How will they rule ??!

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That was my point Moe, if they're using pneumonia as a cover for this, then whatever she has is MUCH worse.

She literally has a medical staff at arms length at all times.
jesus h christ you guys just don't stop with the conspiracy theories do you? Parkinsons disease would be noticeable more than a couple of times. And no, she doesn't have medical staff on standby with an anti-seizure pen or whatever other b.s. you've come up with this week.

DT wasn't well enough to serve his country though. We do know that.
If i were Trump first thing in the morning I would release my health records and then tell Hillary to do the same.

Game over.
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As it advances, Parkinson's renders you unable to swallow properly, which leads to food and water aspiration, which leads to pneumonia, which is the leading cause of death for Parkinson's sufferers.
If it was this advanced she wouldn't be able to hide it. It would be OBVIOUS, not based on infowars tabloid conjecture. You would see it at every speech with her mannerisms and speech. Give me an f'ing break Trapper John.
jesus h christ you guys just don't stop with the conspiracy theories do you? Parkinsons disease would be noticeable more than a couple of times. And no, she doesn't have medical staff on standby with an anti-seizure pen or whatever other b.s. you've come up with this week.

DT wasn't well enough to serve his country though. We do know that.

I didn't say anything about Parkinson's or an anti seizure pen, but what happened today is not Pneumonia.

Yes, she actually does have medical staff at arms length all the time. It's not conspiracy theories Cardkilla, she literally collapsed on the street.

You can believe whatever you like, but the whole country saw what happened today, and you're one of the few people that actually believe she has "pneumonia".
If i were Trump first thing in the morning I would release my health records and then tell Hillary to do the same.

Game over.
He would NEVER agree to this. He already has a made up health statement to begin with. Written in 5 minutes. Just like he'd never agree to release his taxes. He doesn't want the public to know just how little he gives to charity. Or who owns him.
I didn't say anything about Parkinson's or an anti seizure pen, but what happened today is not Pneumonia.

Yes, she actually does have medical staff at arms length all the time. It's not conspiracy theories Cardkilla, she literally collapsed on the street.

You can believe whatever you like, but the whole country saw what happened today, and you're one of the few people that actually believe she has "pneumonia".
sure buddy
Haha! You can't really prove she's not from Mars! That's the logic we're going with here?

Also, you guys are taking away from the hilarity of watching a bumbledorf discuss complex legal issues, with no formal education.

"Here at NASA, we decided to go against hiring multiple esteemed physicists and rocket scientists, and instead go with Bob here, who barely passed high school math. Good enough."

"Today, we're not going to have a legal expert, with many years of education, including college, law school, an LLM, years clerking and prociding, decide this case, we're going with Bubba, who can drive a golf cart."
If anyone in the media cared, they don't. They could make an amazing parody of Firth Harmony's Work from Home video
Again, I didn't say anything about a diazepam pen. Although you might want to check that link, it simply says unproven, not untrue.

Look, you believe what you like, but we all saw what happened today. You're zeal defending it shows that you understand it was a bad look for her. On top of that it shows how untrustworthy she is, as no one believes it's pneumonia.
i can see you didn't read the link because it refutes the notion she has doctors following her around. But I guess if you don't read it it can't be true right?

Only the DT sheep think she's deathly ill so of course they're not gonna believe what her doctor says.
I have on good word, by a very trustworthy guy, Jesus says she will die before November.

Thank God
Good to see CNN keeping it fair and balanced, by letting Vox write an opinion piece on Hillary's health mere hours after her passing out. Of course its all alt-right conspiracy theories, and nothing was wrong.

Im shocked. Except not really
Been hard ya'll. Went in as an innocent angel and now come out as a hardened victim. I was brutally gang raped in Catpaw prison. Here I am now. Homeless. Prostitutin' the streets of Orlando. Traded a double fisted handjob for a half eaten turkey sandwich on white bread. I use to never eat white bread.....

So a strange persistent cough causing Clinton to cough things up into a glass of water doesn't raise questions about her health. Her claims that she suffers memory loss from severe head traumas she suffered doesn't raise questions about her health.

Now passing out on a nice fall afternoon and having to be dragged unconscious into a van is no cause for concern.

Is the goal really just to get any puppet in office, and Clinton just seems to be the best opportunity to get elected? Once she's in office and incapacitated, it will be on Kaine to do the bidding?
Been hard ya'll. Went in as an innocent angel and now come out as a hardened victim. I was brutally gang raped in Catpaw prison. Here I am now. Homeless. Prostitutin' the streets of Orlando. Traded a double fisted handjob for a half eaten turkey sandwich on white bread. I use to never eat white bread.....

Welcome home, bubba.
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He would NEVER agree to this. He already has a made up health statement to begin with. Written in 5 minutes. Just like he'd never agree to release his taxes. He doesn't want the public to know just how little he gives to charity. Or who owns him.

You just watched Clinton pass out on the street (the most recent event in a long list of on camera issues), but refuse to acknowledge she has any health issues.

You make up bullshit about what's in Trump's tax returns with zero evidence to back up you claim.

