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The Epstein and Clinton thing could get real interesting.

I listened to a man in the know on the radio this morning and this is going to get deep. Apparently Epstein has his grips on more than just Clinton. Bob Martinez of New Jersey is in this big time plus unnamed but known female politicians who joined in the parties by flying to "The Island" as couples. No wonder they are pushing this Gay thing so hard in the Halls of Congress. We are going to discover some big named females are in this up to their watchamacallit. Should be fun times ahead.

There is a New Sheriff in the Justice Department. A man who hates sex trafficking of minors.
He is in love with Venezuela. As is Levi.
All this posts shows is how little you know of how or what I think as well as your lack of knowledge about what goes on south of our border. You remind me of my cousin who sponsors a child in Guatemala He did not know who Rios Mont was until we talked about him and I told him of Mont's history. He said he brought Mont's name up when he was down in Central America, Guatemala, and was surprised to find out how many people had no opinion of Mont. He chuckled and nodded in agreement when I said, "That's what happens when you kill off the people who disagree with you by the hundreds of thousands." Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.
Maybe we will finally get an update on why Seth Rich was murdered....

I think the "why" is already solved. Seth Rich was a Bernie supporter. Hilldawg rigged the DNC primaries. He had access to those servers. He copied them. At the same China also was hacking into those servers. I mean, how effing stupid was John Podesta to set the password as "p@ssword1".

There was never russia collusion because obama/hillary were working with them all along.

The evidence on his murder is what is missing
Talk about following their playbook to a T. We all know liberals love to accuse others of exactly what they are doing (racism, bigotry, election fraud, foreign collusion, etc...). So now they are trying to accuse Trump of being a sexual predator alongside of Epstein?

LOL - well now we know who is nervous as hell, don't we? Trump is coming for the child diddlers…...and they know it. They are gonna throw everything they got at him. I don't think they have yet realized that Trump is holding a royal flush.
For starters...Bernie is a self-described "democratic socialist". So there's no need to relabel it as anything other than what it actually is...which is what Bernie admits it is and calls it himself...socialism.
The democratic part means if you vote me in, I'm a socialist. If you don't vote me in I'm just a socialist by any means possible & to hell with democratic.
They thought they had Trump with the "grab them by the pu$$y" tape. Did not work. Then they trotted out a bunch of women claiming assault. Did not work and have not heard a word from any of them since. Then they come up with Russian Collusion. Did not work so try Obstruction of Justice and it did not work either. They turned Cohen against him. Try to pin campaign finance violations saying he paid a porn star and playboy playmate hush money. Did not work. Honestly, I am sure I missing something because its hard to keep up with all of their BS.

Now, they want to try to tie him in with pedophilia?

The desperation these POS will stoop to only to lose yet again is disgusting yet mildly entertaining at the same time. They try to use every single despicable thing they are guilty of and pass it on to Trump. It's quite an amazing thing to witness.
Can't wait until a group of college boys decide to identify as women and sail thru the women's world cup. Woke libs' heads exploding all over the place.

Conservatives will just shake their heads and watch golf.
No I will watch the trannies , women who don’t respect transgenders are nothing but vile transphobes, the reason we have gone so far past full retard as a society is largely due to women’s empowerment.... now with trannies dominating sports women are facing what their insanity creates... so no they must deal with it and if they fight back they are transphobic bigots. They must come to admit some inconvenient truths about biology and that the patriarchy as they see it is actually the most efficient way to run a society ..
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They thought they had Trump with the "grab them by the pu$$y" tape. Did not work. Then they trotted out a bunch of women claiming assault. Did not work and have not heard a word from any of them since. Then they come up with Russian Collusion. Did not work so try Obstruction of Justice and it did not work either. They turned Cohen against him. Try to pin campaign finance violations saying he paid a porn star and playboy playmate hush money. Did not work. Honestly, I am sure I missing something because its hard to keep up with all of their BS.

Now, they want to try to tie him in with pedophilia?

The desperation these POS will stoop to only to lose yet again is disgusting yet mildly entertaining at the same time. They try to use every single despicable thing they are guilty of and pass it on to Trump. It's quite an amazing thing to witness.

