Watching the whole thing again (9/11) on the history channel and so is my family. 13 year old daughter said that they covered very little of it in school today. She is getting a good education on Muslim ideology and Islamic rule tonight. I explained Sharia law and how the left is embracing it. She ask why? I told her because the left wants to take everything we have including our freedoms, especially women's. She gets it and says she will forever oppose the left. I told her to remember this because they will lie just like Taqyyia in the Quran to get their way. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus because she understands this too. I have shown her those passages in the Quran. Wooo! Hooo! Suck it libs, 2 of my 3 children are conservatives. One is a liberal who is 37 years old and still in college. (Professional student) They have ruined him so far but, I have hope.
The son who is a liberal once recorded our conversation while I was driving him to OKC airport to catch a plane (Liberal tactic) and thought it would work in his favor. The other son (twins) married a girl they met in high school and befriended who was indoctrinated by their mother (my ex-wife) in me being a bad guy. The recorded conversation was about religion, politics and other stuff. After hearing the tape, the wife of the conservative twin who used to have a poor opinion of me called and apologized to me and said she found a new respect for me and we have become close. She let me know why. The liberal son to this day does not know she told me he had recorded the conversation. Winning Bigly I would say.