How will they rule ??!

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Was unaware a large contingent of police, first responders, active military and vets support Colin Kaepnernick protesting the inherent racism of police, first responders, active military and vets.

Do you have a state for that?

Edit: It very well may be true. Would be surprising to me. I really don't give a shit about the NFL or CK and haven't really paid attention to the details.
Was unaware a large contingent of police, first responders, active military and vets support Colin Kaepnernick protesting the inherent racism of police, first responders, active military and vets.

Do you have a state for that?

Edit: It very well may be true. Would be surprising to me. I really don't give a shit about the NFL or CK and haven't really paid attention to the details.

Here's a few. Just google it for more.
Like a turd clogging up the toilet, another lib (or Z) clogging up the Political page.

Good luck guys: I'm not wasting my time with idiots so time to block him/her and clean this up.
When you said "so many" I assumed you'd have like a survey or something that was taken of law enforcement and veterans. Obviously one can find random people on the internet who support him.
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When you said "so many" I assumed you'd have like a survey or something that was taken of law enforcement and veterans. Obviously one can find random people on the internet who support him.
Well it was more groups than people, but don't let that dampen the narrative.

Also, what would be the difference in random people on the internet, vs random people in a survey? How do you think surveys are done nowadays?
Well it was more groups than people, but don't let that dampen the narrative.

Also, what would be the difference in random people on the internet, vs random people in a survey? How do you think surveys are done nowadays?

You are asking what the difference would be taking a random sampling of veterans vs searching twitter for a hash tag to specifically seek out people who feel a certain way?

Do I really need to explain why that is different?
You are asking what the difference would be taking a random sampling of veterans vs searching twitter for a hash tag to specifically seek out people who feel a certain way?

Do I really need to explain why that is different?
Actually, most surveys are done today using cites like twitter, Facebook, and so forth. Did I source twitter? So again, how is that different?

Also, and perhaps more importantly, where did I source twitter?
Did you even look at the links you posted?

You can't link an article that's made up entirely of a twitter hashtag (Business Insider) then say you didn't cite twitter to support your position.
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Void of sources or factual evidence again I see. Everything is available online. So it would be easy to cite this.
Yes. There is not an equally proportionate numbers of white to black. Therefore, you have to look at percentage. As of July 2016, White Americans are the racial majority. African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to an estimated 12.7% of the population. Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to an estimated 17.8% of the total U.S. population, making up the largest ethnic minority.[8] The White, non-Hispanic or Latino population make up 61.3% of the nation's total, with the total White population (including White Hispanics and Latinos) being 76.9%. Of course more white people are killed by cops. White people make up 5 times more of the population. However, black people don't lag in total numbers that far behind white people and are growing considerably on an annual basis. If you can't see that there is a larger likelihood of being targeted, assaulted, shot, falsely accused and incarcerated by police if you are a black person, then I don't know what to tell you. The evidence literally suggest it however you spin it. If you can't comprehend that, you are either misinformed, retarded or okay with it. I'll let you choose.
Obviously black on black crime is an issue. As is crime among every other racial group and the country in general.You don't just ignore that. You address it and make it right. Black communities aren't going to get better until they build better relationships with law enforcement. If black people are rightly fearful of being targeted and murdered by police, how do you think that will improve?
Since Rape is a more often committed crime than murder, should we just not worry as much about murder and let the victims and their families deal with it in their own way and just shift responsibility to someone else?
Both articles provided plenty of evidence to support. Far more than anything you have posted. I can't make you accept it or agree with it, but that don't make it untrue or nonfactual. Vox really isn't that liberal, but spin it how you want. Again, it's still factual. Beliefs are great, but facts are just better and irrefutable.
Where does it say the data sucks? Or was it saying that it is lacking and incomplete in total reports and another better records need to be maintained? Which, the other article I linked was all about and provided other methods of measurement which were in greater detail and quanitity and a similar conclusion. That one not fit the all agenda either?
All evidence supports most cops are on higher alert around black people. Evidence supports people in general are on higher alert around black people. But I ask, how more often have you actually experienced criminal activity from a black person? We already know black people get targeted more by police. Every indicator suggest this. You have even admitted it. Again, that is a problem. How many non-violent black offenders are clogging our jails and prisons serving sentences for longer than their white counterparts for identical infractions?
Which is reiterated by the Brock Turner case and why I mentioned it. The judge wrote that it would be detrimental to him because of his upbringing to leave him in prison any longer than the sentence handed down. Please point out a case involving a black male accused of rape that received a similar sentence or statement from a judge. It's not speculation. It's truth white people refuse to admit or acknowledge.
I gave you a cite for the article. I'm not going to look it up for you. Look it up yourself, or don't. I don't really care.

