There is a 2 hour “coronavirus town hall” on CNN lmaooo.
Nothing says cataclysmic pandemic like bringing a group of us people together to inquire about their pending demise.
There is a 2 hour “coronavirus town hall” on CNN lmaooo.
Yea, don't see how CA gets away with this ish. I say the insurance companies should just walk away.
The audacity. I actually think this is unconstitutional if challenged. If the state thinks it's so important, they should cover the bill. Not force private companies to eat the cost.
Here you go Dems. This is the best you have? Good God! We had better choices for high school presidents.
So bernie colluded with RussiaInteresting The NY Times is going after Bernie with this considering how much sympathetic material the Times has produced in the last few years about communism...
Always the story with the GoP, they scream bloody murder about some stupid travesty as they commit it quietly in the background. ..
Good lord, do they not have people to check these things and prevent them from showing their extreme stupidity?
Here you go Dems. This is the best you have? Good God! We had better choices for high school presidents.
Interesting The NY Times is going after Bernie with this considering how much sympathetic material the Times has produced in the last few years about communism...
I think I'm gonna take a rowboat from Miami to American Samoa.
So bernie colluded with Russia
I just don't understand people who hate this country and try to make us socialist/communist.
I mean, just move to another country. There are plenty out there. They're already what you're fighting for. It's like going to an indian place and being mad they don't have sushi. Rather than complain, try to persuade them why sushi is superior, and force them to make some - go to the sushi place. Everyone involved is better off.
Looking for any excuse to be lazy, unaccountable and generally irresponsible. Being a real man, working hard, paying your debts and protecting your family is actually hard work that requires dedication, determination, sacrifice and gumption. The faint of heart need not apply, so they gotta do something... Society is making a place for those weak people, but those weak people want the peak virtues of a society that they aren't willing to effort for.I just don't understand people who hate this country and try to make us socialist/communist.
I mean, just move to another country. There are plenty out there. They're already what you're fighting for. It's like going to an indian place and being mad they don't have sushi. Rather than complain, try to persuade them why sushi is superior, and force them to make some - go to the sushi place. Everyone involved is better off.
Looking for any excuse to be lazy, unaccountable and generally irresponsible. Being a real man, working hard, paying your debts and protecting your family is actually hard work that requires dedication, determination, sacrifice and gumption. The faint of heart need not apply, so they gotta do something... Society is making a place for those weak people, but those weak people want the peak virtues of a society that they aren't willing to effort for.
Wrap that up in a package of excusing failure and you can sell it fairly easily to any shitstain looking to skirt the system.
They're already what you're fighting for. It's like going to an indian place and being mad they don't have sushi. .
Explains how Bernie can sell a dozen ideas to these dumbass kids that each are multiples of our entire current budget.That 500 million gaff is a clear representation of what being possessed by ideology does to you; if it sounds true then it must be true, no need to think, no reasons for any questions.
Truth doesn’t matter, reality doesn’t matter when this happpens and what you get end result is an increasingly large percentage of Americans being duped by dangerous unAmerican ideas.
God help us if these fools like Bernie and his cohorts ever get more power than they already have.... unbelievable really.
That reminds me of this hilarious scene from Sanford and Son... a time gone by, no way you could get away with this today after what the regressive leftist have done to comedy/society
That reminds me of this hilarious scene from Sanford and Son... a time gone by, no way you could get away with this today after what the regressive leftist have done to comedy/society
76% of women in her own party in her own state voted against her. No follow ups or challenges to these idiotic narratives though.You might not know it cause she didn't win one primary and got third in her own state...but most Dems wanted Warren to be the nominee...but that f--king Trump ruined it
Explains how Bernie can sell a dozen ideas to these dumbass kids that each are multiples of our entire current budget.
Bill Clinton Told ‘Hillary’ Doc Filmmakers He Had Sex With Monica Lewinsky To ‘Manage His Anxiety’ Over Being President