How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Not bad for an 80 year old.
You guys are correct that the media can continue to spew lies. However, that comes with a price. It may not stop them from spewing lies but it does erode the belief in them.

I'm with you on this. Libs will try and hide that letter, the polygraph, and everything else. But it will get brought to light. Republicans will see it, become enraged and come out to vote. Moderates might be swayed as well, seeing what a sham this all was. And no matter what, the dems still need to find SOMETHING in this investigation. They haven't so far, with 24 hours left, and it appears they've moved on to their next rage topic: Trump's taxes.

Dems aren't totally immune.. they still need to play nice. Just like Trump and repubs are doing in regards to this investigation, knowing what's at stake for the midterms. Dems are being backed into a corner: Drop the Kav nonsense or risk losing the midterms.
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RealClearPolitics is showing polls, as of now, with Republicans winning: Texas, North Dakota, and Missouri. They are within 2 points of the Dem in Tennessee, Montana, Nevada, Florida, and Indiana.

All the GOP has to do to maintain the majority is win 3 of those 8 races. If the current trends keep up, it's not unreasonable to think the Republicans pick up enough seats to neutralize Collins and Murkowski
If they do that, Trump should actively seek candidates to primary them.
First reply nails how totally vacuous and illogical these people are. Someone asked if that means that touching a breast is no longer sexual assault; something that would have to follow from her statement.

Nope, see, touching *any* part of her body without consent is sexual assault. Does that mean tapping someone on the shoulder is sexual assault? *BLOCKED*
If any of you have sons that are in HS/college, you better have SERIOUS talks about how to act with regards to women. If nothing else this Kavanaugh issue should terrify anyone with a son. According to many they are already guilty. The crime just hasn't happened yet.
If any of you have sons that are in HS/college, you better have SERIOUS talks about how to act with regards to women. If nothing else this Kavanaugh issue should terrify anyone with a son. According to many they are already guilty. The crime just hasn't happened yet.

Ok son, here are some condoms and non disclosure agreements. USE THEM.
If any of you have sons that are in HS/college, you better have SERIOUS talks about how to act with regards to women. If nothing else this Kavanaugh issue should terrify anyone with a son. According to many they are already guilty. The crime just hasn't happened yet.

Not just how to act. But how to protect themselves against false claims, even decades later.

Applies to any man dealing with any females.

Sad. But it's what victim culture and identity politics got us.

Liberal bonus points - will further reduce reproduction amongst non latinos/refugees. A high priority for them. They target whites by preventing sexual activity. They target blacks with abortion.
If any of you have sons that are in HS/college, you better have SERIOUS talks about how to act with regards to women. If nothing else this Kavanaugh issue should terrify anyone with a son. According to many they are already guilty. The crime just hasn't happened yet.

Pretty crazy how backwards we are going thanks to leftists/opportunists. Are we going to seriously require women to never be alone with a man that she isn’t married to? The Pence rule is apparently the standard for everyone now because of these bitches.
I graduated in 01 they had these feminists rape culture marches in 97 so this is standard lib anarchist prep

This show is funny because they are so convinced that they are on the right side that they would take on a professional debater.

All of these people know who he is and how his show is run.

But tears.

I know people.

Empirical evidence is bullshit.