Saying crap without any support seems to be a theme for you. Your articles do not back up anything with plenty of data. They primarily relate the homicide rate by police shootings to the makeup of each race in the general population. They argue that since the percentage of black people killed by police is higher than there makeup of the general population, it indicates bias. I ask you specifically if you believe that is a good measure of police bias. You did not answer the question. I don't believe it is and I have explained in detail why not using data to support my argument. You like to parrot articles you read on liberal websites, but when it comes you actually thinking through what is being said and discussing its validity, you provide very little.

Vox is very liberal. Not sure what planet you are living on if you think they are not.

I also asked you if the violent crime rate for blacks is the same as it for whites? You ignored that as well. The police homicide rate is going reflect the violent crime rate for each group more than it reflects the percent each group makes up of the population. If you disagree with that statement, then lets hear why you think it is incorrect.

I guess we're learning what we all should have already known, parrots aren't good at participating in a discussion.
Did you even look at the links you posted?

You can't link an article that's made up entirely of a twitter hashtag (Business Insider) then say you didn't cite twitter to support your position.
lol, 1 of them did. But what about the other 5? Why are they discounted again? Just not fit the narrative? And why do the soldiers on twitters opinion matter any less. That's kind of disrespectful to them. no?
lol, 1 of them did. But what about the other 5? Why are they discounted again? Just not fit the narrative? And why do the soldiers on twitters opinion matter any less. That's kind of disrespectful to them. no?

One talked about a group of 80 people that met at a bridge. One talked about a black police group that wrote a letter to contradict the FOP and other union. A few had a random sampling of various people.

Nothing is being discounted. You made a claim that a large number of police and veterans support CK. I asked if you had a survey or something to back that up, and you responded with links totaling probably less than 250 people? Of the millions of police and veterans?

I don't doubt there are some police and veterans that support KC. And you've done a good job proving that. I do doubt your claim that its a large number.

And again, the soldiers opinions on twitter are great, and they're entitled to their own. But you made the claim that there is a large number of veterans that support KC. Pointing to a few veterans that used a hash tag in no way supports that assertion.

Are you still confused?
Ronald Reagan:
Took office January 1981. Total debt: $848 billion
Left office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Percent change in total debt: +218%

George H.W. Bush:
Took office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Left office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Percent change in total debt: +55%

Bill Clinton:
Took office 20 January 1993. Total debt: $4,188 billion
Left office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Percent change in total debt: +37%

George W. Bush:
Took office 20 January 2001. Total debt: $5,728 billion
Left office 20 January 2009. Total debt: $10,627 billion
Percent change in total debt: +86%

Barack Obama:
Took office 20 January 2009. Total debt: $10,627 billion
Total debt (as of the end of April 2011): $14,288 billion
Percent change in total debt: +34%
Show me the source...meaning, I want to know the accounting. I know libs are easily distracted. For instance...if everyone got raised taxes uneccesarily that could cover "total" debt. But should we have been spending this anyway? What was the GDP under each? The deficit was the largest under Barry...that's not even a hypothetical. He spent more than we had assets. Hence why the economy was trash, the GDP was trash, and all there were, were govt jobs growing producing no revenue., you left an entire half of Barry's presidency off...lolol liberals
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lol, 1 of them did. But what about the other 5? Why are they discounted again? Just not fit the narrative? And why do the soldiers on twitters opinion matter any less. That's kind of disrespectful to them. no?
Ok Graf..I'm with you..lets see how we can fix this..maybe we could start by desegregation of schools, let them have their own focus groups(NAACP,Black Caucus)..wait that's not enough..lets throw in a welfare system so they can get on their feet, we could name it section 8 and pay the rent, part of the utilities and food cards..hell let's throw in a cell phone also..umm, grants for education and small business for minorities...check!
We will have to make sure that they are adequately represented in the work force....Bingo! We will call it Affirmative Action!! catchy name eh? Am I missing anything? please let me know if you can think of anymore.
I gave you a cite for the article. I'm not going to look it up for you. Look it up yourself, or don't. I don't really care.

