How will they rule ??!

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yawn. Yeah I'm a scary socialist. And you want the feudal system to come back. Because you sure don't support capitalism any longer.

lol NAZIS everywhere!!! I saw 45 Nazis on my way to Whole Foods today.

Under my UK foot mat at the door. 12 NAZIs scurried from underneath. Then believe it or not I saw 365 NAZIs at my mail box. Seriously. This NAZI shit is getting out of hand.

I wasn't gonna say this. But I saw 1,000 NAZIs 3 days ago at Disney. Killing all kinds of gays and blacks. Surprised Mickey let shit happen.


Damned nazis been taking bites out of my ripe tomatoes.
The lunacy on display at the BK hearings...very sad and scary. Because, what’s next? When liberals scale these heights of excess, when they break Senate rules and slander people, when they encourage the public to try to stop
the democratic process through don’t just walk that back. That’s your new normal. How can democracy function with half of it behaving like this? Just agreeing to disagree is gone. It’s now their way or “Nazi!” Scary times people.
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@Brandon Stroud , Andy Barr is running a McGrath Baby Killer ad on TV now. He just used that bizarre interview she did on Larry Glover.

This race is kind of like that Grimes vs McConnel race. All the liberal city loons and media think the awful dem candidate has a chance because they live in a bubble and hate the state of Kentucky. In the end Grimes got trounced and media pretended to be surprised. Oh, and her campaign was caught breaking the law! And still lost! Surprise!
Nothing changes. It is nearing the November election, time to stir things up. Get those folks off the streets and into the voting booth before the Russians. So what town are we going to burn? Your choice Obama.

Not according to any statistical evidence. But for the 100th time, please, let's see your supporting evidence of this.

Again, this is another assertion of yours that just simply isnt true, or only paint half a story.

Republicans use a sound bite that the federal debt doubled under Obama. In looking at the numbers that is close to being numerically correct but falls short of being 100%.

However when you take into account the Great Recession, making W. Bush’s temporary tax cuts permanent, increased Social Security and Medicare spending as more Baby Boomers retire and become 65 years old and the Afghanistan and Iraq wars he inherited.

There are multiple databases that have dollar amounts of the Federal debt. While they have different numbers they are overall close to each other and essentially show the same dollar changes over the years. I am using information from the Federal Reserve of St. Louis

According to the U.S National Bureau of Economic Research, the Great Recession started in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. President Barack Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009, so it had already started before he entered office.

The first thing you notice when looking at the federal deficits from fiscal 2007 (the U.S. government fiscal year ends in September) is that it increased by almost $1 trillion from fiscal 2008 (two months before Obama was elected and four months before he was sworn in) to fiscal 2009. It remained over $1 trillion per year for four years and got below Bush’s last years deficit in fiscal 2015. It continued to decrease until Obama’s last year and has increased in Trump’s first year in office.
Fiscal 2007: $161 billion (next to last year of Bush’s second term)
Fiscal 2008: $459 billion (beginning impact from the Great Recession)
Fiscal 2009: $1.4 trillion (Obama’s first year and in the teeth of the Recession)
Fiscal 2010: $1.3 trillion
Fiscal 2011: $1.3 trillion
Fiscal 2012: $1.1 trillion
Fiscal 2013: $680 billion
Fiscal 2014: $485 billion
Fiscal 2015: $438 billion
Fiscal 2016: $587 billion
Fiscal 2017: $666 billion (Trump’s first year of his Presidency)

It is clear that the almost $1 trillion jump between fiscal 2008 and 2009 was due to the Great Recession. Tax receipts fell, expenditures rose and Obama and Congress passed the American Economy and Reinvestment Act to combat the recession.

Using percentages is a better way of analyzing data in a lot of cases as it compensates when the data set numbers are larger or smaller from each other. Federal debt falls into this category as it increases over time. The compounding impact of growth can make using absolute numbers meaningless.

Again using data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve, these are starting and ending federal debt numbers since President Reagan. I’ve computed the total percentage increase and the compounded yearly rate.

What the numbers show is that the total debt increased the most at 184% over 8 years and at the fastest rate under President Reagan at almost 14% per year. In fact, the three Republican presidents had the fastest growing debt on a yearly basis.

