How will they rule ??!

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CNN’s Angela Rye tells Republican Patrick Griffin: “The greatest terrorist group in this country are white men. White men who think like you. That is the greatest terrorist threat in this country” CNN is now claiming that Republicans are “the greatest terrorist threat”

I watched some of that last night. a little is all i could stomach. that bitch was raging with hatred for whitey.
No doubt he spends too much and its been criticized by about every Trump supporter in this thread. The debt will do this country in at some point if its not stopped.

But did you criticize Obama for all of his spending?

Dems can’t do it. They cannot and will not criticize Obama. They think that will make them racist.

Anytime you bring up Obama, there’s an excuse to why it isn’t his fault. He gets more protection than UNC does from the NCAA.
The debt will never stop. It will be rolled on to the next guy. My point was trump knew he couldn't eliminate it. But did stop him from lying about it and conservatives lapping it up.
So which would you rather our country turn into, Communism or Socialism?
CNN’s Angela Rye tells Republican Patrick Griffin: “The greatest terrorist group in this country are white men. White men who think like you. That is the greatest terrorist threat in this country” CNN is now claiming that Republicans are “the greatest terrorist threat”

I watched some of that last night. a little is all i could stomach. that bitch was raging with hatred for whitey.
I mean, go back to that post and just look at her. Pure, unhinged hatred in that face.

That's the left wrapped up in one still photo.
There are daily calls for violence against liberals and immigrants in this thread completely openly. But no poor wittle white males are in danger because of my of scary dog whistles...

bunch of moraless assholes on here today. You don't have to give immigrants with kids "free entry" and you also don't have to separate the kids from their families. You can keep the kids with their parents while you process them to be sent back to their country. Its something Trump has chosen to do as a political move to gain some leverage in the immigration bill negotiations. He chooses to be a souless dick to kids. If Jesus was real you would all be going to hell.
Concern about Trump’s immigration policies impacting business fades on Main Street.

....But those concerns among small business owners do not extend to their work. The percentage of small business owners who expect any effect on their businesses — positive or negative — as a result of changes to immigration policy has barely budged in the past two years. Even when concerns about immigration spiked, about 6 in 10 small business owners said they didn’t expect immigration policy to impact their businesses, the same as in previous quarters.

Go camp your ass out on Preston Highway and shut the hell up.
Ever notice that Ed never answers direct questions? All he does is ask stupid shit, which is why I think he is just trolling. Trolls are pathetic.

If you never give a position you can never be proven wrong. I don't think he's trolling though, it's just retard "if unicorns then Trump is evil" logic...keep replacing the unicorn premise with imaginary shit and you never have to address the conclusion.
Platinumdrgn said:
bunch of moraless assholes on here today. You don't have to give immigrants with kids "free entry" and you also don't have to separate the kids from their families. You can keep the kids with their parents while you process them to be sent back to their country. Its something Trump has chosen to do as a political move to gain some leverage in the immigration bill negotiations. He chooses to be a souless dick to kids. If Jesus was real you would all be going to hell.

So what do you have to say to the politicians who are enticing those people to make that long, dangerous trek to the US by proclaiming they will give immigrants a bunch of free stuff? (That would be about 16 of the 18 current Dem candidates BTW.)

Do you not see how those promises are not only stupid...but dangerous to make? Will you condemn them for doing so? Knowing the only reason they are doing it is to tug at heart strings and to play the race card against Trump.

No. Of course you won't.
Platinumdrgn said:
bunch of moraless assholes on here today. You don't have to give immigrants with kids "free entry" and you also don't have to separate the kids from their families. You can keep the kids with their parents while you process them to be sent back to their country. Its something Trump has chosen to do as a political move to gain some leverage in the immigration bill negotiations. He chooses to be a souless dick to kids. If Jesus was real you would all be going to hell.

So what do you have to say to the politicians who are enticing those people to make that long, dangerous trek to the US by proclaiming they will give immigrants a bunch of free stuff? (That would be about 16 of the 18 current Dem candidates BTW.)

Do you not see how those promises are not only stupid...but dangerous to make? Will you condemn them for doing so? Knowing the only reason they are doing it is to tug at heart strings and to play the race card against Trump.

No. Of course you won't.

