I never said that. You said that. What I said was 90% of all fights in the NBA are a minority talking a swing at a white guy. Almost every one. LeBron in his time has swung on about 5 guys. All white.
I lived with 30 minorities in the same rooms and buildings and tents. Mostly low income guys. If you are Not aware that they are raised in the City to hate whites, that’s because you haven’t lived with them.
Truth hurts sometimes and it’s not always popular but it shouldn’t be hidden.
Inner city kids are raised with a prejudice.
Here’s 16 minutes of NBA fights from the last 5 years. Not many white boys in any of them. Therefore, I am calling BS on your claim.
And to your ridiculous last line, if you believe rural kids who grow up in 96+ percent white communities aren’t subconsciously raised to be suspicious of anyone not white, then you’re blind to your own prejudices. There’s racists in all races. To imply that everyone in any given race is a racist is silly.