How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Trump lost his appeal and will have to be deposed in his lying about sexual assault, defamation case.
There you go.

of course its a violation but its not a law which means its not illegal. It's really weird how much recording is going on around Trump. Everyone is setting up to blackmail each other like its expected in this administration. Seems like a culture that Trump pushed for when he kept threatening Comey with tapes.

DOJ watchdog says Comey violated FBI policies.

Stop posting here. You are no longer credible. You are incredible.
Celebrities ranting, massive protests (mostly by millennials), refusing to accept election Trump responsible for Britain as well?
Just a matter of time before they say Boris is a Russian agent too. If they aren't already saying that.
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Question .. If Comey leaked FBI doc's that were confidential why in the world doesnt AG Barr prosecute this little prick ?
Probably because he knows he could not get a conviction in D.C. Think about who would be on the jury. It would be stacked with Trump haters.

We have two judicial systems in America. You and I would go to prison over this.
Probably because he knows he could not get a conviction in D.C. Think about who would be on the jury. It would be stacked with Trump haters.

We have two judicial systems in America. You and I would go to prison over this.

Wish I could sit on that jury...
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I didn’t want to believe it when I heard but sure enough there’s some imbecilic idiots in this very thread who truly believe Donald Trump is worse than evil dictators that were responsible for millions of deaths.

It’s eerie and downright concerning that grown ass adults not only believe this ridiculous absurdity but also broadcast it for the world to see.
I didn’t want to believe it when I heard but sure enough there’s some imbecilic idiots in this very thread who truly believe Donald Trump is worse than evil dictators that were responsible for millions of deaths.

It’s eerie and downright concerning that grown ass adults not only believe this ridiculous absurdity but also broadcast it for the world to see AND many have licenses to drive on our roads.

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Media runs hyperbolic "recession" stories for weeks

Media celebrates/promotes polling showing more people are concerned for the economy
I posted a video last week, of news people and celebs incessantly referring to "worries of a recession." The last guy on it said something like “The recession is not about what the actual numbers say. The recession is about what people are feeling is about to happen.” IOW, the actual state of the economy doesn't matter, if we can scare people into believing a recession is coming, it will be self-fulfilling.

Just stating the obvious, I guess......

Inside the dark thoughts and far-left leanings of Dayton shooter Connor Betts

embraces of far-left stances and politicians — including presidential-hopeful senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Bernie Sanders of Vermont — as well as the antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters,

He’s mentally ill and needs therapy. You can’t blame politicians for—

I didn’t want to believe it when I heard but sure enough there’s some imbecilic idiots in this very thread who truly believe Donald Trump is worse than evil dictators that were responsible for millions of deaths.

It’s eerie and downright concerning that grown ass adults not only believe this ridiculous absurdity but also broadcast it for the world to see.
Don't worry the DNC self destructed long ago.
KY unemployment....solid
KY business growth...solid
Having the 2nd most powerful person in DC from KY....check
Having the 2nd most powerful person in DC from KY be the main opposition to Pelosi, Schumer, and their cronies...check.
Having the 2nd most powerful person in DC that is from KY be the voice for getting conservative judges appointed across the country....check

Jones platform will be......? Socialism? Communism? Help stop Biden's gaffes?
aw shucks im justa good ol boy from the holler with no political affiliations who loves jesus and wants the best for my state aw shucks


Today's little radio spiel was nauseating. He's smart, I'll give him that. Lot smarter than Amy McGrath.
KY unemployment....solid
KY business growth...solid
Having the 2nd most powerful person in DC from KY....check
Having the 2nd most powerful person in DC from KY be the main opposition to Pelosi, Schumer, and their cronies...check.
Having the 2nd most powerful person in DC that is from KY be the voice for getting conservative judges appointed across the country....check

Jones platform will be......? Socialism? Communism? Help stop Biden's gaffes?
As a non resident of Kentucky the fact McConnell is pushing through conservative judges makes him the most valuable member of congress in my eyes I can't believe Kentucky would throw that away for a 40 year old juvenile radio host for resturant reviews.
As a non resident of Kentucky the fact McConnell is pushing through conservative judges makes him the most valuable member of congress. I can't believe Kentucky would throw that away for a 40 year old juvenile radio host for resturant reviews.

The sad part is he will get votes from Billy Joe Jim Bob based entirely on UK basketball....and zero to do with political knowledge.