Started Presidency: $965 billion
Ended Presidency: $2.74 trillion
Increased 184% or 13.9% per year

H.W. Bush
Started Presidency: $2.74 trillion
Ended Presidency: $4.23 trillion
Increased 54% or 11.5% per year (only in office for four years)

Started Presidency: $4.23 trillion
Ended Presidency: $5.77 trillion
Increased 36% or 4.0% per year

W. Bush
Started Presidency: $5.77 trillion
Ended Presidency: $11.1 trillion
Increased 93% or 8.5% per year

Started Presidency: $11.1 trillion
Ended Presidency: $19.85 trillion
Increased 78% or 7.5% per year

President Obama’s debt actually grew at a slower annual rate than any of the Republican presidents even though there were events that negatively impacted the deficit that started before he became President.

The Great Recession is probably the biggest of them as can be seen in the yearly deficit numbers. While all politicians use data to support their positions, the sound bite that the debt doubled under Obama is very misleading.

While the recession officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, it took several years for the economy to recover to pre-crisis levels of employment and output.

This slow recovery was due in part to households and financial institutions paying off debts accumulated in the years preceding the crisis[1] along with restrained government spending following initial stimulus efforts.[2] It followed the bursting of the housing bubble, the housing market correction and subprime mortgage crisis.

The U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission reported its findings in January 2011. It concluded that "the crisis was avoidable and was caused by: Widespread failures in financial regulation, including the Federal Reserve's failure to stem the tide of toxic mortgages; Dramatic breakdowns in corporate governance including too many financial firms acting recklessly and taking on too much risk; An explosive mix of excessive borrowing and risk by households and Wall Street that put the financial system on a collision course with crisis; Key policy makers ill prepared for the crisis, lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels."[3]

This is why the housing ownership levels have not been restored and likely won't be anytime soon. Sub prime mortgages just aren't an option anymore. getting back to those levels will very likely cause another recession.

While the recession officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, it took several years for the economy to recover to pre-crisis levels of employment and output. This slow recovery was due in part to households and financial institutions paying off debts accumulated in the years preceding the crisis[1] along with restrained government spending following initial stimulus efforts.[2] It followed the bursting of the housing bubble, the housing market correction and subprime mortgage crisis.

The U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission reported its findings in January 2011. It concluded that "the crisis was avoidable and was caused by: Widespread failures in financial regulation, including the Federal Reserve's failure to stem the tide of toxic mortgages; Dramatic breakdowns in corporate governance including too many financial firms acting recklessly and taking on too much risk; An explosive mix of excessive borrowing and risk by households and Wall Street that put the financial system on a collision course with crisis; Key policy makers ill prepared for the crisis, lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw; and systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels."[3]

How did Bush get us out of the recession if it took several years to improve. Well after the 18- - 24 month time fram you now seem to now be in agreement with?

The number grew as the 2007-2009 recession threw millions out of work, as benefit levels were boosted for several years by the stimulus legislation Obama signed in 2009. The average benefit per person went up from around $113 per person in January 2009 to around $134 in July.
At the peak of food stamp enrollment in December 2012, a total of 47.8 million were receiving aid, an increase of nearly 16 million or 49 percent.

But then millions melted from the rolls as employment and incomes improved, and as Congress cut benefit levels, which dropped to a monthly average of around $124 per person in Obama’s final month.
Measured from his first month to his last, benefit levels and enrollment both grew less under Obama than under his predecessor.

Under George W. Bush, the number of people getting food stamps grew by 14.7 million, or 85 percent (compared with the 10.7 million, 33 percent gain under Obama). The average monthly benefit per person grew from $73.89 in the month Bush took office to $113.60 the month he left. That’s a 54 percent increase, compared with the 9 percent gain at the end of Obama’s time in office.

Sure they grew, but then they decreased. The economy was in the crapper. Of course it was going to rise. Where is it at now? Please share. And do you think the economy is in the shitter now? Even thought it's about the same.

Again, you simply throw a lot of shit on the wall hoping no one reads it.

You constantly want to talk percentages instead of real numbers.
I completely understand that food stamp recipients increased under Bush, dramatically once the recession started. From approx 16 million to 33 mill, that would be expected.

