How will they rule ??!

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From what I saw there was no provocation by this man nor was he "starting it off". There are other examples but I guess we shouldn't get into all that on a message board. I wish it was that simple: Comply don't die. I wish it was as simple as: Deadly force shouldn't be FIRST resort. I support the police (family members are in law enforcement) and I support BLM.

Not addressing your statement in any other way than, how can you support both? Not sure that is possible. Again not addressing any meanings or implying anything but the two factions are against each that the definition of sitting on the fence?...jmuo
He has been critical of both Hilary and Trump. He actually aligns the most with Bernie on social issues. He is probably the most fiscally conservative candidate of them all. Look at his work as governor of New Mexico. He realizes that just because you don't believe in something doesn't mean it should be illegal. I don't personally opt to smoke weed or abort babies, but to each their own.

We can't afford to kick out 11 million people out because they spend money. Losing 11 million people's worth of rent money, grocery money, gas money, etc, will put many people out of business. I'm not saying they should get away with murder. I support Kate's Law, if you commit crimes (felonies), you should be out.

Welp, I'll say this Liveblue, I agree with just about every single Libertarian policy, but I don't support amnesty. There are many ways to deport them out. If Americans can give $0.89 cents to starving kids in Africa, then every legal American including, new baby infants and their piggy banks, can buck up $10 bucks to kick these bastards out.
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Is it disturbing to anyone else that there wasn't a single American flag on the stage or in the entire building at the DNC convention tonight?

That should be a red flag for every American. The Democratic party has been taken over by the left wing. The left wing actually hates this country and thinks America is to fault with every problem in the world today. They want to destroy everything this country has stood for since it was founded. They want this country to become Europe and how are they fairing right now.

Yep, looks pretty well done to me.
[QUOTE="Willy4UK, post: 4887832, member:

Yep, looks pretty well done to me.[/QUOTE]
[smoke] Not sure this affects anything though. One can get high and not be a bad person. Lol none the less.
Put me firmly in the camp that wants to deport all the illegal aliens and break up their families (rolleyes). Especially if they fly a Mexican flag anywhere on American soil.

I could probably find 11 million (rolleyes again, is that number even close to the number of illegal aliens in this country) people who'd like to go through the process of becoming Americans legally. I'd prefer we get people who want to come to this country and assimilate.

And as far as "breaking up their families" goes, which laws should be enforced in the United States, and which should be ignored because we risk breaking up a family? Just another example of the left ignoring the laws of the country for political gain.
Went to bed because I want no part of that shi!show in Philly. Sounds like I did not miss anything. More hypocrisy, lies, and propaganda spewing from the mouths of people hell bent on changing/destroying this country as we know it.
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Obama changed completely what is considered a "deportation" to fool naive low information folks like the person above. So much of his side's power depends on the uneducated who get news and views from Oliver, comedy central, vox.
You're probably right, but that is beside the point. He shouldn't have shot that guy. He was on the ground, with a knee in his torso, two officers on him, not swinging, not reaching for anything, just not being still enough for the officer's liking apparently. Okay, fine, his fault. Taze him and cuff him, rough him up a little if you must, do what you have to do to do your job.

But you heard the officer shout swear to God man, if you don't blah blah blah.... right before shooting.

I am a man and you are a man. Go listen to that clip and how that officer said that, then watch how he follows up, burying the pistol into the guy's vital organs and making the conscious decision to end his life seconds later.

If you hear the way he said swear to God, you know, as a man, that there is one and only one context in which a guy says that with that particular tone. It's a testosterone filled man-ego thing. You're trying to control somebody (whether justified or not), they're not complying, and you feel like you have to teach him a lesson about crossing you and put him in his place, because he's not submitting enough and you're trying to assert dominance.

That cop does not think this guy is going to be able to overcome the two cops with guns out who are on top of his body. That cop has control of the situation.. that's not the issue. He wants to see the other dog with his tail between the legs. He doesn't get it, and then he commits murder over it.

If that black guy was fighting two non-cops, and one non-cop was on top with his knee in the guy and point-blanked him in the heart, would that guy get off on self-defense charges based on that video? Hell no.

So we know it's not self-defense. And if you admit it's not self-defense, then the only difference is that it was a cop, and the guy wasn't being perfectly compliant.
So now you're basically saying that the right and just American punishment for not following a cop's order to the T is immediate death. Because again, no court would ever rule those shots in the video as self-defense. Cop gives you an order, you do a crappy job following the order, you are executed on the spot. That's disgusting. That's not what America stands for.

