How will they rule ??!

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If that is not the look of pure evil, I don’t know what is.
Cocaine Mitch is on a roll. He has put 19 Trump judicial nominees on the executive calendar to be confirmed next week. Another six were confirmed earlier this month bringing the July total to 25. [cheers]
Why not, the democrats have been too busy trying to plant false info about Trump for the last 2 1/2 years and have not really tried to pass any kind of legislation that Mitch would have to fight so, he has time to put more judges in.
According to the test I took I am a libertarian as well. Actually I'm a "Right Moderate Social Libertarian" but I don't like to be pigeonholed.

Here's the test, it's about 50 questions long.

God damn I feel like an extremist now seeing some of your guys scores on this. I just took it and got

You are a right social libertarian.
Right: 6.25, Libertarian: 5.36
Live it up folks, nearly finished here.

Wow 14 months? Such a specific date to readjust the doomsday clock. Its almost like something is happening around 14 months from now, but I cant quite wrap my head around it. What big thing is happening in 14 months (October-November 2020) that would give us one more chance to solve this impeding doom?

The election? No that would be way too big of a coincidence. End of the world from climate change and the election to get rid of Trump all happening at the same time? No way.
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While you guys are still on this weird “investigate the investigators” DEEP STATE bullshit, Trump has me cracking up with his #FreeRocky Twitter diplomacy fails. Sweden doesn’t give a damn about Trump. Will be interesting to see what happens with the trial. He might beat it. Trump will somehow want credit.

Oh and how about his dumb ass saying “American wine is better than French wine” this morning? That’s rich, coming from someone who’s never drank. If that idiot makes French wine even more expensive, we all lose.
right moderate social authoritarian.
Right: 5.7, Authoritarian: 1.98

I believe the government has a bigger role than most of you on the right. Europe tried no government post Roman Empire. Government can be bad but can have positive impacts at times. National security, safety of citizens, food safety, clean air, water, roads and try to insure future agricultural productivity. I believe the government has the right to execute it's scum as well.
Gets him almost eveytime

Trump has successfully overseen painting the whole Dem lot as BSC America-hating commies which actually is not that far from the truth.

Its amazing how a freshman member of Congress who was busing tables a year ago Justice Democrats have made Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi kiss her ring to try and remain viable in their own party
These four have the PC angle right now but, these old swap rat politicians will find a way to "kill" their momentum.
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While you guys are still on this weird “investigate the investigators” DEEP STATE bullshit, Trump has me cracking up with his #FreeRocky Twitter diplomacy fails. Sweden doesn’t give a damn about Trump. Will be interesting to see what happens with the trial. He might beat it. Trump will somehow want credit.

Oh and how about his dumb ass saying “American wine is better than French wine” this morning? That’s rich, coming from someone who’s never drank. If that idiot makes French wine even more expensive, we all lose.

Do you realize McCabe opened a GD investigation into the POTUS being a Russian agent? Without a lick of evidence, ask yourself why would an acting FBI director do that? We know Russian collusion was a joke now, the FBI knew there was nothing to it then, so why go to such an absurd length?
It's not just because McCabe didn't like or vote for Trump. IMO he was scared that the ball yarn was about to unravel.
At what point do we move to the “Trump is going to suspend the elections” phase?

Will they pull that out in the next couple months or wait until 2022?
He could use that for the impending doom of climate disasters that will happen in 14 months
I want to get this out there, I hate Hannity. I have just as hard of a time watching Hannity as I do Maddow or Don. I think Hannity and Maddow are just polar opposites of each other. Every night they have BREAKING NEWS!!!, they then spend the first 15-20 minutes of their show dropping a lot of "potentially", "maybe", "probably" about how its going to be the end of Trump (coming from Maddow) or how its either the end of the Clintons or how Trump is amazing (coming from Hannity).

I also think prime time Fox is extremely biased towards the right. But I see nothing wrong with that. Hell I at least give Fox credit for being open about their bias. The Five admits its 4 vs 1, Bret Baier is biased but plays it pretty middle a lot of the time for a talking head, Martha MacCallum makes it known she has a right biased and doesn't hide it, Tucker says it pretty much every night that he has a bias, Hannity if full blown right wing propaganda, Ingraham is close to Hannity but not as bad.

But its all open with those people. Tune to CNN and you got Cuomo, Don and Cooper always saying how they dont have any bias, they are just bringing the unbiased news. Hop over to MSNBC, its just like CNN. Hell Maddow has even said in the past that she isn't a Democrat, that she considers herself a moderate haha. All the stations are biased, the one thing that makes me laugh is when people act like Fox is the only biased channel.
I don't think it means that at all. I think it's just an illustration to how far society has come to where someone can be publicly shamed for not bowing down to outlandish requests like the one being referenced.

My girlfriends son is a Bi-sexual, Majoring in Sociology, Switched to that from Political Science, so fits the SJW mold, and even he thinks that Tranny is a nut case.

Right, that's what I meant. I hear from right wingers all the time shit like "don't lump us in with those jew hating white supremacists in Charlottesville" and I think that is totally correct and right. Broad brushes are the tools of imbeciles. I've learned that lesson interacting on here and seeing how not everyone on a particular side of an aisle believes exactly the same things.

In the case of that meme, you have one nutjob tranny who thinks he should be able to have his balls waxed. That meme basically says anyone who is gay or has done anything for gay rights is exactly like that one nutjob. It's disingenuous and lazy. Austin typically wouldn't post something like that, so I was surprised to see him say he was about to before the other douchebag beat him to the punch.
One of my favorite things about Trump pointing out the Squad is leading the Democrat party is he calls them the Democrat party.

