Bastard! However, correct on most of it.Cliff notes - Americans are the fattest, laziest, most drug addicted, sedentary pieces of shit on the planet. Single payer healthcare can never work here.
Bastard! However, correct on most of it.Cliff notes - Americans are the fattest, laziest, most drug addicted, sedentary pieces of shit on the planet. Single payer healthcare can never work here.
And what? Don't care what you want.And? If I have private insurance I dont want mcaid
Figures, no wonder John is an ass, it is hereditary.Wonder if @fuzz77 is aware of things like this? All these other places cut entitlement or dont hafe it in other areas. And once you give an entitlement it's hard to take it. Of course probably not..these are the same ppl that think hiu can pay for everything with big hearts.
"But Canada's real harshness is directed toward the disabled, against whom it has maintained a de facto ban for decades. It requires all prospective immigrants to submit to a physical and mental health exam — not merely to screen for communicable diseases as in America — but to rule out any expensive conditions that would "excessively strain" the national health system. Canada turns away refugees whose children suffer from ailments such as deafness. Mild intellectual disabilities in any family member can be a disqualifier. Canadian citizens have a hard time even bringing in a foreign spouse who has an expensive condition such as multiple sclerosis."
Instead of throwing out all your lame theories which support your worldview, why don't you try looking into things to see what really is happening. I spent all of 60 seconds and quickly discovered the outbreak is primarily in communities w high concentrations of ultra-Orthodox Jews who resist vaccinating their kids. But lets not facts get in the way of things....
Strawman.Haha come on. Nothing in the history of the world has helped combat poverty like Capitalism has.
People like you like to whine and bitch about capitalism because we have billionaires. Yet you turn a blind eye that, that very same system has helped improve the average person's life, like we have never seen before.
I'm glad that we have people like Elon Musk and other billionaires who are never satisfied. Aren't you happy that Elon Musk made Tesla and made a true market and competition for electric cars? You're a lefty, aren't you all about the environment? Aren't you happy that he was at the forefront of self driving cars. Once self driving cars become the norm, we are going to see a mass drop in vehicular deaths.
What about those pesky Rockefellers who helped bring this country into the industrial revolution which ended up advancing the average daily quality of life for the average citizen unlike any other time in history?
Those are just two examples of those damn never satisfied rich people. The examples are basically infinite. Those unsatisfied rich people helped make your life as nice as it is now. Instead of bashing those people, maybe you should think of ways you can use the easily accessible tools they helped provide you with, to do or create something great yourself which would then help and advance the quality of life for the average and poor person. Or is it just easier to bitch because they're rich and demand that they should give away more of their money.
Ever seen the teeth of a Brit?Our govt in healthcare today:
-medicare loses $60b to fraud and errors per year
-after $600m and 3 years could not bring up a simple portal (ACA)
-VA system riddled with mistreatment, egregious waits, shortages, admin ineptness
But yeah, moving 2/3rd of the 330m people in this country off their private insurance to the govt is a great idea. Takes a lunatic that also hopes the country goes into a recession to get rid of DT to rationalize that.
Sorry you can't distill from my post that the largest (by a factor of trillions) mistake made was the decision to invade Iraq. If I had listed all I would have included El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea etc. etc. etc.. If you knew me as well as you pretend then you would know I've been opposed to almost all military adventures this country has taken during my lifetime no matter who the party was in charge at the time. Very few have been for noble reasons and I will feel the same most likely if we attack Venezuela. That is one of the reasons Bill Clinton was so successful for me---he actually ended two wars and didn't lose one American soldier doing so.
You said he was a monster because he suppressed votes.
I said I bet you mean he pushed for voter ID laws
You said yes, but those voter suppression because courts said so
I said no, they're struck down because of cost involved in ID
You responded with something that was a complete non sequitur
Now you say it's suppression again but this time because it targeted Jewish in other communities. Requiring EVERYONE to get an ID doesn't target any particular race.