My point was that after 8 years of Obama’s Presidency, that number was still at 10 million more than when he entered office.
The recession ended in his first 6 months of office.
The most recent data I can find is as if May we’re at approx 40mill.

The main point in all of this is Obama had no economic policy. He wasn’t a good President. Economic policies were crap, foreign policy was an absolute nightmare unless you were an opposing Country, he had the least transparent administration in history, longest recovery, middle class shrank dramatically, media treated him as a king who couldn’t be questioned and it hurt him. The only thing he’ll be remembered for is being the first black President.
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Again, you simply throw a lot of shit on the wall hoping no one reads it.

You constantly want to talk percentages instead of real numbers.
I completely understand that food stamp recipients increased under Bush, dramatically once the recession started. From approx 16 million to 33 mill, that would be expected.

My point was that after 8 years of Obama’s Presidency, that number was still at 10 million more than when he entered office.
The recession ended in his first 6 months of office.
The most recent data I can find is as if May we’re at approx 40mill.

The main point in all of this is Obama had no economic policy. He wasn’t a good President. Economic policies were crap, foreign policy was an absolute nightmare unless you were an opposing Country, he had the least transparent administration in history, longest recovery, middle class shrank dramatically, media treated him as a king who couldn’t be questioned and it hurt him. The only thing he’ll be remembered for is being the first black President.
The first mulatto president. His commie white mother and white grandparents should get their share of the credit.
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@Brandon Stroud , Andy Barr is running a McGrath Baby Killer ad on TV now. He just used that bizarre interview she did on Larry Glover.

This race is kind of like that Grimes vs McConnel race. All the liberal city loons and media think the awful dem candidate has a chance because they live in a bubble and hate the state of Kentucky. In the end Grimes got trounced and media pretended to be surprised. Oh, and her campaign was caught breaking the law! And still lost! Surprise!

Democrats always act so shocked in these elections because they do not hang around conservatives for the most part. They just see them as this boogeyman that’s out there somewhere.
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That wouldn't have been truthful or the whole story. You want blanket statements when it's really more of a quilt, with lot's of pieces.

It was truthful, and you’re one to talk about not giving the whole story. You don’t even know the story and trying to present things as fact. There were 10 million more users of food stamps at the end of Obama’s term, 7.5 years after the recession ended. The middle class was no longer the majority of families in the US. That is why Trump won, not racism, sexism, Russians or some other BS. It’s the economy stupid.
You need to understand that statistics are great for a classroom or sports. However, they can easily be manipulated when used for political purposes. You have consistently shown that in this thread, it’s how I know you’re a young person with no experience in the real world. You accept what you want to believe instead of trusting what you see.
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Lol wait did obama come out today and claim he is responsible for how great the economy is..lololol...two years after he is out of office...lolololol. the same guy that said theres nothing we can do it's not coming back, deal with it...lololol
His MSM network CNBC, of all places, disagrees:

Trump has set economic growth on fire. Here is how he did it

President Donald Trump is more than 19 months into an administration engulfed in so much controversy that it may overshadow a tremendous achievement, namely an economic boom uniquely his.(get that Obama, UNIQUELY TRUMP'S!!!)

During his time in office, the economy has achieved feats most experts thought impossible. GDP is growing at a 3 percent-plus rate. The unemployment rate is near a 50-year low. Meanwhile, the stock market has jumped 27 percent amid a surge in corporate profits.

His critics, a group that includes a legion of Wall Street economists, most Democrats and even some in his own Republican Party, don't believe it will last. They figure the current boom will begin petering out as soon as mid-2019 and possibly end in recession in 2020.

But even they acknowledge that the current numbers are a uniquely Trumpian achievement and not owed to policies already set in motion when he took office.
Trump's economic achievements
Business confidence is soaring, in part thanks to a softer regulatory environment. Consumer sentiment by one measure is at its highest level in 18 years. Corporate profits, owed in good part to last year's tax cuts, are coming close to setting records.

Each of those accomplishments can be tied either directly to new policies or at least indirectly through a brimming sense of hope from businesses that the White House is back on their side.

GDP most recently gained 4.2 percent in the second quarter, the best performance in nearly four years.

At the same time, the unemployment rate is 3.9 percent, just one-tenth of a percentage point above the lowest level since 1969.

But there are some more telling figures about just how much progress has been made under Trump.

