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The agenda is to weaken the institution of marriage, mixed marriages are much more likely to end in divorce and the children are much more likely to suffer mental issues and identity issues.

This is then exploited to offload shit philosophy of them.

Mixed marriage is not better, demonstrably not, but they want to make it seem like it is and they will exploit you. You, all of you, are getting used, worked over and can't realize it.

Yeah, exactly as shown above.. if you are actually as smart as you people claim to be, you are aware of these facts and don't need some dude on the internet to send you in the direction of statistics. None of this diversity is our strength is better, what's actually better is whatever happens to work, whatever happens to be actually better demonstrably. No, hey look at me I'm Asian so I must be good at math yuk yuk my 1 grand stipedn for you will work! None of that malarkey makes actual sense, you aren't automatically good at math because you immigrated from the orient.
well at least this dipshit isn't trying to hide his bigotry and racism. All you rednecks should look up to this bravery!
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well at least this dipshit isn't trying to hide his bigotry and racis

Youm. All you rednecks should look up to this bravery!

You only expose your ignorance here; thjis is why you have to redefine terms so only someone like me can even be called racist.

No, you are racist. You don't know what you don't know. You know nothing.
I have already shown this, did you not read it?

It's because the point of marriage, ostensibly, is to have a successful one. Mixed marriages are much more likely to be unsuccessful.
the point of a marriage is whatever the **** the people getting married want it to be. Maybe they just want a nice tax break. Maybe they just want to have fun for a few years and then move on. Maybe they are like the Clinton's and do it for political power games. Most of the time its some woman wanting to find a guy to set her up financially. Conservatives really need to quit pretending like they get to dictate how everyone uses and gets married. The original use of marriage was to dump your useless daughter on another family and get paid for that baby maker. It was purely transactional, had nothing to do with love or any religious bullshit. It's not some holy institution handed down by your imaginary friend. It's just some underpaid clerk signing a cheap piece of paper.
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the point of a marriage is whatever the **** the people getting married want it to be. Maybe they just want a nice tax break. Maybe they just want to have fun for a few years and then move on. Maybe they are like the Clinton's and do it for political power games. Conservatives really need to quit pretending like they get to dictate how everyone uses and gets married. The original use of marriage was to dump your useless daughter on another family and get paid for that baby maker. It was purely transactional, had nothing to do with love or any religious bullshit.

Again, point exemplified.

You were failed by your parents and society; it's not your fault. Obviously, people should marry for whatever reason and divorce for whatever reason, who cares... feelz good man.
tIt's not some holy institution handed down by your imaginary friend. It's just some underpaid clerk signing a cheap piece of paper.

This has nothing to do with anything, and I'm not even conservative.

It's not just that you don't grasp my point, it's that you can't even comprehend it.

You are deluded, a blind ideologue.
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the White House has now given up on the made up "imminent threat" line. Now its just because Trump felt like it. Weird how they won't even acknowledge the missed hit on one of Iran's money guys.

If your waiting on Okeefe to "expose" anything i feel sorry for you. just a twitter attention whore

Good grief shut up!!!! Iran in the last few months shut down half the Saudi oil production by drone attack, attacked our Baghdad embassy and seized tanker in the strait of Hormuz. They continue to arm hezbollah and Yemeni shia groups. There has been a cloud of imminent threat surrounding the mullahs for 40 years and lately they have shown the balls to do it. The Saudi attack alone warranted a stronger response than killing Soleimani tbh.

It’s obvious now where the clueless mindset that led to 9-11 came from with folks who think like you. You probably didn’t think we were under any imminent threat even though Al Qaeda had bombed our embassies and our warship the USs cole. You are a fool pure and simple. You hate the president so much that you would throw your own country under he bus to attack question him.

The friggin Saudi attack warranted a full scale attack on Iran to remove the theocratic government. Some folks need to grow a brain!
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This has nothing to do with anything, and I'm not even conservative.

It's not just that you don't grasp my point, it's that you can't even comprehend it.

You are deluded, a blind ideologue.

