How will they rule ??!

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Will somebody please tell me what Trump has done to justify impeachment? I understand some of you don't like him, even hate him, and you couldn't be farther apart, politically from his policies. Same way I felt about Obama.

But what is his impeachable offense? jameslee? rq? anybody?
I honestly think Elizabeth Warren thinks a billion dollars is 2 million dollars and that a trillion is 3.
Will somebody please tell me what Trump has done to justify impeachment? I understand some of you don't like him, even hate him, and you couldn't be farther apart, politically from his policies. Same way I felt about Obama.

But what is his impeachable offense? jameslee? rq? anybody?

You need to go back about 2000 pages and start reading. They know there is nothing and they don't care. ORANGE MAN BAD!
Will somebody please tell me what Trump has done to justify impeachment? I understand some of you don't like him, even hate him, and you couldn't be farther apart, politically from his policies. Same way I felt about Obama.

But what is his impeachable offense? jameslee? rq? anybody?

Draining the swamp. The swamp strikes back. What is shameful is how many people eat up what the MSM tells them. People are pretty stupid.
Will somebody please tell me what Trump has done to justify impeachment? I understand some of you don't like him, even hate him, and you couldn't be farther apart, politically from his policies. Same way I felt about Obama.

But what is his impeachable offense? jameslee? rq? anybody?

The left lives in a Kafkaesque existence.
Just seeing this post from a now defunct political blog - appropo of nothing, but always true. Every conservative needs to be made to write this on a blackboard 1000 times before running for office.

Ten Media Truths for Conservative/Republican Legislators
  1. The Media hates you, and wants you to die in a fire.
  2. The Media will only reliably compliment you when you do things to help liberals and Democrats.
  3. The Media loves it when you attack other conservatives/Republicans.
  4. You will never, ever, ever be able to reliably buy off the Media by being a ‘good’ (i.e., self-hating) conservative/Republican.
  5. Every flaw that you have – real or perceived – will be magnified by the Media. You will get no slack at all.
  6. Every flaw that your opponent has – real or perceived – will be downplayed by the Media.
  7. If you get an endorsement from a major Media source, it’s probably because your opponent was caught in a horrific scandal. So don’t count on getting that endorsement the next time.
  8. The Media has no shame, no sense of guilt, and no institutional memory of its own faults, flaws, and prejudices. Do not appeal to its better nature: the Media could care less about your opinion of it.
  9. Do not whine about any of this: the truth is, this unrelenting hostility from the Media will (if properly handled) simply make you an unstoppable political machine.
  10. Most importantly: THE MEDIA DID NOT ELECT YOU. The voters did. Keep that in mind when you’re working out your legislative priorities.
Will you please lay out the evidence that Trump committed any high crimes and misdemeanors? You obviously know something I don’t. I would like to be more informed so that I can make further judgements. Please educate me
Don't worry you'll get your chance. There is an old saying, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't ....."
What is Trump being impeached for? What did Stalin say, so me the man I'll show you the crime? How many different reasons have the Dems had for bringing up impeachment? I've lost track.

According to Nancy, they are now going back to the Mueller report and crying "OBSTRUCTION".

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump

What a way to start a FRIDAY!!!

This is a good read and I would even say a very important read. We are in the middle of a full fledged propaganda war orchestrated and controlled by the DC establishment, DNC and the media.

Nice strikes program you got there Broward County. Every person involved with that school and setting rules should be fired.
This is our worst school district by far. The corrupt Democrat sheriff has been kicked out of office by the State of Florida and maybe things can get a little better. But don't bet on it. The entire county is run by corrupt Democrats and beyond help. Most of us stay as far away from there as we can. I wouldn't stop to buy gas if I was running on fumes.
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PRO-TIP: Every time a Republican declares “I see no evidence that rises to the level of impeachment”, the next follow-up question should be, “then why move the transcripts to a top secret server?”

Tim Morrison already testified to this yesterday. There were multiple stories written about it a few weeks ago. There was significant concern at the highest levels of the National Security Council that rogue staffers and/or insubordinate uniformed officers would illegally leak top secret details.

The move to store the conversations in such a way came after Trump's classified phone calls with the Mexico and the Australian leaders were both illegally leaked. This is how every phone call for the last two years have been handled since.
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