How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


This bs pisses me off. Hey it's a conspiracy theory how he died and let's focus on that instead of the elite pedo ring to compromise powerful people.

Well lunatics let's get the investigation going. You say Trump is his friend and blah blah. Well then let's find out. Dig on him like you did fake russia. Dig on him like a phone call to Ukraine. You have a chance to take Trump down but don't want to touch this guy.


Oh yeah pizzagate was fake. See some crazy guy shoot up a pizza place. We can stop talking about it now. You crazy conspiracy theorists.
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There is no early voting in KY.
Well, there is. If you go to your county clerk's office & sign that you won't be available to vote election day, you can vote then. There are machines there. This starts about 1 month prior to election day. I've done it several times, particularly when I worked the polls not at my home poll location, but also when out of town.
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Dion already beat me to it. KY does not allow any early voting and allows very minimal absentee voting. We are below the national average in turnout every election. 32nd in turnout for 2018. just another reason to have national standards for voting. Every state should allow early mail in voting.
Dion beat you to a non truth. Figures.
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I've gone down there and told them I was going to be out of town and they took me straight to a machine. Took a couple of minutes.

Have the dumbasses explained how there is a way to ensure the person mailing in the ballot is the person named on the ballot? When they say they want it to be easier to vote, what they're really saying is that they want to make it easier for illegal votes to be counted.
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Would like to know what criteria defines “hardest”. Here’s how hard it is in N Ky. I wake up @6am, shower, shave, dress- then drive to the polling station down the road where I stand in line. Show my drivers license and vote.
Whole process takes @10 minutes.
Yea, but what if you don't have a car & live 100 miles from the vote location & it's cold? Very hard.
Most restrictive voting laws. We have one of the shortest voting windows anywhere in the country. Ever wonder why on election night KY's results are in so early?
Because we have very efficient systems. Votes are counted by machine & then totaled there within minutes after poll closes, that tape is collected or driven 10 minutes to a pickup location from the sheriff's office, then driven 10-15 minutes by deputy to clerk's office & counted again by machine & tabbed. Less than an hour total. I've gotten my tape to sheriff's deputy by 630 & the other poll locations assigned to that pick up spot have already delivered. KY is bad at a lot of things, but voting isn't one of them. What ought to be the mystery to you, but clearly isn't, is why other states take so long. BTW, IN has the same voting hours as KY & is slightly faster yet.
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Polls close at 6. Kind if ridiculous. Should be open until 8.
Yea, you don't care how much government systems cost, do you? It's bad enough working 13-14 hours for $125 plus 3 hours training beforehand, yet you want to add two more hours. What an A-hole. It's all about you, isn't it?
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Yea, you don't care how much government systems cost, do you? It's bad enough working 13-14 hours for $125 plus 3 hours training beforehand, yet you want to add two more hours. What an A-hole. It's all about you, isn't it?
Yeah God forbid you work late 2 nights a year. Prayers sent.
Ky does not have "early voting" which is basically the opportunity to vote early with no restrictions.
By that definition, it doesn't. But letting anyone walk in off the street means more resources devoted to that early system & thus increases elections cost as election day resources needed wouldn't be any less.

But what's the point if you're going to be available election day & the state ramps up resources for election day voting systems? BTW, why do they call it Election Day?
Yeah God forbid you work late 2 nights a year. Prayers sent.
Yea, I bet you'd work 16 hours for $125. I mean we that do it are volunteers & you think it would be great if we volunteered more for your convenience. Why should that be? Or are you just that inconsideration of others all the time?
Yea, I bet you'd work 16 hours for $125. I mean we that do it are volunteers & you think it would be great if we volunteered more for your convenience. Why should that be? Or are you just that inconsideration of others all the time?
If you get paid you are not a volunteer
It is no secret that this impeachment is following party lines insofar as the amount and gravity of the evidence and exactly how serious it is. To me republicans are much like the mother and wife who is mentally, emotionally, and morally paralyzed to the point of denial, unable to face the truth that her husband is molesting their daughter. Let's hope they face the horrible truth in time to save her daughter's life.
Shutup. Did you just read this bs on the internet? It’s as easy as walking into the clerk’s office and saying “I won’t be in town”. They put you right on the machine, no questions asked.
Gonna put it to the test tomorrow. I’m going to be in Vegas on Tuesday so going to the Clerks office tomorrow.
Rumors circulating about a potential story breaking.

It involves siblings from the Omar family. Six fraudulent family members are rumored to have been identified. Possibly more immigration fraud.

Any source or details? I mean I’d love to see this, but there is a lot of evidence of brother marrying and immigration fraud already, and msm seems completely uninterested in reporting or investigating.
Any source or details? I mean I’d love to see this, but there is a lot of evidence of brother marrying and immigration fraud already, and msm seems completely uninterested in reporting or investigating.

There was a Jewish guy who tweeted that he just dropped the FBI unknown evidence on Ilhan. That bitch is going down.

It’s as if people don’t realize when you start out with the economy bottomed out and millions of layoffs there is the opportunity of growth. Even if you install bad policies that create the longest recovery in history.

Workers are happy with the large wage increase in the past 3 years.