Forget this platinum bs whatever his name is. I’m sure of it that he is a pod or a bot probably russian in nature. The guy is out to destroy the USA. Maybe he’s Maduro. That’s where my money is.
You only expose your ignorance here; thjis is why you have to redefine terms so only someone like me can even be called racist.

No, you are racist. You don't know what you don't know. You know nothing.

To get a true measure of how racist Dion is, maybe we should get him to state his opinions on voter ID laws and work requirements for welfare recipients.
It really is incredible that an American political party and several (not all) of its followers are defending Iran’s regime right now. I have family deployed in the ME right now that POS had no issues killing so F him and F all of you who are up in arms Trump taking his sorry ass out.
Twitter likes represent truth now? Got one for ya then.

Over five times the likes? Guess the election’s already over...
To get a true measure of how racist Dion is, maybe we should get him to state his opinions on voter ID laws and work requirements for welfare recipients.
If corporations paid their employees a living wage no one who was working would need welfare.
Over the past summer I worked with a guy from Iran. He quite literally told me he wishes we'd invade Iran. He said he and his wife can't go back at the moment and he'd like to return home and see his family.
We had two ladies speak at our church not long ago with the same feelings. A coworker brought a New Testament to work and showed it to them. Another coworker saw it, report all three to the superiors and they were arrested at work and thrown into prison. Not even a trial or a hearing. 5 long years. It was a miracle they escaped Iran and got to America and wouldn't have without the help of a Christian organization.
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Dude... that's the entire point. In a city as diverse as London, the people are voicing concern with the disproportional depiction of alternative and mixed race families in the media. Damn, this is not hard.
EDIT: What if it was the Muslims who were voicing concern over the same issue? They're pretty nuclear and not so into race mixing. Would the soapbox you're trying to build be as tall?
If it was Muslims Dion would be leading the charge in their defense. Wouldn't want to lose his head.
Yeah, but you still fall for the fallacy that any disagreement must be racist. Everyone except for the woke leftist is racist!

I can use this issue alone to show basically noone, some small inconsequential minority, is really racist in this day and age.


Actual racists would certainly fall in "is a bad thing", but so would anyone who konws the facts. So at very best 1 in 10 people are racists, the rest truely ignorant and think they know more than they actually do. 1 in 10 people believe anythng, probably believe they were abducted by aliens.

My overall point is that it's divorced from reality, avoids the crux of the issue. The number one factor in successful marriage is whether they genuinely love/sacrifice for one another and nothing else... so you don't have to racialize any and everything.

Immigration? It's not that they are Mexican, it's that they are poor, too many, strain the economy, welfare services and don't assimilate. The number one factor is not their race, but hey it's mighty convenient and expedient of you to lie to these people and promise them free welfare so you can turn Texas blue.

I'm so glad you are confronting this issue with facts instead of just saying things like... Most white girls with blacks are fat ratchets who can't get the love they need anywhere else and if you see a white guy with a black girl she is usually a stone cold fox. That shit just gets tired after a while.
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If corporations paid their employees a living wage no one who was working would need welfare.

Corporations do pay you a living wage by definition, otherwise you wouldn't survive long enough to keep working.

Yours is a war on competency and a war on reality. Everyone is doing better than ever, if you aren't than you have noone to blame but yourself and your own choices. This is America, and literally anyone can become a millionaire, provided you make the right choices and have an IQ over 90, you don't even need to write a book to exploit viral delusions in the masses, the useful idiots that you are. You can do it all from working at evil corporations, McDonalds line cook, whatever.

No wonder you(plural) are angry, you are played for fools can't see who is actually exploiting you; keep reading this thread and I'll keep showing you why and how, but ultimately it's up to you to remove the blinders. And I mean it sincerely that I hope, one day, you(plural) do.

I'm so glad you are confronting this issue with facts instead of just saying things like... Most white girls with blacks are fat ratchets who can't get the love they need anywhere else and if you see a white guy with a black girl she is usually a stone cold fox. That shit just gets tired after a while.

