How will they rule ??!

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Tens of thousands of people dying from opioids, but our resident Canadian never met one so lets focus on *checks notes*....identity theft cause he has met a staggering number of 2 people who dealt with that.

Also (odd one on your list) most people have not met women who are used for the purposes of sex trafficking...they usually keep those women hidden away and I'm assuming women who escape that life aren't usually quick to talk about it. Still thousands of lives destroyed and traumatized because of that.

The media has ran no shortage of stories of people struggling to pay healthcare bills and those still paying off student loan debt. Those stories aren't being shortchanged.

Let me try out some Canadian Logic on you boys...

--I have met zero people shot or killed in Chicago violence, so obviously those stories are exaggerated hogwash.

--I have never met a Hispanic who admitted to being illegal or a woman who admitted she had an abortion. I am beginning to think illegal immigration and abortion are myths.

--I have never met a person from the state of Maine...I wonder if it is really up there?

Have you ever left the state of Ky?

And how do you know you’ve never met someone from Maine? Do you pose the question “where are you from?” to every person you have ever met? That’s weird.
Jesus. Nice try, bro. Disagreeing with 97% of scientists isn't really my thing, but you guys have fun.

[laughing] haha, see what I mean? You are way too ignorant of the situation to even discuss it casually, let alone go all in on it.

That 97% bullshit was proven false as soon as it came out. Your inability to understand even basic scientific concepts is why you continue to be fooled by that and other erroneous assertions from the left.

Do you even science? bro
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Isn't it amazing that the Aurora shooting story has already pretty much died, even though it happened last Friday. Black employee who should not have had a gun kills 4 white people and a Latino after he is fired from his job.

What would be happening right now with the MSM if it had been a white guy who had killed 4 black people and a Latino?

The shooter using a handgun squelched most of it and he being black got the rest.

Amy Klobuchar is trying though. Never let any crisis go to waste.

Have you ever left the state of Ky?

And how do you know you’ve never met someone from Maine? Do you pose the question “where are you from?” to every person you have ever met? That’s weird.

Do you ask everyone you know if they've had or tried a late term abortion?
Do you ask everyone you know if they've been a victim or Identity theft?

Pretty sure he's asked the question "Where are you from?" a lot more times than those two.

Good ole GoP always getting caught in that election fraud. And Dowless' daughter is one of the people that ratted him out to the board, to funny.

The executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections revealed Monday that state officials had uncovered a “coordinated” and “unlawful” effort to collect absentee ballots on behalf of a Republican congressional candidate in the November election.
In the first public comments outlining the results of the state’s probe, Strach said investigators had evidence that McCrae Dowless, a political operative working on behalf of the Harris campaign, filled out and mailed in incomplete or blank ballots from both his office and home. She said Dowless paid people in cash to collect requests for absentee ballots and the ballots themselves. The state board also has evidence, she said, that Dowless paid people to falsify signatures on absentee ballots indicating that they had witnessed those ballots being filled out (North Carolina requires two witnesses to someone filling out an absentee ballot).
"Will our wall stop drugs? No. Should we give these people suffering from addiction free healthcare, access to mental health resources to improve their lives? Also no."

Dont act like you care about people suffering from any disease when you refuse to improve health outcomes in this country.

Weren't you the one claiming to be a conservative not too long ago? Now your last few posts are trying to down play the effect illegals have on this country, almost like you're about to say you're cool with open borders. And you're bitching about us not having free healthcare? Ya you really are a conservative...
Jesus. Nice try, bro. Disagreeing with 97% of scientists isn't really my thing, but you guys have fun.

Generally speaking, I think it's good to be respectful and appreciative of the earth. Simple common sense things that all can do are great. Recycling, picking up trash, not wasting, buying solar, wind, water power devices if you can afford them...great...

A lot of eco ways of life are expensive though..."Well over time those things save you money so it works out."

Well, we've just seen via the shutdown that most people can't go one paycheck without getting into dire financial problems. So what do you think they're going to choose, $75-$100 a month electric bill which comes to about $1200 over the course of the year or paying a couple grand at the very least, if not tens of thousands to get eco outfitted and not see any savings for years?

Once windmills, rainwater collectors, solar panels, battery cars and all that stuff can be massed produced for cheap...the masses will consume them. Honestly, where do you think a coal miner and roughneck would rather work, a dirty mine, rig, or a climate controlled Tesla, Apple, Google solar panel factory? If you want to shut down the cheap energy sectors, why don't we first offer those people better jobs?

