Ha ha. Gilliam will be in prison in 2020
Thank youUm that’s a fact and has been for quite some time. The most racist people in the United States are black people (probably black women more so).
Show me any other race that’s hellbent on no longer being the majority in their country in which their ancestors developed and created. Show me another race that’s terrified to offend someone and will mandate that another race has to be hired? Show me another race that imports a group of people to not conform to their customs and traditions and then demands people pay for their replacement?
Show me another race that spills more blood to free another group of people? Even 700,000-750,000 of their own people dying on their own land to free another race (although other aspects of the cause of war)?
Whites are the least racist. If you think whites are the most racist, you are a sheltered retard. Asians are huge racists. You think Latinos and blacks like each other? You think Arabs like other races in general?
On a daily basis, non-white people are flooded with daily propaganda of hatred toward whites, believing whites are at fault for everything in their lives, how whites don’t deserve anything, that whites are privileged and minorities are victims, and how this country was stolen, and how they deserve reparations and entitlements.
In every situation, racism is to blame, according to them.
Different race moves in, brings problems to the area, destroys property value, makes schools get worse, bring crime; then people flee. It’s “racist” to leave. “White flight.”
White people move in to a shitty neighborhood that has no hope and has been a disaster with no business prospects and then make it into a desirable neighborhood.
Guess what? That’s racist too. “Gentrification.”
Non-whites engaging in white customs, wearing clothes and using things created by whites? No problem.
Whites wearing a Chinese dress or wearing something from another culture? That’s cultural appropriation and it’s racist.
Commit crime? You’re not at fault. It’s this racist prison system.
Fight a cop and die? Racist cop’s fault.
Didn’t get a job? It had to have been racist.
Want to be held responsible for your personal actions? No way. That’s racist.
Um that’s a fact and has been for quite some time. The most racist people in the United States are black people (probably black women more so).
Show me any other race that’s hellbent on no longer being the majority in their country in which their ancestors developed and created. Show me another race that’s terrified to offend someone and will mandate that another race has to be hired? Show me another race that imports a group of people to not conform to their customs and traditions and then demands people pay for their replacement?
Show me another race that spills more blood to free another group of people? Even 700,000-750,000 of their own people dying on their own land to free another race (although other aspects of the cause of war)?
Whites are the least racist. If you think whites are the most racist, you are a sheltered retard. Asians are huge racists. You think Latinos and blacks like each other? You think Arabs like other races in general?
On a daily basis, non-white people are flooded with daily propaganda of hatred toward whites, believing whites are at fault for everything in their lives, how whites don’t deserve anything, that whites are privileged and minorities are victims, and how this country was stolen, and how they deserve reparations and entitlements.
In every situation, racism is to blame, according to them.
Different race moves in, brings problems to the area, destroys property value, makes schools get worse, bring crime; then people flee. It’s “racist” to leave. “White flight.”
White people move in to a shitty neighborhood that has no hope and has been a disaster with no business prospects and then make it into a desirable neighborhood.
Guess what? That’s racist too. “Gentrification.”
Non-whites engaging in white customs, wearing clothes and using things created by whites? No problem.
Whites wearing a Chinese dress or wearing something from another culture? That’s cultural appropriation and it’s racist.
Commit crime? You’re not at fault. It’s this racist prison system.
Fight a cop and die? Racist cop’s fault.
Didn’t get a job? It had to have been racist.
Want to be held responsible for your personal actions? No way. That’s racist.
Capitalism is the cure to racism.
I'm with youBy 2020- democrats will likely get 10 million votes in the presidential election. The rest willl be illegal citizens and fraud votes.
Telling you now. America won't let this country go far left without a GODDAMN civil war. I wish we could go ahead fight this thing and get it over with.
Scenes from #Italy earlier where an African terrorist hijacked a school bus and tried to burn 51 schoolchildren alive
Liberal parents would sacrifice their kid look at Molly tibbits
Quite possibly one of the most ill-informed post of the past year, but then there are so many.Liberal cities all across the country are struggling and barely treading water because of all sorts of issues...violence, drugs, homeless, poo poo in the streets, needles in the streets, jobs being run out of town because of high taxes, shitty schools...etc...people are leaving in droves...
Socialist countries have been failing miserably all throughout history...people left or at least tried to leave those countries in droves...
it's almost as if there's some sort of pattern...
I had my criticisms of McCain and yet can still honor his service and sacrifice. Trump? Not so much. You really do have problems thinking don't you?Libs have hated Mccain since he got back from Hanoi (remember vets weren't very popular back then) they hated him when he ran, they hated that he picked a woman running mate, Obama butted heads with him in not so subtle ways...
but all of a sudden he's a patron saint for Democrats like his last name is Kennedy...
Unfortunately, McCain hung around DC long enough to go from war hero to just one of many swamp things.
When libs and their social, tech, media and entertainment complex criticize and make fun of Republican lawmakers they're doing it to save the republic, but when Trump does it he's cruel?
Quite possibly one of the most ill-informed post of the past year, but then there are so many.
I had my criticisms of McCain and yet can still honor his service and sacrifice. Trump? Not so much. You really do have problems thinking don't you?
I had my criticisms of McCain and yet can still honor his service and sacrifice. Trump? Not so much. You really do have problems thinking don't you?
What was it?
You mean, like the dumb@ss post you made about so-and-so "mentioning" Trump?Quite possibly one of the most ill-informed post of the past year, but then there are so many.