone that spends a dime on unseating Mitch is stupid, the people of Kentucky can’t help themselves. They’ll always root for the turtle despite him not helping the state in any way for decades. Lincoln Project got the host of the apprentice out of office so money well spent haha

Why do you leftists on here end about 90% of your posts with either lol, lmao, haha, or rofl? I'm not talking about one or two, almost every one of you do it. Is it your form of giggling because in your mind you are owning us, or is it a disorder like the Joker has in the latest movie? Just trying to understand how the other side thinks.
You nailed it. Truth

This isn’t that hard. I’m getting higher ed in clinical psy so that means I wasn’t smart enough to go stem.

Even I can see through this bullshit.

People like Joe Rogan who, as someone famous said, “announces guys fighting in cages” for a living, gets it.

It’s the mindless propagandized party hack zombies on both sides that can’t get it. Democrats are the worst right now, but it’ll swing unless they obtain that authoritarian system they’re trying to get so badly.

I’ll say this though, they’re overplaying their hand. Hispanics are not going to go for the identity politics.
COVID Savior Biden bringing his fresh ideas:

And he said he would not shutdown.
You mean a guy who has made a living of being a lying politician for 47 years lied? Just shocking.
The sheep who voted for him are in the same vein as UofL fans who think Pitino didn't do anything wrong
Governor DeSantis is moving forward with his proposal to use our Stand Your Ground Law to combat Black Lives Matter and Antifa. If Biden does take control look for the activities of these anarchist to increase. Florida will stop it at the state line.

It will be lawful for a private citizen to shoot to kill anyone engaged in lawless activity by groups such as the one below that is a threat to property or life including your business. We are not going to be a Portland or New York City.


It’s good.

But, expect a potential Biden admin to pursue federal charges in any instance like this.

We are two nations. Rapidly dividing.
[roll] So much projection and mindless use of right wing buzzwords in this mess of a post.

by the way, the vast majority of progressives agree with that opinion. You and UK90 would know that if you paid any attention.

I’m not a Republican or Democrat.
This isn’t that hard. I’m getting higher ed in clinical psy so that means I wasn’t smart enough to go stem.

Even I can see through this bullshit.

People like Joe Rogan who, as someone famous said, “announces guys fighting in cages” for a living, gets it.

It’s the mindless propagandized party hack zombies on both sides that can’t get it. Democrats are the worst right now, but it’ll swing unless they obtain that authoritarian system they’re trying to get so badly.

I’ll say this though, they’re overplaying their hand. Hispanics are not going to go for the identity politics.

It’s time to quit chasing suburban liberals and instead lock in the Latino vote.

Decent, hard-working, family oriented people, over dim-witted, propagandized loons, who live in a protected bubble, and vote for the party that suppresses the people they pretend they are so eager to help.
It’s time to quit chasing suburban liberals and instead lock in the Latino vote.

Decent, hard-working, family oriented people, over dim-witted, propagandized loons, who live in a protected bubble, and vote for the party that suppresses the people they pretend they are so eager to help.

This^^^. The working men and women in this country need to come together against the elites.
It’s time to quit chasing suburban liberals and instead lock in the Latino vote.

Decent, hard-working, family oriented people, over dim-witted, propagandized loons, who live in a protected bubble, and vote for the party that suppresses the people they pretend they are so eager to help.

nailed it. And the right is going to do just that.

The democrats are running scared that the minority voter bloc is not trending in the direction of blind faith. They’re in trouble. Without those blocs they cannot win.

Coincidentally, one nation's health/medical infrastructure from education to application, research to development, is better than all the rest...

You can go to hospitals run by folks making great money, with incentive to do the best they can, or you can go to hospitals run by the same people running the post office and in charge of fixing our shit roads/bridges/infrastructure...and getting stimulus to people in need in a timely manner...the same people who outsourced a lot of industry and jobs that have lead to a cultural decline, which has lead to poor health, and not enough opportunity for folks to have great jobs that provide the ability to afford health care...

choose wisely my friend...