At a time when most economists had been using the term "full employment" to describe the economy, 3.9 million more Americans have joined the ranks of the working during the Trump term. During the same period under former President Barack Obama, employment had fallen by 2.6 million. The economy in total, while still not in breakout mode, has grown by $1.4 trillion through the second quarter under Trump; the same time period for Obama saw a gain of just $481 billion, or a third of Trump's total.

Businesses are investing, consumers are spending and innovation is on the rise as well.

Trump pledged that he would pare down regulations that were choking business activity. While the actual moves toward deregulation haven't been quite as ambitious as planned, the approach has won him converts in the business community.

The most recent reading from the National Federation of Independent Business was the second highest in history dating back 45 years. Small business owners reported aggressive hiring plans, the only obstacle to which has been a dearth of labor supply. The end of June saw 6.7 million job openings and just 6.6 million Americans classified as unemployed, an unprecedented imbalance.

"Expansion continues to be a priority for small businesses who show no signs of slowing as they anticipate more sales and better business conditions." NFIB President and CEO Juanita Duggan said in a statement.

How he did it
Trump's economic program was very simple: an attack on taxes and regulations with an extra dose of spending on infrastructure and the military that would create a supply shock to a moribund economy.

On the tax side, the White House pushed through a massive $1.5 trillion reform plan that sliced the highest-in-the-world corporate tax from 35 percent to 21 percent and lowered rates for millions of taxpayers, though the cuts for individuals will expire in 2025.

On deregulation, Trump ordered that rules be pared back or eliminated across the board. During his time in office, Congress has cut back on the Dodd-Frank banking reforms, particularly in areas affecting regional and community institutions, rolled back a multitude of environmental protections that he said were killing jobs and took a hatchet to dozens of other rules. (The left-leaning Brookings Institution think tank has a rolling deregulation tracker that can be viewed here.)

During the first year of his administration, "significant regulatory activity" had declined 74 percent from where it was in the same period of the Obama administration(I.e., Dems are only about greater & greater control of our lives.), according to data collected by Bridget Dooling, research professor at GW's Regulatory Studies Center.

The Dodd-Frank rollbacks have been particularly helpful to community banks, whose share prices collectively are up more than 25 percent over the past year. Small-cap stocks in general have strongly outperformed the broader market, gaining 23 percent over the past 12 months at a time when the S&P 500 is up 17 percent.

The Federal Register, where business rules are stored and thus serves as a proxy for regulatory activity, was 19.2 percent smaller from Inauguration Day until Aug. 16 under Trump than during the same period for Obama.

"You can think of that as turning off the spigot of new regulations," Dooling said in an interview. She said more aggressive movement appears to be on the way.

Dooling said recent regulatory changes from the Environmental Protection Agency and the departments of Education and Labor will advance deregulation in an even "more meaningful way."

In addition to expected deregulation benefits, there's also anticipation that the true benefits of tax cuts have yet to kick in. Mick Mulvaney, head of the Office of Management and Budget, recently told CNBC that he attributes the bulk of new economic growth to deregulation rather than the tax cuts, whose benefits he expects to come later.

"It's still too early to tell. We haven't seen any of the multipliers yet from tax reform," said Jacob Oubina, senior U.S. economist at RBC Capital Markets. "We have enough in terms of ammunition to put in 3 percent growth for the rest of this year and even all of 2019, but we haven't seen sort of this spike in activity yet."

There's been another interesting trend that is peculiar to the Trump economy: a drifting of benefits from urban centers to nonmetropolitan areas, which are seeing their first collective population growth since 2010. (It's clear who gives an ish about the deplorables & little guys & it ain't Dems & their big cities cult.)


Skeptics doubt it will last
His critics don't believe it will last. They figure the current boom will begin petering out as soon as mid-2019 and possibly end in recession in 2020.

"This is temporary. In fact it's raising the odds of recession on the other side," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "The economy is now more cyclical because of the stimulus. You're doing a lot of near-term growth, but you're setting up for a tough time on the other side of it. That's why most economists think we have a recession in 2020, because of these policies."


Indeed, while Trump has preached fiscal discipline, he has not practiced it. The U.S. economy is carrying a $45 trillion debt load that continues to grow under Trump. Government debt has swollen by $1.46 trillion in Trump's 19 months, an increase of 7.3 percent, to $21.4 trillion. The public owes $15.7 trillion of that debt, an increase of 9 percent.

