How will they rule ??!

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Whether or not I'm a moron depends on who's in the room with me.

A room full of some folks out there, sure, I'd be the dummy.

A room full of the jokers who think more things with "Made in America" on them is bad, who have sent jobs to China and Indonesia over the last few decades and allowed those countries to pay their people dog shit, and then sell stuff back to us...nope wouldn't be the dummy in that room.

As for the American flag on my porch, no don't have one. But god forbid an American fly an American flag.

Please try to argue how all those millions of jobs and paychecks that have gone overseas and built up other countries would have been bad had they stayed here?

One can only imagine where this country would be had we not gone through jobs declining, factories closing up and moving abroad, etc...

Americans are by-and-large consumers. Not producers. That’s not a bad thing. We’re a rich country and we buy a lot of shit. Only weird “heritage” bros give a damn if it’s made in the USA or not.
Twitter is actually hella real for Donald Trump. An unfiltered look into his deranged mind, multiple times per day.

You guys can’t defend the Kim Jong Un lovefest. You just can’t. I’d love to see you try, though. LMAO!!

Why do I need to defend it? It’s Twitter, it isn’t the real world.
I don’t care what Trump tweets, I care what actually happens in the real world.

Also, short range missiles were not part of the agreement NK agreed to. So, they aren’t breaking the agreement.
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Americans are by-and-large consumers. Not producers. That’s not a bad thing. We’re a rich country and we buy a lot of shit. Only weird “heritage” bros give a damn if it’s made in the USA or not.

Wow, only weird, heritage people care if products are made in the USA?
That’s what you’re going with today?
Americans are by-and-large consumers. Not producers. That’s not a bad thing. We’re a rich country and we buy a lot of shit. Only weird “heritage” bros give a damn if it’s made in the USA or not.

Well, I'd rather be a seller and make money.

I'd rather my country sell things and make money. We got to be a wealthy country not by consuming. We'd be even wealthier now if we had been selling the last few decades as opposed to buying shit.

Weird heritage bros aren't the only people who give a damn. All the folks without steady work also give a damn.

This is a perfect example of the left’s bullshit narrative. Remember the Richard Spencer event? There were more cameras than people who showed up.

There’s a reason why they push this shit and highlight a small group of idiots to try and push as a “big problem” or if it’s a part of their agenda, they make it seem like these people are everywhere (examples trans and gays).

Muslims are literally moving to the west and taking over entire parts of it with sinister plans, bringing terrorism, rape, and a refusal to assimilate and what does the left do? Act like it’s no issue of try to punish you for speaking out. They do this while telling you some “white supremacists” are taking over. Lol
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Trump is respected around the world a lot more than the media says. Truth is our friends and even enemies respect toughness.

Not saying all world leaders like Trump as I'm sure many don't, but I guarantee you they don't think hes a little bitch like Obama was.
The world for the most part respects a tough leader. They did however like the FACT that Obama was weak. It gave them more leverage against us. Obama was simply a figure head and he was more into being president than actually doing the job he was elected for.
Wow, only weird, heritage people care if products are made in the USA?
That’s what you’re going with today?
I care so, I'm weird? I am also a nationalist so, I'm racist? I am pro life so, I'm misogynist? I believe in God so, I'm crazy too. Hey libtards, come get me and change my mind.

P.S. I'm pro gun and well versed in using them but, please come on anyway.
Heard on the radio that Lexington is no longer recycling paper? Anyone know the skinny on that?
I care so, I'm weird? I am also a nationalist so, I'm racist? I am pro life so, I'm misogynist? I believe in God so, I'm crazy too. Hey libtards, come get me and change my mind.

P.S. I'm pro gun and well versed in using them but, please come on anyway.

Nobody’s gonna change your mind about anything.

You’re part of the lowbrow underbelly of America. You watch TV news and they tell you how to think.

I’m a libertarian though, so it doesn’t bother me that you’re such a simpleton. Just stay the hell out of my way, brodie.
Well, I'd rather be a seller and make money.

