How will they rule ??!

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Gas was under a dollar under Trump as well.

Granted it was during the 'lockdown'. But it was under a buck here.

This was at kroger, after $1.00 off with fuel points, back in the summer. 😍
I don't get the "Trump is a garbage human being" thinking. It's a superficial, emotional angle based mostly on personality and it ignores what's trully important.

Just looking at his time in office, it seems to me that he's shown what can be done to improve the human condition when a leader approaches problems logically and with common sense. People in America have begun to thrive under his leadership and the world is moving toward peace. What more do you want???

What we've had in the past were corrupt, incompetent academic ideologues who only made matters worse. Obama put on a "cool", smooth talking facade, but what was that worth? Wolves in sheep's clothing are the worst.

Trump is real. He's not acting. He passionately cuts through the shit of corruption, incompetence, and failed psycho-social babble "progressive" ideology and focuses on solving problems. Again, what is there to complain about?

I'd rather drink a beer with Trump than any other politician in my lifetime.
obama really had no clue what to do. He listened to hillary, piglosi, and reid for the most part and just enjoyed his time as the most powerful puppet in the world. He really did not know what he was doing.
Glenn Greenwald just another right wing talking head that doesnt know anything about journalism right?

Checks note

Gay liberal Bernie Bro who hates Trump, used to work at Salon and The Guardian, and won the Pulitzer for his reporting on the Snowden documents...

I feel bad for guys like Greenwald. I may not agree with his personal politics, but the dude is a legit journalist. That has become a dying breed sadly.
Glenn Greenwald just another right wing talking head that doesnt know anything about journalism right?

Checks note

Gay liberal Bernie Bro who hates Trump, used to work at Salon and The Guardian, and won the Pulitzer for his reporting on the Snowden documents...

I feel bad for guys like Greenwald. I may not agree with his personal politics, but the dude is a legit journalist. That has become a dying breed sadly.
He and Matt Taiibi are basically the only real journalists out there. Yet you won't see them on any network bc they are libs that won't play by the rules and actually do journalism. Greenwald is black balled from msnbc
He and Matt Taiibi are basically the only real journalists out there. Yet you won't see them on any network bc they are libs that won't play by the rules and actually do journalism. Greenwald is black balled from msnbc
Catherine Herridge's journalistic work is good as well. Her on TV as a talking head can be pretty cringy at times, but she actually can do good investigated journalist work.

But ya people like that either get black balled or their actual news they break doesnt make "news". They will post their finding on Twitter, get 5-6k likes and that is about it, no big places pick up the story so it can gain some traction and legs.

I remember all the hate Greenwald got during the early years of Russiagate because he was sitting there basically saying, uhm guys there is nothing here, what are you all talking about.
I honestly think these "Yellow Dog Democrats" don't believe these allegations if they're against a Democrat. . They'll vote the party no matter what and most don't know or ever care about the issues. All they see is "D" on the ballot and fill in the blank. I worked with a group of liberal women in Austin, Texas back in the '90's when all of Bill Clinton's transgressions came into play. Their response was "Oh, they're all like that, he's not different than anyone else". I was completely taken aback when a couple of them said they voted for him because they though he was handsome and loved his hair style. I am dead serious.
I heard the same comments back then too. He could have murdered someone on live tv and these idiots would have still supported him.
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obama really had no clue what to do. He listened to hillary, piglosi, and reid for the most part and just enjoyed his time as the most powerful puppet in the world. He really did not know what he was doing.
I have to disagree brother. I think that scum knew exactly what he was doing. "Transform Amerika" he said ...
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So Nick Saban tested positive for Covid. 2 subsequent tests were negative. So he gets to coach tonight. My question is, how many of the thousands of others have had false positive tests? a
Are those people retested and do those numbers get included in the reasons to shut down our country?
So Nick Saban tested positive for Covid. 2 subsequent tests were negative. So he gets to coach tonight. My question is, how many of the thousands of others have had false positive tests? a
Are those people retested and do those numbers get included in the reasons to shut down our country?
England did a month long hospital study - retested all positive samples that came in during that month - 44% were false.

Not sure what type of test they were using there.
So Nick Saban tested positive for Covid. 2 subsequent tests were negative. So he gets to coach tonight. My question is, how many of the thousands of others have had false positive tests? a
Are those people retested and do those numbers get included in the reasons to shut down our country?

Covid lurks on the sidelines.

But hates being near a goal line pile up
So Nick Saban tested positive for Covid. 2 subsequent tests were negative. So he gets to coach tonight. My question is, how many of the thousands of others have had false positive tests? a
Are those people retested and do those numbers get included in the reasons to shut down our country?

almost all of them. 90 percent of the positives are false
There is a pandemic scream liberals whenever 4 Republicans gather but BLM marches and liberal women marches are Covid free zones...

The Womens March??? Moved it up a few months, eh? So, they'll still do the usual one in January, after the Prez wins again?

That's an awful lot of sammiches not being made for their men who're watching football.