How will they rule ??!

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Speaking of Kamala Harris, I'd love to ask her if she thought she could blow her way to the top... or, does she just like to suck cauk?

I mean, I can respect the latter... in fact, I would encourage her.

The former just makes her a typical politician.
Worked for Melania

Trump was bringing terrorists to the US today. MAGA! Only canceled at the last second because they blew a bunch of people up including a US soldier yesterday. Makes your accusations against Obama look like sainthood. Defend the POS now you loons. Spend 18 years losing thousands of soldiers just to hand over the country to the terrorists we drove out. And Trump was going to wine and dine them at Camp David.

Trump was bringing terrorists to the US today. MAGA! Only canceled at the last second because they blew a bunch of people up including a US soldier yesterday. Makes your accusations against Obama look like sainthood. Defend the POS now you loons. Spend 18 years losing thousands of soldiers just to hand over the country to the terrorists we drove out. And Trump was going to wine and dine them at Camp David.
Mueller and the entire government apparatus covered up the Saudis. Can't piss off the oil God's and our FOB hosts for never ending ME war. And of course almost everyone in charge was a republican.
WTF you doing posting this horseshit during a FB game? Get the hell outta here.
Not only that, but one post he was bitching about Trump ending a war in Middle East and next bitching about never ending war in Middle East.
Trump isn't ending a war. He is handing over a country to terrorists and bringing them to the US. I think willy would call that treason and ask for a good ole hanging.
The whole Alabama/hurricane thing probably is the perfect snapshot on the two biggest issues with the media and Trump.

With the media: You are grasping at straws here trying to create a controversy. This is probably the dumbest thing they have tried to drag out to sound like it is this massive deal. Any other president or politician that tweet about Alabama getting hit is forgot about 30 minutes after it gets posted.

With Trump: Dude learn to pick your freaking battles. This is the dumbest thing to draw out and got even dumber with the stupid sharpie on the map crap. All Trump had to do was this, "I was shown a very early projection of the storm and it showed a potential of it maybe hitting Alabama. With the newer projections its clear that won't happen." That is literally it, just say that and just laugh off the media if they dont drop it. But no he keeps fighting this pointless battle.

I think Trump has done fantastic so far as a president, and many of these little battles he picks he does win. But many of them like this one, makes me just scratch my head and wonder, isn't there just one person that can just go up to him and just say, "no no need to fight this one." But ya the media with each passing day digs themselves deeper and deeper. This is the dumbest thing to carry on and try and make it a controversy.
It's pretty sad that our media and president act like 8 year olds at recess. Trump acts like an idiot. Liberals are insane. Makes me want to just give up caring about politics all together and just hope the country lasts as long as possible. The politicians we have now don't give me much hope.
Trump isn't ending a war. He is handing over a country to terrorists and bringing them to the US. I think willy would call that treason and ask for a good ole hanging.
False, TDS inspired post. Your mind is lost in the fog. You are for open borders bringing every piece of scum that would destroy this country without vetting. You are part of the problem.
We've been in Germany for 70 years. South Korea 60 years. Never leaving is what we specialize in
Seriously? Some people have no clue and then, there are ones like you who are so weak minded they believe every lie told to them or are so corrupt that they too want to destroy this country.
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I love how Trump thinks it's a victory to call off a secret meeting with terrorists on US soil. Though the meeting sounds completely made up. In what reality would Taliban leaders actually travel to Camp David? The afghan President called off his US trip on Friday morning, almost 2 days before Trump announced this. What it really sounds like is Trump stated that peace was a done deal 2 weeks ago and then made up some stupid story when it all fell apart. Every deal TRump tries to make falls apart because he is literally the worst deal maker in the history of humanity.
So who is going to be the first person to defend bringing terrorists to the US for negotiations 3 dyas before 9/11? POS that have murdered and maimed thousands of US troops and harbored Al Queida for a decade.
It's pretty sad that our media and president act like 8 year olds at recess. Trump acts like an idiot. Liberals are insane. Makes me want to just give up caring about politics all together and just hope the country lasts as long as possible. The politicians we have now don't give me much hope.
The thing that I really like from Trump, is he is doing things for the good of the country and it's legal citizens. Yea, I wish he would not do twitter wars, but I love that he calls out the Liberals and the fake news media. Trump hits back, he is a fighter, which I have wanted to see for a loooong time. So I ignore the things he says.
WTF you doing posting this horseshit during a FB game? Get the hell outta here.
all the games today are garbage. Tomorrow America's team will show the world what real football is.
Translation: "I'm simply another typical Card troll. I troll here because such activity is not allowed on the Card board".
We've been in Germany for 70 years. South Korea 60 years. Never leaving is what we specialize in
And the US presence in Germany and South Korea have been greatly reduced since the Cold War era. Both countries serve as invaluable staging areas if needed and both are US friendly.
WTF you doing posting this horseshit during a FB game? Get the hell outta here.
It is his only chance of winning an argument (temporarily) because most of us were watching the game. Showing once again where his loyalties are. He is so hell bent on helping the left destroy this country and is so ate up with TDS that he wishes for our failure. He is scum.
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The thing that I really like from Trump, is he is doing things for the good of the country and it's legal citizens. Yea, I wish he would not do twitter wars, but I love that he calls out the Liberals and the fake news media. Trump hits back, he is a fighter, which I have wanted to see for a loooong time. So I ignore the things he says.
I get all that man and I agree with you. I'll be voting for him in 20. But at this point for me the biggest reason is just to keep whatever whacko the libs choose out.
Translation: "I'm simply another typical Card troll. I troll here because such activity is not allowed on the Card board".
college football is terrible to watch these days. All but 5 teams are just playing for participation trophies. The scheduling is a complete joke. Power 5 teams playing handicapped schools for a free win to get bowl eligibility. When they make the playoffs a real playoff and force real schedules i will put more effort into caring about it. Until then it's just half assed entertainment to watch when nothing better is on.
college football is terrible to watch these days. All but 5 teams are just playing for participation trophies. The scheduling is a complete joke. Power 5 teams playing handicapped schools for a free win to get bowl eligibility. When they make the playoffs a real playoff and force real schedules i will put more effort into caring about it. Until then it's just half assed entertainment to watch when nothing better is on.

You should start gambling