How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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You’re not getting under my skin. Donald Trump will no longer be the president. Joe Biden will be. That’s great news.
Explain how it’s great news? Please tell me exactly how American and it’s citizens will be better off with Harri...errr Biden as President? What policies will he (she) put in place that will benefit me and the rest of America’s citizens? Why is it in MY best interest that Harri...err Biden is president? Enlighten me.
you cant call fraud and then create a website to beg people to bring cases to them........ thats not how it works. you have evidence then you cry fraud. and why does it work that way , because the courts say it works that way, you dont have evidence and the courts will laugh it out of court.
There was no evidence of Russia Collusion, idiot. Net, sure you can claim fraud w/o evidence.
Ok, fine. All of this "he did this, so it justifies me doing this" crap is why everything is the way it is now. Just because Hillary did something bad doesn't excuse Trump doing something bad which doesn't excuse Biden doing something bad.
Then where WERE you when Dims were lying their a$ses off about Trump? You need to start with cleaning up yourself before telling anyone else what to do.
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Laura inghram on Fox right now. Said it's over, Trump lost, him and his people need to accept it and start getting ready for the future. No time for crying.
This country is finished. Even if we hold onto the Senate. The media will now turn their attention to Mitch McConnell as enemy No. 1. Divided Government will be good for slowing down policy implementation, but not much else.

All of Biden’s corruption and shady ass foreign deals. Gone.
All of the Obama campaign spying on the Trump campaign. Gone.
Holding anyone accountable foe their treasonous actions against a duly elected president. Gone.
uncovering and holding accountable anyone associated with the current and ongoing fraud of an election. Gone.
prosecuting and getting the likes of Ilhan Omar kicked out of Congress and deported for her sham marriage to her brother, illegal use of campaign funds, blatant vote buying in the Somali community, the list could go on.. Gone.
The 2nd biggest thing? Holding the Media accountable for their blatantly biased reporting and censoring. It’s going to get even worse and more one sided. Gone.
The biggest thing? Holding Big Tech, FB, Twitter, YouTube, Google, etc. accountable for their controlling and censorship of American Citizens. It’s one thing for the Media to censor things and report one sided, but when you silence and control what American Citizens have to say you are violating their Fist amendment rights. Americas Voice..Gone.
The only hope we have is that something shady doesn’t happen that we lose control of the Senate. That is hanging by a Chad right now. It will be an uphill battle to fight false narratives and emboldened fraudsters to take back control of Congress in two years. Then and only then will we be able to hold maybe a few people accountable and bring back some sensibilities.
This is a dark moment for real Americans.
If biden gets in I can almost guarantee you that there will be perpetual lockdown...wanna go to a UK game this winter? Forget it

Now look back in retrospect to what Pelosi said last week...basically no matter what the vote count is Biden will be installed
After the inauguration. The cases and deaths will slowly start to trend towards being counted the way they should have been all along and the virus will become a thing of the past. Then parades and an ointment of Biden/Harris as the almighty saviors of the world will happen.
Biden +1000 in GA. Congrats president elect!

This country is finished. Even if we hold onto the Senate. The media will now turn their attention to Mitch McConnell as enemy No. 1. Divided Government will be good for slowing down policy implementation, but not much else.

All of Biden’s corruption and shady ass foreign deals. Gone.
All of the Obama campaign spying on the Trump campaign. Gone.
Holding anyone accountable foe their treasonous actions against a duly elected president. Gone.
uncovering and holding accountable anyone associated with the current and ongoing fraud of an election. Gone.
prosecuting and getting the likes of Ilhan Omar kicked out of Congress and deported for her sham marriage to her brother, illegal use of campaign funds, blatant vote buying in the Somali community, the list could go on.. Gone.
The 2nd biggest thing? Holding the Media accountable for their blatantly biased reporting and censoring. It’s going to get even worse and more one sided. Gone.
The biggest thing? Holding Big Tech, FB, Twitter, YouTube, Google, etc. accountable for their controlling and censorship of American Citizens. It’s one thing for the Media to censor things and report one sided, but when you silence and control what American Citizens have to say you are violating their Fist amendment rights. Americas Voice..Gone.
The only hope we have is that something shady doesn’t happen that we lose control of the Senate. That is hanging by a Chad right now. It will be an uphill battle to fight false narratives and emboldened fraudsters to take back control of Congress in two years. Then and only then will we be able to hold maybe a few people accountable and bring back some sensibilities.
This is a dark moment for real Americans.
Also gone is border wall construction, restrictions on immigration. usa will once again be suckers for the un and the paris agreement, trade policies will erode back to pre-trump, the middle east will reignite. gas prices will go up...on and on.
TDS blinded those who refused to see all the good Trump accomplished in just four years, all the while fighting off all the swamp creatures. he had our country going in the right direction—best president of my lifetime.