How will they rule ??!

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The portion in bold above has been the battle cry of the left for quite some time so, you lose that point.

It is also a known fact that private school children do better nationally than students in public schools which is probably why you are critical of it. It is a slap in the face of teachers like yourself who are doing a poor job teaching.

I hope he's a terrible teacher like I think he is. Would hate for young minds to be lied to and manipulated by useful idiots.
97% statistic, and instead say that, hell, 70% of "climate experts" say that the change is fueled by human activity?

Except the Cook study (and others) the %'s were based off of the majority of climate experts' papers reviewed take no position on human activity.

"Human activity" was dishonestly attached to the studies by Kerry (and others) for maximum effect.
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No way, bro.

If the consensus of legal experts is that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, what would you say to that?


I doubt that.

Let's wait and see though.
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The portion in bold above has been the battle cry of the left for quite some time so, you lose that point.

It is also a known fact that private school children do better nationally than students in public schools which is probably why you are critical of it. It is a slap in the face of teachers like yourself who are doing a poor job teaching.

The real reason is smaller class sizes and more affluent home life. There are plenty of excellent public school teachers out there, but teaching a class of 30 isn’t as easy as teaching a class of 16.

Look at Oldham county - mostly rich white folks and it’s rated one of the top public districts in the country. Less than a county away you can find some of the worst. Why? Poor people.

No way, bro.

If the consensus of legal experts is that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, what would you say to that?


I doubt that.

Let's wait and see though.

It'd be more like if James Comey, a corrupt piece of shit, said Hilary Clinton did not commit a crime after laying out the factual case that she committed a crime, then all the "legal expert" talking heads that never even went to law school or read the relevant laws joined the consensus that Hilary Clinton did not commit a crime.

Just because one corrupt jackass said it, and others jumped on board does not make it true.
The portion in bold above has been the battle cry of the left for quite some time so, you lose that point.

It is also a known fact that private school children do better nationally than students in public schools which is probably why you are critical of it. It is a slap in the face of teachers like yourself who are doing a poor job teaching.

I'm critical of parents who send their kids to private schools to protect them from...wait for it...




Can you imagine being such a snowflake?
I'm critical of parents who send their kids to private schools to protect them from...wait for it...




Can you imagine being such a snowflake?

I think most Conservative choose to send their kids to schools that still teach science.

You science denying lefties have eliminated biology from the curriculum and care far more about group think and "consensus" than the scientific method.

I don't really care for diversity of thought when those diverse thoughts are factually incorrect like yours.
I think most Conservative choose to send their kids to schools that still teach science.

You science denying lefties have eliminated biology from the curriculum and care far more about group think and "consensus" than the scientific method.

I don't really care for diversity of thought when those diverse thoughts are factually incorrect like yours.

Have you taken a look at the current state science standards? Give me those good ol' FACTS that say biology has been eliminated from the curriculum.
I'm critical of parents who send their kids to private schools to protect them from...wait for it...




Can you imagine being such a snowflake?
I think most Conservative choose to send their kids to schools that still teach science.

You science denying lefties have eliminated biology from the curriculum and care far more about group think and "consensus" than the scientific method.

I don't really care for diversity of thought when those diverse thoughts are factually incorrect like yours.
Not to mention the 87 different genders absolute bullshit.
That construction was voided and blocked by the bill TRump signed

Construction of a section of border wall through natural and historic areas in the Rio Grande Valley was blocked Thursday by a last-minute provision inserted in the budget deal by border-area Congressman Henry Cuellar.

“I know it’s been extremely important to a lot of people,” said Cuellar, D-Laredo, the only border congressman on the House-Senate conference committee that crafted the budget deal to fund the Homeland Security Department and other agencies and avert another government shutdown.

“This will stop any barrier from going within those areas, and that’s a huge victory,” he said.

The 6-mile section is part of a project approved by Congress last year to build 33 miles of wall in the Rio Grande Valley.

Cuellar’s budget amendment voids wall-construction contracts in the protected areas.
False. Give it time, the wall will be built.
Have you taken a look at the current state science standards? Give me those good ol' FACTS that say biology has been eliminated from the curriculum.

I just figured you loony toons had started teaching kids there were more genders than male and female, and that it was up to them to pick. Seems to be the lefty consensus.

I'm an adult male without any kids, so I don't spend any time in schools. I'd have to take your word for it, I guess.
Why doesn't Trump just tweet out that the wall is finished? That would appease his voters and they'd believe him. He could wrap up 2020 early and spend the next 19 months in Florida playing golf with Tiger.
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Give me those good ol' FACTS

Speaking of good ol' FACTS. Just so we're clear there was never a study that said 97% of climate experts agree that climate change is caused by human activity. That is a lie. Plain and simple. You're regurgitating the misinformation you've been fed and making yourself look foolish.

All the study said is that 97% of climate experts agree that climate change is real and even that isn't true. For the last time the majority of the expert papers reviewed by Cook (and others) for their studies took no position on human activity one way or the other.
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You climate change deniers are straw man supremes. What if I completely redact the whole reliance on the sexy 97% statistic, and instead say that, hell, 70% of "climate experts" say that the change is fueled by human activity?

You'd still be grasping.

Do all of your friends and family members think man-made climate change is fake, too? I can't imagine that's the case. You're in the minority here, bro, and it's not even close.

