How will they rule ??!

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Yeah he is so unpopular b/c the "establishment" is against him. Not the mocking of the disabled, literal 4th grade speaking level, mocking POWs, constant namecalling, failed business ventures, extreme misogyny, no consistent policy positions, bragging of forcing soldiers to commit war crimes, lying, lifelong liberal supporter, etc etc etc.

Yep, the majority of the GOP that oppose him are just brainwashed by that mystical yet all powerful "establishment". Just the good "establishment" like Breitbart, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulter, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, him.
Noone should be surprised. Like I posted a few days ago, the GOP are willing to burn the whole thing down before theyll run the risk of the Trump win. I dont get it.
Think UNC Basketball coaching search. They going to bring in somebody that has no idea about the cheating and hope they stick with the same old same old or are they going to want another member of the club to keep things running like they always have?

Stop thinking about the election being about right/left or Democrat/Republican and instead think of the election in terms of the same people staying in power vs a true outsider. Then what is going on makes perfect sense.

Has to, because the last week of Republican attacks on Trump has been the strangest shit I have ever seen in an election cycle. Panic. They will seriously burn their party to the ground rather than take a chance on him infiltrating and allowing the public to potentially peek behind the curtain.

I am a liberal but I have a long libertarian streak in me, too. I think a lot of people are that way on both sides.
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Yeah he is so unpopular b/c the "establishment" is against him. Not the mocking of the disabled, literal 4th grade speaking level, mocking POWs, constant namecalling, failed business ventures, extreme misogyny, no consistent policy positions, bragging of forcing soldiers to commit war crimes, lying, lifelong liberal supporter, etc etc etc.

Yep, the majority of the GOP that oppose him are just brainwashed by that mystical yet all powerful "establishment". Just the good "establishment" like Breitbart, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulter, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, him.
You are obviously unfamiliar with Republicans. Ronnie's entire platform was based on demonizing black people. Hell, it got him elected. Then GWB rolled out Willie Horton on Dukakis which in retrospect was kind of a good thing.

Seriously, stop posturing about the GOP being concerned with racism or sexism of any kind. That argument went out the door in the 60's when the "Southern Strategy" was born. Been working the hell out of it ever since yet they are appalled that Trump is just not even trying to hide it. Race has been a primary plank of the Republican Party for a half century and you are delusional if you deny that.
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I'll give you this, though. Hillary and the Democrats are catching up fast. Much of the left already openly mock white people on liberal leaning shows. That's what has driven me from the traditional democratic party because I hate race based politics. You can't govern that way. Don't they take any lessons at all from the middle east? You divide people along racial lines and the whole thing breaks down. People get mean. It's already out of hand and both sides have been stoking the fires. Trump is just forcing them to look in the mirror. He didn't invent it. He just doesn't hide it.
Crow, did you rub one out to Nancy's death yesterday? You have too much hatred to think clearly about anything remotely GOP related, as illustrated in that moronic jux above. Good lord.
Wait, for Christ sake doesn't anyone know the difference in pandering for votes and actually being for/against something?

What just because he believes in legal immigration he is truly a racist? Gimme a break!

WTF is wrong with people anymore? I just watched Ralphie May drop the N word in front of blacks and call Mexicans beaners and the crowd was littered with both and nothing happened!

Where has Trump come out and said he will start up slavery again or made any race comments?
Trump has stated repeatedly that he wants to deport all ugly women not worthy of his affection. Pretty sexist if you ask me, but not a bad platform.
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Wait, for Christ sake doesn't anyone know the difference in pandering for votes and actually being for/against something?

What just because he believes in legal immigration he is truly a racist? Gimme a break!

WTF is wrong with people anymore? I just watched Ralphie May drop the N word in front of blacks and call Mexicans beaners and the crowd was littered with both and nothing happened!

Where has Trump come out and said he will start up slavery again or made any race comments?
Don't pay any attention to Crow, there is a reason he is on his 8th or so username. As much dislike as I have for Trump the race stuff is way overblown. The nazi comments are pathetic, SNL included.
Anyone that really believes Trump is a racist is foolish. He is an opportunist. He knew the song to play to get to where he is at. Like I said, they've been playing it since the 60's only he's not hiding it behind welfare queens, scary black convicts, or minorities on welfare. He's not using the usual stereotypes... he's flat out saying what they've always meant all along. Wink wink.

