How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Disappointed but not surprised at Mitch’s silence during this. Is it not appropriate to at least be somewhat skeptical that there are more votes in PA (maybe in others?) via mail in ballot than in person? Maybe since now his position as senate majority leader is in question he’ll have something to say.

Apparently, he was in DC last night, enjoying Chinese food.

Look, Mitch is scared.

The Antifites are loose in the city and said before the election that they will threaten and harass any republican leaders who might be working with Trump stage a “coup.”
Nope. Just means that tomorrow. I will still be sane and you will forever be an idiot blindly following the path you are told to follow.

You seem to be one of those guys who lies about reality to make up for you emotional inability to cope, which I think has a lot to do why you identify with Trump. Not sure if chicken or egg came first.
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You seem to be one of those guys who lies about reality to make up for you emotional inability to cope, which I think has a lot to do why you identify with Trump. Not sure if chicken or egg came first.
Who said I identified with Trump? Oh, just another concoction you came up with in your demented mind?
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The Kroger I go to did that a few weeks ago. But this morning, they had a door they previously blocked off, blocked off again. So, just the opposite of your experience. Weird.

Sounds like they got called out for doing it, and then they had to backtrack so people would stop asking questions.
Disappointed but not surprised at Mitch’s silence during this. Is it not appropriate to at least be somewhat skeptical that there are more votes in PA (maybe in others?) via mail in ballot than in person? Maybe since now his position as senate majority leader is in question he’ll have something to say.
How do you think anyone can get a word in over the Trump campaign?
What Dan bongino said this morning is can't say oh well just wait till 2024. If these tactics are allowed to stand there will be zero point in voting ever again. Ive heard oh well we've got the senate and gained in the house. That's only until they cheat that too. Ditto the supco. Wake the F up to what's happening
I think we are. There is no better example than this:

I know libs that still say most were peaceful. Think Antifa/BLM are harmless but fear all 15 or so of the proud boys lol. These are people I consider normal in every other aspect of life. Totally brain effed by lib media.
From what I read the south was vastly outnumbered and outgunned and that is what led to their defeat. Is that true from what you have studied?
Absolutely. The South IMO actually had the better generals from a tactical standpoint, but they eventually ran out of men and supplies. By the end Lee's Army of N. Virginia was a beaten ragtag bunch. Grant is praised as a great general, but when you read more about him, his philosophy was to throw superior numbers against the Southern army. He wasn't all that tactical (other than Vicksburg)...his was all about the numbers which translated into terrific numbers of deaths/injuries of his own men.
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sometimes iPhones decide to autocorrect at strange times which happens to all: similar to your spelling of “ther” in your post within the very sentence you call me out for spelling

I never refused to name who I voted for. You made up your mind and started cackling. I voted for Trump. In North Carolina. In Forsyth County, a blue county. Answer your question?
Yeah.....always a bad move to criticize someone's spelling....rookie move on my part. I guess we've sparred long enough.
Agree 100%. Shows the amount of propaganda we are inundated with here in the US. The Soviets were so good they could tell their people the sky wasn’t blue and they’d believe it despite what their eyes visualized. We are getting there if not already there.

The media got African Americans to vote for a guy that created a law to lock hundreds of thousands of Blacks up and to hate the guy that undone the law. That's the power of propaganda.
I don't understand where the actual Republicans are during this - as a party not losing the Senate and House positions like most projected is a WIN - but the trumptards have taken over the party's voice of reason because they can't admit that the majority of our country just don't like Trump

There is no massive conspiracy folks - Trump is a unlikable lying twat
Just going to put all you new guys in ignore. YOu're just cowards.

Lol well said. We all know he’s going to embarrass himself and all of us further when he has to be forcibly removed from office and it’s discovered that he took some stuff out of the house with him.

Lol well said. We all know he’s going to embarrass himself and all of us further when he has to be forcibly removed from office and it’s discovered that he took some stuff out of the house with him.
Like the Clintons did? Believe that once caught they had to return the things that they had taken. Trump hadn’t taken a salary since he has been President so if wants something he can have it as far as I am concerned.
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Absolutely. The South IMO actually had the better generals from a tactical standpoint, but they eventually ran out of men and supplies. By the end Lee's Army of N. Virginia was a beaten ragtag bunch. Grant is praised as a great general, but when you read more about him, his philosophy was to throw superior numbers against the Southern army. He wasn't all that tactical (other than Vicksburg)...his was all about the numbers which translated into terrific numbers of deaths/injuries of his own men.
Grant changed his tactics after Lookout Mountain. He never again made a head on assault. He instead flanked and cut them off from their supplies.
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FWIW, my daughter and her husband lived in the inner city of Philly in 2012 and I remember asking her the same thing, she said she had no trouble believing that Romney got zero votes in her precinct where they voted.
Brainwashed libs had no trouble believing 4 years of lies of Russian/Ukraine collusion when it was the democrats were the guilty party all along. The MSM enforced this scam throughout. Like I said, statistically impossible.
COVID numbers are getting worse. Just shut up. Biden attended a briefing on it yesterday. Trump ignored them and said it would go away magically. The adults are taking over now. Just sit this one out.
Sadly most of these folks will be dealing with a loved one, friend, or relative in a hospital this winter and some will have someone or someone(s) die. Covid wasn't fabricated to hurt Trump. Trump hurt Trump and our country when he acted like it was though. Pride comes before the fall.
Sadly most of these folks will be dealing with a loved one, friend, or relative in a hospital this winter and some will have someone or someone(s) die. Covid wasn't fabricated to hurt Trump. Trump hurt Trump and our country when he acted like it was though. Pride comes before the fall.

no they won't statistically you're not likely to get covid and if you do you have an overwhelming chance to survive probably upwards of 99 percent. By the time some people realize the virus panic is an excuse to take every one of your freedoms away it'll be too late. I knew that was the purpose from the beginning and that's why I'm in total defiance of any so called regulations für ihre sicherheit for your safety