How will they rule ??!

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Also Catherine Herridge is reporting that she's hearing whispers the reason behind Durham expanding his team and timeline is because he has uncovered evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

Drain the swamp! Death penalty for all treasonous acts. 3/4 of the democrats would be gone. I can live with that.
How does war with a Nato ally play out. Someone walk me through this. I'm curious.

Also if this is all the responsibility of the US and our Nato allies in the region don't have to put any skin in the game or have no responsibility to rein Turkey in then what is the point of Nato? From what I can tell Nato does absolutely nothing but leech off of the US taxpayers.

We pay them billions to protect them. Hell of a scam. No wonder they all get free health care and only have 20 hour work weeks with months of "holiday" time.
And who's to say that the threat of massive economic penalties won't keep the Turkish govt in check? You just want to bitch about Trump with the flavor of the day. If Trump can somehow stop/delay a fight that has been going on forever with economic threats and simultaneously get American citizens back home and out of harms way, he will have done FAR more than Obama ever did for peace in that part of the world. You are simply too dense, dumb or brain-washed to see it.
Turkey is already bombing the Kurds. They know Trump is all bluster and started immediately.
It should be obvious to most that the left has gone all anti-American and have sold out to the world socialistic idea. You on the left be advised, I will not stand for it. By the way you little snow flakes, neither will at least half of the nation who own guns. WE WILL WIN. It is in our nature.:uzi:

Thanks GoP for always making the super rich extra super rich and screwing over everyone else. Despite all the "middle class" tax cuts we've seen, the middle class tax rate has actually not budged one bit in 50 years. Because they always find a way to sneak in a new tax to make up the difference. But the tax rate for the rich has been cut in half. Time to bring back the 80% top rate of the 60s.

A new book-length study on the tax burden of the ultrarich begins with a startling finding: In 2018, for the first time in history, America's richest billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class.

"The Triumph of Injustice," by economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman of the University of California at Berkeley, presents a first-of-its kind analysis of Americans' effective tax rates since the 1960s. It finds that in 2018 the average effective tax rate paid by the richest 400 families in the country was 23 per cent, a full percentage point lower than the 24.2 per cent rate paid by the bottom half of American households.

In 1980, by contrast, the 400 richest had an effective tax rate of 47 per cent. In 1960, their tax rate was as high as 56 per cent.

Thanks GoP for always making the super rich extra super rich and screwing over everyone else. Despite all the "middle class" tax cuts we've seen, the middle class tax rate has actually not budged one bit in 50 years. Because they always find a way to sneak in a new tax to make up the difference. But the tax rate for the rich has been cut in half. Time to bring back the 80% top rate of the 60s.

A new book-length study on the tax burden of the ultrarich begins with a startling finding: In 2018, for the first time in history, America's richest billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class.

"The Triumph of Injustice," by economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman of the University of California at Berkeley, presents a first-of-its kind analysis of Americans' effective tax rates since the 1960s. It finds that in 2018 the average effective tax rate paid by the richest 400 families in the country was 23 per cent, a full percentage point lower than the 24.2 per cent rate paid by the bottom half of American households.

In 1980, by contrast, the 400 richest had an effective tax rate of 47 per cent. In 1960, their tax rate was as high as 56 per cent.
OH Hell, here we go again. Just when I thought one poster was the dumbest and most ridiculous, here comes plat to prove me wrong.
You have no grasp of geopolitics. You have no idea what keeps you safe in your cush plumbing job or keeps your kids safe. Turning the kurds over to Erdogan is a major mistake. Let’s talk in 4 mos when isis has resurged and Erdogan is in the midst of a genicide against the Kurds. Let’s talk when we have to send in 20000 to regain the peace. I didn’t realize you were such a fan of Obama’s foreign policy. Do tell me. Why did b you hate him so much?? I mean trump is mirroring Obama’s FP but honestly he has been much weaker with North Korea. Trump is appeasing perhaps the most dangerous man in the world in that phalic dictator in turkey. When bush was president you didn’t care about all those soldiers dying in the ME. When Obama was president you didn’t care. I mean he did the ultimate troop removal he took them all out of Iraq. Now trump who you exalt like a god is mirroring Obama and he deserves the Nobel peace prize. Listen to yourself. You supported Iraq but realized it was a mistake in hindsight. You hated obama and disagreed with his ME foreign policy which is what you advocate today. You love trump bc he did what Obama did. Sheep

We went into Iraq in 2003, 16 freaking years ago. We turned Iraq into an unstable country, in 2011 they were not ready to stand on their own, but we left anyway.
Obama backing out on the redline in Syria to keep from pissing Russia off and tanking his Iran deal, enabled the slaughter of 400000 and ISIS to rise.
We went into Syria to eliminate ISIS, they are gone. Yet Americans continue to die there, why?

You wanna talk geopolitics? We have airbases in Turkey, we are their guest. Those airbases are a check on Russia and Iran.
Turkey is also housing hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees, they want to send them home as well as create a buffer to prevent the Kurds from attacking Turkey.

So, do you risk losing those airbases and confronting a NATO ally or persuade the Kurds to rethink their priority?