You saw the same ego thing at the McKinney pool incident when the officer literally came in doing GD barrel rolls like James Bond and ended up slamming a 110 lb girl in a bikini onto the ground repeatedly. They were totally justified in breaking up the pool party considering those kids didn't have passes to that pool. The officers were right in rounding up the kids, despite what the liberals say.

But tell me, in what context do you feel the need to use your grown man size to slam a visibly unarmed 110 lb girl into the ground for your own safety? Uh, none. That's called being a control freak and policing with your ego.

I was just watching COPS 2 days ago (great show, lots of great cops on there), and they asked the LEOs what got them into the line of work. You got a lot of standard answers, lot of women talking about helping the community, older guys talking about trying to keep the peace, and then you'd occasionally get answers like one of the young guys who just said something like "I love the feeling of an encounter - when someone turns to challenge me, I get that thrill - who doesn't like being in a fight at a bar?"

Well, okay, that's an understandable sentiment, and it's good to have bravery in threatening situations. But talking like you love excuses to throw down completely undermines this idea that all cops are these calm, logical purveyors of justice who could never conceive of abusing their power. Even if you feel that way (which I do at times), saying it on TV shows that you lack a certain level of maturity which could easily translate into a big ego crisis at the wrong time in the heat of the moment. Being in the mood to pick fights over your man ego is a conflict of interest when you're wearing the badge.

So I will spare you the bull that cops are going around killing people for being black (they're not) if you spare me the bull of denying that there's a small percentage of cops who get in these situations for selfish, egotistical reasons.

Many BLM people are just mindless... they know their opinion before the facts come out "ooga booga cop bad, black guy innocent", doesn't matter what actually occurred. In their minds, it can't possibly be justified that a white cop would ever shoot a black person.

But people like you are doing the exact same thing. You know your opinion before the facts come out, and it's not apt to change even if it turns out that the victim was merely being annoying and the cop was acting like an obvious johnson-waving broey numbskull. Let me amend that. Murderer if he was in any other profession.

I completely agree that officers are not hunting down black people at random. The stats show that their killings are proportional along lines of racial crime.
And officers in general are not hunting down anyone, for that matter. Most officers are decent people, just doing their jobs.

But there is a certain subset of them who join the force because they like the feeling of power or once they gain the badge, it starts to get to their head and make them want to seek out confrontation.

So if I see an officer "bro out" and see his young man/testosterone side kick in and he kills my family member without excellent justification, then I will beat the life juice out of him just the same way that I will end a random stranger who tries to murder a loved one. I'll deal with the legal consequences.

This GD insanity of "never question the police even up to what would be considered murder in any other context" needs to go.

It's a mindless position held by some conservatives, and the irony is that it is the least conservative attitude one can have.

What the hell happened to not trusting too much power in the hands of the government? The way some conservatives talk, a cop should be able to thrust himself deep into your wife and laugh as you watch, and you'd better just sit there and know your place because, dammit, he's a law enforcement officer and respect the badge and blah blah blah.

Stop it. I don't trust anybody with that degree of power because all humans are flawed. Law enforcement officers are incredibly important, but they are also mortal and make mistakes, and while there are many brilliant LEOs, there are also numbskulls who joined for the wrong reasons. Guys who you'd never want dating your daughter.

Don't be a lemming. Don't trust anybody else with 100% power over you, worst of all an extension of the government. Always fight to make sure there are checks and balances, because people are flawed. Period.
They didn't know if he had a gun and he acted as if he was going for it , do you expect the police to value his life over theirs ? They want to live too and I'm sure they're on edge about getting shot , likely contributed to an early trigger finger . So all of that negates anything you say if I have a valid point and it's brushed aside because it doesn't flow with the uprising theme . Truth is the guy put himself in a bad situation and made it worse , his fault .

I'd like to add that we have a judicial system to disagree with law enforcement , that's were you fight with checks and balances and not hold court on the street .
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[QUOTE="Willy4UK, post: 4887832, member:

Yep, looks pretty well done to me.
[smoke] Not sure this affects anything though. One can get high and not be a bad person. Lol none the less.[/QUOTE]

Heck yeah man.