There also are some pockets of the economy that remain mired in slowness, most notably wage gains. Average hourly earnings have risen just 4.1 percent since January 2017 when Trump took office, barely keeping pace with inflation. Still, during the same period wages rose just 3 percent under Obama. (Note: This ignores that people keep more in their pocket than that do to lower taxes & more hours working. Trump's number look much better with those facts.)

Then there's the Federal Reserve, which cut rates and flooded the financial system with cash during the Obama years. Now it is reversing course and tightening, or raising rates.

"The short answer is the honest answer: Nobody knows," Joe LaVorgna, chief economist for the Americas at Natixis, said in assessing the duration of the Trump bump. "If we generate 3.5 percent this year and generate 3.5 percent next year, that could happen provided the Fed doesn't kill it. Then you're going to say it looks like some of it was Trump. It has to be."

With midterm elections fast approaching, Trump's economic record will be front and center. The strong performance could bolster Republicans' hopes as the GOP tries to hold onto control of both the House and the Senate.

So far, though, the experts have gotten it wrong about Trump.
Note: No boom has lasted forever, so at some point it has to slow down. Is boom & slowdown better than just slow?

Had to cut some things to fit.
I'm not here to contribute:I just wanted to see someone getting pwned... BADLY... and boy, did this thread deliver.

Liberals are not the brightest bulb in the socket. Their intellect is not up to the task because facts and truth are not part of their core beliefs. The seminars they attend are based on deceiving and spreading false hoods. It has been so since the days of Karl Marx and will not change. That is why it is important to defeat them at the polls and send them back to Harvard, Yale and other institutions of lies and deceit. When they are in a position of political power you end up with an IRS, an FBI and a Justice Department like America has suffered through the past 10 years. Democracy and truth be damned. Lies, cover ups and Justice only for the elites and their minions. Just like Marx dreamed it would be.
@Brandon Stroud , Andy Barr is running a McGrath Baby Killer ad on TV now. He just used that bizarre interview she did on Larry Glover.

This race is kind of like that Grimes vs McConnel race. All the liberal city loons and media think the awful dem candidate has a chance because they live in a bubble and hate the state of Kentucky. In the end Grimes got trounced and media pretended to be surprised. Oh, and her campaign was caught breaking the law! And still lost! Surprise!

After seeing McGraths ads I don’t blame him. Every ad she has she acts like she is Tom Cruise in Top Gun, and her reason she is qualified is she flew a fighter jet. My dad was a pilot but he does not think all of the sudden he is JFK or Ronald Reagan and should run for office.
lol NAZIS everywhere!!! I saw 45 Nazis on my way to Whole Foods today.

Under my UK foot mat at the door. 12 NAZIs scurried from underneath. Then believe it or not I saw 365 NAZIs at my mail box. Seriously. This NAZI shit is getting out of hand.

I wasn't gonna say this. But I saw 1,000 NAZIs 3 days ago at Disney. Killing all kinds of gays and blacks. Surprised Mickey let shit happen.


Surprised Mickey let it happen? He’s king of the Nazis.

I bought some Life cereal. Went to pour it in a bowl and ended up pouring myself a bowl of Nazis. They like the milk because it’s white.
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Obama taking credit is like Billy Clyde taking credit for the return to greatness for UK basketball.

When you put it that way, maybe he's not that far off. If not for Billy Gillispie being absolute rock bottom, we'd still be toiling away in mediocrity. Took someone as completely inept and worthless as Obama and Billy G to bring about Trump and Calipari.

So thanks, Obama, I guess.
Why would I do the work to post it if I did not wan't people to read it?

I want to talk about facts and full story. Not just make just up and hope people believe it. You will post not sources because you have 0. I get why you don't like honest facts, numbers, percentages and sources. They don't support any argument you have made. You have continually diverted, shifted arguments and avoided answering any questions presented back at you. Such as why you support a party who continually lies to the coal industry? You post are void of any sources or evidence. The only 2 articles you did post defended the opposing sides argument. That's not a very good sign. With each post, your argument becomes more and more a shell of itself.

