Interesting observation from this thread. I havent seen this many lefties in this thread in a long time. Even they would rather talk about Trump than who they supposedly voted for (Biden)
Stress can do things to you. Be careful.Man,
Had an appointment today. I never have ever had BP issues. Highs 135/77 at worst. Norms 127 to 120 or 119 or so over 72-72 have been at 67... Today was High 140's over 90 no reason for this and had it took six or seven times with different machines over several hours. Told me too much salt or stress.... Still studying this... to figure out why. I've had no drastic changes other than I am getting older.
The law says that they can claim asylum anywhere they enter the US. Then they are given a court date and told to report back to wherever that court case is assigned. It is usually within 3 months of entering. The court/judge will listen to their case at that time and make a decision. That is why the border bill the dems tried to pass created funds for so many more judges and ended asylum. You know....the bill you fools trashed?Okay, Margaret. You’re the only one stupid enough to believe any person from around the world can just say “asylum” and can just walk into the US.
It's the law. It will continue to be the law until the DA Pubs pass a law to stop it. EOs can't break laws. Any attempts to stop it will be challenged in court.
Pass. A. Law. DA.
Refugee Act of 1980
The Refugee Act of 1980 raised the annual ceiling for refugees from 17,400 to 50,000, created a process for reviewing and adjusting the refugee ceiling to meet emergencies, and required annual consultation between Congress and the
There are approximately 4 million teachers in the United States of America. Of course there are a few outliers here and there that say or do things outside of their primary role of education. They are also teachers to every single child in their classroom and responsible for making every single one of them feel welcome in their room. Don't freak over a damn rainbow.
I have not seen one rainbow flag in any of the schools I have worked in or heard one teacher promote or say anything inappropriate regarding that issue.
Like everything....the media finds one example and sends it out to the idiots on social media to make it appear it is happening everywhere.
Here is the difference...Pubs are actually passing REAL laws forcing their religious beliefs on children. It is a law in Oklahoma.
They're scared to death about what the Trump administration will expose.Interesting observation from this thread. I havent seen this many lefties in this thread in a long time. Even they would rather talk about Trump than who they supposedly voted for (Biden)
Are you blind, deaf and dumb?? Seriously.Exactly, Village Idiot.
USC section 1158.a(2)(A)
Read it very carefully. Multiple times if you need to, based on your intelligence.
You obviously can't read.Ahahahaha, Do you think the TSA has the slightest thing to do with air traffic control?
Holy God, you are THE Village Idiot.
They very well may have been seeking ASYLUM but didn't follow the process and attend court like required to do. Once ya F that up you open yourself to deportation.Damn....I guess all of those people Trump has shipped back weren't seeking asylum. It must not be as easy and black and white as our resident oatmeal head states. Oh wait....they actually check ID, fingerprints, rap sheets, etc.
Sam's ignorance and volatility is starting to cross the danger line where he may hurt himself.
You're making claims and providing information that may or may not be true. No evidence of truth provided.I'm just telling truths. ..... It's just information.
FFYExactly, Village Idiot.
USC section 1158.a(2)(A)
Read it very carefully. Multiple times if you need to, based on your lack of intelligence.
To clarify- I have never gotten a positive result on a covid test, I tested negative, they;re just assuming it was long cv b/c they couldn't find anything else wrong and I matched the symptoms almost to a T. I should have put that in before.Man,
Had an appointment today. I never have ever had BP issues. Highs 135/77 at worst. Norms 127 to 120 or 119 or so over 72-72 have been at 67... Today was High 140's over 90 no reason for this and had it took six or seven times with different machines over several hours. Told me too much salt or stress.... Still studying this... to figure out why. I've had no drastic changes other than I am getting older.
Are you blind, deaf and dumb?? Seriously.
"Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien's status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
(ii) Sustaining burden
The testimony of the applicant may be sufficient to sustain the applicant's burden without corroboration
Let me link it for you again so you can have an adult read it to you.
Sounds a lot like aiding and abetting…
SS in its current form should be phased out of existence.On Kudlow today, Rand Paul reiterated the point that the Trump Admin can cut spending on everything to zero and our budget is still unbalanced due to entitlements; i.e., SS & Medicare. This is why I can't can't much get hyped about $100M spending cuts here, a $1B in cuts there. In the grand scheme, they're a mirage. Until Trump & MAGA can face this fact, those cuts are like edging without cutting the grass, then saying WOW.
Science. Facts. Data. Truth.
"The result was statistically significant which indicates that unvaccinated patients with COVID-19 infection are 2.46 times more likely to die from COVID-19 infection compared to those who are vaccinated with COVID-19 infection (p < 0.0001)."
Unveiling the Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Meta-Analysis of Survival Rates Among Patients in the United States Based on Vaccination Status - PMC
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has resulted in a significant number of cases and deaths worldwide. Vaccination is the most effective preventive measure against the disease. This study
You might not care about stocks or facts....but many of us do.