I'd rather my country sell things and make money. We got to be a wealthy country not by consuming. We'd be even wealthier now if we had been selling the last few decades as opposed to buying shit.

Weird heritage bros aren't the only people who give a damn. All the folks without steady work also give a damn.

Would you consider yourself a “nationalist?”

Were you lucky enough to be born in America, or did you move here? LEGALLY, of course.
Heard on the radio that Lexington is no longer recycling paper? Anyone know the skinny on that?
Try and keep up, Canuck.

Because the company(s) that used to take the bulk of it were selling it to a company that hauled it to China. It wasn't just scrap metal & was paper waste as well. China is no longer taking it. So those companies don't do business with Lexington any more.

But it seems to be a temporary issue. Supposedly, there are two or three mills near Lexington that will start taking their recycled paper by next year.

Also, sorry to hear about your job, man. That sucks. Stay positive. You'll land on your feet. Despite your soft Canadian-ness and your mostly horrible takes on American seem like a good dude who has his head screwed on straight.

Good luck, man!
Would you consider yourself a “nationalist?”

Were you lucky enough to be born in America, or did you move here? LEGALLY, of course.

Born here.

Nationalist in the sense that I prefer the country to do well as opposed to not.

Not against doing business with other countries, but I am against willy nilly giving them jobs that Americans can do and need.
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“Nine people showed up for a KKK rally in Dayton, Ohio. They were drowned out by 600 protesters”

Looks like those “white Supremacists” are really becoming a huge threat to society. SMH. Just goes to further verify the whole manufactured outrage about white supremacy being a threat is a farce.

You are an absolute moron.

You sound like you fly an American flag on your front porch.

Get a life, bro.
So Bro, please explain what is wrong with people flying a flag on their front porch?
“Nine people showed up for a KKK rally in Dayton, Ohio. They were drowned out by 600 protesters”

Looks like those “white Supremacists” are really becoming a huge threat to society. SMH. Just goes to further verify the whole manufactured outrage about white supremacy being a threat is a farce.

So Bro, please explain what is wrong with people flying a flag on their front porch?
My flag is flying proudly.
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Read what you just typed.

You brought Obama into a sumo wrestling conversation.

Stop breathing out of your mouth exclusively. Stop pouring ranch all over your gas station pizza. Turn off the TV.

You’re welcome, you simple little POS.

Speedway’s speedy cafe makes a pretty good pie for 5 bucks. Rivals Little Caesar’s. Hunt Brothers is a pretty good pizza too sold in several convenience stores. You should try them sometime when your hungry and need a quick bite rather than judging people.
I’ve got a lot of these dummies on ignore but I’ll speak regarding Trump’s tweet.

It was dumb hyperbole just like when Biden said he’d like to take Trump out back and fight him and how blacks would be back in chains if Romney won and how the left says Trump is Hitler and everything is a “Constitutional Crisis.”

I don’t need to agree with nor condemn everything someone else says. It’s pretty damn simple. I weigh things based off of how batshit crazy and evil your base is and I have yet to hear anything from the POTUS that is worse than anything your group of radicals say and do.
Why is that weird?

Why do you think your opinion is definitive of everything?

It’s weird because most people don’t list nationalism as a hobby.

Ask the average American citizen how often they think about being an American.

Most people have other, more pressing things to worry about.

You guys?

You apparently think about America all the damn time.

“Nine people showed up for a KKK rally in Dayton, Ohio. They were drowned out by 600 protesters”

Looks like those “white Supremacists” are really becoming a huge threat to society. SMH. Just goes to further verify the whole manufactured outrage about white supremacy being a threat is a farce.

So Bro, please explain what is wrong with people flying a flag on their front porch?


If I see an American citizen flying an American flag on their front porch, I basically assume they’re racist.

Same with the bumper stickers.

Get a damn life.

America is cool, but life is fleeting. Go out and experience the world, bro.