How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Truth bomb right here.

Repubs wont call them out (they're too busy making money in the swamp) and the media sure as heck won't report honestly.
What a dumbass reply. So please explain to me how, without the Electoral College, the vast majority of that red area even gets a say in who is elected President? Tell me why anyone in Kentucky, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, The Dakotas for instance, should even go to the polls. Tell me why any candidate should even campaign anywhere else outside of LA, NYC or Chicago?

Hillary won the popular vote by about 3 million votes. Almost exactly the same amount she won Southern California. So again, explain why a candidate would need to campaign anywhere else. or why anyone else's vote would matter.

You can’t make these idiots understand why we have the EC. Either they’re too dumb to get it or they don’t give a shit and want to have half the population dominated from a few city states. Either way, a horrifying prospect.
What a dumbass reply. So please explain to me how, without the Electoral College, the vast majority of that red area even gets a say in who is elected President? Tell me why anyone in Kentucky, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, The Dakotas for instance, should even go to the polls. Tell me why any candidate should even campaign anywhere else outside of LA, NYC or Chicago?

Hillary won the popular vote by about 3 million votes. Almost exactly the same amount she won Southern California. So again, explain why a candidate would need to campaign anywhere else. or why anyone else's vote would matter.
Frankly that’s a pretty dumbass response to a response you called a “dumbass response”.

So you are saying eliminate California and Trump and Hillary are basically tied.

As the current system exists, if you live in a solid red or solid blue state then why vote...period? We all know the outcome. If you’re a candidate why campaign in anything but purple states?

There were 8 states where Trump got a larger share of the votes than Hillary got in CA. Should we throw those states out too?

Eliminating the Electoral College would force candidates to campaign for every vote and would make every vote matter.
Right, and it's not exactly hard to see, or figure out.

Ok, you don't want some laws to be enforced, you don't want some people in jail, don't want cops with guns, power, etc etc....You also don't want citizens to have guns, or to be able to defend their homes...

It's blatant.

The worst stuff I see in the news are these cases where a homeowner shoots an intruder, and the owner is facing criminal charges.
where in the world did you find those statistics? I would think we wouldn't be able to get completely reliable numbers due to health confidentiality. BTW if the numbers are accurate, 34% if not really all that close to 50%. Let's be honest, he was making up sh!t again

You could also say that there is one abortion to every 2 live births by those numbers
What a dumbass reply. So please explain to me how, without the Electoral College, the vast majority of that red area even gets a say in who is elected President? Tell me why anyone in Kentucky, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, The Dakotas for instance, should even go to the polls. Tell me why any candidate should even campaign anywhere else outside of LA, NYC or Chicago?

Hillary won the popular vote by about 3 million votes. Almost exactly the same amount she won Southern California. So again, explain why a candidate would need to campaign anywhere else. or why anyone else's vote would matter.
Yes, because we all know how Republicans love affirmative action policies, and the Electoral College is nothing more than affirmative action for low density population areas.
Yes, because we all know how Republicans love affirmative action policies, and the Electoral College is nothing more than affirmative action for low density population areas.

If you don't like the electoral college, there is a process to amend the constitution. If you don't like that, move to some socialist country of your choice.
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Frankly that’s a pretty dumbass response to a response you called a “dumbass response”.

So you are saying eliminate California and Trump and Hillary are basically tied.

As the current system exists, if you live in a solid red or solid blue state then why vote...period? We all know the outcome. If you’re a candidate why campaign in anything but purple states?

There were 8 states where Trump got a larger share of the votes than Hillary got in CA. Should we throw those states out too?

Eliminating the Electoral College would force candidates to campaign for every vote and would make every vote matter.

No, I'm saying eliminate one subset in California. The Los Angeles area alone and they are basically tied. Los Angeles alone would have pretty much made the votes of the rest of the country obsolete, and I'll be damned if i'm gonna let that cesspool of a city in that cesspool of a state dictate the rest of the countries political future.
New York City is carrying out the plan of "Planned Parenthood" by keeping the black race under control. This is why the organization was formed.

SomeDude posted a similar story yesterday from WSJ?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and state that urban population centers where libs are in control have more abortions than live births.

States that have a high black population(like Mississippi, Alabama,Georgia), but have fewer abortion clinics, have more live births than abortions.

Hence, we still have a horrible national average of 1 in 3 murdered babyectomies.
Trump is a damn genius. He's got the fake news media (and the entire dem party) falling over themselves with his comment about listening to a foreign country if they said they had dirt on his opponent. COLLUSION! IMPEACH! ILLEGAL!!

How can they not know what's about to come out? When that IG report drops and Barr is done sticking a rusty pipe up their ass, guess what they'll find? That their party was the one who paid a foreign agent to make up dirt using fake foreign intel. Coupled with using foreign spies in an attempt to entrap him and his campaign. And let's not forget the most illegal part of all that...…. they then used the foreign agent's fake foreign intel to obtain a secret warrant from a secret court so they could spy on him. I mean, what's more American than that?!