Saying crap without any support seems to be a theme for you. Your articles do not back up anything with plenty of data. They primarily relate the homicide rate by police shootings to the makeup of each race in the general population. They argue that since the percentage of black people killed by police is higher than there makeup of the general population, it indicates bias. I ask you specifically if you believe that is a good measure of police bias. You did not answer the question. I don't believe it is and I have explained in detail why not using data to support my argument. You like to parrot articles you read on liberal websites, but when it comes you actually thinking through what is being said and discussing its validity, you provide very little.

Vox is very liberal. Not sure what planet you are living on if you think they are not.

I also asked you if the violent crime rate for blacks is the same as it for whites? You ignored that as well. The police homicide rate is going reflect the violent crime rate for each group more than it reflects the percent each group makes up of the population. If you disagree with that statement, then lets hear why you think it is incorrect.

I guess we're learning what we all should have already known, parrots aren't good at participating in a discussion.
Bullshit. Your initial post was quoting some article you said you read a few years ago, but some how retained perfect stats of. Until you can post a link of this, I am a bit skeptical.

The other post linked a couple of articles that validate none of the numbers you put forth. In fact. they provided none. And they were easily called into question and discredited by the links I posted. The ones you seemed to discredit the factual evidence and numbers presented, based on your opinion.

I told you yes it was, and further provided my reason as to why, please see previous post and actually read them.

Can you please provide factual evidence supporting that Vox is a liberal site? Until then it is strictly your opinion.

I already mentioned it was higher, but I don't prevent that from seeing police violence amongst blacks is an issue and should still be addressed? Why do you not? Remember, I asked, and will ask again, Since murder is less common than rape, should we worry less about it?

Do black people really commit that much of the violent crime? Or, are they targeted and convicted at higher rates, Often time falsely? I do believe crime amongst black is still too high and again, is an issue, but that does not mitigate the fact that blacks are still targets, convicted and murdered by cops at a higher rate.

What don't you understand about the fact black people make up a 1/5 of the white population? You can not view it in whole numbers as there is a clear discrepancy. 1 black person will essentially make up 5 whites in the general population. losing 1 black person has a far greater impact population wise than 1 white guy. The police killing a greater percentage or blacks than whites is a real issue. particularly when they make up 1/5 of the population.
That's not to say more white people weren't killed by police last year. However, that number is getting closer and closer to being equal in terms or whole numbers. What will the narrative be then? That just shows the likelihood and impact is far greater in black communities than in the white communities. That is a problem. It doesn't change the fact that other issues exist. But there is certainly not an issue taking a stand against it to bring change.

If you think I'm that much of a parrot, why do you keep replying?
One talked about a group of 80 people that met at a bridge. One talked about a black police group that wrote a letter to contradict the FOP and other union. A few had a random sampling of various people.

Nothing is being discounted. You made a claim that a large number of police and veterans support CK. I asked if you had a survey or something to back that up, and you responded with links totaling probably less than 250 people? Of the millions of police and veterans?

I don't doubt there are some police and veterans that support KC. And you've done a good job proving that. I do doubt your claim that its a large number.

And again, the soldiers opinions on twitter are great, and they're entitled to their own. But you made the claim that there is a large number of veterans that support KC. Pointing to a few veterans that used a hash tag in no way supports that assertion.

Are you still confused?
No, you asked if I had anything to support that. I provided 6 links that showed varying support across the country. You didn't like that, so you implanted a survey only rule. I know it doesn't fit the ole narrative, but he is still supported heavily by all.

Doubts are fine, but they are just opinion. Support it with facts.

Survey takers are strictly opinion as well. Why is it any different on twitter? Millions have supported CK. Plenty were vets, first responders, active duty and so forth.

"I don't doubt there are some police and veterans that support KC. And you've done a good job proving that."
How am I confused if you also think I've done a good job proving my point?
Ok Graf..I'm with you..lets see how we can fix this..maybe we could start by desegregation of schools, let them have their own focus groups(NAACP,Black Caucus)..wait that's not enough..lets throw in a welfare system so they can get on their feet, we could name it section 8 and pay the rent, part of the utilities and food cards..hell let's throw in a cell phone also..umm, grants for education and small business for minorities...check!
We will have to make sure that they are adequately represented in the work force....Bingo! We will call it Affirmative Action!! catchy name eh? Am I missing anything? please let me know if you can think of anymore.
Aside from the minority organizations, you realize most of these were started for whites and only available to whites in certain instance? And some where created and implemented by conservatives, particularly to benefit the poor white. And all,accept small business loans for minorities, are more utilized by white people? However, as I always so to conspirers, don't let facts interfere in your narrative.
So why do so many police, first responders, active military and vets support his movement? Why did a Marine give him the idea?

