How will they rule ??!

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Do you mean the meeting that didn't happen...I mean the meeting that happened but was to discuss adoptions...I mean the meeting that happened to discuss HRC but didn't produce anything...I mean the meeting that happened but collusion isn't a crime...are we talking about that meeting???

Why is there always another explanation about this meeting when the previous explanation is proven to be untrue? And how many times will it take Trump being proven to lie before you accept that the man is a pathological liar?

Fuzz, You’re only hearing what you want to believe, or what the media wants you to hear.
They have framed the story to be something nefarious to further the Russia collusion point, or at least that was the intention last year.

You can read testimony, and Trumps tweets from last year saying the exact same thing as he wrote over the weekend.

It’s time you guys come to grips that the Russian collusion angle was a lie. It was the only thing the Left had to work with to slowdown Trumps momentum. They whipped you guys into a frenzy with BS, look at what it’s done to the Country? Was it worth it?
Turn off the propaganda box everyone. Trump saying Don Jr. was doing opposition research is old news. Very old news. He already said this a year ago, and the media has already had their freakout about it. This is what they do. They dissect every move Trump makes and/or word he says, then recycle old so called 'scandals', pretending to be outraged all over again, trying to keep Russia collusion alive.

Mollie Hemingway (and SNL) nails it...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

Tom Ferrick reported for last month that the disparities grow even larger higher up the police command chain. Of the 74 captains in the department, 82 percent are white and 18 percent are black. There are no Latino or Asian captains in the Philadelphia Police Department.
Whites are over-represented in Philadelphia’s police force by 20.4 percentage points. The department is nine percentage points less black than the city as a whole, and five percentage points less Hispanic and less Asian than is the overall Philadelphia population.

Really? If someone will lie about something so easily researched then how can they be taken seriously?

They were talking about the people protecting them in the video Fuzz.

Tom Ferrick reported for last month that the disparities grow even larger higher up the police command chain. Of the 74 captains in the department, 82 percent are white and 18 percent are black. There are no Latino or Asian captains in the Philadelphia Police Department.
Whites are over-represented in Philadelphia’s police force by 20.4 percentage points. The department is nine percentage points less black than the city as a whole, and five percentage points less Hispanic and less Asian than is the overall Philadelphia population.

Really? If someone will lie about something so easily researched then how can they be taken seriously?

[laughing] (especially @ the last sentence). was a hypothetical situation.

You guys twist my words every time I post. That's why I rarely come into this cesspool. Which, I'm sure, you guys love since I don't think exactly like you.

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You guys twist my words every time I post. That's why I rarely come into this cesspool. Which, I'm sure, you guys love since I don't think exactly like you.
It's how they stay loyal in their minds I suppose. Nothing is changing that. No amount of indictments, guilty pleas, evidence, lies. The flock is more faithful to Trump than he has been to anyone ever in his entire life. That's no doubt a stupid human trick!
Which words have I twisted?

Maybe refrain from making moronic bullshit generalizations about all the posters based on your illiterate misreading of a tweet and bullshit made up hypotheticals.

Don't get all pissy because you were called on your bullshit.

I thought you guys might be able to understand that it was a hypothetical situation without explicitly stating that.

I underestimated your stupidity, yet again. That's on me.
I thought you guys might be able to understand that it was a hypothetical situation without explicitly stating that.

I underestimated your stupidity, yet again. That's on me.

Any other completely retarded hypotheticals you want to make up?

Elon Musk could slaughter a civilization of Mars people and we'd cheer it on? We'd cheer for Kim Jong Un to beat Tiger Woods by 52 strokes because he's black?

I'm honestly curious as to the depths of your moronic unhinged lefty lunacy?

How much more ignorant drivel can you come up with?
Not only are they racists, but they are also rank homophobes as well, and the fags are getting tired of it.

Identity politics and pandering for votes only works if you keep the masks on...