So continue on with the next nonsense rathole/strawman/non sequitur response; and I'll shoot it down too
Corporations (and this time once again it is oil) will be the driving factor hereI'm okay with Trumpy not getting involved and wasting money on problems of other countries. I'm pretty sure he's said he would like to get out of the business of war and meddling. Seems to me he catches crap from both sides on the matter.
The real question is if the Venezuela situation goes tits up and things get real ugly down there will liberals and never Trump pubs be able to help themselves from piling on Trump for not helping somehow?
Will be very interesting to watch that situation unfold.
For the most part, I'd like to retreat from the world and get our house in order, however, I understand that shit from other countries and regions always seems to affect us somehow.
If we get involved we're in a mess. If we don't then we deal with the fall out in some way shape or form. Humanitarian crises as a result of a failed state and all that comes with it. Mass displacement of people, something worse rising from the ashes, etc...
The world and a lot of folks at home don't want "imperialist Americans putting their WASPy little colonizing privileged fingers in too many pies..." but when things get rough, it is our "moral obligation to help out in the form aide and other resources as well as to take in displaced people and take care of them..."
Regardless, Venezuela is almost too close to home to ignore.
And I said nothing about capitalism, you erected that strawman to beat.Strawman? How is anything I said a strawman argument? You literally posted a picture that said poverty exists because of greedy rich people.
My rebuttal to that was, those greedy rich people and the system that helped allow this people to become greedy rich people. Has done more to combat global poverty than any other system.
Nothing I said was a strawman.
You do have a hard time understanding don't you? You know you may have to think about broadening your view in order to understand other people's POV.
We've been running covert operations in central America for the past 100 years on and off but we really doubled down in the 80's. You don't seem to understand that it really doesn't matter which party is in office because it is corporations that drive all this war mongering to start with.
You want to ignore all the crap we pulled during Reagan's years and then scream about what Hillary might have done or what Obama did with the two wars handed to him by Bush. Hypocritical and myopic claptrap. If it were movies it would be the 85th sequel!
And I said nothing about capitalism, you erected that strawman to beat.
I'm not anti-war per se I'm against unnecessary war and I made that perfectly clear which you chose to ignore. You're tilting at windmills.
Scroll down to 2010s. Surprise, we're currently involved in Uganda, Syria, Iraq, Cameroon, Afghanistan, and Yemen! Obama has many more than 2 conflicts on his report card. Yemen is specifically horrifying, look it up. It started under Clinton/Obama and needs to end. Obama announced war with Syria, had a social media backlash, cancelled it, and we're somehow in Syria anyway! He killed the antiwar left.
If you are antiwar, be antiwar. Instead of supporting Trumps call for withdraw in Syria and Afghanistan, you bullshit antiwar lefties continued to shit on him with Russian conspiracies. Despicable.
And therein lies the crux of your misconception of the world at large.Dude that picture is about capitalism/socialism.
"Poverty exists not because we cannot feed the poor, but we cannot satisfy the rich."
What do you think the message is behind that? It's talking about wealth redistribution. It's basically saying we have the means, but these greedy wealthy guys hog it.
Are you being obtuse just to be obtuse? Or do you actually not understand the meanings behind the memes you post?
Insane fits you perfectly. Do some research on your own so you can see that you don't know what you are talking about. Kansas has voter ID laws. They have never been struck down by the courts. EVERYTIME I GO TO VOTE I HAVE TO SHOW A VALID ID. One year, I showed up and my license had expired and was denied, so I had to go to the DMV to get a new license before I was allowed to vote again. Again, the state of Kansas has voter ID laws. This is what drives me nuts because you don't even live here, refuse to look into things on your own, and just spout things that are false. The state of KS will provide an ID for free.
Then you bring in the Jews when I was simply responding to your comment about the measles outbreak in NY and your claim that it had to be the refugees and not the anti-vaxxers. You can't even follow that they were different topics.
Either you are a complete idiot or the ultimate troll. Board regulars, what say you?
What are you talking about? You literally posted a meme talking about lack or wealth redistribution and rich hogging wealth. Then say you never brought up capitalism.And therein lies the crux of your misconception of the world at large.
