How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Give 'em hell, James.

Obama, you didn’t build that.
To me the only real potentials for the Dem nom are:

Bloomberg. Can't tell if the DNC is slow playing him for the purpose of getting max money in return for handing him the nom. Or if they are just milking him for millions then telling him no. Either way, he's a crazier much worse version of trump. So he isn't winning a general.

Warren. Long shot. Female Bernie. Probably there in case Bernie dies on the trail.

Bernie. Getting good support. Fervent followers. However I hear many of the same people travel around to his rallies so it's hard to tell how much actual support he has. A communist, so he isn't winning a ge. More an indictment of our education/indoctrination system if anything.

Biden: any moment I expect him to strip off naked and challenge everyone to a penis measuring contest to see who gets the nom. He's as likely to do that as he is to give a coherent answer. It's actually sad someone hasn't already convinced him to end this. But I think he's in it till Bloomberg pays enough to the dnc and/or Pete puts him out of his misery.

Pete: white, pretend gay, obama-light candidate who's getting alot of DNC shadow support. Will say or do anything, as evidenced by his pretend gayness and hubby kisses/pics that show all the romance of an Al/Tipper arranged marriage. Interesting to see the DNC plan for him but I don't see him as much of a threat in the ge. Although he may return to being straight if the poll numbers show it's a good move
Bernie’s support/movement is not to be taken lightly... maybe it'll be a good thing to deprogram America's youth with a campaign that fully explains to them what socialism means.

James Woods, Sowell are definitely getting their takes here from the Catpaw... you are the real resistance my BBN brothers, the fate of freedom rests on your posts!

Justus...Just us... how typically un-American is Bernie and Co...
So Bloomberg openly hates minorities and hard working Americans like farmers. Can you imagine all the people he secretly hates, but doesn’t feel comfortable openly professing his hatred? Could you imagine him shaking hands with everyday Americans at the Daytona 500?

He’s the epitome of those evil billionaires the democrats hate, but they’re going to sell him the nomination.

Hypocritical whores. And every Democrat on here will vote for him.

It's. Who. They. Are.

The thing is, the poll is probably weighted far too much towards the liberal like they do all polls. It is probably more like 75 or 80% liberals who'd never have a conservative friend.

How does anyone in this day and age take any poll as a true depiction of what they are polling? You cannot... Polls are used to sway opinion, not depict reality.

I did quite a bit of in depth deviation math back in the day. My mantra to this day is work on the differences versus the totality.
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Sorry, but this is way beyond not knowing KC straddles state lines.

These types really are a sickness on society. They need professional help and do not belong in society without being monitored as they are anti-society. (Yeah they preach the masses but they are the exact opposite and they do not know it. They are in a zone no one else is in. It's really dangerous.)
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Sorry, but this is way beyond not knowing KC straddles state lines.

"So like, i don't know. But like i went to college. Like i am supposed to care about this stuff. But like, i really don't. Like, orange man bad and like he's a racist and stuff"

There's your "intellectual" liberal college graduate. Utter stupidity and complete arrogancy tied up into one complete human dumb ass. Bravo.
"So like, i don't know. But like i went to college. Like i am supposed to care about this stuff. But like, i really don't. Like, orange man bad and like he's a racist and stuff"

There's your "intellectual" liberal college graduate. Utter stupidity and complete arrogancy tied up into one complete human dumb ass. Bravo.

Got that liberal arts "thang" going on...

What needs to happen is to reform degree programs. You cannot use practicality to support the degree program you cannot offer the program... (Yeah, practicality in an impractical world)[eyeroll]
Got that liberal arts "thang" going on...

What needs to happen is to reform degree programs. You cannot use practicality to support the degree program you cannot offer the program... (Yeah, practicality in an impractical world)[eyeroll]
Any "degree" deemed non-viable should be denied loans. Cash money only, baby. If you want to burn your own time and money with bad decisions, have at it, but I'll keep mine, thanks.
"So like, i don't know. But like i went to college. Like i am supposed to care about this stuff. But like, i really don't. Like, orange man bad and like he's a racist and stuff"

There's your "intellectual" liberal college graduate. Utter stupidity and complete arrogancy tied up into one complete human dumb ass. Bravo.
As a "college educated" adult, if you can't even find your own country on a map, the amount of ego and the lack of self awareness necessary to expect anyone to take you seriously about anything above that entry-level pay grade is staggering.:joy:
So like, i can't get my transgender history degree and stuff with no loan?
Slightly OT, but I'm currently trying to sell this idea to my older. The idea that "doing what you love and you'll never work a day in your life" is a pipe dream for the wide majority of people. Find a career you can tolerate-to-like that pays and benefits you extremely well, then do what you love in all your free time with all your expendable income without all the risk of burnout in your career AND interests. It's a novel idea so many people eschew in the great chase to fool themselves that they're making some kind of negligible difference in the world while fulfilling their soul... bullshit. Make money, then make your life whatever the hell you want it to be. Hell of a lot easier that way.

She's an artist and wants to be an artist. And she's relly, really good and she works very hard at it. But, I'm trying to make her understand that the odds are not in her favor, no matter how good she is... To secure a real career that will allows her to chase that dream and actually be an artist someday, but to be smarter about getting there.

Nothing makes me happier than fishing. I don't even want to do that everyday. Imagine having to drone on everyday about something as cut-and-dry as gender. No wonder they're crazy.
Thanks for proving me correct. KC KS is on one side, KC MO is on other side. Neither straddles: "sit or stand with one leg on either side of." Is either city on both sides; i.e., straddles? Well obviously no. Do Cincinnati & Covington straddle state lineS?

Plus, it's not state "lines". It's one line.