Not to mention that a portion of these kids aren’t being separated from their parents. Their being separated from their traffickers. But that never gets brought up either.
Platinumdrgn said:
bunch of moraless assholes on here today. You don't have to give immigrants with kids "free entry" and you also don't have to separate the kids from their families. You can keep the kids with their parents while you process them to be sent back to their country. Its something Trump has chosen to do as a political move to gain some leverage in the immigration bill negotiations. He chooses to be a souless dick to kids. If Jesus was real you would all be going to hell.

I have him blocked... and you posted this.

Mods please ban Kaizer immediately.
Great read that sums up the MSM, SJW & the Lefty Brigade on this board: collective ignorance parading as truth. I know they will come back and say that it also describes the right on this board...and well, quite honestly...there's a little bit of truth to that as well.

Excerpts from the article...

Research at Yale University suggests the internet is making humans believe they are smarter than they actually are.

Could the Internet be enabling “opinion creep”? Accessing information with ease, we may believe we are well informed and yet be blind to the “enormity of our ignorance.” We think we are “experts” even when we know little.

We take that tiny bit of knowledge and, as Ferrell observes, elevate it to a conviction. Sloman and Fernbach write:

The feeling that overwhelms us is, “if only they understood.” If only they understood how much we care, how open we are, and how our ideas would help, they would see things our way. But here’s the rub: While it’s true that your opponents don’t understand the problem in all its subtlety and complexity, neither do you.

We share our “if only they understood” opinions with like-minded individuals. When the like-minded “like” our opinions, does our arrogance increase? At what point does collective ignorance parade as truth?
Still waiting to meet an actual KKK member... and I'm 56 years old.

Has ANYONE on here ever met an actual KKK member? With all the conservatives (aka white supremacists) on here, I'd assume several of you must be, or at least know, some KKK members.

Didn't go out of my way to introduce myself, but I was leaving Target in Owensboro once back in 2002 and there was a guy standing outside the front door wearing a wife beater. He had a swastika tattoo on one arm and a klansman carrying a confederate flag on the other. Just sort of shook my head and kept going.
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Still waiting to meet an actual KKK member... and I'm 56 years old.

Has ANYONE on here ever met an actual KKK member? With all the conservatives (aka white supremacists) on here, I'd assume several of you must be, or at least know, some KKK members.
I saw one once. Back in the 70's during the busing riots in Jefferson County. I was just out riding on a warm sunny day. Came around a curve and there were two of them guarding the entrance to a farm. It was kind of chilling. They were going to have a rally. I got the hell out of there!
Still waiting to meet an actual KKK member... and I'm 56 years old.

Has ANYONE on here ever met an actual KKK member? With all the conservatives (aka white supremacists) on here, I'd assume several of you must be, or at least know, some KKK members.

A couple of years ago I woke up on a Sunday morning and found a ziploc bag at the end of my driveway with a white marble in it (to weigh it down I assume) and a note with a printed message about how to contact the local KKK chapter. They were all up and down my street in all the driveways. I think there was a short blurb about it on the news later that day. Other than that I’ve never seen much that would lead me to believe the KKK still exists at all.
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Not to mention that a portion of these kids aren’t being separated from their parents. Their being separated from their traffickers. But that never gets brought up either.

And that's why the pedophile party is so upset. Their slave trafficking business is being upset.

Can you imagine how many illegal children were trafficked through Epstein's 7k+ acre ranch?
Didn't go out of my way to introduce myself, but I was leaving Target in Owensboro once back in 2002 and there was a guy standing outside the front door wearing a wife beater. He had a swastika tattoo on one arm and a klansman carrying a confederate flag on the other. Just sort of shook my head and kept going.
Was he out there causin' a ruckus? or was he just minding his own business?
Still waiting to meet an actual KKK member... and I'm 56 years old.

