How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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This election is like a UK NCAA tournament loss. During and immediately after the game, probably half (or more of) the fans claim cheating by refs, other team, and so forth. In the hours and days after the game, reason takes over and most people accept the loss. Sure, there are the truly unhinged who won't stop talking about conspiracy theories. And their voices are louder on social media and message boards than anywhere else. But the vast majority of people move on. Currently Trump's behavior is the equivalent to Cal accusing the "roofaree" of cheating after the UNC game a few years ago. Of course Cal has more class and sense than Trump so he did not do that.
This election is like a UK NCAA tournament loss. During and immediately after the game, probably half (or more of) the fans claim cheating by refs, other team, and so forth. In the hours and days after the game, reason takes over and most people accept the loss. Sure, there are the truly unhinged who won't stop talking about conspiracy theories. And their voices are louder on social media and message boards than anywhere else. But the vast majority of people move on. Currently Trump's behavior is the equivalent to Cal accusing the "roofaree" of cheating after the UNC game a few years ago. Of course Cal has more class and sense than Trump so he did not do that.

no it's not like that at all one is a sports game played by young kids... the other determines whether this becomes a communist country run by a politburo like China
Almost every state that Biden was favored big in their primary concern, in the exit polls, was the coronavirus. Biden and the media played on those fears to get votes.

I agree with this and the Republicans need to really be on top of those elections. There will be more fraud and I'm willing to bet that Soros and Bloomberg will provide millions to the Democratic candidates. As for this election, I just don't see what we can really do. The Democrats, with help of the MSM, managed to politicize the virus and with the advent of mail in ballots, you're just asking for voter fraud.
I don't understand some states changing the date of what is considered a 'legal' vote. That seems to be purely random.

What I really don't understand is that in 2020, in the richest country in the world, why every single voting district doesn't have a standardized, state of the art, electronic voting machine. Hell, the federal government wastes billions of dollars on insanely stupid stuff. In this day and age, having someone punch a card or mark with a pen is ridiculous. Fed gov't ought to buy a machine for every voting district - the same one for every district, virtually impossible to hack/tamper and stop with this idiotic Neanderthal voting methods some places still have.
Oh, back in the 1980's and 1990's IIRC we actually did have electronic polling machines right here in Kentucky.

However, we soon realized that there is the possibility of polling machines being hacked, or the stored information could become corrupted. What happens then? There's no backup of the information.

So we have a paper ballot to back up the electronic recordation of the ballot.
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Show me one post I have made confirming your conclusion. If not, then we can add the word LIAR to your character. I will wait.

I honestly have better things to do than go through your thousands of posts in support of Donald Trump. Interesting that you’re already abandoning your support.
so there's still a couple million to count
They found enough now to put Biden over the top. Regardless if voter fraud has been commuted or not. If you can’t admit that the way these certain cities stopped counting and then magically over night they found thousands of votes for Biden, looks shady at best, then you are too blind with hate for a man you do t even know.
Sadly most of these folks will be dealing with a loved one, friend, or relative in a hospital this winter and some will have someone or someone(s) die. Covid wasn't fabricated to hurt Trump. Trump hurt Trump and our country when he acted like it was though. Pride comes before the fall.
Just what should Trump have done and how many lives would have been saved by those actions? How badly would the economy have been hurt? Thanks.
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We shall see. People have been saying things like that before. People of the losing team in an election always assume that death to the country after the election and it hasn’t happened yet so we’ll see. The president isn’t a dictator so they can’t do whatever they want.
Have you not ever listened to some of the things Biden has said he'll do? Geez Louise....amazes me how uninformed people are about such important things.
So you admit to being a liar? Got it. I submit you are a lying, dog faced, pony soldier. Prove me wrong.

No. I’m asking you why you are denying being a Trump supporter. I didn’t think you’d abandon so fast. But I don’t blame ya. It’s cool.
Sure, but fighting endlessly about the validity of this election isn’t going to do it. Take it to court and when it’s settled it’s settled. People don’t want to listen to that nonsense for 4 years. People in this thread saying now we’ve got a civil war, whether literal or figurative, is a terrible strategy that’s not going to win any voters. The Republicans can’t say they’re better than the Democrats if they act the same way the Dems did.
Show me the footage of Rpublicans marching through towns burning and looting evrything in sight. Fighting with the police and tearing down statues. UNless you can do that, then they are not even close to being the same. Gmme a break.
Sadly most of these folks will be dealing with a loved one, friend, or relative in a hospital this winter and some will have someone or someone(s) die.
What an astonishing statement. I don't have a single loved, friend, or relative who been to a hospital over this, and no one that I have ever asked does either. But some of them do know someone, who knows someone, who got sick or died. It will likely be less dangerous this winter than it was this spring, because of better treatments, anyway.
IF he is put in office he won't be there long enough to make policy. Piglosi has the 25th dialed in for him
for you USEFUL IDIOTS...what idiots you are! Hello Bernie and his angel squad
Wonder how voters will feel when Pelosi uses the 25th amendment to get rid of the man they voted for? I doubt she has to. I think. BIden will be convinced to resign for medical reasons
So you are the only one that gets to ask questions? Don’t work that way with me, amigo. I have never stated whether I did or do not support Trump. I asked you to prove yourself or admit you are a liar. Your trying to deflect. Not working. Man up and admit you were talking out of your ass.
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