Donating millions of dollars and countless hours of time to underprivileged and indigent communities isn't a positive for you? Creating an organization for kids, particularly minorities, to engage and build relationships isn't good to you?

Did you think Mark Furman was a hero?

Plenty of people long ago moved on from Kap and don’t care about any of this. Some folks do still have interest in the work he is doing. With that in mind, I wanted to list out every organization that has received money from Kaepernick and his friends as part of this process. 40 different organizations received some kind of donation from Colin Kaepernick this year, and ten of them received some additional funding from his friends.

This does not include the money he has put into running his Know Your Rights Camps. Additionally, his donation to Somalia Famine Relief was part of broader work with Ben Stiller that raised $3 million and helped get a plane to deliver supplies to Somalia.

I’ve included links to the organizational websites in case you want to learn more and/or potentially donate to them. SI also had a great article in December in which they spoke with people from several of these organizations about how the donations happened.

October 2016
Silicon Valley De-Bug ($25,000)
Causa Justa/Just Cause ($25,000)
Urban Underground ($25,000)
Mothers Against Police Brutality ($25,000)

November 2016
Black Youth Project (25,000)
Gathering For Justice/Justice League ($25,000)
Communities United for Police Reform ($25,000)
I Will Not Die Young Campaign ($25,000)

December 2016
UCSF for “The Mni Wiconi Health Clinic Partnership at Standing Rock” ($50,000)
Appetite for Change ($25,000)
Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation ($25,000)

January 2017
Black Veterans For Social Justice ($25,000)
350 Global Environmental Organization ($25,000)
Center For Reproductive Rights ($25,000)
CHIRLA (Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles) ($25,000)

February 2017
Meals on Wheels ($50,000)
Somalia Famine Relief ($50,000)

March 2017
Life After Hate ($50,000)
Leaders Of A Beautiful Struggle ($25,000)
Silence Is Violence ($25,000)

April 2017
Assata’s Daughters ($25,000)
Helping Oppressed Mothers Endure (H.O.M.E.) ($25,000)
Grassroots Leadership ($25,000)
American Friends Service Committee ($25,000)

May 2017
The Dreamville Foundation ($34,000)
Lower East Side Girls Club ($33,000)
100 Suits For 100 Men ($33,000)

June 2017
DREAM (Formerly RBI Harlem) ($25,000)
Coalition For The Homeless ($25,000)
Justice League NYC: War on Children Program ($25,000)
United We Dream ($25,000)

DeBug San Jose ($20,000 with Kevin Durant)
The Advancement Project ($20,000 with Jesse Williams)
United Playaz ($20,000 with Steph Curry)
Mothers Against Police Brutality ($35,000 with Snoop Dogg)
Imagine LA ($20,000 with Serena Williams)
Angel By Nature ($20,000 with TI)
Schools on Wheels ($30,000 with Chris Brown, Jhene Aiko)
Communities United By Police Reform ($40,000 with Nick Cannon, Joey Badass)
Youth Services, Inc. ($20,000 with Meek Mill)
H.O.M.E, linked above ($20,000 with Usher)


If you can’t post without trying to take up a page nobody is reading your drivel and I am surely not reading it. I supported the brave police in this case - you didn’t. You support a hate monger who is liar, hates cops, and likes brutal dictators who murder 1000’s of people. I think my side of history will be the one around in the end, and just because a multimillionaire gives money to causes does not make him a good person. He is ignorant, unemployed by the NFL and will not play in the NFL and never will. Keep typing books because nobody is reading your posts - not for content and certainly not to learn anything.
Bullshit. Your initial post was quoting some article you said you read a few years ago, but some how retained perfect stats of. Until you can post a link of this, I am a bit skeptical.

The other post linked a couple of articles that validate none of the numbers you put forth. In fact. they provided none. And they were easily called into question and discredited by the links I posted. The ones you seemed to discredit the factual evidence and numbers presented, based on your opinion.