Good on you though for not being afraid of public schools.
Have you started taking a pony to work yet or do you work? You heating your entire mom’s basement with hydropower?
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I have a graduate degree in statistics, and the amount of bullshit in the field is staggering. So much of it is based on invalid assumptions because the math works out nicely and you shouldn't believe most of it. Read Taleb and Mandelbrot.

No way, bro.

If the consensus of legal experts is that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, what would you say to that?


I doubt that.

Let's wait and see though.

I knew you weren't capable of talking about science. Why move the goal posts?

Explain to me why the models that predict gloom and doom are so accurate.

And by the way, I already know that the collusion came from O'bama and Hillary. I read the emails that were authenticated. You know, the emails that were treated like top secret information and plastered all over the internet.
I have a graduate degree in statistics, and the amount of bullshit in the field is staggering. So much of it is based on invalid assumptions because the math works out nicely and you shouldn't believe most of it. Read Taleb and Mandelbrot.

As the saying goes, you can use data to prove anything if you know how to manipulate it.
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I've got 2 kids in public school and neither of them have been taught a single thing regarding more than 2 genders.

Because you're in KY. In some not all states/counties where far left liberals are in positions of leadership and creating laws things are a tad different. There are several more examples but two should suffice and make the point.
New Law Being Used to Spread LGBT Gender Identity Ideology into CA Public Schools
Parents furious over school’s plan to teach gender spectrum, fluidity
Because you're in KY. In some not all states/counties where far left liberals are in positions of leadership and creating laws things are a tad different. There are several more examples but two should suffice and make the point.
New Law Being Used to Spread LGBT Gender Identity Ideology into CA Public Schools
Parents furious over school’s plan to teach gender spectrum, fluidity

Yeah, I’m not on board with that at all. I’d pull my kids out of a school if it started teaching them that genders are fluid.
The real reason is smaller class sizes and more affluent home life. There are plenty of excellent public school teachers out there, but teaching a class of 30 isn’t as easy as teaching a class of 16.

Look at Oldham county - mostly rich white folks and it’s rated one of the top public districts in the country. Less than a county away you can find some of the worst. Why? Poor people.
Good teachers can find a way pure and simple. I will give you an anecdotal example. In the military, NCO's can make or break a unit. While a Drill Sergeant in the late 80's our unit had one of the best graduation rates and highest scores all around in testings. Almost all bought into the ideas of this First Sergeant we had who demanded excellence out of his Drill Sergeants and would push us constantly. Things were constantly changing even then on what you could or could not do to the private to make him do what was needed to accomplish the mission (make civilians into soldiers). But, no matter what constraints were put on us. we continued to get it done with high marks.
Other units did not have our success rate and it was due to good teachers and leadership.

Yes, teacher to student ratio does effect results but, good teachers can make it happen regardless.
Speaking of good ol' FACTS. Just so we're clear there was never a study that said 97% of climate experts agree that climate change is caused by human activity. That is a lie. Plain and simple. You're regurgitating the misinformation you've been fed and making yourself look foolish.

All the study said is that 97% of climate experts agree that climate change is real and even that isn't true. For the last time the majority of the expert papers reviewed by Cook (and others) for their studies took no position on human activity one way or the other.

Again, I'm willing to concede the "fake 97%" thing if you guys can give me an actual number. You guys claim to know the real facts, and I'm willing to take a hit if I'm egregiously wrong about the science community and their quoted opinions on man-made climate change . One dude said you guys sit around with the spreadsheets and whatnot, so educate an educator on the real facts. I'm all ears, seriously.
I'm critical of parents who send their kids to private schools to protect them from...wait for it...




Can you imagine being such a snowflake?
Critical when wisdom dictates their actions? Not surprised. Brainwashing is not diversity of thought.

Partying all of the time does not instill confidence in ones ability to teach our children.

Teaching our children to go against science by teaching them there are more than two genders does not bold well for your credentials as a teacher.

Telling our children that being white is privileged and to be ashamed even though there are a lot of white children who are very poor is a terrible lie and weak.

Teaching your students that conservative white men are evil and is what's wrong with this country is dangerous and will eventually backfire.

Your ranking as a teacher? Out of a score of 1 to 100 with one hundred being the best, you are -25.

You really suck Bro.
In other, non-climate-change news, Kamala Harris is precisely the disaster I thought she'd be. The left isn't between a rock and a hard place...they're horny at the end of a shitty party filled with nothing but mediums and uglies, and they have to decide who's the "best" of the bunch.

Watch it be Cory Booker.

Or Biden.

If Trump stays clear of the "corrupt, rigged, disgraceful" law enforcement, he'll be in office for another term. I still believe that. Wall or no wall.
Again, I'm willing to concede the "fake 97%" thing if you guys can give me an actual number. You guys claim to know the real facts, and I'm willing to take a hit if I'm egregiously wrong about the science community and their quoted opinions on man-made climate change . One dude said you guys sit around with the spreadsheets and whatnot, so educate an educator on the real facts. I'm all ears, seriously.

Why do you need an actual number? What you are asking for has no bearing on the question.

Go back and find the post that has the Judith Curry paper in it. Read it, I did. You will see for yourself what the IPCC says and how it measures up to reality.
Again, I'm willing to concede the "fake 97%" thing if you guys can give me an actual number. You guys claim to know the real facts, and I'm willing to take a hit if I'm egregiously wrong about the science community and their quoted opinions on man-made climate change . One dude said you guys sit around with the spreadsheets and whatnot, so educate an educator on the real facts. I'm all ears, seriously.


Please don't concede. Continue to sound like a moron every time the topic comes up.