Wait, what? You had a point? Are you just keeping it to yourself or something?

Of course it was still up, it went up almost 25 million because of the Recession. It took years to recover and stabilize. The avg amount received was dropped, and the number was dropping substantially his last year. It's not just going to drop back down instantly. It takes time. Since you diverted my question earlier. What is the number now? And after looking it at it, do you feel the economy is in bad shape?

The recession ended, but that is when the recovery was actually able to begin. What don't you get about this? Of course, we didn't see the real efforts of that until 2011 and 12. Which did not support your false narrative that Bush's should get the credit, but like most of your other arguments, it appears you've abandoned that one now too.

Lol, I know you so desperately want this to be true, but facts of the matter are it just isn't so. You have no evidence other than opinion articles from Faux news and rest of the conservative media, that also provide 0 evidence to support such an assertion. Economy hit historically high numbers under Obama. Fed rate was raised, which was another of your claims that was proven false.
  • The economy gained a net 11.6 million jobs. The unemployment rate dropped to below the historical norm.
  • Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 4.0 percent after inflation. The gain was 3.7 percent for just production and nonsupervisory employees.
  • After-tax corporate profits also set records, as did stock prices. The S&P 500 index rose 166 percent.
  • The number of people lacking health insurance dropped by 15 million. Premiums rose, but more slowly than before.
  • The federal debt owed to the public rose 128 percent. Deficits were rising as Obama departed.
  • Home prices rose 20 percent. But the home ownership rate hit the lowest point in half a century.
  • Illegal immigration declined: The Border Patrol caught 35 percent fewer people trying to get into the U.S. from Mexico.
  • Wind and solar power increased 369 percent. Coal production declined 38 percent. Carbon emissions from burning fossil fuel dropped 11 percent.
  • Production of handguns rose 192 percent, to a record level.
  • The murder rate dropped to the lowest on record in 2014, then rose and finished at about the same rate as when Obama took office

I haven’t diverted from anything, it’s that you post a barrage of word vomit.
You have posted that same garbage 10 times, and it still doesn’t mean what you think it means.
I know the recovery took the longest in history, that’s my GD point!! I know there were 43 million on food stamps at the end of his term and why, that’s the GD point!
His policies sucked, that’s the point Graf.
I haven’t posted or linked one thing from Fox News, so spare me the bullshit about them bearing FAUX news, it makes you look ignorant.

The solar link was a friendly link for solar, and it made solar look awful compared to your argument where you only overstated the number of jobs by 2 million, it produces 2 % of our power but has twice the number of workers than coal power.
How is Trump lying about coal miners? He wants to put them back to work, now he could intentionally sabotage the renewable sector or the gas sector as Obama did Coal, or he can do as he is and simply let the market dictate it.
Coal production has dropped because Natural Gas is cheap and plentiful, the day Natural Gas prices rise to a point coal is cheaper, is the day coal production starts growing again.

Everyone of those economic stats in the chart simply prove my point about Obama coming in at the ideal time. They’re all buoyed by the fact that he came in when everything had bottomed out. Hell, they even put crude oil production on there, as if he had championed that and hadn’t fought it at every step. Remember when Dems said we couldn’t drill ourselves to cheap gas? Kind of sounds like Obama saying those jobs aren’t coming back.

You don’t want to talk about the full story, you want to post percentages and pretend the economy didn’t suck for the middle class under Obama. It did, it shrank dramatically, it’s why Trump won and why he’ll win in 20.
Not to mention the BS foreign policy of Obama.
HAHAHA, How many people are on food stamps today? Do you still feel the economy is bad? Trump won because of an antiquated election system derived by southern states to have a bigger voice in national elections, since blacks greatly outnumbered white in the south but had not voting right. Most Americans did not vote for Trump. Again, don't let facts interfere in your narrative. The middle class was and still is the majority. Please provide factual evidence and not false claims easily disproved,

Lol, the classic facts aren't real and should be ignored because they point to a truth I can't accept approach. Classic bud.

Antiquated election system? You mean the one the US has always and will always use because without it there would be no United States? That one?
He won PA,OH, MI, WI the last tome a Rep did that was Reagan, which is fitting since Trump is the best President we’ve had since then.

The Federal govt is not a democracy, it is a Constitutional Republic form of government.
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