I told you yes it was, and further provided my reason as to why, please see previous post and actually read them.

Can you please provide factual evidence supporting that Vox is a liberal site? Until then it is strictly your opinion.

I already mentioned it was higher, but I don't prevent that from seeing police violence amongst blacks is an issue and should still be addressed? Why do you not? Remember, I asked, and will ask again, Since murder is less common than rape, should we worry less about it?

Do black people really commit that much of the violent crime? Or, are they targeted and convicted at higher rates, Often time falsely? I do believe crime amongst black is still too high and again, is an issue, but that does not mitigate the fact that blacks are still targets, convicted and murdered by cops at a higher rate.

What don't you understand about the fact black people make up a 1/5 of the white population? You can not view it in whole numbers as there is a clear discrepancy. 1 black person will essentially make up 5 whites in the general population. losing 1 black person has a far greater impact population wise than 1 white guy. The police killing a greater percentage or blacks than whites is a real issue. particularly when they make up 1/5 of the population.
That's not to say more white people weren't killed by police last year. However, that number is getting closer and closer to being equal in terms or whole numbers. What will the narrative be then? That just shows the likelihood and impact is far greater in black communities than in the white communities. That is a problem. It doesn't change the fact that other issues exist. But there is certainly not an issue taking a stand against it to bring change.

If you think I'm that much of a parrot, why do you keep replying?

Oh and checkmate. Blacks only make up 1/5 of the white population right according to your words, yet why do they account for 52% of the violent crimes in the US. You never answer it because you know there is only an answer that makes them look very bad. Has nothing to do with profiling although looking at the stats why would anyone not look at stats and make conclusions based on those facts and act appropriately?

Blacks kill more white people in far greater numbers so why is that so? Blacks kill other blacks at an alarming rate and nobody seems to care. Why do you care so much about police officers of any color apprehending a black person and if they pose a threat and have to defend themselves where is the issue? If you are so concerned with black men and women being killed why are you not offended and marching in the black communities demanding this stop. Just like the below graph shows they don’t have an answer due to the fact they are the cause of the problem - not the police and not whitey.


If you can’t post without trying to take up a page nobody is reading your drivel and I am surely not reading it. I supported the brave police in this case - you didn’t. You support a hate monger who is liar, hates cops, and likes brutal dictators who murder 1000’s of people. I think my side of history will be the one around in the end, and just because a multimillionaire gives money to causes does not make him a good person. He is ignorant, unemployed by the NFL and will not play in the NFL and never will. Keep typing books because nobody is reading your posts - not for content and certainly not to learn anything.
Oh, yay!!! More lies, conspiracy theories and alternative facts?

When did he lie? When did he praise Castro? I think you have confused with Trump praising Kim Jong Un and Putin.

A 4.0 GPA student[14] at John H. Pitman High School in Turlock, California. That doesn't sound like an ignorant person. Honestly, what was yours for reference and where did you graduate? He already played in the NFL. Did you mean not again?

Well, I'll give you credit on one thing. Ignoring the good things a person does will make them appear not that way if that's the narrative you hope to present?
Oh and checkmate. Blacks only make up 1/5 of the white population right according to your words, yet why do they account for 52% of the violent crimes in the US. You never answer it because you know there is only an answer that makes them look very bad. Has nothing to do with profiling although looking at the stats why would anyone not look at stats and make conclusions based on those facts and act appropriately?

Blacks kill more white people in far greater numbers so why is that so? Blacks kill other blacks at an alarming rate and nobody seems to care. Why do you care so much about police officers of any color apprehending a black person and if they pose a threat and have to defend themselves where is the issue? If you are so concerned with black men and women being killed why are you not offended and marching in the black communities demanding this stop. Just like the below graph shows they don’t have an answer due to the fact they are the cause of the problem - not the police and not whitey.

You already said you didn't read. So I would imagine you did not read where I already addressed this. 2 or 3 times now. If you aren't going to read it, why even reply? Obviously you're choosing a narrative over fact and evidence and nothing will change that for you because of some internal feeling? If not, you would welcome the dialogue and supporting evidence instead of fearing the truth.

