How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
I read that they shut down the polls at 4 p.m. with lines of people still trying to vote. Republicans are going to come out like crazy for this election (primary at the very least).

I'm okay with Cruz because I think he is the smartest guy and knows the Constitution very well but I don't mind Trump if the alternative is Hillary.
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First Marco blamed Christie.
Then Marco blamed Jeb.
Now Marco blames Kasich.

When will Marco start blaming Marco?
Kasich VP? Would a Trump/Kasich ticket win?

Heisman if your going to be a republican and post everyday try to pay attention.

I've been telling people Republicans are coming out in droves to counter all the foreigners of this country. It's a movement to hopefully get back to being America and stop heading toward 3rd world.

Also yes Trump/Kasich is a damn lock and anyone who argues otherwise is lying to themselves or clueless, and maybe both!

To go further more people than you realize are in trumps corner. Carson taking on a leadership role to get Christians to vote repub is all you need to know in order to see that in fact he too will be apart of a Trump cabinet!
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I'm pretty sure natural born citizens are more responsible for the state of this country than "foreigners"
I'm pretty sure natural born citizens are more responsible for the state of this country than "foreigners"
Maybe so, but... Austria is building a fence at the Slovenian border. Merkel admitting multiculturalism isn't working, Pope doing a 180 from 'Responsibility of good Christians to accept refugees" to "Migrant crisis is Arab invasion", UK Home Office Minister announcing admission of defeat in refugee immigration decision and that now the UK can't legally deport tens of thousands of illegals... plus that whole, ugly New Year's Eve sexual harassment scandal thingy that spanned several EU countries and cities in coordinated effort that some of those same cities tried to cover up to save political face... everything the entire free world told the almighty European Union would happen with Syrian refugee immigration is coming to fruition.

Then, you have Trump being labeled a racist for saying the exact same thing HuffPo prints about 80% of Central American migrant women and children being rape victims before arriving at US border... and the DEA confirming Trump's words that most illegal narcotics in the US entered thru Mexico via cartels...

Folks are paying attention in the USA b/c if our inherent problems are mostly homegrown, commonsense says no point in throwing gas on a good fire.
I'm pretty sure natural born citizens are more responsible for the state of this country than "foreigners"

Your purposely misconstruing my point apparently.

I'm not going to argue with someone capable of being more technical than me, but if you are not willing to admit that between Obama and Trump we are a country divided then that's on you.
Your purposely misconstruing my point apparently.

I'm not going to argue with someone capable of being more technical than me, but if you are not willing to admit that between Obama and Trump we are a country divided then that's on you.
You said Republicans are coming out in high numbers to counter the foreigners coming to America. You then said that was to keep us from turning into a 3rd world country.

I said our current economic condition is due mostly to native born Americans, and not foreigners. I.e. "Americans" are doing more to undermine our economy than "foreigners."

I don't know how that's misconstruing your point
Trump's only stances that we truly know is changing obamacare, building a wall, and essentially countering NAFTA. He isn't coming out directly and saying that yet but NAFTA will absolutely come up when he is 1v1 with Clinton.

That vacuum of jobs has staggered us meanwhile we have brought in more and more foreigners or "minorities" which are pushing their influence in a way that is awful for us.

Politicians do not like Trump because their supporters know he is going to radicalize business here. And to be honest he is also going to cause an influx of people leaving our country.

Repubs like both of those angles whether they want to admit it, they just don't like trump!
You said Republicans are coming out in high numbers to counter the foreigners coming to America. You then said that was to keep us from turning into a 3rd world country.

I said our current economic condition is due mostly to native born Americans, and not foreigners. I.e. "Americans" are doing more to undermine our economy than "foreigners."

I don't know how that's misconstruing your point

The influx of foreigners is damn near making it impossible for republicans to win. Seriously! We are almost socialist at this point because of it.

Your very good at being too technical to your points and I will not stoop to that to argue with you. Honestly I can't because I'm not a true any side in a diehard way so I'm easy pickings for you.
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Yeah everyone wants to get rid of the EPA till radioactive waste is dumped in a landfill near your community. Then it's "Where's the Government supervision?"
I'd be fine with the EPA if they set the rules and then you lived by them. What I hate is that it takes 10 flipping years for the EPA to study a situation before you can build a plant on crappy land in East Texas.
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I'd be fine with the EPA if they set the rules and then you lived by them. What I hate is that it takes 10 flipping years for the EPA to study a situation before you can build a plant on crappy land in East Texas.

