How will they rule ??!

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I saw something on both CNN and MSNBC (2 offices had on their TV's) where the panelist where commenting on how incoherent at times the debate was last night because of the measured responses of the candidates. They had to take time to think about what they were going to say and sometimes lost their chain of thought or shifted to another subject without finishing the point to avoid saying something offensive. Soon, all that they will be able to say is " Orange Man Bad". That in itself will resonate with their uneducated base enough to keep the money rolling in. Surprised to see that on those 2 stations.

It is sad that about half of the country is now bound to a fascist/socialist mindset and have lost their freedom. All is not lost libtards of the Catsillustrated family. I will not let you lose all of your freedoms. When it comes to a head, join me and together we can set things aright.
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The crappiness of for profit media’s been one of the areas on which left and right have agreed for awhile. The critiques are just different. The right says media has a liberal bias, the left says it has a corporate bias. They’re both correct to varying degrees. The majority of networks are center-left socially because they’re pandering to the majority of the country, and every network is driven by the clicks, hits, views. Advertising and corporate sponsors. Money. Go google Noam Chomsky’s views on the media, and he sure as hell isn't a rightie. It’s only the centrists who don’t know any better who actually watch any of it.
2nd half way decent post tonight. Who are you and what have you done to Dion.
2nd half way decent post tonight. Who are you and what have you done to Dion.
The populist right and left have more in common than the elites want us to believe. They use social issues to distract and divide us so that we’re too busy squabbling over are you ok with gays or not to unify, rise up and throw their asses in the guillotines.

You know Toyota pulled a K of jobs out of NKy for TX a couple years back, now don't you? How did that help Ky? SUCKERS!
Bitch you have lost your mind over this, arguing with anything that moves sinking further into meltdown. Got news for you, Georgetown is a nothing little town without Toyota and all that money the employees make also supports local businesses. If giving Toyota or other companies tax breaks so an entire region can grow is considered a bad thing by you then you’re fkg retarded. Jobs have been created in towns like Nicholasville and many others that produce parts for Toyota.

But omg hold the train because vhcat didn’t get his cut, are you socialist? Go apply somewhere and stop crying about your hand out, you’ve lost your mind for no reason but have invested so much that you absolutely cannot concede. I have no doubt you are going to throw another tirade in an effort to keep the titanic afloat with a bucket. Keep in mind that I made a fairly benign comment and you lost your shit.
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This video of her signing pieces of her signature with each pen is the craziest and creepiest thing I think I've ever seen. This woman is truly deranged.

I mean- This might be the most tone deaf display of moronic horsecrap possible. So not only has Congress wasted the US taxpayers money and time bringing the circus to this point, they are now wasting our time and money buying commemorative pens for the occasion. If this wasn’t the US Government at work you might swear it was an MTV reality show.
Good luck with those pens Congressmen- maybe one day your kids can show it to your grandkids and tell them about the time you were voted out.
Gonna be a dem rumble. Establishment is trying to rig for Biden. And their other chamber...the media is trying to rig for warren, a compulsive liar who we are supposed to take at her word.

CNN completely embarrassed themselves last night.

The dem constitutes cant be that smart either. They got ppl who've either done nothing or after 30 years of nothing are going to magically do everything.
Gonna be a dem rumble. Establishment is trying to rig for Biden. And their other chamber...the media is trying to rig for warren, a compulsive liar who we are supposed to take at her word.

CNN completely embarrassed themselves last night.

The dem constitutes cant be that smart either. They got ppl who've either done nothing or after 30 years of nothing are going to magically do everything.

There’s your ticket for the Dems. Biden/warren unless it goes to a brokered convention because no one can gain the delegates.
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I’m done with Warren after pushing this Bernie nonsense. ..

Democrats think they are besmirching Trump without realizing they are the ones being exposed, the elections will prove this.
Democrats marching 2 x 2 with custom pens in some made for tv drama that jumped the shark years ago, meanwhile the White House is working on another round of tax cuts they plan to push this summer in an effort to get the House back in Republican control.

Republicans will be running on cutting taxes again so you can keep even more or your hard earned money.

Democrats will be running on increasing taxes on the “rich” so the government can pretend like that will increase revenue so they won’t have to borrow from future generations to fund their socialist plans.
I am all for calling witnesses starting with you. Let;s call Miss rgarnold because she has the goods on Trump. Your parties sideshow circus is about to get international coverage. Schitt and Nadler will be about as articulate stating their case as Joe Biden during a soft ball question debate. Trump is not guilty of any of your sides hoax charges and will be acquitted. We all know that. And the moment of acquittal the Schitt Show with Miss Pelosi will start drawing up more articles of impeachment. Look for one of the charges to be Disrespecting the Democrat Debate by holding a rally in Milwaukee the same time Joe Biden stubbled through his answers and Pocahontas argues with the Commie over women winning the election.

Fun times ahead for all.
A wise man once said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I won’t get fooled again.”

How many times can the Democrat pawns like fuzz get fooled into pushing made up bullshit? There seems to be no limit to the number of times this unhinged lunatics will come back to their trough of lies.
I mean- This might be the most tone deaf display of moronic horsecrap possible. So not only has Congress wasted the US taxpayers money and time bringing the circus to this point, they are now wasting our time and money buying commemorative pens for the occasion. If this wasn’t the US Government at work you might swear it was an MTV reality show.
Good luck with those pens Congressmen- maybe one day your kids can show it to your grandkids and tell them about the time you were voted out.

I think you might be underestimating the amount of celebratory pens required to commemorate such a solemn event for her.
The crappiness of for profit media’s been one of the areas on which left and right have agreed for awhile. The critiques are just different. The right says media has a liberal bias, the left says it has a corporate bias. They’re both correct to varying degrees. The majority of networks are center-left socially because they’re pandering to the majority of the country, and every network is driven by the clicks, hits, views. Advertising and corporate sponsors. Money. Go google Noam Chomsky’s views on the media. And he sure as hell isn't a rightie. It’s only the centrists who don’t know any better who actually watch any of it.
I'm sure the left feels validatied talking about Fox News' corporate bias when they see those My Pillow commercials every other commercial break.
I mean- This might be the most tone deaf display of moronic horsecrap possible. So not only has Congress wasted the US taxpayers money and time bringing the circus to this point, they are now wasting our time and money buying commemorative pens for the occasion. If this wasn’t the US Government at work you might swear it was an MTV reality show.
Good luck with those pens Congressmen- maybe one day your kids can show it to your grandkids and tell them about the time you were voted out.
Y’all going on about the pens shows just how out of touch and how ignorant y’all are about what goes on in Congress. Almost every bill that is signed has commemorative pens. My great-grandfather was a US Congressman that served late 1890s-1910...we have several commemorative pens from when he served.
Guess what, if you ever sit In the Speaker of the House’s chair you get a several of those as well.
It’s a long standing tradition as old as Congress itself.


Scumbags like Trump and Rudy usually hang out and associate with other scumbags. Ignore the emails and hand written notes from Rudy all you doesn’t make them go away.