How will they rule ??!

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I think all of us that remember the country, say pre-1968, would say that the Democrat party 'influence' has us headed downhill. All the crap people, both Reps and Dems, complain about have basically been Dem ideas. The speed of it depends on if/when they have power.

After they lose this election, it will be interesting to see how they repackage their beliefs.

I was too young to really understand the nuance of Bill Clinton.

But Obama was to easy to see, and even easier to look back and understand. “Hope” and “Change” were platitudes for socialism.

In 2024, will they trot out someone we know, or will someone new bust onto the scene?

Also, social issues have changed dramatically since 1968, which really complicates matters and is leading to some political realignment.

Seriously: Fifty years ago, who would have believed that a Presidential Town Hall would one day include discussion of an 8-year old’s right to choose his own gender?
If you recall, McSalley was ahead of Sinema and looked as if she would win until "magically" about 50,000 votes were found which gave the seat to the Democrats. I fully expect something like that to happen again if it's close.

I do recall. They kept counting and counting.

That said, Trafalgar had Sinema up by about 1% in his final poll.

(Side note, I frequently see Tweeters say that Trafalgar missed that race. But if you go look up the poll, it’s right there on his website).
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After they lose this election, it will be interesting to see how they repackage their beliefs.

I was too young to really understand the nuance of Bill Clinton.

But Obama was to easy to see, and even easier to look back and understand. “Hope” and “Change” were platitudes for socialism.

In 2024, will they trot out someone we know, or will someone new bust onto the scene?

Also, social issues have changed dramatically since 1968, which really complicates matters and is leading to some political realignment.

Seriously: Fifty years ago, who would have believed that a Presidential Town Hall would one day include discussion of an 8-year old’s right to choose his own gender?
One thing's for sure, my Grandparents, who were staunch Roosevelt Era Democrats, would turn over in their respective graves if they knew what the Democratic Party has become. Deeply religious people and two of the most respected citizens in the community, however, they would be completely appalled at the Anti-Americanism of Democrats. My Grandfather was a WWI vet severely wounded in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. In a wheelchair for the last few months of his life while dying from cancer, but had my uncle and father stand him up for the National Anthem at a local parade. I'm sure he would have a few choice words to say about the total disrespect of the country and flag today.
One thing's for sure, my Grandparents, who were staunch Roosevelt Era Democrats, would turn over in their respective graves if they knew what the Democratic Party has become. Deeply religious people and two of the most respected citizens in the community, however, they would be completely appalled at the Anti-Americanism of Democrats. My Grandfather was a WWI vet severely wounded in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive. In a wheelchair for the last few months of his life while dying from cancer, but had my uncle and father stand him up for the National Anthem at a local parade. I'm sure he would have a few choice words to say about the total disrespect of the country and flag today.

Delaware State University denies Biden was a student after claim he ‘got started’ there

How does he get away with this stuff? There are a bunch of examples like this where he lied about his education. He has been caught plagiarizing at least twice. With all the corruption allegations coming out now and his total lack of competency, he must be made of Teflon to be able to withstand this. Does being a democrat really give him all of these immunities?

Would any of the resident democrats please weigh in on these issues? Why would you support someone like this? For the life of me, I can't figure it out.
I was too young to really understand the nuance of Bill Clinton.
After Reagan shellacked the Dems and then Bush (who was no conservative) the Dems 'repackaged' themselves as moderates. Clinton was big in the movement, as was Gore and Biden (see below). So when Clinton came along in '92 many people thought that the Dem Party had seen the path of destruction they were on (Dukakis) and were now 'moderates'. But it's pretty easy to see with history that they were just posturing to get votes/elected.....and then there true colors came out (IMO).

The DLC, an unofficial party organization, played a critical role in moving the Democratic Party's policies to the center of the American political spectrum. Prominent Democratic politicians such as Senators Al Gore and Joe Biden (both future Vice Presidents) participated in DLC affairs prior to their candidacies for the 1988 Democratic Party nomination.[9] However, the DLC did not want the Democratic Party to be "simply posturing in the middle". The DLC instead framed its ideas as "progressive" and as a "Third Way" to address the problems of its era. Examples of the DLC's policy initiatives can be found in The New American Choice Resolutions.[9][10]
How does he get away with this stuff? There are a bunch of examples like this where he lied about his education. He has been caught plagiarizing at least twice. With all the corruption allegations coming out now and his total lack of competency, he must be made of Teflon to be able to withstand this. Does being a democrat really give him all of these immunities?

Would any of the resident democrats please weigh in on these issues? Why would you support someone like this? For the life of me, I can't figure it out.
I honestly think these "Yellow Dog Democrats" don't believe these allegations if they're against a Democrat. . They'll vote the party no matter what and most don't know or ever care about the issues. All they see is "D" on the ballot and fill in the blank. I worked with a group of liberal women in Austin, Texas back in the '90's when all of Bill Clinton's transgressions came into play. Their response was "Oh, they're all like that, he's not different than anyone else". I was completely taken aback when a couple of them said they voted for him because they though he was handsome and loved his hair style. I am dead serious.
Yeah, gas has been pretty low for the last 3 years. As has my gas and electric bill. To the tune of about half of what I was paying under the big O.

