Those that don't look out for their home first are total DA's.Identifying as a “nationalist” makes you a myopic loser.
Those that don't look out for their home first are total DA's.Identifying as a “nationalist” makes you a myopic loser.
You can pretend you know what you are talking about but your words betray you.nazis were liberal and socialists
You left out teenage birth rates & premature birth rates, murders, military deaths, drug OD's for starters.There have been several studies attempting to quantify the impact both health care systems have on health outcomes. As you can imagine, it's pretty much an impossible task because of the complexity of health care systems and what you consider important. Some studies show slightly better outcomes for Canada and some show slightly better outcomes for the USA. The biggest problems with any such measurement is how do you account for lifestyle differences between the two countries and how do you weight each component that you measure. For example, are mortality rates the only thing that matters, or do wait times, etc., also matter. How do you adjust mortality rates for lifestyle differences? It's not as straight forward as you are trying to make it sound. To say that either system is superior based on the studies that have been done so far is to basically spread propaganda because measuring it is not an exact science.
So where else did Canucks go for healthcare - if you're want a meaningful comparison. But I doubt that.45,000 Canadians came to the US for healthcare, most all for elective, non-emergency care. You want a breast implant? ... 1.4 million Americans left the US for healthcare.
People on Medicaid do better than those with no insurance.Better access to care is getting more ppl on private insurance...bc it's better. This "Medicare for all" which is actually Medicaid for all is trash.
my guess is bking...Lol this makes no sense whatsoever given context of your initial post up to this one.
Are you defense? This rathole behavior is right up his alley
I don't want to hear one Republican on here talking about facts, because they don't know what those are.
You haven't lived until you have applied for Medicaid.Our govt in healthcare today:
-medicare loses $60b to fraud and errors per year
-after $600m and 3 years could not bring up a simple portal (ACA)
-VA system riddled with mistreatment, egregious waits, shortages, admin ineptness
But yeah, moving 2/3rd of the 330m people in this country off their private insurance to the govt is a great idea. Takes a lunatic that also hopes the country goes into a recession to get rid of DT to rationalize that.
Lets be clear Osama Bin Laden was in Afghanistan when the Bush administration lead by Dick Cheney lied to the entire world about WMD's in Iraq and the desperate need to invade Iraq in order to stop Iraq from bombing America. That is how the GOP got America into this mess not Hillary. The truth is not on your side.
Lets be clear Osama Bin Laden was in Afghanistan when the Bush administration lead by Dick Cheney lied to the entire world about WMD's in Iraq and the desperate need to invade Iraq in order to stop Iraq from bombing America. That is how the GOP got America into this mess not Hillary. The truth is not on your side.
And? If I have private insurance I dont want mcaidPeople on Medicaid do better than those with no insurance.
Shocked.NYC declares public health crisis due to measles outbreak. Must be all those conservative anti vaxxers at work again!
Definitely not unvaccinated refugees and immigrants...
Sorry you can't distill from my post that the largest (by a factor of trillions) mistake made was the decision to invade Iraq. If I had listed all I would have included El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea etc. etc. etc.. If you knew me as well as you pretend then you would know I've been opposed to almost all military adventures this country has taken during my lifetime no matter who the party was in charge at the time. Very few have been for noble reasons and I will feel the same most likely if we attack Venezuela. That is one of the reasons Bill Clinton was so successful for me---he actually ended two wars and didn't lose one American soldier doing so.It's cool, continue to pretend Iraq and Afghanistan are the only conflicts we are involved in. The post you are refuting with your moral highground nonsense also includes Honduras, Syria, and Libya. They could have thrown in Yemen and some others.
Lets be clear Osama Bin Laden was in Afghanistan when the Bush administration lead by Dick Cheney lied to the entire world about WMD's in Iraq and the desperate need to invade Iraq in order to stop Iraq from bombing America. That is how the GOP got America into this mess not Hillary. The truth is not on your side.
Sorry you can't distill from my post that the largest (by a factor of trillions) mistake made was the decision to invade Iraq. If I had listed all I would have included El Salvador, Guatemala, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea etc. etc. etc.. If you knew me as well as you pretend then you would know I've been opposed to almost all military adventures this country has taken during my lifetime no matter who the party was in charge at the time. Very few have been for noble reasons and I will feel the same most likely if we attack Venezuela. That is one of the reasons Bill Clinton was so successful for me---he actually ended two wars and didn't lose one American soldier doing so.
Talk about hysteria and rewriting history! LOL What claptrap! First the US Cole was bombed on Clinton's last October in office by suicide bombers. You do understand what suicide means don't you?Hillary’s husband bombed Iraq almost every week of his administration. He did nothing when the USS cole was bombed and before that targeted bin laden with tomahawk missiles to try and distract from the blow job fiasco. And you have the cajones to question truth? Bush was terrible when it came to Iraq but Clinton was worse not only did he constantly use Iraq as a political pawn to bomb he also allowed the terrorists who attacked on 9/11 to proliferate with no reprisal. Osama bin laden was in Afghanistan while they attacked embassies in Tanzania and Kenya. While they attempted to blow up WTC while they attacked our warship. Where was Hillary and her husband?
I AM A NATIONALIST AND PROUD OF IT.Identifying as a “nationalist” makes you a myopic loser. Nothing wrong with being white though.
You do have a hard time understanding don't you? You know you may have to think about broadening your view in order to understand other people's POV.I had to double check because our foreign policy is completely insane, but you listed 5 countries we aren't currently involved in military conflict with, once again ignoring the 4 I mentioned that started under Obama. If actually believed what you said about Clinton, Trump should be your 2nd favorite president.
So you are using one countries numbers (Canada) for a comparison to the US leaving out the rest of the world. Simpleton."all these countries"? I didn't know that countries did any of those things.
I guess you didn't realize that every developed nation with medical schools has fairly sizable populations of foreign students.
Why don't you ask Rand Paul why he went to Canada for his hernia surgery?
45,000 Canadians came to the US for healthcare, most all for elective, non-emergency care. You want a breast implant? ... 1.4 million Americans left the US for healthcare.
Oh and by the way, FALSE."all these countries"? I didn't know that countries did any of those things.
I guess you didn't realize that every developed nation with medical schools has fairly sizable populations of foreign students.
Why don't you ask Rand Paul why he went to Canada for his hernia surgery?
45,000 Canadians came to the US for healthcare, most all for elective, non-emergency care. You want a breast implant? ... 1.4 million Americans left the US for healthcare.
I see a doctor only when pain gets to be too much if injured. Have not been in a couple of years now and before that about 4 or 5. I am the norm.Actually,all we know is that theoretically better access could lead to better health, but it is far from fact. That assumes people would see a doctor regularly because it’s free. Cost is not the sole reason people don’t go to the doctor regularly. Many people who have insurance don’t see a doctor regularly. It also assumes people will make lifestyle modifications because a doctor tells them to. There are many examples of that not being the case. You are looking at universal health care as if it were some utopian system of healthcare. It is far from it because people are still people and do things that aren’t in their best interest.
I don’t think cost is as important as whether it fits within our philosophy of individual liberty. I don’t see universal health care as consistent with that philosophy of government.
Haha come on. Nothing in the history of the world has helped combat poverty like Capitalism has.
You Bigly don't understand the American language.Did you actually say “worser?” I had to type it 4 times and manually force that through since autocorrect kept fixing it for me.
NYC declares public health crisis due to measles outbreak. Must be all those conservative anti vaxxers at work again!
Definitely not unvaccinated refugees and immigrants...