The data is against them, reality is against them and the argument, were it made in good faith, is not difficult to present and the conclusions are inescapable and decisive.

To be clear(er) it's not that mixed is bad imo by the data, it's that all things being equal, it produces demonstrably worse results unless you go redefining what good results mean in a deluded hissy fit. Less broken homes is better than more unless you go redefining what home means, no child needs a mother and father it's all good brah well maybe they want to raise children who are more likely to need mood stabilizers who are you to say!

But can't you be empathetic! I am actually empathetic, I care that people suffer unnecessarily by bad decisions (all things being equal), not in any shape or form imposing my definition of marriage blah blah which incidentally is precisely what they are doing.

There's not an argument these fools can make that I can't turn on them on their terms, maybe because I'm actually liberal bro.
You are being conditioned. Ask yourself, do you see as many mixed race or alternative families in real life as on TV? Enough that supports the disproportionate amount portrayed on TV media and commercials? I don't, and I see mixed families every day. I still see more nuclear families than anything else, regardless of race or culture. I just do and so do most folks. So, why do we accept this behavior of forced acceptance of a false reality? Why do some folks never think to question what they consume as media?

My question would be, where's the white guy black girl representation...Jesus, a sister can't get any mixed-race love in the MSM?

Where's the white dude Asian girl sitcoms and commercials?...See a lot of that in real life, probably more so than any other coupling...

I mean if you're going to claim to be progressive and equal opportunity, then be progressive and equal opportunity...

Brothers and white girls were en vogue during the mid 90s-early 00s. Black dudes have moved on, branched out, diversified...they're into Asians, Latinas, and Muslims now...

Get with the times MSM!
This is America, and literally anyone can become a millionaire...You can do it all from working at evil corporations, McDonalds line cook, whatever.
Your whole schtick is claiming to stick to reality and facts. Yet you think McDonald‘s employees can 7.25/hr themselves into millions. Who’s really the delusional one here?

LMao, Trump sets a new bar for stupid tweets every day.
Why? You have proof it is not true? Does Nancy have proof but you must vote in some new law to see what she has? You never post proof of anything other than what the left told you through hear say and fake made up "Facts/Lies) you need to believe. The real world is a scary place for you liberals, it requires actual thought and intelligence.
Your whole schtick is claiming to stick to reality and facts. Yet you think McDonalds employees can 7.25/hr themselves into millions. “This is America and literally anyone can become a millionaire,” who’s really the delusional one here?

Eventually get promoted to manager... save 20% of your income and put it to use, compounded interest instead of new rims...

oh, but that's racist! ok, don't spend it on this you redneck!

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the White House has now given up on the made up "imminent threat" line. Now its just because Trump felt like it. Weird how they won't even acknowledge the missed hit on one of Iran's money guys.

If your waiting on Okeefe to "expose" anything i feel sorry for you. just a twitter attention whore
False, more made up stuff by you. REALITY IS YOUR ENEMY! You are scared of it.
If corporations paid their employees a living wage no one who was working would need welfare.

In order to receive a living wage, one has to have a job. I am referring to able bodied people who refuse to work.
Oh and ironically the current labor market, competition and the millions of open jobs are causing wages to rise organically towards this “Living wage” also, there are millions of jobs available that already pay a “living wage” so those that are willing to work but bitching about their pay can take it upon themselves to go find one of those many open jobs that pay better. Do you disagree?

Now tell us about those voter ID laws.
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Your whole schtick is claiming to stick to reality and facts. Yet you think McDonald‘s employees can 7.25/hr themselves into millions. Who’s really the delusional one here?

your lack of reality and understanding basic economics is why Bernie appeals to lowest and laziest demographics. so much stupidity in this.

so flipping burgers and handing out french fries 20 hours a week should be paying as much as skilled workers etc? I was in a Mickie D's the other day, they have 3 of the order yourself kiosk now and they weren't taking orders at the counter. they were forcing customers to use the new technology. by this measure they are outsourcing themselves. your way of thinking will eliminate more jobs than anyone who benefits from a pay raise.

