How will they rule ??!

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CNN still running with "Booker risks job over confidential emails" and a Google search brings one single website (Fox News) showing that the emails had already been approved and the rest still making it seem Booker had his "Spartacus" moment lol.
Funny thing about kavanaughs position on roe v wade: it's 100% accurate.

It is settled law.... currently. He's also correct there are at least 3 that would vote against it today.

My guess is he makes 4.

To anyone who watched - has he answered a direct question on it as to how he'd vote on the issue? I doubt he can as it would be hypothetical. But still interested
To anyone who watched - has he answered a direct question on it as to how he'd vote on the issue? I doubt he can as it would be hypothetical. But still interested

Not really he hasn't. He's followed precedent and mostly refused to give personal opinions of potential cases or how he'd vote. That's where this tweet comes in. NYT praised Kagan for following precedent and they attack Kavanaugh for dodging questions.

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Funny thing about kavanaughs position on roe v wade: it's 100% accurate.

It is settled law.... currently. He's also correct there are at least 3 that would vote against it today.

My guess is he makes 4.

To anyone who watched - has he answered a direct question on it as to how he'd vote on the issue? I doubt he can as it would be hypothetical. But still interested
It's settled law...until it's no longer settled law, because it has been overturned.
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Not really he hasn't. He's followed precedent and mostly refused to give personal opinions of potential cases or how he'd vote. That's where this tweet comes in. NYT praised Kagan for following precedent and they attack Kavanaugh for dodging questions.

Current or prospective judges are precluded from commenting on their rulings on hypothetical or future situations.

Like you said, msm makes it out like he's intentionally dodging. Not the case.

It's settled law...until it's no longer settled law, because it has been overturned.

Exactly. It's certainly a fluid issue given the judicial make-up of the court
I've been wondering if the NYT editorial board refuses to name the name but an NYT reporter actually figures out the name do they report it? They'd certainly be obligated to but would they?
Cory Booker (in his best Samuel L. Jackson voice): "Yes, I obeyed the law, and I will continue to obey the law, and neither you nor anyone else can stop me!"
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John Roberts just reported that he learned that the NYT had to actually confirm who the anonymous person was and that they were in fact a sr official in the administration suggesting that this person isn't really known at all.

He also said as far as "sr officials" go he saw one watering the flowers at the WH yesterday so it take it for what its worth because it just goes to show the title of sr official could be any mid level employee.
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I watched the clip of Kamela Harris or whatever the hell her name is. Jesus Christ. Is that what the whole hearing has been like?

I feel dumber for having ever watched that.

I just wonder if her and the lefties think she somehow nailed Kavanaugh on that. It was clear to everyone with a brain cell that she's a goddam idiot. But I'm wondering what the lefties THINK...

Ha! Good one Bill!
Laughed out loud. They've already had a tournament taken from them that had been played there for 18 seasons. I bet MAGA hats are all the rage on campus.
If you've been following along, then you would remember that one of Ohr's contacts in the FBI, that he was funneling Steele's 'information' to, was Andrew Weissmann, who has since been hired by Mueller.

If Steele and Ohr carried on after Mueller was appointed, then what are the chances that Ohr was funneling Steele's 'information' straight to the special counsel's office through Weissmann?

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Good ole Branson...I live bout 45 min north. The Bible Belt isn’t taking too kindly to the Nike stance, they was on the local news yesterday letting ppl know how they felt about it. Think athletic dir or president of that college said they made their athletes sign a form saying they wouldn’t show any forms of protest during the national athem as well.
The Mueller probe's troubling reliance on journalists as sources

I’m a lifelong journalist who believes in the power of the profession and its ability to serve the public with accurate reporting. But it is deeply troubling that the FBI and a federal prosecutor with unlimited resources have relied so much on the Fourth Estate’s secondhand reporting to build its Russia case, when getting firsthand intelligence from original sources would far better serve the public.

Journalism, no matter how grand, remains an imperfect first record of history. Anonymous sources have motives that sometimes only a journalist knows and can’t talk about. (Take, for example, Steele, whose dossier work ultimately was being funded by Democrats.)

As former FBI Director James Comey admitted in one of his last official appearances before Congress, some of the early media stories driving the Russia-Trump collusion narrative were inaccurate or based on a dossier that he himself described as mostly salacious and unverified.
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