This is damning. Wow.
Lol blood pressure. This is the dei stuff people are talking about and it absolutely led to all the near misses the last few years.
That said, Trump should let someone else say it. Anyone who thinks it already supports him, so he isn't gaining anything.
Also imo it looks intentional. No idea how this could happen otherwise. Cant imagine helicopters just hang around busy airports at night. They were told about the departing and incoming planes. If it wasn't intentional, it was gross stupidity.
The NIH funded and greenlit EcoHealth to create Covid and then told you it came from bat soup lol.
Any article or study from that site is questionable at best.
But let’s say it’s true of course more non vaccinated died when you include 2020 numbers. Everyone was non vaccinated then. A legit study would have a starting date with the release of the jab.
I care about my stocks, not so much yours.
Not a good businessman:Very smart but not a good businessman. Twitter has tanked since he took over and slashed the workforce there for no reason.
Also, apparently, the Obama admin cut 1k ATC jobs in 2014... leaving only 14k. I've read they've been at 65% manpower and I keep hearing now that it's 75%.
To clarify- I have never gotten a positive result on a covid test, I tested negative, they;re just assuming it was long cv b/c they couldn't find anything else wrong and I matched the symptoms almost to a T. I should have put that in before.
I worked really hard to get off ALL meds after HA, and I did so within about 4 years, so when my BP jumped for no reason, I was pretty freaked out. And, I just remembered- the way this started was tachycardia at night while lying on my side. I was waking up in a panic a couple times/night and finaaly realized it was b/c my heart was racing... right after that, the BP went up. Same as you, normal for me is ~120/70 and I was spiking at 150/90 out of nowhere. Before i could get in to my cardiologist, I was using a cocktail of beet root, mag, coq10, omega3, garlic, etc to keep it down and that would get me about 10 points. When all else fails, Xanax will absolutely bring it down, at least enough to sleep. I was getting 20 points off of just .25mg/night.
I'm saying this stuff in case any readers are dealing with it, I hope it's useful info in case someone needs it. Don't play games with it, it's not going away. Like i said, it called the shots for the better part of 6 months of my life. I changed all my supplements, changed exercise routine, green tea everyday, no coffee, threw VC at it... I finally went full carnivore for about 3 weeks just as an elimination diet trying to reset something? and that's how I learned sugar and carbs were making it worse. Pound water, sleep, HOT baths, ice packs and treat the symptoms.
i keep remebering stuff like it was a dream- I was SO cold, all the time. Like, my body was over-reacting to the cold. Twice i caught a chill and couldn't shake it and tensed up so bad i cramped the muscles in my neck and shoulders. So weird.
Same. But, I’d love to add all the other late night hosts to the list. And, I’d love, even more, to be the one to pummel their faces, lol. They’re all insufferable; Kimmel, Colbert, Fallon, Seth Meyers, John Oliver.
Had an appointment today. I never have ever had BP issues. Highs 135/77 at worst. Norms 127 to 120 or 119 or so over 72-72 have been at 67... Today was High 140's over 90 no reason for this and had it took six or seven times with different machines over several hours. Told me too much salt or stress.... Still studying this... to figure out why. I've had no drastic changes other than I am getting older.
I've had zero shots, never got "covid"...
In June of last year, my health went south very quickly. Not a cough, not a chest cold, just exhaustion, complete body soreness, prolonged headaches, dizziness, loss of sleep and the worst case of perpetual brain fog you can imagine. I used to laugh at the ideo of brain fog, but that ish is REAL. I mean, looking directly at the keyboard and you brain cannot make sense of what it is seeing and catching yourself just staring at the wall not thinking anything for long stretches of time. It was awful. I've had a massive HA and spent a week in a coma and I'd take that again over what I was going thru for 6 months last year. Missed several days of work before figuring out how to deal with symptoms while trying to figure out what was wrong. They thought I might be pre-diabetic or have insulin resistance, but no. Thought it was a gluten intolerance (which differs from celiac disease, which is interesting) that broke my blood-brain barrier. Nope. Finally learned I had long covid. 1 course of Ivermectin and I was straightened out in about 2 weeks.
Still not taking any shots.
BTW- if you are dealing with this issue, you need some NSAIDs, some meclazene and some Zyrtec to treat the symptoms. Anything else you can get to decrease inflammation like elderberry, quecertin, turmeric, etc. You'll also need to stop eating sugar and carbs to help stop any possible inflammatory reactions. It all helps. Put an icebag on your neck and on the top of your head... your brain is likely swollen/swelling. Find a doc that will write the correct script.
EDIT: I forgot to add that the precursor to all of this was my BP jumping 25 points in just a few days and it stayed that way until i was better. They had to put me back on BP meds to control it.