It's sickening to me, absolutely disgusting the depths people will go for power.
NYC and DC think they rule the Country, that they can do whatever they like and the rest of us just go along with it. I, for one am tired of it.

Hell, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't Epstein's idea, or he played a big part in it. Comey's daughter is one of the Prosecutors for crying out loud.

I hope my speculation is wrong.
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They thought they had Trump with the "grab them by the pu$$y" tape. Did not work. Then they trotted out a bunch of women claiming assault. Did not work and have not heard a word from any of them since. Then they come up with Russian Collusion. Did not work so try Obstruction of Justice and it did not work either. They turned Cohen against him. Try to pin campaign finance violations saying he paid a porn star and playboy playmate hush money. Did not work. Honestly, I am sure I missing something because its hard to keep up with all of their BS.

Now, they want to try to tie him in with pedophilia?

The desperation these POS will stoop to only to lose yet again is disgusting yet mildly entertaining at the same time. They try to use every single despicable thing they are guilty of and pass it on to Trump. It's quite an amazing thing to witness.
Actually there is a lifetime of evidence about Trump, and especially several known and convicted pedophiles Trump called friends over his lifetime, some evidence on tape of him speaking of it. What is actually being exposed by posts such as this is how much dispicable and criminal behavior is being dismissed, accepted, and ignored by people with conveniently low ethical and moral standards depending on who is being discussed. These are some of the same people who spoke so loudly and relentlessly about Clinton's adult consensual sexual relations in the 90's. It is not simply low moral and ethical character but duplicity as well. An appeal to ethical and moral values certainly will not work when those values are so low as to be barely discernible when politically inconvenient.
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You are exposing yourself more and more as an Orange Man Bad cheerleader. First "he won't do it" then it's "he only did it to play the victim card". Man, Trump has been on record many times supporting this team. You just can't see it because you're too busy waving your pom poms.

Here's a test...list 3 good things Trump has done while POTUS.


Since you have responded to everything else I have posted here recently except for the post above I assume you just didn't see it. That happens to me all the time...especially in this thread because I get 2 or 3 pages behind so I just skim through it and miss all kinds of stuff.

Don't usually quote my own posts but I wanted to make sure you saw this one because I am genuinely interested in your response to the "test".
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I think the "why" is already solved. Seth Rich was a Bernie supporter. Hilldawg rigged the DNC primaries. He had access to those servers. He copied them. At the same China also was hacking into those servers. I mean, how effing stupid was John Podesta to set the password as "p@ssword1".

There was never russia collusion because obama/hillary were working with them all along.

The evidence on his murder is what is missing
Yea, my question was more tongue in cheek. I think Rich was murdered because he was the one who leaked the info and likely knows a lot about skeletons sitting around the DNC and its higher ups.
Epstein and other folks like him can be tied to plenty of well-known folks in all industries on both sides of the aisle.

Hollywood, the engine that funds the left and sets their talking points, is full of that shit. Talk about a lifetime of well-known issues. The History of Hollywood.

Wall Street is up there as well. They're smart enough to fund both sides and not lean too heavily in one direction though.

No doubt Trump has taken rides in limousines and private planes with less than moral individuals, but he's not the first or last. If he's not a pedophile and if he couldn't be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that some of the people he ran with were, then I wouldn't count on this being the thing that gets him.

Bernie and Biden have been around a long while, I dare say it wouldn't take six degrees of separation to find some rotten tomatoes in their history.

If morality and ethics were the key factors, people wouldn't have voted for most of the presidents and high ranking politicians that we've had. They also wouldn't have consumed a lot of the movies and music over the years due to what big stars, directors, producers, musicians, etc have done.

If the left and its leaders are so pristine in the morals and ethics department, then it must be policies and ideas that suck so bad that it cannot produce a candidate that can beat a racist, misogynist, felon, pedophile, Russian spy who is also a stupid, C-student, draft, and tax evader.

I would suggest that instead of trying to make him out to be a world-destroying boogieman, the party come out with a better Pro American agenda that will better deal with immigration, border security, trade, and economics.