Scroll down to 2010s. Surprise, we're currently involved in Uganda, Syria, Iraq, Cameroon, Afghanistan, and Yemen! Obama has many more than 2 conflicts on his report card. Yemen is specifically horrifying, look it up. It started under Clinton/Obama and needs to end. Obama announced war with Syria, had a social media backlash, cancelled it, and we're somehow in Syria anyway! He killed the antiwar left.
If you are antiwar, be antiwar. Instead of supporting Trumps call for withdraw in Syria and Afghanistan, you bullshit antiwar lefties continued to shit on him with Russian conspiracies. Despicable.
What are you talking about? You literally posted a meme talking about lack or wealth redistribution and rich hogging wealth. Then say you never brought up capitalism.
Im starting to understand why you rarely ever write posts on here and the vast majority of the things you post are just memes. I don't think you can comprehend half the crap that is going on. So you just find memes that you think are progressive and post them.
NYC declares public health crisis due to measles outbreak. Must be all those conservative anti vaxxers at work again!
Definitely not unvaccinated refugees and immigrants...
Still the fact is he inherited two wars on two fronts, one that Bush was roundly advised not to enter because it would result in an non-ending conflict. That advice was given to George W Bush specifically by Brent Scowcroft and George H Bush. The best way to end a war is to stay out of them if possible.I think i've said this before, but this is EXACTLY why I dropped my support of Obama. And really quickly. Don't get me wrong, there are many, many, many other reasons not to like him. But when I voted for him in 2008 I really thought he was going to stop all these pointless wars. Instead he increased them.
I doubt seriously you understand anything about me since you are so slow in understanding why your response has been so gloriously narrow-minded and disconnected from me or the meme you think you understand.What are you talking about? You literally posted a meme talking about lack or wealth redistribution and rich hogging wealth. Then say you never brought up capitalism.
Im starting to understand why you rarely ever write posts on here and the vast majority of the things you post are just memes. I don't think you can comprehend half the crap that is going on. So you just find memes that you think are progressive and post them.
I doubt seriously you understand anything about me since you are so slow in understanding.
I think i've said this before, but this is EXACTLY why I dropped my support of Obama. And really quickly. Don't get me wrong, there are many, many, many other reasons not to like him. But when I voted for him in 2008 I really thought he was going to stop all these pointless wars. Instead he increased them.
The conversation isn't about me at least not the conversation you avoid by insulting others. That's just you not being secure enough to admit what you don't know.The "I'm too complex to be understood because I'm way above you" kinda guy.
Shut up. You're one of the least informed people that has ever posted on here. I also bet your family hates your self-centered attitude too. Probably wished they could have gotten a mulligan on your pathetic ass. Too bad that NY abortion law came too late
The conversation isn't about me at least not the conversation you avoid by insulting others. That's just you not being secure enough to admit what you don't know.
Talk about hysteria and rewriting history! LOL What claptrap! First the US Cole was bombed on Clinton's last October in office by suicide bombers. You do understand what suicide means don't you?
Nonetheless Yemen did arrest two suspects in planning the attack the following December and Bush took the office of President the next month. You do understand we're not talking about a movie where the scenes change in a matter of seconds, don't you?
So tell me what did the GOP congress do those days other than sniff intern panties? Saddam was unable to even see most of Iraq and we weren't losing blood and treasure in the sands of Iraq looking for the Aladdin's bottle of WMD in the desert. You act as if what we know now we knew then when it concerns Osama Bin Laden, if that were true then Bush had a whole year to do something to prevent 9/11. Only an ignorant fool who is confused about the timeline thinks otherwise.
My god man, its not like you posted some deep philosophical question. You posted a dumbass meme that has floated around the internet for years. Almost every single time I see one of the socialist claim America's system is broken because we have billionaires, I see this dumbass quote referenced in the comments. It is as straightforward of a quote as you can get. It is a shot at the wealthy, calling them greedy and a system that allows the rich to be greedy and hoard the money. Instead of a "common sense" system that says you are rich enough to the super rich and redistributes the wealth to the needy poor.I doubt seriously you understand anything about me since you are so slow in understanding why your response has been so gloriously narrow-minded and disconnected from me or the meme you think you understand.