How often are blacks targeted more than whites? How often are they arrested and convicted more than whites? And how often are they falsely convicted compared to whites? So are they really committing that much more of the crime, or does it appear that way? I've addressed black crime, particularly black on black as being serious issues. Why does that mitigate the issue of police brutality on blacks for you? Do you view murder as less important and addressable since rape is more prominent? Or do you view them both as serious issues? Why can't the same be done here?

The only way to curb black crime, particularly against each other, is if they are willing to trust, build relationships and work with law enforcements more in their communities? Agree or disagree? If they feel they are much more likely to be targeted, assaulted, shot, murdered or falsely accused at a higher rate by police, which evidence suggest, why would they be willing to do this? And why should they? Would you if you were in their shoes?
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Oh, yay!!! More lies, conspiracy theories and alternative facts?

When did he lie? When did he praise Castro? I think you have confused with Trump praising Kim Jong Un and Putin.

A 4.0 GPA student[14] at John H. Pitman High School in Turlock, California. That doesn't sound like an ignorant person. He already played in the NFL. Did you mean not again?

Well, I'll give you credit on one thing. Ignoring the good things a person does will make them appear not that way if that's the narrative you hope to present?

You already said you didn't read. So I would imagine you did not read where I already addressed this. 2 or 3 times now. If you aren't going to read it, why even reply? Obviously you're choosing a narrative over fact and evidence and nothing will change that for you because of some internal feeling? If not, you would welcome the dialogue and supporting evidence instead of fearing the truth.

How often are blacks targeted more than whites? How often are they arrested and convicted more than whites? And how often are they falsely convicted compared to whites? So are they really committing that much more of the crime, or does it appear that way? I've addressed black crime, particularly black on black as being serious issues. Why does that mitigate the issue of police brutality on blacks for you? Do you view murder as less important and addressable since rape is more prominent? Or do you view them both as serious issues? Why can't the same be done here?

The only way to curb black crime, particularly against each other, is if they are willing to trust, build relationships and work with law enforcements more in their communities? Agree or disagree? If they feel they are much more likely to be targeted, assaulted, shot, murdered or falsely accused at a higher rate by police, which evidence suggest, why would they be willing to do this? And why should they? Would you if you were in their shoes?
Kaepernick told reporters he was "not talking about Fidel Castro and his oppression" and added he was instead "talking about Malcolm X and what he’s done for people."
He later elaborated on those thoughts, according to the Palm Beach Post's Hal Habib: "One thing that Fidel Castro did do is they have the highest literacy rate because they invest more in their education system than they do in their prison system, which we do not do here, even though we’re fully capable of doing that."

So which part praises Castro? Did he misspeak about literacy in Cuba, which is not the highest, but is still higher than you would expect. That doesn't sound like he praised Castro. Is any President in America responsible for the literacy rate?

Also, while we are on the topic. How do you feel about Trump's praising comments on Kim Jong Un and Putin? Asking for a friend.

Also, Andy Barr, who is the republican house of rep from KY 6th district p for re-election this fall. Yesterday, an ad came out stating that a young Caucasian lady who had appeared in several of his campaign ads attacking Amy Grath, his challenger, an, was ad who had also done work for Senator McConnell, had posted several tweets in the past stating she did not like any or trust any Mexicans and using the N word? Does this automatically insinuate Barr and McConnell are racist or support racist and racist behavior?
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Kaepernick told reporters he was "not talking about Fidel Castro and his oppression" and added he was instead "talking about Malcolm X and what he’s done for people."
He later elaborated on those thoughts, according to the Palm Beach Post's Hal Habib: "One thing that Fidel Castro did do is they have the highest literacy rate because they invest more in their education system than they do in their prison system, which we do not do here, even though we’re fully capable of doing that."

So which part praises Castro? Did he misspeak about literacy in Cuba, which is not the highest, but is still higher than you would expect. That doesn't sound like he praised Castro. Is any President in America responsible for the literacy rate?

Also, while we are on the topic. How do you feel about Trump's praising comments on Kim Jong Un and Putin? Asking for a friend.

He praised Castro. You lose.
He praised Castro. You lose.
So no?

I'll try again.....
Also, while we are on the topic. How do you feel about Trump's praising comments on Kim Jong Un and Putin? Asking for a friend.