Politics aside, I think this Epstein case is very interesting. Very curious to see what spills out, he can be linked to a lot of people and things.

I reckon we'll hear about the conservatives that may or may not have been at a party once or in the same elevator, plane, city, region, or country as Epstein. Will be interesting to see what happens when all the liberal connections he has start to spill out.

I have a sneaking suspicion that after a certain point, this story will be locked up in confidential court filings.

Will be a lot of little birdies singing at first then all of a sudden more pressing stories like Trump Tweets will take precedence.
It's sickening to me, absolutely disgusting the depths people will go for power.
NYC and DC think they rule the Country, that they can do whatever they like and the rest of us just go along with it. I, for one am tired of it.

Hell, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't Epstein's idea, or he played a big part in it. Comey's daughter is one of the Prosecutors for crying out loud.

I hope my speculation is wrong.
Well DC does kinda rule the country, it is the Capitol and all, (unfortunately full of idiots in Congress these days though). NYC..not so much. trade DC for LA and I'm on board with you.
Epstein and other folks like him can be tied to plenty of well-known folks in all industries on both sides of the aisle.

Hollywood, the engine that funds the left and sets their talking points, is full of that shit. Talk about a lifetime of well-known issues. The History of Hollywood.

Wall Street is up there as well. They're smart enough to fund both sides and not lean too heavily in one direction though.

No doubt Trump has taken rides in limousines and private planes with less than moral individuals, but he's not the first or last. If he's not a pedophile and if he couldn't be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that some of the people he ran with were, then I wouldn't count on this being the thing that gets him.

Bernie and Biden have been around a long while, I dare say it wouldn't take six degrees of separation to find some rotten tomatoes in their history.

If morality and ethics were the key factors, people wouldn't have voted for most of the presidents and high ranking politicians that we've had. They also wouldn't have consumed a lot of the movies and music over the years due to what big stars, directors, producers, musicians, etc have done.

If the left and its leaders are so pristine in the morals and ethics department, then it must be policies and ideas that suck so bad that it cannot produce a candidate that can beat a racist, misogynist, felon, pedophile, Russian spy who is also a stupid, C-student, draft, and tax evader.

I would suggest that instead of trying to make him out to be a world-destroying boogieman, the party come out with a better Pro American agenda that will better deal with immigration, border security, trade, and economics.

Politics aside, I think this Epstein case is very interesting. Very curious to see what spills out, he can be linked to a lot of people and things.

I reckon we'll hear about the conservatives that may or may not have been at a party once or in the same elevator, plane, city, region, or country as Epstein. Will be interesting to see what happens when all the liberal connections he has start to spill out.

I have a sneaking suspicion that after a certain point, this story will be locked up in confidential court filings.

Will be a lot of little birdies singing at first then all of a sudden more pressing stories like Trump Tweets will take precedence.

They'll only care to the extent they can try to tie it to trump or other conservatives. On the off chance the feds tie it to some prominent Dem, you won't be able to find so much as a whimper in msm or social media
The Epstein and Clinton thing could get real interesting.

I listened to a man in the know on the radio this morning and this is going to get deep. Apparently Epstein has his grips on more than just Clinton. Bob Martinez of New Jersey is in this big time plus unnamed but known female politicians who joined in the parties by flying to "The Island" as couples. No wonder they are pushing this Gay thing so hard in the Halls of Congress. We are going to discover some big named females are in this up to their watchamacallit. Should be fun times ahead.

There is a New Sheriff in the Justice Department. A man who hates sex trafficking of minors.
You do know his Lawyers were Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz? Barr's father and Epstein were good friends, he hired Epstein to teach at Dalton, a K-12 prep school. Trump and Epstein were good friends, he rode on the "lolita" plane numerous times. His sex mansion is next door to Mar-A-Lago. Trump put the POS Acosta in charge of Labor that Epstein bribed to let him walk from Florida sex trafficking charges.
Trump said of Epstein in 2003, “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Everyone in DC and Hollywood knew what Epstein was. They all still flocked to him because he had a lot of money and influence and lots of little girls to play with. This is one of those cases of bipartisan cooperation, both parties protected him at the highest levels. The Mostly Republican florida DA office did everything they could to keep Epstein out of prison and nice and comfy during his trial and short 12 month stint. 1 year sentence for 20+ charges of sex with a minor. The NY office are requesting his bail revoked and trying him for a 45 year sentence.

