How will they rule ??!

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You say all of that and the NCAA will still cave because they don’t have an option if they want respectable teams to compete for their championships

Don't disagree. Because they're too stupid to fight it correctly. While their opponents are less stupid, and controlling the narrative
No I can take it. They both are so ridiculous to read. Warrior replied 13 times on day with a "false".
You guys are the biggest snowflakes around. Jameslie post constant Meme's that are untrue as does levi'sbooty 2 to 3 times more a day than my "false" post which by the way generally hit the mark because, you lie a lot it's the liberal way.
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A little over a year till the election. Are the democrats going to propose some policies that are truly going to make my life better any time soon, or stay on the Orange Man Bad campaign until then?
That's all they got. Theyve accomplished nothing the past 3 years bc of their thirst for power. Also other than trotting out nonsensical face value policy that ignores Unintended consequences and reality of how things work, they cant persuade ppl to vote for them. Instead they have to try destroy everyone and remove them by force.

Disgusting ppl.
pEDo ignores people for doing the same thing he does even more of. Definition of hypocrite.
Wow! They're killing the Confederate flag, they uphold Obamacare and NOW they legalize gay marriage!

Chick Fil A is gonna be ROCKIN' this afternoon!

A little over a year till the election. Are the democrats going to propose some policies that are truly going to make my life better any time soon, or stay on the Orange Man Bad campaign until then?
The Democratic House has passed legislation to make your life better, but Moscow Mitch in the Senate won't take any of it up. This quick summary was made back in June.

"H.R. 1: For the People Act

The For the People Act was House Democrats’ first major legislative package introduced in the new Congress. The bill, which passed in March, features a hodgepodge of policies that the party promoted throughout the 2018 midterm campaign to help secure elections from foreign interference and make them more accessible to voters.

The package aims to require states to provide an online option for voter registration and allow voters to register the same day they go to the polls. It would also require states to automatically register citizens who don’t register themselves.

To protect elections from any foreign meddling, the bill mandates that states use paper ballots and that the Department of Homeland Security evaluate threats to election systems 180 days prior to an election and inform states of their conclusions.

The bill includes campaign finance and ethics reform measures, including mandating presidential candidates release their tax returns.

H.R. 5: The Equality Act

The Equality Act, which was introduced in March and passed in May, seeks to provide comprehensive anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans in employment, education, federal funding, housing, public accommodations and more.

H.R. 6: The American Dream and Promise Act

The American Dream and Promise Act, which was introduced in March and passed earlier this month, would protect young immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as children — known as Dreamers — and establish a path to citizenship for more than 2 million immigrants without legal status.

The bill would grant permanent residency with a path to citizenship to more than 2 million immigrants who fall into three categories: Dreamers and some recipients of the temporary protected status and deferred enforced departure programs.

H.R. 7: The Paycheck Fairness Act

The Paycheck Fairness Act was introduced in January and passed in March. It includes provisions that would prohibit employers from asking about prospective employees’ salaries, forbid retaliation against employees who compare wages and mandate employers show that pay discrepancies are based on legitimate factors.

H.R. 8: The Bipartisan Background Checks Act

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act was introduced in early January and passed the House the following month. Eight Republican House members joined nearly every Democrat in passing the bill in what was the most significant gun control vote in years.

The legislation seeks to expand background check requirements on private sales, including those at gun shows, on the internet or through classified ads.

H.R. 987: The Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act

The Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act was introduced in February and passed last month. Five Republicans voted for the measure.

The bill seeks to lower prescription drug prices, bolster the Affordable Care Act and protect care for those with pre-existing conditions."
Trump has turned the WH into such a complete shit hole it's infested with rats now. Literaly had mice falling out of the ceiling during a press briefing.
The Democratic House has passed legislation to make your life better

How does any of this make the average Joe, Jane and little Johnny lives better?

H.R. 1: For the People Act

Doesn't do much to actually secure the election process, yet includes several poison pills, including possibly making voter fraud easier, nor does it even address voter ID.

Securing our elections is simple. Mandatory ID for all. Those who cannot afford one will have one subsidized. No proof of identity, no vote.

H.R. 5: The Equality Act

Identity politics. Focusing solely on a very small minority and does absolutely nothing for anyone else.

How many gay people are being discriminated against at work anyway? I'm seriously asking. Is there an epidemic of gay hate at the workplace that I'm not aware of. Seems like they're making something out of nothing and pandering.