Are they really that unaware? Or do they simply not care because the media will continue to provide cover?

In the meantime, they (media/dems) are now on record saying simply talking to a foreigner about dirt on an opponent is the worst thing imaginable. I'm sure they'll be consistent and still feel the same way when Barr and the IG shit all over them.

Indictments are coming.

Obama knew.

GFY, dems.

All they have to do is play the recording of the California representative, Adam "Schitt" He took a hoax phone call that was disguised as a Russian giving dirt on Trump. He took the call and was all ears. Now his people are screaming bloody murder. LOL. They are going to run for the hills when Barr gets done with them. That is if the MSM reports it.
Yes, because we all know how Republicans love affirmative action policies, and the Electoral College is nothing more than affirmative action for low density population areas.

No, the electoral college is in place because each state is a sovereign member of the union. If you went strictly by popular vote for President nationwide, there would be no United States of America, it would be the State of America.
If you eliminate the EC, there's no guarantee you get the same numbers... what it would cause would be virtually exclusive campaigning to major population centers and therefore, the platforms would reflect that and appeal only to those voters as that's where the votes are, right or left and right or wrong. you would have to spend your time and resources there as that's where you'd have the most bang for your buck.

as it is now you have to attempt to appeal to everyone and anyone, anywhere... you have to capture the Iowa primary or do well there just to get the ball rolling and have any hope whatsoever. the needs of your typical Iowan are not the same as those of your typical urban metropolis dweller, democrat or republican doesn't matter.

no, there was a logic and rational for the system, namely to prevent tyranny of the majority... ironic that the modern left claims to want to protect the interests of the minority while promoting a tyranny of the majority as a means to an end
You can’t make these idiots understand why we have the EC. Either they’re too dumb to get it or they don’t give a shit and want to have half the population dominated from a few city states. Either way, a horrifying prospect.
If you get rid of the Electoral College, I'm pretty sure The Hunger Games roughly approximates what would happen, with "the Capital" (big cities) being opulent and rich, full of people (liberals) who value style over substance, while the other sectors (rural USA) are enslaved, mined for their resources to benefit the Capital, and languish in poverty and decay.
We are the United STATES of America. Our entire government is structured as a representative Republic in order to provide states rights and decentralized power. The founders established this system after much thought and analysis, drawing on the lessons of the failed systems of history.

Conservatives greatly respect the Constitution, the greatest system of government ever established. You commie cretins hate it and you're always trying to destroy it. You hate states rights, and the freedoms it provides. What you ultimately want is mob rule. We will not let this happen. We've fought to protect our freedoms in the past and we will continue to do so. Let that sink in, morons.
Sorry Bill, I accidentally hit like on your post after I'd already liked it. Jesus.
If you get rid of the Electoral College, I'm pretty sure The Hunger Games roughly approximates what would happen, with "the Capital" (big cities) being opulent and rich, full of people (liberals) who value style over substance, while the other sectors (rural USA) are enslaved, mined for their resources to benefit the Capital, and languish in poverty and decay.
so what we already have
no, there was a logic and rational for the system, namely to prevent tyranny of the majority... ironic that the modern left claims to want to protect the interests of the minority while promoting a tyranny of the majority as a means to an end
In addition to the Electoral College, libs are also hypocritical about gerrymandering. Libs are fine with it when it works for them (see California, Illinois, Maryland, etc), but when it’s used against them (Texas, North Carolina, etc) they sanctimoniously howl in protest about disenfranchisement....
Yes, because we all know how Republicans love affirmative action policies, and the Electoral College is nothing more than affirmative action for low density population areas.

I love when people read shit, think it’s woke, then repost it without ever stopping to think how retarded they’re going to sound repeating the moronic drivel.
We are the United STATES of America. Our entire government is structured as a representative Republic in order to provide states rights and decentralized power. The founders established this system after much thought and analysis, drawing on the lessons of the failed systems of history.

Conservatives greatly respect the Constitution, the greatest system of government ever established. You commie cretins hate it and you're always trying to destroy it. You hate states rights, and the freedoms it provides. What you ultimately want is mob rule. We will not let this happen. We've fought to protect our freedoms in the past and we will continue to do so. Let that sink in, morons.

One of the best posts I have ever seen in this thread...maybe THE best.

If you eliminate the EC, there's no guarantee you get the same numbers... what it would cause would be virtually exclusive campaigning to major population centers and therefore, the platforms would reflect that and appeal only to those voters as that's where the votes are, right or left and right or wrong. you would have to spend your time and resources there as that's where you'd have the most bang for your buck.

as it is now you have to attempt to appeal to everyone and anyone, anywhere... you have to capture the Iowa primary or do well there just to get the ball rolling and have any hope whatsoever. the needs of your typical Iowan are not the same as those of your typical urban metropolis dweller, democrat or republican doesn't matter.

no, there was a logic and rational for the system, namely to prevent tyranny of the majority... ironic that the modern left claims to want to protect the interests of the minority while promoting a tyranny of the majority as a means to an end
Why is this so hard for them to understand?