Hypocrisy, Homophobia and Our Current Political Moment

I wrote this piece a few weeks ago in response to an editorial cartoon from The New York Times, but with Sacha Baron Cohen’s latest “troll” I think it’s a good time to share:

When the New York Times released the newest episode of Trump Bites on Monday to coincide with the Helsinki Summit, there was a collective groan across social media. The trope of President Donald Trump as sexual submissive to Vladimir Putin is deployed with greater frequency by the day, but this animated video depicting an adolescent Trump pining for Putin dragged a tired insult from the depths of Lefty digital publications to America’s paper of record.

Homophobia is usually an accusation levied against the Right. But lately, voices on the Left have been far too willing to employ it — as long as the target is politically expedient. No matter our opinions on foreign policy or the President, it is unacceptable to weaponize the sexual preferences of gay men against any cis heterosexual, white man we disdain. Allegedly, the modern Left promised a more welcoming home for the LGBTQ+ community, but in the age of Trump, I’m frequently reminded of the Left’s anemic attachment to us.

Enter “The Resistance” and its cultural heroes, such as the Late-Night hosts, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert, Comedians Kathy Griffin and Chelsea Handler, and even its institutions, such as the venerable opinion pages of the New York Times. Colbert referred to President Trump as Putin’s “cock holster,” because in his mind, male-on-male sex is both funny and deviant — therefore it needs to be mocked. Jimmy Kimmel and Chelsea Handler adopted this trope, but took it a step further by accusing FOX host Sean Hannity of “bottoming” for Trump. For my heteronormative readers, in homosexual sex the receptive partner is “the bottom” and the penetrative partner is “the top.” Not only is Kimmel castigating same-sex sex as a pejorative, his joke demeans receptive sex partners.

As these icons urge America to #Resist and “stand up to Trump,” they do so by claiming that the President likes to perform male felatio or is the receptive male sex partner. These attacks are undergirded by the assumptions that the sex gay men have is dirty — an inversion of the natural order. Further, that engaging in these queer acts makes one “less of a man,” a gender traitor. If this language sounds familiar, it should be. It’s historical rhetoric of the Right against gay people.

This “say anything to own the opposition” mentality only creates a web of excuses for others to do it. In deploying this language, the “woke” Left becomes what it hates. What’s important to note here is that every time the Left weaponizes homosexual acts and homosexual love against President Trump, they aren’t resisting, rather they are galvanizing archaic attitudes about sexuality. These jokes reinforce the notion that receptive sexual partners deserve to be humiliated.
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Tom Ferrick reported for last month that the disparities grow even larger higher up the police command chain. Of the 74 captains in the department, 82 percent are white and 18 percent are black. There are no Latino or Asian captains in the Philadelphia Police Department.
Whites are over-represented in Philadelphia’s police force by 20.4 percentage points. The department is nine percentage points less black than the city as a whole, and five percentage points less Hispanic and less Asian than is the overall Philadelphia population.

Really? If someone will lie about something so easily researched then how can they be taken seriously?

Agree. Infowars is trash for the most part but in America even idiots have 1st amendment rights.

Again, if they are willing to police and shutdown some speech they've deemed unfit to be posted on their platforms, they need to be held responsible for any and all content posted on their platforms. They are picking and choosing what they are publishing.

Police all or nothing.
No amount of indictments, guilty pleas, evidence

Cite them. If it's so obvious and easy to prove, then you should be able to link all the indictments, guilty pleas and evidence that prove collusion.

Or, are you still believing the media's lies and haven't yet figured out that none of it is proof of collusion. They're conflating.

Russians just got caught by Facebook 'meddling' in '18 elections and they were trying to help Democrats, even named their Facebook group "Resisters". Is that proof that Democrats colluded with the Russians?
Agree. Infowars is trash for the most part but in America even idiots have 1st amendment rights.

Yep. They have went after conservatives on social media, banning, suspending and demonetizing them despite no rules violations. The left is silencing information and making sure you cannot be on the same equal platform as the leftist counterparts.

Heck, Louder with Crowder which is just a comedic show that actually offers open debate, doesn’t make any money whatsoever now.

The left did this with shutting down Lauren Southern’s Patreon. They do this with conservatives social media accounts, basically they’re doing the modern day book burning.

The left, the apparent “superior ideology” that requires silencing people and assaulting in order to win the argument.
Cite them. If it's so obvious and easy to prove, then you should be able to link all the indictments, guilty pleas and evidence that prove collusion.