Epstein pleaded guilty to two prostitution charges in state court and in exchange received federal immunity both for himself and “any potential co-conspirators.” The potential co-conspirators were not identified in the agreement. The billionaire served only 13 months in the private wing of a Palm Beach County, Fla., jail and was allowed to come and go from the facility for up to 12 hours a day, six days a week, on work release. After his release, while on probation, he took numerous trips on his private jet.
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Well DC does kinda rule the country, it is the Capitol and all, (unfortunately full of idiots in Congress these days though). NYC..not so much. trade DC for LA and I'm on board with you.

I disagree, LA doesn't push itself on the rest of the Country the way NYC and DC does.
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You do know his Lawyers were Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz? Barr's father and Epstein were good friends, he hired Epstein to teach at Dalton, a K-12 prep school. Trump and Epstein were good friends, he rode on the "lolita" plane numerous times. Trump put the POS Acosta in charge of Labor that Epstein bribed to let him walk from Florida sex trafficking charges.
Trump said of Epstein in 2003, “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Everyone in DC and Hollywood knew what Epstein was. They all still flocked to him because he had a lot of money and influence and lots of little girls to play with. This is one of those cases of bipartisan cooperation, both parties protected him at the highest levels.
Hopefully that is going to a screeching halt and he goes to prison for the rest of his life. Or put to death in a Starke, Florida prison. At one time in our history he would be a dead man walking.
All this posts shows is how little you know of how or what I think as well as your lack of knowledge about what goes on south of our border. You remind me of my cousin who sponsors a child in Guatemala He did not know who Rios Mont was until we talked about him and I told him of Mont's history. He said he brought Mont's name up when he was down in Central America, Guatemala, and was surprised to find out how many people had no opinion of Mont. He chuckled and nodded in agreement when I said, "That's what happens when you kill off the people who disagree with you by the hundreds of thousands." Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.
You remind me of an idiot. Your paradise awaits. Live where your policies have been implemented.
You do know his Lawyers were Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz? Barr's father and Epstein were good friends, he hired Epstein to teach at Dalton, a K-12 prep school. Trump and Epstein were good friends, he rode on the "lolita" plane numerous times. His sex mansion is next door to Mar-A-Lago. Trump put the POS Acosta in charge of Labor that Epstein bribed to let him walk from Florida sex trafficking charges.
Trump said of Epstein in 2003, “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Everyone in DC and Hollywood knew what Epstein was. They all still flocked to him because he had a lot of money and influence and lots of little girls to play with. This is one of those cases of bipartisan cooperation, both parties protected him at the highest levels. The Mostly Republican florida DA office did everything they could to keep Epstein out of prison and nice and comfy during his trial and short 12 month stint. 1 year sentence for 20+ charges of sex with a minor. The NY office are requesting his bail revoked and trying him for a 45 year sentence.

Epstein pleaded guilty to two prostitution charges in state court and in exchange received federal immunity both for himself and “any potential co-conspirators.” The potential co-conspirators were not identified in the agreement. The billionaire served only 13 months in the private wing of a Palm Beach County, Fla., jail and was allowed to come and go from the facility for up to 12 hours a day, six days a week, on work release. After his release, while on probation, he took numerous trips on his private jet.
I know you realize these folk will pay more attention and believe their favorite wrestling shows than the info you can list.
They'll only care to the extent they can try to tie it to trump or other conservatives. On the off chance the feds tie it to some prominent Dem, you won't be able to find so much as a whimper in msm or social media
This is total BS since Bill Clinton has been fairly well criticized for his behavior and I have posted on this board his association with Epstein as well as Trumps. You sir do not tell the truth, you just tell what you want people to hear.