Also, Andy Barr, who is the republican house of rep from the KY 6th district up for re-election this fall, had a report come out yesterday stating that a young Caucasian lady who had appeared in several of his campaign ads attacking Lt Col. Amy McGrath, his challenger, and who had also done work for Senator McConnell, had posted several tweets in the past stating she did not like any or trust any Mexicans and using the N word? Does this automatically insinuate Barr and McConnell are racist or support racist and racist behavior?
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So no?

I'll try again.....
Also, while we are on the topic. How do you feel about Trump's praising comments on Kim Jong Un and Putin? Asking for a friend.

Also, Andy Barr, who is the republican house of rep from the KY 6th district up for re-election this fall, had a report come out yesterday stating that a young Caucasian lady who had appeared in several of his campaign ads attacking Amy Grath, his challenger, an, was ad who had also done work for Senator McConnell, had posted several tweets in the past stating she did not like any or trust any Mexicans and using the N word? Does this automatically insinuate Barr and McConnell are racist or support racist and racist behavior?

FDR praised Stalin.....

Trump is playing a game.

Who is Amy Grath?
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Like behavior is WAY more important than results. Well, look at this O:

Failed Obama attacks successful Trump in bitter swan song

His love of self exceeds all his other characteristics.

"Obama subjected students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to an hour-long verbal tranquilizer Friday as he attacked President Trump and stuck to his usual specialty: mendacity and self-love. “

“Throughout it all was the bedrock theme of Obama and the self-assured and self-loving progressives of his era: a conceit that “progress doesn’t just move in a straight line” but we will all arrive at their vision of a politically ordered society one way or another.

Obama had his eight years and we know the score: economic stagnation, our enemies abroad gaining strength, and racial acrimony at home. Trump has reversed much of this in stunningly little time, which explains the particularly bitter tone of this swan song from a failed former president.”

“Economic growth during the Obama years should have been unusually high, since he took office the year after a financial collapse and stabilization. Growth is usually strongest after recessions.

But during the Obama years, economic growth averaged only around 2 percent and wages stagnated. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and other left-wing economists invented a new term – “secular stagnation” – to argue that we were permanently in a new era of slow growth and there was nothing that could change the situation.

But President Trump did change the situation. Annual economic growth is now averaging about 3 percent and the last quarter saw rapid growth at an annualized rate of 4.2 percent. Wages are finally growing – some 2.9 percent over the last year, which is far better than anything achieved under Obama.

Unemployment for women and minorities is near historic lows, as it is for all Americans, and manufacturing jobs are coming back. These are facts, not opinions.

All of this comes after eight years of identity politics, political correctness and the accentuation of racial grievances by our political class. That is the true tragedy of Obama: he could have finally buried the ghosts of racial inequality in our nation. Instead, he fanned the flames of racial grievance for partisan political gain. He still does so, as do effectively all progressives.”

“ Obama took credit for rapidly pulling out of Iraq, but not for the creation of ISIS that resulted.

He said he “got Iran to halt its nuclear program,” even though the since-abandoned deal he purchased from the mullahs actually sanctified Iran’s nuclear program, and left the country with the means to make the bomb.

President Obama said the Trump administration, which has sanctioned Russia, expelled Russian diplomats, and provided arms to Ukraine was “cozying up to the former head of the KGB” in Russia. But he didn’t mention that that he whispered in the 2012 to the sidekick of Russia’s strongman that “it’s important for (Vladimir Putin) to give me space. … After my election, I have more flexibility.””

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FDR praised Stalin.....

Trump is playing a game.

Who is Amy Grath?
He was fooled by Stalin, and was wrong for it. As was most of the world. Are you saying Trump is also wrong and being fooled by Kim Jong and Putin?

So your excuse for Trump is a game. How do you know Colin wasn't playing a game?

Oh, yea, that Mc probably kept you from any clue. Sorry I confused you.
He was fooled by Stalin, and was wrong for it. As was most of the world. Are you saying Trump is also wrong and being fooled by Kim Jong and Putin?

So your excuse for Trump is a game. How do you know Colin wasn't playing a game?

Oh, yea, that Mc probably kept you from any clue. Sorry I confused you.

Colin was playing a game but apparently wasn't good enough to continue.

I think who you associate with is key.



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I wonder if its possible that nobody in the WH wrote that NYTs op-ed and was instead written by the NYTs. I mean, the NYTs ain't exactly known for honesty.

There was certainly no details mentioned that would make it any different than fan fiction written on twitter.
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