those employees working in that McDonalds have had every opportunity to get a job in one of the many factories here in town that have been hiring. they are there because they don't want to work the hours required and the responsibilities and off shift work needed to keep a job at one of those institutions. they are there by choice.
I was in a Mickie D's the other day, they have 3 of the order yourself kiosk now and they weren't taking orders at the counter. they were forcing customers to use the new technology. by this measure they are outsourcing themselves.
Automaton is slowly replacing every job. What’s your answer, keep doing meaningless busywork that can be done faster and more efficiently by machines just because?
Dion said: "This is what I was getting at. You’re one of the few willing to just state your opinion openly instead of pussyfooting around it.[/QUOTE]"

This is moronic (no surprise coming from you) you assume or presume that all conservatives or people who do not think like you are racist and believe everything the same way. You expect all to come out and say what you want to believe is our stance. This ignorance stems from a need to believe what you have been fed because reality would destroy your fragile little world. I couldn't care less who marries whom and all of my friends feel the same way. Now, is there some truth in what he says about mixed marriages? I don't know, never looked into it. I have always been a person who believes you marry who you want but, if it is against Gods plan (homosexual marriages are) I believe you make that known and then it is their choice whether you decide to or not but, it should not be pushed and celebrated just because you you want to throw it in peoples faces which is the point these days.
Automaton is slowly replacing every job. What’s your answer, keep doing meaningless busywork that can be done faster and more efficiently by machines just because?

well your answer is lay your lazy ass on the couch and let someone else do the meaningless work and take care of your worthless ass while demanding the govt should pay you a livable wage for doing nothing.
Your whole schtick is claiming to stick to reality and facts. Yet you think McDonald‘s employees can 7.25/hr themselves into millions. Who’s really the delusional one here?

McDonald’s nor any other fast food restaurant is paying their employees $7.25/hr. They wouldn’t have employees if they did. Those days are gone. Well at least until the Dems open up the borders and allow immigrants to flood the country. I know this because I work in the restaurant industry. My son started at over $9hr at Chili’s as a 17 year old in high school then moved to Zaxby’s for over $10 an hour. My other son got a summer and seasonal job at Best Buy for over $13/hr. Both are students at UK now.

What’s your take on personal responsibility? Why do you think people are stuck in minimum wage land with no possible hope of getting out without the government stepping in to mandate their employees pay them more. Since when is it McDonalds responsibility to make sure all their employees can pay their bills.
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Your whole schtick is claiming to stick to reality and facts. Yet you think McDonald‘s employees can 7.25/hr themselves into millions. Who’s really the delusional one here?

So take your resume down the street to chik fil a. Build a little experience and maybe they’ll hire you at O’Charlies. Use that as a stepping stone to one of those fancy Ruth’s Chris. Maybe you’ll meet a world traveler there, impress him, and weasel your way into a job at his company.

Dream bigger, dion.
your lack of reality and understanding basic economics is why Bernie appeals to lowest and laziest demographics. so much stupidity in this.

so flipping burgers and handing out french fries 20 hours a week should be paying as much as skilled workers etc? I was in a Mickie D's the other day, they have 3 of the order yourself kiosk now and they weren't taking orders at the counter. they were forcing customers to use the new technology. by this measure they are outsourcing themselves. your way of thinking will eliminate more jobs than anyone who benefits from a pay raise.

those employees working in that McDonalds have had every opportunity to get a job in one of the many factories here in town that have been hiring. they are there because they don't want to work the hours required and the responsibilities and off shift work needed to keep a job at one of those institutions. they are there by choice.
And those same people want any of the 7b on earth to be able to walk in, claiming 'wink, wink', amnesty and never be deported....making sure wages stay suppressed by cheap labor
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To get a true measure of how racist Dion is, maybe we should get him to state his opinions on voter ID laws and work requirements for welfare recipients.
Dion needs racism to rally around and have a reason to be. In all of his posturing to find it here he has shown what a true racist is and it is him.