On a serious note. Good on him for doing this.
The illegal immigration issue is so stupid and alarming. The answer is in the gd phrase. We can't run our country. Period. We have crooks and losers leading this country. We constantly write checks we can't cash. We legislate our country into holes with little effort to enforce the rules. We pick and choose what to enforce. It's pure bullshit.

Yes your gd right you deport people here illegally. Any over laws you don't want to enforce, idiots? Of all the ones to let slide, you just happen to let this one slide?
The per capita share of the national debt currently stands at $60,340. In other words, each person in the United States, every man, woman, and child, is essentially leveraged by our government to support deficit spending.

Putting this in perspective, I'm a divorced male with 3 daughters. So just for us 4, my country is roughly a quarter million dollars in debt on our behalf. We didn't do that ourselves, our country did it for us.

Whoever becomes our next president, I want us as a nation to stop turning a blind eye to our deficit spending and our national debt. I don't care if it's our military or social programs or both that have to be cut, it is a necessary decision that needs to be made. As long as our elected leaders are given the option of either making a difficult choice or deficit spending, they are going to choose deficit spending every time.

Just sick and tired of the kicking the can down the road mentality, with our goverment digging an ever bigger hole that my kids will have to figure out how to dig out of because no one today is willing to make a tough call.
Obama changed completely what is considered a "deportation" to fool naive low information folks like the person above. So much of his side's power depends on the uneducated who get news and views from Oliver, comedy central, vox.
Lol, odd you call me a low information voter...also I get none of my news from there. Also, considering I'm not a liberal, especially i jist knocked the left for pretending to bensure accepting.. It was an interesting point the other poster brought to attention. That's how you gain knowledge. But by all means please return to your insightful "they took our jubbbs"
Ah... The liberal sports writers have been praying for this moment since 83. Granted, they were a little disappointed that MJ also mentioned support of police, but they can work around that. But just know the sports writers won't be truly happy until MJ is on the front lines of a protest for BLM blocking a highway somewhere. Only then will they have reached their Nirvana.
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Subject: Police really do care

The Richland Police report finding a man's body in the Columbia River, near the confluence of the Yakima River at Columbia Park. The dead man's name will not be released until his family has
been notified.

The victim apparently drowned due to excessive marijuana consumption. He was wearing black fishnet stockings,
a red garter belt, a pink G-string, a strap-on dildo, purple lipstick, and a 'Hillary for President' T-shirt. He also had a cucumber in
his rectum.

The police removed the Hillary T-shirt to spare his family any unnecessary embarrassment.

In spite of what we sometimes think, the Police do care.
The per capita share of the national debt currently stands at $60,340. In other words, each person in the United States, every man, woman, and child, is essentially leveraged by our government to support deficit spending.

Putting this in perspective, I'm a divorced male with 3 daughters. So just for us 4, my country is roughly a quarter million dollars in debt on our behalf. We didn't do that ourselves, our country did it for us.

Whoever becomes our next president, I want us as a nation to stop turning a blind eye to our deficit spending and our national debt. I don't care if it's our military or social programs or both that have to be cut, it is a necessary decision that needs to be made. As long as our elected leaders are given the option of either making a difficult choice or deficit spending, they are going to choose deficit spending every time.

Just sick and tired of the kicking the can down the road mentality, with our goverment digging an ever bigger hole that my kids will have to figure out how to dig out of because no one today is willing to make a tough call.

We're going to need a lot more drugs, guns, and illegals to make this work, tbh. That's the beauty of it.

Wonder how much the school system needs illegals?
The per capita share of the national debt currently stands at $60,340. In other words, each person in the United States, every man, woman, and child, is essentially leveraged by our government to support deficit spending.

Putting this in perspective, I'm a divorced male with 3 daughters. So just for us 4, my country is roughly a quarter million dollars in debt on our behalf. We didn't do that ourselves, our country did it for us.

Whoever becomes our next president, I want us as a nation to stop turning a blind eye to our deficit spending and our national debt. I don't care if it's our military or social programs or both that have to be cut, it is a necessary decision that needs to be made. As long as our elected leaders are given the option of either making a difficult choice or deficit spending, they are going to choose deficit spending every time.

Just sick and tired of the kicking the can down the road mentality, with our goverment digging an ever bigger hole that my kids will have to figure out how to dig out of because no one today is willing to make a tough call.
I have given up all hope that the debt crisis gets fixed. The only hope to minimizing it is to create jobs in this country to get millions upon millions off the government tit and seriously reform entitlements and other wasteful spending (just a start).