Meanwhile the Democrats are embracing what to me is a terrorist organization in black lives matter. A group built on fabricated horsecrap about Trayvon Martin who was in the middle of committing a felony assault when he was shot. Then another bozo is committing a strong armed robbery and a cop shoots him a couple blocks away and we are supposed to be up in arms over it because they show pictures of Trayvon when he was like 12 years old in his football uniform instead of some high school thug out buying the skittles and soda to mix him up a batch of purple drank when he decided to beat the hell out of some moron that thought he was dirty Harry (BTW, "Purple Drank" is not racist as that is a real drink made with skittles, soda, and cough syrup to get a cheap buzz).

I'm tired of the lies. At least with Trump or Sanders we can stop lying. Stop pretending. Say "NO MORE" because what "is" has become completely intolerable on both sides.
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Some grandstanding by the KY appointed leader. He should know that they don't convene till 4pm on Monday.
Obviously you didnt watch the video.

Is it grandstanding to tell us they work, on average, 1 hour per day?

Or that he submitted a budget proposal in January, and here, March 8th, with 18 days left in the session, the Democratic leadership has failed to propose or even discuss the budget?

If by grandstanding you mean "telling it like it is" then by all means Gov Bevin, please continue.
I hate to say this, because it's going to draw out LEK like a moth to the flame, but I don't think Trump is really racist. The man just has absolutely no tact in how he speaks. Which still makes him a horrible leader. It's cool that he's not PC, but even if you aren't PC, you can still talk to people like a decent human being and show a little class. He's a bully plain and simple. And a bully isn't what I'm looking for. I want someone like Reagan, who was strong and confident but didn't have to demean people to get his point across. That's the mark of a true leader and more in line with what we need.
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Yeah he is so unpopular b/c the "establishment" is against him. Not the mocking of the disabled, literal 4th grade speaking level, mocking POWs, constant namecalling, failed business ventures, extreme misogyny, no consistent policy positions, bragging of forcing soldiers to commit war crimes, lying, lifelong liberal supporter, etc etc etc.

Yep, the majority of the GOP that oppose him are just brainwashed by that mystical yet all powerful "establishment". Just the good "establishment" like Breitbart, Hannity, Ingraham, Coulter, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, him.

Oh he has plenty of qualities that are cringeworthy. Im definitely not saying hes perfect. But the bottom line is the GOP isnt even interested in those qualities; theyre concerned they cant control him.

Believe it or not, there is a hell of a lot more risk to the GOP with supporting him than opposing him. True story.

They dont have to support him. Just dont attack him. If Hillary wins this election, its over.
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So how does the local GOP do on the 4 special Ky House races today? Need 4-0 sweep to make Stumbo's corrupt den a tie, force power sharing.
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Do you honestly expect to have any credibility given this statement lol?
Yes. If you only find "credibility" in those you agree with then you are pretty much worthless. Learning only comes through disagreement, not agreement. Seeking comfort only in those that are like yourself is a form of cowardice. An admission you are not capable of surviving outside the cocoon your limited intelligence has constructed.
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I just watched TrustTed get interviewed in North Carolina. Extreme closeup.

Listen, point of order. Ted Cruz will never ever be President. Nobody that looks like him can be President. His looks alone are disqualifying. Seriously. He's out. Period.

If you decided to grow Grandpa Munster in a test tube and a horrible explosion happened and the embryo crawled out of the fire not yet fully formed, then it would look just like Ted Cruz.
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Yes. If you only find "credibility" in those you agree with then you are pretty much worthless. Learning only comes through disagreement, not agreement. Seeking comfort only in those that are like yourself is a form of cowardice. An admission you are not capable of surviving outside the cocoon your limited intelligence has constructed.
A lecture from an Obama voter doesnt carry any weight with me.

Any human with at least 2 working brain cells could see right thru his BS.
Rubio is just an empty candidate. The only thing he really has going for him is hes young and a minority. Hes accomplished nothing in office, other than running for another office.
Two different things. if he's an empty suit, he's just that and nothing more, and time won't change it - he won't suddenly at age 50 become a more substantive person. On the other hand, having no accomplishments to speak of is merely a reflection of the fact that he's not been in office long enough to have done much - which would change over time. So I'll concede that point - first term senators almost by definition won't have much to show. But since I reject as silly all the "robot" stuff, that he somehow memorizes canned responses, I reject the notion - based on what I've seen to date - that Rubio is a dullard or an empty suit or whatever.

both those things could be true - and maybe eventually will be proven true. I'm not buying the narrative just yet though. All of which, by the way, is academic - hard to see how Rubio recovers in this cycle anyway.....
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"According to the report, the meeting took place off the coast of Georgia at a private island resort and included Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Sean Parker, and Elon Musk. Other establishment attendees included Mitch McConnell, Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Tom Cotton, Cory Gardner, Tim Scott, Rob Portman, and Ben Sasse."