One of my pet peeves is when people call the party who hand picked Hilary Clinton against the will of its constituents the Democratic Party.
I want to get this out there, I hate Hannity. I have just as hard of a time watching Hannity as I do Maddow or Don. I think Hannity and Maddow are just polar opposites of each other. Every night they have BREAKING NEWS!!!, they then spend the first 15-20 minutes of their show dropping a lot of "potentially", "maybe", "probably" about how its going to be the end of Trump (coming from Maddow) or how its either the end of the Clintons or how Trump is amazing (coming from Hannity).

I also think prime time Fox is extremely biased towards the right. But I see nothing wrong with that. Hell I at least give Fox credit for being open about their bias. The Five admits its 4 vs 1, Bret Baier is biased but plays it pretty middle a lot of the time for a talking head, Martha MacCallum makes it known she has a right biased and doesn't hide it, Tucker says it pretty much every night that he has a bias, Hannity if full blown right wing propaganda, Ingraham is close to Hannity but not as bad.

But its all open with those people. Tune to CNN and you got Cuomo, Don and Cooper always saying how they dont have any bias, they are just bringing the unbiased news. Hop over to MSNBC, its just like CNN. Hell Maddow has even said in the past that she isn't a Democrat, that she considers herself a moderate haha. All the stations are biased, the one thing that makes me laugh is when people act like Fox is the only biased channel.

I think all prime time cable news is trash. Before the advent of streaming services, MLB Network, the Golf Channel, etc I'd occasionally take a peek at it. Sounds like it hasn't changed. I will say I agree with you, at least Fox has the stones to say they are pushing an agenda. If CNN and MSNBC did the same, I'd respect them a lot more.
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Right, that's what I meant. I hear from right wingers all the time shit like "don't lump us in with those jew hating white supremacists in Charlottesville" and I think that is totally correct and right. Broad brushes are the tools of imbeciles. I've learned that lesson interacting on here and seeing how not everyone on a particular side of an aisle believes exactly the same things.

In the case of that meme, you have one nutjob tranny who thinks he should be able to have his balls waxed. That meme basically says anyone who is gay or has done anything for gay rights is exactly like that one nutjob. It's disingenuous and lazy. Austin typically wouldn't post something like that, so I was surprised to see him say he was about to before the other douchebag beat him to the punch.

“Gay rights” for at least my entire adult life hasn’t meant rights at all, it’s meant government constructs. Marriage being the most specific.

If you support “gay marriage” but don’t also supports all trans “rights” you’re just as much of a bigot as anyone who doesn’t support gay marriage.

Point being, the loud vocal left wing wants the government involved in every aspect of our lives. Forcing women to wax a mans balls was always the natural progression of the “rights” argument.

If you’re going to argue certain government constructs should apply to certain people, rather than recognizing those government constructs should be eliminated, you’re responsible for the extremes to which the lunatics take it.

I’m not against gay marriage. I’ve always been against the federal government discriminating between married and unmarried.
God damn I feel like an extremist now seeing some of your guys scores on this. I just took it and got

You are a right social libertarian.
Right: 6.25, Libertarian: 5.36

Damn, bro

right moderate social authoritarian.
Right: 5.7, Authoritarian: 1.98

I believe the government has a bigger role than most of you on the right. Europe tried no government post Roman Empire. Government can be bad but can have positive impacts at times. National security, safety of citizens, food safety, clean air, water, roads and try to insure future agricultural productivity. I believe the government has the right to execute it's scum as well.

I believe the government should protect the people and not provide for them.

That was an awesome video. Can't wait for the howls when that goes on national tv. He's got a lot of ammo from those 4 without even tapping into the montage shots of him saying word for word the same thing O'bama said about illegal aliens.
I think all prime time cable news is trash. Before the advent of streaming services, MLB Network, the Golf Channel, etc I'd occasionally take a peek at it. Sounds like it hasn't changed. I will say I agree with you, at least Fox has the stones to say they are pushing an agenda. If CNN and MSNBC did the same, I'd respect them a lot more.

Yup, if you're going to be over the top biased (all 3 channels are) just be outright with it. I hope no one gets the news from any of these channels. I will have The Five on in the background when I work a couple times a week, that is just for entertainment purpose. That show doesn't act like they are breaking news, its 5 people shooting the shit and not taking it serious. So I can find it okay background noise (if Emily Compagno is on, good visual as well). And I will watch Tucker once or twice a week because his show doesn't do the stupid 4-5 guest panel to talk about 1 subject but with a 3 minute window. I dont get why all news shows do this, every time it turns into everyone yelling over each other. Plus I like that Tucker does his 1 on 1 little debates. I find those entertaining. Every once in awhile I will head over to CNN to watch Don's angle on things.

None of its news though, its just entertainment. And this is where I think people go wrong. The people that think Hannity is giving you non biased 100% no spin breaking news, or Maddow is doing the same. The people that think that are the ones that get so extreme on all of this stuff.
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“Gay rights” for at least my entire adult life hasn’t meant rights at all, it’s meant government constructs. Marriage being the most specific.

If you support “gay marriage” but don’t also supports all trans “rights” you’re just as much of a bigot as anyone who doesn’t support gay marriage.

Point being, the loud vocal left wing wants the government involved in every aspect of our lives. Forcing women to wax a mans balls was always the natural progression of the “rights” argument.

If you’re going to argue certain government constructs should apply to certain people, rather than recognizing those government constructs should be eliminated, you’re responsible for the extremes to which the lunatics take it.

I’m not against gay marriage. I’ve always been against the federal government discriminating between married and unmarried.

Totally agree on marriage. It's a religious thing and should be kept that way. Why should two unmarried straight people who live together have to pay a higher tax rate than the 2 who are hitched? Total bullshit.
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