I'll give you that, it shouldn't take 10 years for a survey for whatever plant you are referring to.
Not everything is the Government being slow, look at the piece of road between Lexington and Paris. It took 30 years to get that done due to private citizens' injunctions.

But we need some supervision over business because plenty of lowlifes are willing to dump crap in your back yard or on the roadways even to save a buck.
I was referring to Exxon building a chemical plant right next to the one they currently operate. Mind boggling it took that long.

And I agree - a lot of business owners just don't give a damn if it means being less competitive - and that's why the rules and enforcement are key.
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Understand the heat Rubio is getting - but not the love you guys are giving Kasich. Rubio is beating Kasich?
Trump is totally benefitting from Rubio and Kasich staying in. I actually think Cruz might have a good shot against him if it was head-to-head.

Kind of crazy to see, really.
Trump dominated Clay County, validating my stand.

Punishing the "establishment" (whatever the hell that has morphed into) with voting Trump is like leaving your wife for not putting out enough and marrying Katina Powell to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Rubio is not "jebbing", after you parse the religious block and anger block there is not much left. He was very good on KSR btw this week. Jeb always seemed uncomfortable.

Sean Penn is backing HRC, helping her standing with the socialist bloc.

Why doesn't MM draft a list of POTUS candidates and say they would consider those? You know, something proactive.

No GOP candidate has put forth a plan to cut payroll tax, dumb.

When Steve Jobs (huge socialist) met with Obama he didn't lobby him about lgbtq he told him he needed to address how companies could build plants in the US with less red tape and he told him education unions had too much power.

Debates are stupid.
Porn for Crow, important research

Glaciers, gender, and science
A feminist glaciology framework for global environmental change research


Glaciers are key icons of climate change and global environmental change. However, the relationships among gender, science, and glaciers – particularly related to epistemological questions about the production of glaciological knowledge – remain understudied. This paper thus proposes a feminist glaciology framework with four key components: 1) knowledge producers; (2) gendered science and knowledge; (3) systems of scientific domination; and (4) alternative representations of glaciers. Merging feminist postcolonial science studies and feminist political ecology, the feminist glaciology framework generates robust analysis of gender, power, and epistemologies in dynamic social-ecological systems, thereby leading to more just and equitable science and human-ice interactions.
Trump is totally benefitting from Rubio and Kasich staying in. I actually think Cruz might have a good shot against him if it was head-to-head.

Kind of crazy to see, really.

I think so too. Not a giant fan of Cruz, but see him as the best option to attempt to stop Trump, who I think would be a egotistical disaster as POTUS. Cruz is a little too conservative for me, Kasich a little too liberal. Both are okay. But Trump and Hillary..... frightening to think about.
How so - explain that to me. Evidently we've made Jeb a verb - he made plenty of mistakes, so not sure how you're defining that .....
Outspending his competition (Kasich in this case, Rubio in Jeb's) 5-to-1 in hard money (2-to-1 in soft money) yet showing hardly anything for it. Also benefiting from more establishment support, more media coverage, and a matured national campaign structure ("ground games in all 50 states yadda yadda yadda")

In the states where Rubio isn't supposed to have great traction, he's hardly beating Kasich. In the states where he's supposed to do well, he's usually getting whallopped (tied if he's lucky). Again, reminiscent of Jeb.

When Rubio gets crushed in Florida, sentiments are going to begin changing.

On a slightly different topic, a crowded field only significantly benefits Trump in winner-take-all states. Guarantee that if it were a 1-v-1 race right now, Trump would've racked up way more delegates. Even if it were Trump v Rubio, the former would prob still win Florida and Ohio.

This thing is headed towards either (1) a trump win, or (2) a contested convention. Nobody besides Trump is winning it outright.
In a sign Trumps mo-mo is slipping, Cruz won the election day voting in La. but Trumps huge early voting totals won him the overall vote count.
Ive never seen people get their jimmies russled more by a person than Trump does. I hope Repubs dont screw this up and nominate Cruz at a brokered convention. Trump would make Merica great again.
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The answer is the opposite of what you think.
If you like Trump then you think it's exposure, if you dislike him, it's promotion.

The real answer is if you are running for President and do and say outrageous things, you get in the news. If world and religious leaders are talking about you, you get in the news. If the other candidate are talking about you as much as about themselves, you get in the news. If you win, you get in the news.
It would be interesting to see the inventory of coverage and the perceived angle (positive/negative) of each.