Right now climate/environment responsibility is squarely on the shoulders of the elite. Don't tell the masses to be greener until you all have found a way to make it affordable and consumable on a mass scale.

As for science, I think we should be careful with statements like "97% of scientists say this or that..."

We've put scientists on such a pedestal and have forgotten that it is a discipline that is constantly changing and contradicting itself. That's the nature of the beast.

The most brilliant minds are lucky if a couple of their theories pan out, and the very foundation is built on a bunch of shit that was found to not be the case.

Think of all the things science has thought to be true. The community is always full of people, research, and studies that contradict and disprove one another.
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Good ole GoP always getting caught in that election fraud. And Dowless' daughter is one of the people that ratted him out to the board, to funny.

The executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections revealed Monday that state officials had uncovered a “coordinated” and “unlawful” effort to collect absentee ballots on behalf of a Republican congressional candidate in the November election.
In the first public comments outlining the results of the state’s probe, Strach said investigators had evidence that McCrae Dowless, a political operative working on behalf of the Harris campaign, filled out and mailed in incomplete or blank ballots from both his office and home. She said Dowless paid people in cash to collect requests for absentee ballots and the ballots themselves. The state board also has evidence, she said, that Dowless paid people to falsify signatures on absentee ballots indicating that they had witnessed those ballots being filled out (North Carolina requires two witnesses to someone filling out an absentee ballot).

It's called Ballot Harvesting in Lib country.
That construction was voided and blocked by the bill TRump signed

Construction of a section of border wall through natural and historic areas in the Rio Grande Valley was blocked Thursday by a last-minute provision inserted in the budget deal by border-area Congressman Henry Cuellar.

“I know it’s been extremely important to a lot of people,” said Cuellar, D-Laredo, the only border congressman on the House-Senate conference committee that crafted the budget deal to fund the Homeland Security Department and other agencies and avert another government shutdown.

“This will stop any barrier from going within those areas, and that’s a huge victory,” he said.

The 6-mile section is part of a project approved by Congress last year to build 33 miles of wall in the Rio Grande Valley.

Cuellar’s budget amendment voids wall-construction contracts in the protected areas.
Generally speaking, I think it's good to be respectful and appreciative of the earth. Simple common sense things that all can do are great. Recycling, picking up trash, not wasting, buying solar, wind, water power devices if you can afford them...great...

A lot of eco ways of life are expensive though..."Well over time those things save you money so it works out."

Well, we've just seen via the shutdown that most people can't go one paycheck without getting into dire financial problems. So what do you think they're going to choose, $75-$100 a month electric bill which comes to about $1200 over the course of the year or paying a couple grand at the very least, if not tens of thousands to get eco outfitted and not see any savings for years?

Once windmills, rainwater collectors, solar panels, battery cars and all that stuff can be massed produced for cheap...the masses will consume them. Honestly, where do you think a coal miner and roughneck would rather work, a dirty mine, rig, or a climate controlled Tesla, Apple, Google solar panel factory? If you want to shut down the cheap energy sectors, why don't we first offer those people better jobs?

Right now climate/environment responsibility is squarely on the shoulders of the elite. Don't tell the masses to be greener until you all have found a way to make it affordable and consumable on a mass scale.

As for science, I think we should be careful with statements like "97% of scientists say this or that..."

We've put scientists on such a pedestal and have forgotten that it is a discipline that is constantly changing and contradicting itself. That's the nature of the beast.

The most brilliant minds are lucky if a couple of their theories pan out, and the very foundation is built on a bunch of shit that was found to not be the case.

Think of all the things science has thought to be true. The community is always full of people, research, and studies that contradict and disprove one another.
The left wants to demonize the coal and natural gas industries, and regulate industry to death before there are even affordable solutions in place to phase those industries out.
Um, how can one determine if the injured are "KY Trumpsters"? What a way to take others misfortune and place a political spin on the situation.

You are dismissed.
Only a Trumpster is stupid enough to fight a bull for $100. it's not misfortune if their dumbasses volunteered to get reamed by the bull. its exactly what they deserved
That construction was voided and blocked by the bill TRump signed

Construction of a section of border wall through natural and historic areas in the Rio Grande Valley was blocked Thursday by a last-minute provision inserted in the budget deal by border-area Congressman Henry Cuellar.

“I know it’s been extremely important to a lot of people,” said Cuellar, D-Laredo, the only border congressman on the House-Senate conference committee that crafted the budget deal to fund the Homeland Security Department and other agencies and avert another government shutdown.