Somebody (generation) is going to have to take a big uppercut to the chin and it will be Generation X like myself and Millennials. I have zero plans to get Social Security or Medicare. I pay these entitlements in each paycheck knowing I am being robbed by criminals in Washington. Problem is millions of others are not paying anything because they are unemployed which goes hand and hand with the fact that millions upon millions have nothing saved for retirement. The day of reckoning is coming and its astounding how many people have no clue its coming.

Not the biggest fan of Chris Christie, but at least he had the guts to tell millions of Americans the truth in National Debates which is we are being told a lie and that entitlements have to be on the table now.

Our country is like someone who goes to Vegas after declaring for Bankruptcy, somehow convinces someone to loan them $100k, and places it all on one spin in the slot machine.
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Prove it wrong or GTFO. Super simple. Not as simple as eschewing it and dismissing it blindly, but pretty easy.
Argumentum ad Ignorantiam: (appeal to ignorance) the fallacy that a proposition is true simply on the basis that it has not been proved false or that it is false simply because it has not been proved true. This error in reasoning is often expressed with influential rhetoric.
A. The informal structure has two basic patterns:

Statement p is unproved.
is true.

Statement not-p is unproved.
is true.
Argumentum ad Ignorantiam: (appeal to ignorance) the fallacy that a proposition is true simply on the basis that it has not been proved false or that it is false simply because it has not been proved true. This error in reasoning is often expressed with influential rhetoric.
A. The informal structure has two basic patterns:

Statement p is unproved.
Not-p is true.

Statement not-p is unproved.
p is true.
So... prove it wrong. You have no basis upon which to prove it false and you live on the exact same premise as I do if it is correct. Shut your mouth and prove the statement wrong. The statement being incorrect is your sole argument. Expound upon why it's wrong or you have no basis in your argument. Again, this isn't rocket science.
Not the biggest fan of Chris Christie, but at least he had the guts to tell millions of Americans the truth in National Debates which is we are being told a lie and that entitlements have to be on the table now. .

There is a way to fix the entitlements given out in this country by using a complete opposite policy than what Christie would do.
Apparently ISIS struck again today in France.

2 men stormed a church in Normandy, they beheaded the Priest and seriously injured another church member.
Seems like one feeble thought is all it takes for you. You've never had an original thought in your life.
Says the guy who follows me around for years, and tried to post in my thread. I have lived rent free in your head for years. Seems like a lot of energy to waste on someone who has no original thought.

Also, in the future, please dont quote me.

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Also, did you know that Donald didn't give anyone Aids?

"Hes got my vote!"
Do you understand the words comparative and context?

Everything listed in that post that Trump 'did not do' were actual acts/crimes committed by the Democratic party. Can you be a big boy for Daddy and address that part, or is that exactly what you're trying to avoid? I mean, I get it. I'm a dumb Trump sheep with no thesaurus. But, what's your excuse for being an overtly obtuse hypocrite?
Do you understand the words comparative and context?

Everything listed in that post that Trump 'did not do' were actual acts/crimes committed by the Democratic party. Can you be a big boy for Daddy and address that part, or is that exactly what you're trying to avoid? I mean, I get it. I'm a dumb Trump sheep with no thesaurus. But, what's your excuse for being an overtly obtuse hypocrite?
Im not being a hypocrite. I am just point out your logical reasoning and its flaws. Thats it. If you want me to break your post apart, I will. Other than that, it just drives me crazy to see people use terrible logic. It has nothing to do with your political beliefs, just mainly your terrible arguments.
Im not being a hypocrite. I am just point out your logical reasoning and its flaws. Thats it. If you want me to break your post apart, I will. Other than that, it just drives me crazy to see people use terrible logic. It has nothing to do with your political beliefs, just mainly your terrible arguments.
Please do! I'm begging you to. How much more of an invitation do you need?

I'll even type slower if need be. If my statement is wrong, teach me where I've failed. Stop focusing on the Russians and address the GD emails, Hillary.
"He didn't systematically kill Christians in the Middle East."
Laugh it off if you want but his ignoring his own leaders led to genocide and rape of thousands of Yazidi Christians with several thousand still in captivity. Of 600k once in Northern Iraq less than half remain. 60 Minutes has done two powerful pieces on this topic. Their producer who has been all over the world covering conflicts called it the hardest story she ever covered. Robert Gates stated in his book the decision to ignore and leave was purely politics.