As someone said above, get you head out of you ass.
The one negative of this health episode* is Assange will probably let it runs its course in the news cycle before releasing the next batch of documents.

Unless he has all her receipts from LifeAlert.

*There are probably better ways to describe an elderly person fainting and being dragged unconscious into a van than "health episode".
i can see you didn't read the link because it refutes the notion she has doctors following her around. But I guess if you don't read it it can't be true right?

Only the DT sheep think she's deathly ill so of course they're not gonna believe what her doctor says.

Cardkilla, it says point blank unproven, and why is that? Think about it, how is Snopes going to prove that? You think the Clinton campaign is going to admit something like that?
The dude may not be a Dr, but he isn't secret service.
Like I said, if you want to believe she has pneumonia go right ahead, but locking up and collapsing on the street aren't symptoms of pneumonia. If she hadn't been caught in lies covering shit up for basically her entire career people might possibly believe her, but she has zero public trust now.
Haha! You can't really prove she's not from Mars! That's the logic we're going with here?

Also, you guys are taking away from the hilarity of watching a bumbledorf discuss complex legal issues, with no formal education.

"Here at NASA, we decided to go against hiring multiple esteemed physicists and rocket scientists, and instead go with Bob here, who barely passed high school math. Good enough."

"Today, we're not going to have a legal expert, with many years of education, including college, law school, an LLM, years clerking and prociding, decide this case, we're going with Bubba, who can drive a golf cart."

LEK, not proven wasn't my argument, it was Cardkillas when he posted that link.

My argument was filmed yesterday when she was dragged into a minivan after collapsing in the street.
LOL whole think is so damn funny

“They threw her in like she was a side of beef,” a senior law enforcement official told The Daily Beast.


Even more amusing is the rationalizing the leftist in the media were doing yesterday. "This is all Trump & his crazies fault!! If they hadnt made her health a wacky conspiracy theory then she wouldnt have tried to follow her schedule with pneumonia!!" really? damn the luck, the right makes up false health stories then HillDawg had the misfortune to have a REAL health problem!!!

As fun as this has been the last 2 days, I still go back to my original thought on the health questions; not sure this does anything to motivate undecideds that they wont vote for her & instead will vote for Trump. I guess it adds to the correct perception as her being completely untrustworthy. Not sure how The Donald can do anything to take advantage....start showing vids of himself vigorously jogging up to his stage appearances, or show backstage games of pickup basketball or tossing football with disadvantaged youths?
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It is interesting to see the number of people on the internet saying something along the lines of "I thought the health issue thing was just a conspiracy, but now I'm thinking there might actually be problems."

If strange persistent coughing fits, weird zoning out and seizures on camera, and her claims that she still suffers from memory loss related to her head trauma weren't enough to convince you she's in poor health, not sure why passing out on camera and being dragged unconscious into a van would do the trick.
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God bless America.

It's just sad because terrorists won so hard. Now we negotiate them. We try not to offend them. We cater to their financial system because ours sucks.

Seriously,who would've thunk? If you knew on 9/12/01 what would become of this country, politically and ideally, after that attack, how would you feel?

We just gave terrorists access to 33billion, most of it in fn *cash*.

And, of course, on the Today show, it's Anna Nicole Smith Appreciation Day. God bless her.
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If it was this advanced she wouldn't be able to hide it. It would be OBVIOUS, not based on infowars tabloid conjecture. You would see it at every speech with her mannerisms and speech. Give me an f'ing break Trapper John.
I watched my old man die with Parkinson's, you waste of sperm. Best to shut that dick holster about that which you do not know.
God bless America.

It's just sad because terrorists won so hard. Now we negotiate them. We try not to offend them. We cater to their financial system because ours sucks.

Seriously,who would've thunk? If you knew on 9/12/01 what would become of this country, politically and ideally, after that attack, how would you feel?

We just gave terrorists access to 33billion, most of it in fn *cash*.

And, of course, on the Today show, it's Anna Nicole Smith Appreciation Day. God bless her.

I assume you're talking about Iran. We killed 1,000,000 Iranians during our proxy war with them. We overthrew their democratically elected government. Our puppet rulers tortured and killed hundreds of thousands of Iranians over 25 years. How many Americans have Iranians killed?

And if your source on that number is World Net Daily, you almost deserve to get fleeced. Even the usual noise sites are saying "may". Which is a weasel word for "can't sue".
That was my point Moe, if they're using pneumonia as a cover for this, then whatever she has is MUCH worse.

She literally has a medical staff at arms length at all times.

That was my point. The idea that there needs to be something "much worse" than pneumonia is silly. That it would be Parkinsons is ludicrous. My father-in-law suffered from that for years. The frozen face, the jiggling, the shuffle ... all are self-evident well before there are aspirational problems.
She has something seriously wrong with her. The health issue alone doesn't disqualify her. Her continued refusal to be honest does.

The actual list of what disqualifies someone for the presidency doesn't include that. Who could be president under that kind of stricture. Trump sure couldn't.