Or, are you still believing the media's lies and haven't yet figured out that none of it is proof of collusion. They're conflating.

Russians just got caught by Facebook 'meddling' in '18 elections and they were trying to help Democrats, even named their Facebook group "Resisters". Is that proof that Democrats colluded with the Russians?

I'd like to know why Fuzz isn't concerned about the media and DNC being caught colluding with each other to influence an election? Why is no leftist upset about that? I know none of them bothered to effing read them.
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Use all Mexican steel tariff money plus all assets seized from drug cartels/gangs via the DEA toward the wall. Boom!!! Mexico just paid for the wall.

This or things like this are how they'll pay. Dems keep guffawing as if Mexico was ever expected to just write a check that said WALL in the memo line
Any other completely retarded hypotheticals you want to make up?

Elon Musk could slaughter a civilization of Mars people and we'd cheer it on? We'd cheer for Kim Jong Un to beat Tiger Woods by 52 strokes because he's black?

I'm honestly curious as to the depths of your moronic unhinged lefty lunacy?

How much more ignorant drivel can you come up with?

No. I'm not going to use those hypothetical situations cause none of them have anything to do with your Trump fandom.

Stay on track, son.
It seems that someone is going to have to die before they do anything. Pretty obvious that masks should have been banned long ago. You show up with a mask, off to jail you go.

Then they'll blame the gop and/or guns. If you're waiting on the left to be held accountable, don't hold your breath. Not unless antifa becomes a political liability
It seems that someone is going to have to die before they do anything. Pretty obvious that masks should have been banned long ago. You show up with a mask, off to jail you go.

It’s messed up. We live in a time where political leaders put ideology over laws and safety. Look at Portland. They tell police to stand down just because the leadership in that city is anti-ICE and far left.

The flip side would be a right wing leader demanding police stand down when an idiot on the right is causing a ruckus because they dislike planned parenthood. Could you imagine?

I just don’t understand why it’s so hard to have the same rules apply to everyone. Seems to be a tough concept these days.

Fonda's response that has since been deleted...

If you have a millennial in your family, take their early ballots, fill them out and mail them in, or take the ballot to the voting place and give it to the officials… no more worrying!

I would love to know how the Dems, and others, would respond if Grimes had been attacked and suffered the injuries of Paul and some uber-political GOPer cracked a joke about her being beaten. Can you imagine? It would be the end of that person’s career.

I too want people to toughen up, but simply apologizing would also be nice. Paul did not get a bruised cheek, he had broken ribs and complications that hurt like hell.
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Fonda's response that has since been deleted...

If you have a millennial in your family, take their early ballots, fill them out and mail them in, or take the ballot to the voting place and give it to the officials… no more worrying!

That is exactly how it happens with early ballots, it’s voter Fraud out in the open.
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News at 11 : Cities with huge populations are violent. Chicago isn't even top 15 for violent cities. St Louis is #1 for murders, 3x Chicago's murder rate.

News at 12. These slums are ran by Democrats and their regressive, lawlessness attitudes and/or policies are what leads to this.

Just today, Chicago Police Department superintendent Eddie Johnson -- "This is a subset of individuals who think they can play by their own rules because they continue to get a slap on the wrist when we arrest them. We just have to do what we have to do in those challenged areas to make it better. We need everyone to come to the table with less talk and more action."

Basically, less virtue signalling and pandering for votes, and more ass kicking law and order.

The same way it took no nonsense, zero tolerance attitudes/policies to clean up NYC, it'll take the same to clean up Chicago.

They can start by not allowing illegal immigrant criminals out of jail/prison and back on to the street, but instead cooperating with ICE to deport their asses like they should have been to begin with.
I would love to know how the Dems, and others, would respond if Grimes had been attacked and suffered the injuries of Paul and some uber-political GOPer cracked a joke about her being beaten. Can you imagine? It would be the end of that person’s career.

I too want people to toughen up, but simply apologizing would also be nice. Paul did not get a bruised cheek, he had broken ribs and complications that hurt like hell.

Tit for tat only seems fair.