I didn’t nor do I hate Obama. Next time cut the bullshit about your priority, no one buys the I supported Trump but this pushed me over the line crap. It isn’t original or clever.
I wonder what the raging homos take on Obstructing Congress is now
The message is clear.

Ds are acting in bad faith. Breaking all precedent. Trying to exclude the minority. It's a sham that's why they constantly keep getting caught in lies and are now forced to try it in secret. Take your political stunt and shove it.

Mitch is campaigning on exposing and squashing this farce. Can't wait til it gets to the Senate (If House Ds have the balls to bring articles.) See you there. Don't cry when the roles are reversed.

But the KURDS

Kurds are delicious

Thanks GoP for always making the super rich extra super rich and screwing over everyone else. Despite all the "middle class" tax cuts we've seen, the middle class tax rate has actually not budged one bit in 50 years. Because they always find a way to sneak in a new tax to make up the difference. But the tax rate for the rich has been cut in half. Time to bring back the 80% top rate of the 60s.

A new book-length study on the tax burden of the ultrarich begins with a startling finding: In 2018, for the first time in history, America's richest billionaires paid a lower effective tax rate than the working class.

"The Triumph of Injustice," by economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman of the University of California at Berkeley, presents a first-of-its kind analysis of Americans' effective tax rates since the 1960s. It finds that in 2018 the average effective tax rate paid by the richest 400 families in the country was 23 per cent, a full percentage point lower than the 24.2 per cent rate paid by the bottom half of American households.

In 1980, by contrast, the 400 richest had an effective tax rate of 47 per cent. In 1960, their tax rate was as high as 56 per cent.


Why don’t you leave taxes to those of us who understand them, you moron.

You ever tell us how you paid a 5% effective tax rate?
Not to mention hypocrisy.
When you do mention it, leaving out you and the lefties here is the real hypocrisy
I mean since they are "military style" anyway. Plus they're such death machines, our enemies would never stand a chance.
I quit buying at Dicks once they started this crap. Went to a small strip mall Saturday where my wife and daughter went into Kohl's to try on/buy clothes (yes over an hour). She says: "There is a Dick's next door if you need something to do". "Nope I said, they lost my business a while back". Sat around in Kohl's while they shopped.
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I wonder what the raging homos take on Obstructing Congress is now
Weaponizing government organizations to target Americans and the political opposition is a criminal act among other things. Attempting a coup whether it be military or subversive (this case) is treasonous and punishable by death. A large majority of democrats and a few republicans should be facing the death penalty.
Haha they're all anti war until Trump is. Now suddenly they're salivating at the thought of going to war with a Nato "ally". How would that play out anyway?

Knowing good and well if that's the choice Trump made they'd take the exact opposite stance. They'd claim he was a loose cannon starting WW3 who can't be trusted with the nuclear codes
Seriously Trump could find a cure for cancer and all these dimwits would bash him for it.
Haha they're all anti war until Trump is. Now suddenly they're salivating at the thought of going to war with a Nato "ally". How would that play out anyway?

Knowing good and well if that's the choice Trump made they'd take the exact opposite stance. They'd claim he was a loose cannon starting WW3 who can't be trusted with the nuclear codes

We used to start wars when a president needed to good press going into an election. Trump threatens to end then. I hope it sticks this time, but fool me twice... don't be foolin me anymore.
Back before I could drive, the lefties were protesting us going to the Middle East. I’m now on the cusp of meeting the age requirement where I could become President and get us out of the Middle East, and the lefties are trying to prevent us from ending those same wars.

At some point, this is about America, not about the Kurds you clowns just learned about.
Back before I could drive, the lefties were protesting us going to the Middle East. I’m now on the cusp of meeting the age requirement where I could become President and get us out of the Middle East, and the lefties are trying to prevent us from ending those same wars.

At some point, this is about America, not about the Kurds you clowns just learned about.
I can not imagine being a parent who lost a son or daughter in this God forsaken part of the world. My heart feels for those who lost family and died in vain. For what? Maintaining peace? What peace will there ever be in the middle east? Our military is to defend our nation and our way of life. Not sacrifice our soldiers for this part of the world. The way we should handle the middle east is to not let nuclear weapons spread and step back and let them and the European neighbors fight it out to the Last Man Standing.

Get us out of there President Trump. Do it for "our children"
Where was all this outrage over not turning your back on an ally when Obama at best watched, at worst assisted, in toppling Hosni Mubarak and allowing Egypt to be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood? Egypt was a much stronger, more strategic ally than the Kurds, but I don't recall all the over the top bluster coming from the kids here on cats paw. Hell, plat probably wasn't old enough to read yet, so he may not remember.
Seriously Trump could find a cure for cancer and all these dimwits would bash him for it.

Can't turn our backs on our allies!

Where was all this outrage over not turning your back on an ally when Obama at best watched, at worst assisted, in toppling Hosni Mubarak and allowing Egypt to be taken over by the Muslim Brotherhood? Egypt was a much stronger, more strategic ally than the Kurds, but I don't recall all the over the top bluster coming from the kids here on cats paw. Hell, plat probably wasn't old enough to read yet, so he may not remember.

Iirc there was proof that came out the US was absolutely behind that using several resources to make sure it succeeded. Noone cared. It was in the news for about 19 seconds. The rest of the news was about courageous these freedom fighters were.