Wonder why?

And really, it makes me wonder why anyone would vote for Biden.

True story, in 2012, gas prices in Ohio magically dropped to “South Carolina” prices in the weeks leading up to the election.

Power of the pulpit.
How does he get away with this stuff? There are a bunch of examples like this where he lied about his education. He has been caught plagiarizing at least twice. With all the corruption allegations coming out now and his total lack of competency, he must be made of Teflon to be able to withstand this. Does being a democrat really give him all of these immunities?

Would any of the resident democrats please weigh in on these issues? Why would you support someone like this? For the life of me, I can't figure it out.
Unfortunately, when the media doesn't report on things like this, there is a huge chunk of America that has absolutely no idea. To tell you how the media has changed, and I'm sure you've seen it, the video of Sam Donaldson ABC News reporting on the lies Biden told when he ran for Prez in '88. Now they cover up and don't mention his lies, exaggerations, gaffes, etc.
I don't get the "Trump is a garbage human being" thinking. It's a superficial, emotional angle based mostly on personality and it ignores what's trully important.

Just looking at his time in office, it seems to me that he's shown what can be done to improve the human condition when a leader approaches problems logically and with common sense. People in America have begun to thrive under his leadership and the world is moving toward peace. What more do you want???

What we've had in the past were corrupt, incompetent academic ideologues who only made matters worse. Obama put on a "cool", smooth talking facade, but what was that worth? Wolves in sheep's clothing are the worst.

Trump is real. He's not acting. He passionately cuts through the shit of corruption, incompetence, and failed psycho-social babble "progressive" ideology and focuses on solving problems. Again, what is there to complain about?

I'd rather drink a beer with Trump than any other politician in my lifetime.
Also, social issues have changed dramatically since 1968, which really complicates matters and is leading to some political realignment.

Seriously: Fifty years ago, who would have believed that a Presidential Town Hall would one day include discussion of an 8-year old’s right to choose his own gender?

Heck, who would have thought that even 10 years ago? The left's shift to even more radical ideas and beliefs has been progressing at a breakneck speed.
After Reagan shellacked the Dems and then Bush (who was no conservative) the Dems 'repackaged' themselves as moderates. Clinton was big in the movement, as was Gore and Biden (see below). So when Clinton came along in '92 many people thought that the Dem Party had seen the path of destruction they were on (Dukakis) and were now 'moderates'. But it's pretty easy to see with history that they were just posturing to get votes/elected.....and then there true colors came out (IMO).

The DLC, an unofficial party organization, played a critical role in moving the Democratic Party's policies to the center of the American political spectrum. Prominent Democratic politicians such as Senators Al Gore and Joe Biden (both future Vice Presidents) participated in DLC affairs prior to their candidacies for the 1988 Democratic Party nomination.[9] However, the DLC did not want the Democratic Party to be "simply posturing in the middle". The DLC instead framed its ideas as "progressive" and as a "Third Way" to address the problems of its era. Examples of the DLC's policy initiatives can be found in The New American Choice Resolutions.[9][10]

Ross Perot didn’t help.
I do recall. They kept counting and counting.

That said, Trafalgar had Sinema up by about 1% in his final poll.

(Side note, I frequently see Tweeters say that Trafalgar missed that race. But if you go look up the poll, it’s right there on his website).
I don't believe any polls any longer. I think far too many conservatives simply prefer to remain silent. If that is the case, some unknown number has to be added to the R side of a poll.

If you like subpoena coladas,
And getting caught in Ukraine,
When your dads into children,
And you're into cocaine
After they lose this election, it will be interesting to see how they repackage their beliefs.

I was too young to really understand the nuance of Bill Clinton.

But Obama was to easy to see, and even easier to look back and understand. “Hope” and “Change” were platitudes for socialism.

In 2024, will they trot out someone we know, or will someone new bust onto the scene?

Also, social issues have changed dramatically since 1968, which really complicates matters and is leading to some political realignment.

Seriously: Fifty years ago, who would have believed that a Presidential Town Hall would one day include discussion of an 8-year old’s right to choose his own gender?
Slick Willie's appeal in the 90s "I feel your pain..."

That line won the race.

What he really said, "I feel your pain ... and I felt her boobies too!"
Speaking of income . . .

I’ve heard both Glenn Beck and Mark Levin complain recently about the publishing industry.

Levin simply wants to find a new publisher due to the politics of Simon & Schuster, while Beck talked about the way that when a conservative writes a book, they don’t make much money until the book actually turns a profit. (Makes sense).

Meanwhile, when a lib writes a book, they get a huge advance, and the publisher operates at a loss until revenue from from the book (less expenses) exceeds the up front bonus. (A lot of books don’t reach this threshold).

Beck called this “money laundering”.

I think that’s an exaggeration (or misnomer), but here’s the reality:

It is another way for lib organizations to fund candidates of preference and circumvent campaign finance laws, etc.

Meanwhile, the disgusting part is, the conservative books (Levin, Savage, Coulter, etc) are popular and profitable. So, in theory, the profits from conservative book sales help funnel money to guys like Cuomo and Biden, who get huge advances on books that no one buys or reads.