H.R. 6: The American Dream and Promise Act

Absolutely not. Does nothing for American citizens. Citizenship for illegals shouldn't even be on the table before border security. The Ds knew this bill doomed from the start. More virtue signalling than serious policy.

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act

Actually infringes on gun owners' constitutional rights. Law abiding citizens are punished because of the actions of criminals. More laws will not deter lawbreakers from breaking the law. It's just more red tape for the average law abiding gun owner to have to deal with.

Plus, with loons like Beto threatening to go to private residences and confiscate guns by force, the last thing gun owners want is to give people in the government like him an expanded database of ownership to use to identify and target us.

The Strengthening Health Care and Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Act

The Trump administration and Rs have been working on this long before the Ds took the House in '18. This isn't specific to the Ds.
Trump has turned the WH into such a complete shit hole it's infested with rats now. Literaly had mice falling out of the ceiling during a press briefing.
They were left there by Obama. Trump had to come in and immediately try to get it under control. Must still be an ongoing battle.

President Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations in the White House

The White House may be elaborately decorated for the holidays this time of year, but work orders reveal the presidential mansion is also infested with mice, cockroaches and ants.

The vermin came to light when NBC News4 Washington obtained hundreds of work requests stretching back two years. Maintenance staff members at the White House were asked to respond to reports of mice in both the White House Navy mess and in the Situation Room, according to NBC.

Staffers also found cockroaches in at least four different places on the White House grounds. Another report showed ants in the White House chief of staff’s office.

Some of the work orders were routine changes, such as former Press Secretary Sean Spicer asking for new furniture shortly after the inauguration, while others were more specific. The files show a request in late January, for example, to replace the toilet seat in the Oval Office. The request included instructions to replace the seat “after house please.”

Overall, there were a similar number of work orders submitted in 2017 under the Trump administration compared to 2016 under President Barack Obama, according to NBC.
How does any of this make the average Joe, Jane and little Johnny lives better?

Doesn't do much to actually secure the election process, yet includes several poison pills, including possibly making voter fraud easier, nor does it even address voter ID.

Securing our elections is simple. Mandatory ID for all. Those who cannot afford one will have one subsidized. No proof of identity, no vote.

Identity politics. Focusing solely on a very small minority and does absolutely nothing for anyone else.

How many gay people are being discriminated against at work anyway? I'm seriously asking. Is there an epidemic of gay hate at the workplace that I'm not aware of. Seems like they're making something out of nothing and pandering.

Absolutely not. Does nothing for American citizens. Citizenship for illegals shouldn't even be on the table before border security. The Ds knew this bill doomed from the start. More virtue signalling than serious policy.

Actually infringes on gun owners' constitutional rights. Law abiding citizens are punished because of the actions of criminals. More laws will not deter lawbreakers from breaking the law. It's just more red tape for the average law abiding gun owner to have to deal with.

Plus, with loons like Beto threatening to go to private residences and confiscate guns by force, the last thing gun owners want is to give people in the government like him an expanded database of ownership to use to identify and target us.

The Trump administration and Rs have been working on this long before the Ds took the House in '18. This isn't specific to the Ds.
Exactly, things are being passed. Just things you don't like.
Exactly, things are being passed. Just things you don't like.

But he posted this:

Are the democrats going to propose some policies that are truly going to make my life better any time soon

You responded:

The Democratic House has passed legislation to make your life better

My point is, unless he's a gay, illegal immigrant who opposes the 2A and voter ID, how does any of that make his life better?
They were left there by Obama. Trump had to come in and immediately try to get it under control. Must still be an ongoing battle.

President Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations in the White House

The White House may be elaborately decorated for the holidays this time of year, but work orders reveal the presidential mansion is also infested with mice, cockroaches and ants.

The vermin came to light when NBC News4 Washington obtained hundreds of work requests stretching back two years. Maintenance staff members at the White House were asked to respond to reports of mice in both the White House Navy mess and in the Situation Room, according to NBC.

Staffers also found cockroaches in at least four different places on the White House grounds. Another report showed ants in the White House chief of staff’s office.

Some of the work orders were routine changes, such as former Press Secretary Sean Spicer asking for new furniture shortly after the inauguration, while others were more specific. The files show a request in late January, for example, to replace the toilet seat in the Oval Office. The request included instructions to replace the seat “after house please.”

Overall, there were a similar number of work orders submitted in 2017 under the Trump administration compared to 2016 under President Barack Obama, according to NBC.

Please don't confuse these loons with facts.