Warrior cat?When they bring in guest speakers to discuss slavery in a California kindergarten class:
Warrior cat?When they bring in guest speakers to discuss slavery in a California kindergarten class:
But do you party bro?Hah, yeah... actually posters used to call me liberal like a 4 letter word and I was always like hey I'm really more centrist, but then that moderate came to mean you were lying about how far left you were around here... so now, firmly and solidly to the right of these moronic leftists I can finally say... I AM A LIBERAL BRO!
Color me dumb founded that you agree with a Liberal. What a shock!!
Your ignorance to the harm they have done is scary.Your obsession with the clintons is amazing
Your obsession with me is even more scary. Be careful.Warrior cat?
Warrior cat?
I mean, I'm by far no genius. But even I know the President has declassification powers. You do know he does, right?
Comparing the pic on twitter (which was clearly declassified) to what Hillary did is so stupid. Not even in the same universe as the same thing.
And it was tweeted out because *drum roll please* it was declassified.
Nothing wrong with my game, thank you.Go work on your golf game, clown.
So sayeth the Canuck that wants this country to run like Canada. Go back to your safe haven.Value add to this board rankings;
1 through 500 - take your pick of anyone not named below.
Bottom 4
in no particular order.
He's an opinion giver... entertainer.
Which is part of the problem, your lot can't separate op/ed from news.
Wonder how big Don will spend that $5Disgusting and will donate to Trump and maybe buy another AR. Don't need one but **** him and his stupid shit YouTube posts.
And it was tweeted out because *drum roll please* it was declassified.
I know you lefties are ate up with TDS but my god use your freaking heads for one damn time.
A breaking and entering drunk wants to violate the constitution. Beto arrested twice and both times got off due to privilege.
So, they should not exploit her. Dumb asses.
So sayeth the Canuck that wants this country to run like Canada. Go back to your safe haven.
Going to be all the more sweet when he loses in 20. Can not wait. By the way that list is a joke.
I bet you carry a foot wedge like big Don.Nothing wrong with my game, thank you.
He also warned Alabama. Which is not in danger. That rascal.Stable Genius quote:
"We don't even know what's coming at us," Trump said in reference to Hurricane Dorian during a press conference at the FEMA headquarters in Washington D.C. on Sunday. "All we know is it's possibly the biggest. I have — I am not sure I'm not sure that I've ever even heard of the Category five, I knew it existed."
"And I've seen some Category fours, you don't even see them that much, but a Category five is something that I don't know that I've ever even heard the term other than I know it's there," the president added. "That's the ultimate, and that's what we have unfortunately.”
For the record, Hurricane Dorian is the fifth Category 5 to impact the US since Cheeto’s inauguration . . . idiot.