“This will stop any barrier from going within those areas, and that’s a huge victory,” he said.

The 6-mile section is part of a project approved by Congress last year to build 33 miles of wall in the Rio Grande Valley.

Cuellar’s budget amendment voids wall-construction contracts in the protected areas.
You dummies are so brainwashed and delusional that you'll believe anything. Read my post above. Eventually (hopefully for your sake) you'll get it.

When construction starts I'll point and laugh as always and you'll stay silent not realizing you were fooled by your overlords (again) and move on to the next fake talking point and false narrative.
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You dummies are so brainwashed and delusional that you'll believe anything. Read my post above. Eventually (hopefully for your sake) you'll get it.

When construction starts I'll point and laugh as always and you'll stay silent not realizing you were fooled by your overlords (again) and move on to the next fake talking point and false narrative.
land clearing for the fence construction had already started. But a texas rep was on the drafting committee and slipped in an amendment to protect pretty much all the areas in Texas Trump wanted to build his wall. and Trump is to stupid to read anything put in front of him.
Generally speaking, I think it's good to be respectful and appreciative of the earth. Simple common sense things that all can do are great. Recycling, picking up trash, not wasting, buying solar, wind, water power devices if you can afford them...great...

A lot of eco ways of life are expensive though..."Well over time those things save you money so it works out."

Well, we've just seen via the shutdown that most people can't go one paycheck without getting into dire financial problems. So what do you think they're going to choose, $75-$100 a month electric bill which comes to about $1200 over the course of the year or paying a couple grand at the very least, if not tens of thousands to get eco outfitted and not see any savings for years?

Once windmills, rainwater collectors, solar panels, battery cars and all that stuff can be massed produced for cheap...the masses will consume them. Honestly, where do you think a coal miner and roughneck would rather work, a dirty mine, rig, or a climate controlled Tesla, Apple, Google solar panel factory? If you want to shut down the cheap energy sectors, why don't we first offer those people better jobs?

Right now climate/environment responsibility is squarely on the shoulders of the elite. Don't tell the masses to be greener until you all have found a way to make it affordable and consumable on a mass scale.

As for science, I think we should be careful with statements like "97% of scientists say this or that..."

We've put scientists on such a pedestal and have forgotten that it is a discipline that is constantly changing and contradicting itself. That's the nature of the beast.

The most brilliant minds are lucky if a couple of their theories pan out, and the very foundation is built on a bunch of shit that was found to not be the case.

Think of all the things science has thought to be true. The community is always full of people, research, and studies that contradict and disprove one another.

Agree with most of this for sure. I just don't think there's much room to argue that human activity has contributed to climate change, or that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and too much of it can have noticeable negative effects on the environment. I SMH at people who dismiss the entire idea as a "hoax." Probably the same people who believe in the DEEP STATE conspiracy.

Creating jobs within the clean energy sector shouldn't be a problem. Digging up coal to burn in 2019 is such a stupid idea, and hell yeah I could see a company like Google opening clean energy plants in places like KY and WVA in the interest of replacing the mining jobs that have supported thousands and thousands of families for so many years. It would probably require some kind of tax break for already mega-rich companies though, which wouldn't sit well with people who like to bitch about that sort of thing.

Ultimately? I don't think we're gonna do anything about it. That whole Green New Deal has no chance of getting off the ground, nor will anything that extreme. We're creatures of habit, politicians are creatures of greed and deceit, and climate change deniers are amazingly short-sighted.
It was clearly a joke playing on the stupidity of your original message.

Yeah, I'm not necessarily trying to minimize the items in the top half of my list - I just get frustrated at the sensationalizing that goes on in the media. There are plenty of problems that plague people every day that seem to get very little attention because they aren't politically relevant or "sexy."
land clearing for the fence construction had already started. But a texas rep was on the drafting committee and slipped in an amendment to protect pretty much all the areas in Texas Trump wanted to build his wall. and Trump is to stupid to read anything put in front of him.

Like I said.

When construction starts I'll point and laugh as always and you'll stay silent not realizing you were fooled by your overlords (again) and move on to the next fake talking point and false narrative.

Happens every time like clockwork. You believe everything CNN tells you and bombard this thread with it only to always be proven wrong then you suddenly ignore it and pretend it never happened then quickly move on to the next phony talking point/scandal/narrative etc. You're a sheep. Doing the bidding of your propagandists and spreading their misinformation.

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