Has ANYONE on here ever met an actual KKK member? With all the conservatives (aka white supremacists) on here, I'd assume several of you must be, or at least know, some KKK members.
Only to meet those people is to be a Democrat.
I saw one once. Back in the 70's during the busing riots in Jefferson County. I was just out riding on a warm sunny day. Came around a curve and there were two of them guarding the entrance to a farm. It was kind of chilling. They were going to have a rally. I got the hell out of there!
I just moved out to the Taylorsville area. My Neighbor told me a story from a guy he works with who's family has lived out there for generations. Apparently the farm that backs up to our neighborhood (of which the land used to belong to that farm) is a family cattle farm that a couple of generations ago was a gathering place for the KKK and the owner was a Supreme Leader or Grand PooPah or Wizard or whatever they call the leader. They held their cross burnings and whatnot there. That was long ago though, like back in the '40's or therabouts. The farms owners currently are decendants from that guy, so not sure if they inherited the traits or not. I haven't met them. All I know is they have black cattle that come up to my back fence when they're let out into that field. My new puppy likes to mess with them.
Still waiting to meet an actual KKK member... and I'm 56 years old.

Has ANYONE on here ever met an actual KKK member? With all the conservatives (aka white supremacists) on here, I'd assume several of you must be, or at least know, some KKK members.
I'm 39. I've lived in a very small country town all my life. Exactly the type of environment one might suspect KKK members would be. I've never once met someone in the klan, been recruited, or heard of any rallies. This town is full of "rednecks" and no one speaks ill of black people. In fact, I haven't heard anyone even say the N word in years. As long as you like music and beer, you are accepted around here no matter what race you are.
If you’re “repping for a cause” in Portland, you’re probably a shitty person. Regardless of what side of the aisle you fall on.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for the left to understand. If you’re a member of a violent organization, whether Antifa or neo-Nazis, you’re a piece of shit.

But no one on here or anywhere in the mainstream is sticking up for neo-Nazis. Conversely, the lefties on here and in the MSM bend over backwards to defend Antifa.

And no, Trump did not defend neo-Nazis you goddam left wing lunatics. Read his quotes.
I'm 39. I've lived in a very small country town all my life. Exactly the type of environment one might suspect KKK members would be. I've never once met someone in the klan, been recruited, or heard of any rallies. This town is full of "rednecks" and no one speaks ill of black people. In fact, I haven't heard anyone even say the N word in years. As long as you like music and beer, you are accepted around here no matter what race you are.

Even Nickelback?
If you’re “repping for a cause” in Portland, you’re probably a shitty person. Regardless of what side of the aisle you fall on.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for the left to understand. If you’re a member of a violent organization, whether Antifa or neo-Nazis, you’re a piece of shit.

But no one on here or anywhere in the mainstream is sticking up for neo-Nazis. Conversely, the lefties on here and in the MSM bend over backwards to defend Antifa.

And no, Trump did not defend neo-Nazis you goddam left wing lunatics. Read his quotes.

For the record I've never once defended Antifa.
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If you’re “repping for a cause” in Portland, you’re probably a shitty person. Regardless of what side of the aisle you fall on.

I don’t know why it’s so hard for the left to understand. If you’re a member of a violent organization, whether Antifa or neo-Nazis, you’re a piece of shit.

But no one on here or anywhere in the mainstream is sticking up for neo-Nazis. Conversely, the lefties on here and in the MSM bend over backwards to defend Antifa.

And no, Trump did not defend neo-Nazis you goddam left wing lunatics. Read his quotes.

The WHOLE quotes. Not just the pieces of them parsed out by the MSM.
Still waiting to meet an actual KKK member... and I'm 56 years old.

Has ANYONE on here ever met an actual KKK member? With all the conservatives (aka white supremacists) on here, I'd assume several of you must be, or at least know, some KKK members.

About forty years ago they (maybe 12-15) held a rally in a city park in my town. maybe 200 people showed up, mostly out of curiosity.
They got on a makeshift platform dressed in their sheets and a couple of them took the microphone and spouted off some nonsensical bs to which most people in the crowd were like “meh.”
Never saw anyone trying to recruit members or even a klansman except for the ones on stage.
No one showed up to protest. Some cops were there, but they had an easy shift—no violence, no roudiness, no one shouting at anyone or throwing things at anyone.
After about an hour it was over. the crowd seemed less than impressed. everybody left and went back to doing whatever they usually do. the klansmen left for who knows where, and my town never heard from them again.

The only reason we ever hear of the kkk is whenever a handful of them hold a “rally” and a group of leftist wingnuts show up to try to make it newsworthy, when, if they were ignored they would simply go away without incident, because 99.999% of people just don’t gaf.