I mean that's a lot of "republicans" meeting with the far left side...

It is not necessarily a bad thing to have politicians from both sides at least at the same meetings and talking to the same people. Our government is far better when the two sides have a good working relationship than when they are purely adversarial.
If Cruz doesn't pass the appearance "look" test, then what about Trump, Hillary and Bernie? If that's what voters care more about these days why don't we just elect Christie Brinkley or Tom Selleck. Or, just put Brad and Angelina in the White House--they'd make a stunning President and First Lady.
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Actually yes appearance absolutely plays a role, as does age and health and Trump is bad at all 3 yet and still with a foul uncontrollable mouth he is winning and people continue to put on like he can't.

Approval ratings be damned. Seriously the last president that was liked allowed a move of 70% of our manufacturing jobs overseas.

Think about that next time you consider polls and ratings. Then get pumped!

We are literally back to having to hide who we like and are going to vote for. Many many people denounce trump because of the backlash that comes with actually liking him.
Actually yes appearance absolutely plays a role, as does age and health and Trump is bad at all 3 yet and still with a foul uncontrollable mouth he is winning and people continue to put on like he can't.

Approval ratings be damned. Seriously the last president that was liked allowed a move of 70% of our manufacturing jobs overseas.

Think about that next time you consider polls and ratings. Then get pumped!

We are literally back to having to hide who we like and are going to vote for. Many many people denounce trump because of the backlash that comes with actually liking him.
Reminds me of someone else.
None of those are anything like Cruz. Plus he has fulminating tonsil stones spewing out of his mouth and onto his lips only to be sucked back in. He looked like he was regurgitating fish to feed his newly hatched vampire bats. I guarantee he sleeps hanging upside down in the closet. If you listen closely you can hear the tonsil stones vibrating like Easter Island statues in his neck. They know things. That;s why he lets them out then quickly sucks them back in like a fish protecting their young. Anyone that votes for him should have to stick their nose in his mouth for 5 seconds.

None of those are anything like Cruz. Plus he has fulminating tonsil stones spewing out of his mouth and onto his lips only to be sucked back in. He looked like he was regurgitating fish to feed his newly hatched vampire bats. I guarantee he sleeps hanging upside down in the closet. If you listen closely you can hear the tonsil stones vibrating like Easter Island statues in his neck. They know things. That;s why he lets them out then quickly sucks them back in like a fish protecting their young. Anyone that votes for him should have to stick their nose in his mouth for 5 seconds.
Agree, I only vote on a politician based on the power of their good looks or who is the more attractive candidate.
Two different things. if he's an empty suit, he's just that and nothing more, and time won't change it - he won't suddenly at age 50 become a more substantive person. On the other hand, having no accomplishments to speak of is merely a reflection of the fact that he's not been in office long enough to have done much - which would change over time. So I'll concede that point - first term senators almost by definition won't have much to show. But since I reject as silly all the "robot" stuff, that he somehow memorizes canned responses, I reject the notion - based on what I've seen to date - that Rubio is a dullard or an empty suit or whatever.

both those things could be true - and maybe eventually will be proven true. I'm not buying the narrative just yet though. All of which, by the way, is academic - hard to see how Rubio recovers in this cycle anyway.....

Right. He may yet grow into a good candidate. He just isnt, right now.

If Cruz doesn't pass the appearance "look" test, then what about Trump, Hillary and Bernie? If that's what voters care more about these days why don't we just elect Christie Brinkley or Tom Selleck. Or, just put Brad and Angelina in the White House--they'd make a stunning President and First Lady.

Exactly. Appearance helps, but its Cruz's terrible policies that guarantee he'll get crushed in a general more than anything else.
Just a Trump infomercial from 2009 selling his MLM Trump Network as an answer to the recession. And "the best" vitamins. Sounds really familiar.