How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Just don’t see Republicans winning Florida in 2020. If Scott wins the Democrats will hammer away at how this election and the Governor race were stolen. Facts be damned.
So, wife and I are listening to "Forrest Gump" audio book while in the cars and making dinner and such. All the outlandish shit in that book (which is very poorly written, IMO... it's just rambling thoughts and anecdotes...) can't touch what's going on in Fla right now.

Today's latest from that link:

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on Florida’s election recount (all times local):

1:25 p.m.

Florida election officials have asked federal prosecutors to investigate whether Florida Democrats put out false information that could have resulted in voters having their ballots disqualified.

Last week, a top attorney in the Department of State wrote a letter to three Florida federal prosecutors that asked them to review “irregularities” related to mail-in ballots. The department included information that showed that voters were given the wrong deadline to fix any problems with those ballots.

Current law requires the signatures on mail-in ballots and a voter’s registration form to match. If the signatures do not match, a voter has until the day before Election Day to fix the problem.

But four supervisors turned over information that showed the official forms were changed by Democratic Party operatives. The new deadline said voters had until two days after the election to fix any problems.
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Oh the election is over, what caravan? .
This is one of most confusing taking points I've seen from you guys in this thread. If you're not hearing about the caravan anymore it's because the cable news you watch or the political websites you read have stopped reporting on it. And just a wild guess here but I'm assuming those are left leaning

It also has noting to do with Trump. He's still concerned with it. Matter of fact he just signed an EO that had everything to do with it. Plus Fox News is still reporting on it everyday and still has a reporter out in the field down at the border. If you want to hear more about the caravan then I suggest different news sources.
We are now spending more on interest to service our debt than the defense budget.

Thanks Obama!
deficit in October was 100billion, up 60% over last year and 90% over Obamas last year. Thanks Trump! If you think Trump has any plans to tackle debt you are a funny guy. and the interest payment last year was 260billion, 300billion this year, not quite the same as the 1 trillion we spend on defense. In a strong economy you should be paying off debt not racking it up. When a recession hits soon we will be royally ****ed for letting Trump & congress pass reckless tax cuts and massive spending bills.
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Caravan? It ceases to exist since Election Day. tRump hasn’t tweeted about it since. But I suppose it isn’t fake news since tRump created the story. Right?
You mean the caravan MSM lied to you about and you know absolutely nothing about? The only thing fake is your regurgitated talking point. Find better news sources. It's still being reported it on every day numerous times a day.

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tRump hasn’t tweeted about it since

And Trump’s done better than a tweet. Did you know since the election he signed a proclamation so that anyone who chooses to break the law and cross the border illegally instead of turning themselves at a point of entry is no longer eligible for asylum? Did you also knows Dems are suing him over it? That's right. Your party is suing the President of the United States demanding that foreigners have the right to break US law with impunity and be rewarded for it.
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deficit in October was 100billion, up 60% over last year and 90% over Obamas last year. Thanks Trump! If you think Trump has any plans to tackle debt you are a funny guy. and the interest payment last year was 260billion, 300billion this year, not quite the same as the 1 trillion we spend on defense. In a strong economy you should be paying off debt not racking it up. When a recession hits soon we will be royally ****ed for letting Trump & congress pass reckless tax cuts and massive spending bills.

The federal Govt hauled in more in taxes in October than ever before. The issue isn’t tax revenue, it’s government spending.

Personal income taxes were down, while corporation taxes were significantly higher.
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The federal Govt hauled in more in taxes in October than ever before. The issue isn’t tax revenue, it’s government spending.

Personal income taxes were down, while corporation taxes were significantly higher.
the deficit for 2019 is projected at 1.1 trillion. Is there a single member of congress of Trump even pretending they are going to try and cut into spending to fix that? No, all they talk about is ramping up defense spending no matter what.
the deficit for 2019 is projected at 1.1 trillion. Is there a single member of congress of Trump even pretending they are going to try and cut into spending to fix that? No, all they talk about is ramping up defense spending no matter what.

That’s a different point Platinum. You wanted to blame the tax cut for it, when that isn’t the case at all. Tax revenue is up, significantly.
Grassley being promoted to Hatch's vacant leadership role. He will serve as Senate president pro tempore. Which means he will preside over the Senate in the vice president's absence and is third in line of presidential succession. Graham expected to take his place as chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
So tell me about the caravan that's coming to rape and pillage the US. Oh the election is over, what caravan? Just further proof this was all a boogeyman ploy by Republicans to stir up the bigots in their base to go vote! And waste millions of taxpayer money to send troops to the border to hand out water.
** Breaking News **

Migrant caravan groups arrive by hundreds at US border.

** Film at Eleven **
That’s a different point Platinum. You wanted to blame the tax cut for it, when that isn’t the case at all. Tax revenue is up, significantly.
that is for 1 month. spending will increase 250billion this year while the deficit will be up 350-400 billion. you do the math on revenue.
So tell me about the caravan that's coming to rape and pillage the US. Oh the election is over, what caravan? Just further proof this was all a boogeyman ploy by Republicans to stir up the bigots in their base to go vote! And waste millions of taxpayer money to send troops to the border to hand out water.
Oh Kavanaugh got confirmed, what sexual misconduct? See how that works. Where are you calling out political stunts. I thought the dems were all about justice and #metoo...what happened, just quit the next day? Weird.

Meanwhile Keith Ellison has serious domestic abuse allegations with real proof...silence.
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So tell me about the caravan that's coming to rape and pillage the US. Oh the election is over, what caravan? Just further proof this was all a boogeyman ploy by Republicans to stir up the bigots in their base to go vote! And waste millions of taxpayer money to send troops to the border to hand out water.
Who the hell is saying there's not a caravan anymore. Hell some of them just appeared at the californian border.
However, the conclusion came under scrutiny after mathematician Nic Lewis, a critic of the scientific consensus around human-induced warming, posted a critique of the paper on the blog of Judith Curry, another well-known critic.

"A critic of the scientific consensus". What?

Guy proved they were full of shit. Maybe they should point out the "scientific consensus" isn't a consensus based on actual science at all, but a consensus on the conclusion they want to reach.
If you'd actually read the article you linked you'd have seen it directly confirms that the oceans are warming. The mistake was just with the margin of error, not disputing the overall conclusions of the findings. The correction revised their estimates to be more in-line with the scientific consensus, not less.

Wouldn't it be wonderful, if democrats had enough decency about them following a close loss to concede in the classy way that republican senate candidate Martha McSally did after her close loss in her Arizona senate race. Oh, what's wrong with me? I/we should never use the words democrats & decency in the same sentence. With the exception of Joe Manchin democrats don't know the meaning of the word decency.
I get your point, but McSally shouldn't have conceded, at least not yet IMO. What happened to her was arguably worse than the shitshow in Broward county.
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